2020 Election

2020 Petition Drive to be on the ballot for President in Tennessee

We came close 4 years ago:

OK, here is the plan.

Petition Drive, Social Distancing, Vote By Mail, Model

IF you are a registered voter in Tennessee AND want to sign our petition to get on the ballot in Tennessee to be an independent candidate for President, please Private Message me at https://twitter.com/david4potus2020 with your snail-mail address. I will mail you a page of the petition. Please follow the rules carefully, perhaps get some family and friends to sign as well, and then send back to my via the self-addressed stamped envelope I will include in the mail to you.

Sound like a plan?

We got 365 of the 275 needed 4 years ago but only 263 were registered voters.

Let’s call this Operation 1000…

What do you think?

Thank You for Being A Friend!

David Limbaugh

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