2020 Election

Bernie Sanders on 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper

The Sixty Trillion Dollar Man

Sanders’s Comments on Fidel Castro Provoke Anger in Florida

Yes, Bernie Sanders, Castro’s literacy program was ‘a bad thing.’ I was indoctrinated by it.

Bernie Sanders: The 60 Minutes Interview

“Coming off his win in the Nevada caucuses, Bernie Sanders talks about Michael Bloomberg, Donald Trump, democratic socialism, and what he would do if elected President. “

Socialism is when it helps you or me – when it helps Farmers or Big Oil it is a bailout or subsidy. The current Trade War is a great example of what used to be my GOP forgetting Adam Smith and the invisible hand because since Citizens United v FEC there is a visible hand – donors!

Socialism is the 2020 @GOP Mantra because “Wall!” and “Repeal and Replace” and “Drain the Swamp” and “Coal Miners Back to Work” and “Lock Her Up!” and “Term Limits” and “Balanced Budget” won’t work in 2020.


For some strange reason Twitter only display all of my tweets in this thread if you click the last tweet first!

David Limbaugh

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