“The First Step In Solving Any Problem Is Recognizing There Is One”

5 years ago

Awesome Scene - Some Dirty Words - HBO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2HKbygLjJs

Under Siege And Largely Secret: Businesses That Serve Immigration Detention

5 years ago

Under Siege And Largely Secret: Businesses That Serve Immigration Detention Bank of America cuts ties with the private prison industry…

Mental Health – We HAVE to do MORE!

5 years ago

https://twitter.com/NormOrnstein/status/1213135300156940291 Out-Of-Network Barriers Five Times More Likely For Mental Health Than Medical Care Suicides of two mental health advocates in…

Almost 300 migrant children removed from Texas facility described as ‘appalling’ – Then Some Put Back!

5 years ago

“I have never seen conditions as appalling as what we witnessed last week,” one attorney said. New reports of squalor…

Dirty Words (HBO) but John Oliver looks at Family Separations at the Border

5 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygVX1z6tDGI https://limbaugh2020.com/they-are-concentration-camps-representative-jim-jordan/

There’s No Excuse for Mistreating Children at the Border. Here’s What To Do About It. Speak up. Donate. Educate yourself. Vote.

5 years ago

The Cruelty Is the Point Americans Aren't Allowed to Donate to and Volunteer at Migrant Detention Centers. There's No Good…

Election Experience (0-3)

5 years ago

2002 State Senate Campaign (GOP Primary) With the teaching of Rich Galen and advice from my name-sake David Limbaugh, https://limbaugh2020.com/i-am-not-rushs-brother-david/…

Texas Republican says conditions in migrant centers are worst he’s ever seen

5 years ago

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.) said on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday that the conditions of migrant detention centers in his…

Criminal Justice System is BROKE!

5 years ago

This is very bad: 'This Is Not an Emergency' "How Florida prison officials let a man's prostate cancer progress until…

I am not Rush’s Brother David

5 years ago

I have been friends with the other David Limbaugh since email was invented. I get an email or message intended…