My 60 Years of Life Through Music

5 years ago

I begin typing this during halftime of the Wisconsin vs Oregon Rose Bowl Game. Plan on watching Georgia in the…

Washington Examiner is the White House Press Release Generator – 319 Accomplishments? Hmm – No!

5 years ago Exclusive: Trump list shows 319 'results' and promises kept in three years The New York Times does a great…

No Dinesh, No Mo Brooks, No GOP, Nazi Germany was NOT a Socialist Nation – Audit a History Class!

5 years ago

Were the Nazis Socialists? "Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative and nationalist movements, and in January 1933 German…

Eric Thiessen writes a glorified Letter-to-the-Editor to the Washington Post – I replied with my rebuttal

5 years ago

The 10 best things Trump did in 2019 The New York Times did a great job of documenting the FACTS!…

How To Win An Argument With MAGA – Green New Deal

5 years ago

"Family holidays. Full of love. Full of laughter. And full of the inevitable conversations with the family liberal who just…

How To Win An Argument With MAGA – Environment

5 years ago

"Holidays are rough – especially when Democrats and liberal members of your family try and tell you fake news media spun…

How To Win An Argument With MAGA – Socialism

5 years ago

"This is one of my favorite questions and something people ask me all the time, “Which of the Democrats do…

How To Win An Argument With MAGA – Bidens

5 years ago Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say Computer repairman who claimed he gave…

How To Win An Argument With MAGA – Impeachment

5 years ago High Crimes and Misdemeanors "The impeachment process is political in nature, not criminal. Congress has no power to impose criminal penalties…

How To Win An Argument With MAGA – Tax Cut

5 years ago "Americans are experiencing the best economy in at least 50 years. And fueling that strong and growing economy, has…