We needed this – THEN:

America’s Infrastructure Scores a C-

We need to change our taxes, https://limbaugh2020.com/taxes/ and our budget https://limbaugh2020.com/budget/ to move spending where it needs to be SPENT, on people and what the people need. We need pure water to drink, clean air to breath, great roads to drive on, safe railroads and air travel. Democrats and President Biden got the Infrastructure Bill passed that Donald Trump kept having “weeks” for.

Governor DeSantis:

More Republicans seek credit for infrastructure law they opposed

“The list of Republicans seeking credit for the infrastructure package they opposed keeps growing.”

House Republicans tout infrastructure funding they voted against

“Democrats have been quick to criticize it as “voting no and taking the dough.””

How GOP House Members voted:

Roll Call 370 | Bill Number: H. R. 3684

How did the US Senate Vote?

Roll Call Vote 117th Congress – 1st Session

What is infrastructure? Definition and examples

Infrastructure is more than just roads and bridges

Speaking of bridges

I-40 bridge in Memphis could be closed for months, TDOT says

Most Traveled U.S. Structurally Deficient Bridges

Corporations USE our infrastructure. Corporations can pay more of their fair share.

Six Ideas for Fixing the Nation’s Infrastructure Problems

Where does your state rank in deficient bridges?

Bridge Report

America’s Infrastructure Crisis

AP: At least 1,680 dams across the US pose potential risk

Avlon: Infrastructure again derailed by partisanship

We don’t need Infrastructure Week – we need Infrastructure Years!

Deadly Kentucky gas pipeline explosion, fire felt “like an atomic bomb went off”

Dangerous Gas Pipes – USATODAY.com

What is the US infrastructure bill? An expert explains


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