
Abbott, DeSantis and GOP are taking a page out of the old tried and true Racist Playbook

A twitter thread:


Not the Christian thing to do:

More migrants dropped off outside VP Kamala Harris’ home on Christmas Eve in frigid temps

“WASHINGTON (7News) — A group of migrants was dropped off outside Vice President Kamala Harris’ D.C. home on Christmas Eve, as temperatures dropped into the teens and some people were seen without adequate winter clothes.

A total of three busloads stopped outside the Naval Observatory from Texas.”

Yes, Jesus was a refugee

The Cruelty and Dishonesty of the DeSantis Immigration Stunt

“Especially galling: The men and women he used as props are in the U.S. legally.”

Photos show what happened when 50 migrants were dropped off in Martha’s Vineyard as ‘pawns’ in US immigration fight

PolitiFact: Military didn’t ‘deport’ immigrants from Martha’s Vineyard

How did an image of a fake Massachusetts flag end up in a brochure for Martha’s Vineyard migrants?

“While it remains unclear who created the pamphlets, they included a rudimentary map of the state, a picture of a lighthouse, a photo of a sign reading “Massachusetts Welcomes You” — and Bodine’s obscure reimagining of the state flag, rather than the real one.”

Cruelty IS their Plan,

The Money???

This is …..

The Cruel Story Behind The ‘Reverse Freedom Rides’

“After three days on a Greyhound bus, Lela Mae Williams was just an hour from her destination—Hyannis, Mass.—when she asked the bus driver to pull over. She needed to change into her finest clothes. She had been promised the Kennedy family would be waiting for her.

It was late on a Wednesday afternoon, nearly 60 years ago, when that Greyhound bus from Little Rock, Ark., pulled into Hyannis. It slowed to a stop near the summer home of President John F. Kennedy and his family. When the doors opened, Lela Mae and her nine youngest children stepped onto the pavement.

Reporters’ microphones pointed at her, their cameras trained on her family. The photographs in the next day’s newspaper show Lela Mae looking immaculate. In an elegant black dress, a triple string of pearls and a white hat, she was dressed to start a new life.

“She was going to have a job, and she was going to be able to support her family,” one of Lela Mae’s daughters, Betty Williams, remembered in a recent interview. Before coming north to Massachusetts, Lela Mae had been promised a good job, good housing and a presidential welcome.

But President Kennedy was not there to meet her. And there was no job or permanent housing waiting for her in Hyannis. Instead, Lela Mae and the others were unwitting pawns in a segregationist game.


NEGRO ‘RIDE’ PLAN STIRS NEW FUROR; Javits Hits Segregationists’ Bid to Send 1,000 North Donors Not Named NEGRO ‘RIDE’ PLAN STIRS NEW FUROR Warns Other Negroes Hebert Sees Hypocrisy Javits and Keating Critical Boyd ‘Couldn’t Be Happier’

2022, History repeating itself, just changing the labels.

Ron DeSantis sends two planes of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard

“Florida governor sends migrants to Martha’s Vineyard as part of program ‘to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations'”

Maddow Blog | What much of the GOP doesn’t get about the Martha’s Vineyard story

“Evidently, Sen. Ted Cruz finds the political circumstances amusing. The Texas Republican published a tweet late last week that read:”

Before we get to the forest, let’s quickly review some of the trees — because Cruz managed to get literally every detail wrong.

First, “leftists” haven’t had to delete anything. Second, a great many residents of Martha’s Vineyard really did step up to welcome the desperate people Team DeSantis allegedly lied to and exploited. Third, to characterize asylum seekers as “illegal” border crossers is just factually wrong. Fourth, these migrants and their families weren’t “deported,” at least not by any definition that Americans would recognize. And fifth, two days is not 24 hours.

It’s not easy to squeeze five falsehoods into a two-sentence tweet, but the Texas Republican is a special kind of politician.”

A bus contractor hired by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to transport migrants to New York signed an agreement not talk to NY officials, complicating volunteer efforts to help: report

  • “Texas has bused thousands of migrants to east coast cities over the past few months.
  • A contractor busing the migrants has been banned from speaking with New York City officials, the AP reported.
  • The lack of communication complicates non-profit groups efforts to meet and help those arriving.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott sends bus of migrants to Chicago

Abbott sends 2 buses of immigrants to Harris’s DC residence

Republican Governors Are Sending Thousands Of Immigrants To Liberal Cities, But The Political Stunt Is Having A Ripple Effect

Pandering to the nativist bigoted base,

Bigots tend to bigot,

This is all about the base:

Why is what used to be My GOP so cruel and racist? The Really Sad Thing?

68% of white evangelicals think America shouldn’t house refugees

“White evangelical Protestants are the most likely religious group to say that the United States has no responsibility to open its borders to refugees, according to a recent poll.

The study, which was conducted by Pew, found that 68 percent of white evangelicals believed that the United States “does not have a responsibility” to house refugees, while just 25 percent believes that it does. This is higher than the American national average: 51 percent of Americans overall believe the United States does have a responsibility to allow in refugees, while just 43 percent believe it does not.”

New Testament? Matthew 25;31-46?

The Son of Man Will Judge the Nations


Old Testament? Leviticus 19:33-34?

Leviticus 19:33-34 New International Version

33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.”

Seeking Asylum is a Legally Allowed Process

The “Border Crisis” is a GOP Talking Point

There was Never Going to be a Wall

Trump’s wall: How much has been built during his term?

However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before – that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.

David Limbaugh

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