Donald Trump

Another Therapy Session for Me – Trump at 2021 CPAC in Texas

Trump Got Slapped With a Fact-Check on Fox News. Yes, Fox News.

I am a huge Daniel Dale fan!

REV is an awesome resource for transcripts

Donald Trump CPAC 2021 Speech Transcript Dallas, TX

“I told you this was going to happen. I told you. Actually, Texas believed us. With the help of everyone here today, we will defeat the radical left, the socialists, Marxists, and the critical race theorists”

Socialism and Critical Race Theory are the new @GOP Mantras because “Wall!” and “Repeal and Replace” and “Drain the Swamp” and “Coal Miners Back to Work” and “Lock Her Up!” and “Balanced Budget” won’t work.

“We will secure our borders”

“Joe Biden has brought our country to the brink of ruin.”

Using the Donald Trump Standard for the Country Doing Well,

Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq clinch record closes to cap turbulent week of trading on Wall Street

Earnings Kick Off With Sky-High Forecasts, Record Stock Market

People are Happy

Americans’ Life Ratings Reach Record High

“We shut down the migrant caravans. You haven’t seen those caravans.”

“In those caravans, you have some deadly people.”

No, there isn’t.

AP fact check: President Trump’s rhetoric and the truth about migrant caravans

“We dealt a crippling blow to MS-13. We deported criminal aliens by the thousands and thousands and thousands,”

This is an often-repeated Trump lie

I’ve Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong.

“and we built almost 500 miles of border wall, the exact wall that the border patrol wanted. I thought we could use nice concrete plank. Just knock it out. They said, “Sir, we want steel, concrete, and rebar.”

I guess everything Trump says is a lie. This is a big one.

Trump’s wall: How much has been built during his term?

“The Trump administration say they’ve completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then.

It’s 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021).

However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before – that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.

The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations.

President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it’s replacing what he called “old and worthless barriers.””

“Two things, right? What are they? Wheels and walls. They never change. In a thousand years, you’ll say, “Wheels and walls.” Walls work. Walls work.”

Six Historians on Why Trump’s Border Wall Won’t Work

The World Is Full of Walls That Don’t Work

“Just ask Nancy Pelosi. She has a nice wall around her house.”

No, Nancy Pelosi’s home doesn’t sit behind a high wall

“Now the Biden administration has turned the border into the single greatest disaster in American history, and perhaps in world history.”

Texas senators blast regulator for power grid winterization loophole lawmakers wrote into law

“The law says the state’s natural gas system won’t be required to prepare for extreme weather until 2022 at the earliest and allows companies to opt out of weatherization requirements.”

Texas grid vulnerable to blackouts during severe winter weather, even with new preparations, ERCOT estimates show

Wow! This is just another great example of Trump’s ignorance of history.

Worst Disasters in US History That Left The Nation In Peril

“Let’s take a look at the top 12 worst disasters in US history that have accounted for thousands of deaths and millions of heartaches.

  1. Pearl Harbor
  2. September 11th
  3. COVID-19
  4. Galveston, Texas Hurricane
  5. San Francisco Earthquake
  6. Hurricane Maria
  7. Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
  8. Johnstown Flood
  9. Peshtigo Fire
  10. Hurricane Katrina
  11. Hurricane Harvey
  12. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill”

Worst 8 Disasters in Global History by Deaths Per Second

  • “1. Shaanxi Earthquake 1556
  • 2. Tangshan Earthquake 1976
  • 3. Antioch Earthquake 526AD
  • 4. Haiyuan Earthquake 1920
  • 5. Aleppo Earthquake 1138
  • 6. Hongdong Earthquake 1303
  • 7. Hiroshima Nuclear Detonation 1945
  • 8. Nagasaki Nuclear Detonation 1945

“With that said the following are generally considered the two worst natural disasters in recorded history:”

Chinese Famine (The Great Leap Forward): Death toll generally agreed to be 30 Million over 4 years – Rate: 14.26 ppl/min

1931 Chinese Floods (Natural Disaster): Death toll generally agreed to be 2 Million over 4 months – Rate: 11.2 ppl/min

“Nobody’s ever seen a border like this. Other countries don’t have a border like this. Illegal border crossings are up over 1,000% from last year. Think of this. Think of this.”

CBP Announces May 2021 Operational Update

“In May 2021, CBP encountered 180,034 persons attempting entry along the Southwest Border.”

CBP Announces May 2020 Operational Update

In May 2020, CBP’s enforcement encounters with illegal aliens totaled more than 23,000 individuals,

682% The Real Truth?

United States Border Patrol – Total Illegal Alien Apprehensions By Month – FY 2000

May, 2000 APPREHENSIONS – 169,267 – Trump and others confuse ENCOUNTERS with APPREHENSIONS

Nationwide Enforcement Encounters: Title 8 Enforcement Actions and Title 42 Expulsions

Southwest Border – May 2021 Title 8 Apprehensions 61,611″

“For the last three months in a row, more illegal alien minors have arrived than any other month in United States states history.”


Report says Trump administration lied about immigrant parents wanting to leave children behind

Weekly U.S.-Mexico Border Update: CBP Data Points to Rise in Migrants from ‘Other’ Countries, Biden Admin Loosens Two Trump-era Restrictions on Asylum

We have a statue

“This is the major pipeline for MS-13.”

President Trump’s claim that ‘thousands and thousands’ of MS-13 members are off the streets

“Did you ever hear of chain migration? You come in illegally, and we’ll also bring your mother, your father, your grandparents, your brothers, your sisters, your aunts, your uncles. Anybody else want to come in? Come on in.”

Chain Migration? Pot calling Kettle Black!

The Myth of Chain Migration

What “chain migration” really means — and why Donald Trump hates it so much

Melania Trump’s Parents Visit Immigration Office, But Want to Keep Citizenship Journey ‘Private’

“Homicides are up 42% in Los Angeles, 37% in Philadelphia, 68% in Atlanta, and over 500% in Portland over this time last year.”

Remind me again who was POTUS in 2020,

How bad is the rise in US homicides? Factchecking the ‘crime wave’ narrative police are pushing

The numbers

“After decades of a primarily downward trend in the overall number of people killed, crime experts say they expect 2020 will mark the biggest single-year national jump in homicides since national crime statistics began to be released in the 1960s.”

“nothing happens to BLM”

A Trump security chief acknowledges role of white supremacist extremists in U.S. urban violence

“WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump’s acting homeland security chief on Wednesday acknowledged that white supremacist extremists played a role in this year’s urban violence in the United States, a revision of the administration’s public descriptions of the political motivations of violent protesters.”

AP finds most arrested in protests aren’t leftist radicals

Study of 2020 Protests Shows Difference Between Reality and Perception

“While the summer of 2020 experienced 100 days of violence and destruction in cities, according to the the U.S Department of Homeland Security, the most recent CCC study of 7,305 separate events in May and June suggests that 96.3% of events involved no property damage or police injuries and 97.7% of events had no injuries reported. Pressman spoke with UConn Today about the new report.”

UConn Study: At Least 96% of Black Lives Matter Protests Were Peaceful

Violence during Protests?

Boogaloo Movement Tied To Murder, Violence And Disinformation During Protests


Air Force sergeant accused of killing officers had symbols linked to “boogaloo” movement


Feds say far-right group coordinated attack on Minneapolis police precinct during protest

Texas Boogaloo Boy Admits In Court He Traveled to Minneapolis After George Floyd Died, Fired 13 Shots In Police Precinct Building to Sow Chaos

“Ivan Harrison Hunter, 24, admitted he traveled from the San Antonio area to Minneapolis after Floyd’s death and fired 13 shots from an AK-47 style semiautomatic rifle into the Minneapolis Police Department’s Third Precinct building on May 28, 2020.”

Minnesota Officials Link Arrested Looters to ‘White Supremacist’ Groups


Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter

” “We never said defund the police. You know who did it? The Republicans did it.” That’s what they do. It’s called disinformation.”

What does ‘defund the police’ mean and does it have merit?

““Defund the police” means reallocating or redirecting funding away from the police department to other government agencies funded by the local municipality. That’s it. It’s that simple. Defund does not mean abolish policing. “

“Defund the police” made headlines. What does it look like now?

In Nashville, “Defund The Police” looks like this:

Metro Nashville police officers start Crisis Intervention Team training for community policing

Metro launches program to help with mental health crisis calls

Nashville police, mental health experts respond to calls together in new pilot program

Defunding the Police? Actions speak louder than words.

U.S. Capitol Police may run out of funding if Congress does not act

How Congressional Republicans Maneuver Against Funding The Capitol Police For January 6

“How about Russia? “Trump had to do with Russia. He loves Russia. He loves Putin.”

“The same far left Democrats who are defunding police are also leading an all out crusade to strip you, the law abiding citizens of America, of your God given Second Amendment rights. I told you again. I told you. I told you. And I preserved that right 100%, and you think that was easy? It wasn’t easy. There was so much pressure. There was so much pressure. Republicans must never waiver in demanding that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

This has been an NRA talking point for years. Did Clinton try to take your guns? Obama? No One Want to take Your Guns!

“But it’s not only the Second Amendment that the leftists want to destroy. They are hard at work to abolish the First Amendment as well.”

Trump files suit against Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

“WASHINGTON (AP) — Former President Donald Trump has filed suit against three of the country’s biggest tech companies, claiming he and other conservatives have been wrongfully censored. But legal experts say the suits are likely doomed to fail, given existing precedent and legal protections.”

The First Amendment Protects US from OUR Government, not from private entities or our boss.

Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition

“Congress shall make no law…”

“Probably all amendments, when you get right down to it. Why not?”

Irony tends to be ironic


“The radical left and big tech’s attack on free speech is unlawful. It’s unconstitutional, and it is completely un-American. To protect the Constitutional rights and liberties of every citizen, this week I filed a major class action. Lot of people are joining. Yep. A big class action lawsuit against the big tech giants. We are suing Facebook, Twitter, and Google.”

Facebook, Twitter and Google are NOT Congress

“We are taking Mark Zookerbucks, Jack Dorsey, and the other Silicon Valley billionaires to federal court, and we will keep on fighting until we have stopped this assault on our liberties and until we have restored the sacred right to freedom of speech for every single American. Who would have thought? Who would have thought? Who would have thought? Could anybody believe we’re even talking about this subject two years ago, three years ago? Who would have believed it?”

First Amendment Quiz

“Mark Zuckerberg alone spent $ 400 million dollars on election meddling. In virtually all of the key swing states, he funded unmanned and unprotected drop boxes that were deployed in Democrat run cities and heavily Democrat precincts to scoop up ballots which were supposedly 94, 95, 96% for Joe Biden, because he campaigned so well from his basement.”

Mark Zuckerberg helped some Pa. counties survive the 2020 election. Right-wing lawmakers say that was unfair.

Fact check: Vote spikes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not prove election fraud

A step-by-step look at Trump’s falsehoods on mail-in voting: Analysis

“The New York Post broke one of the biggest scandals ever to emerge in a presidential election, providing extraordinarily detailed evidence of the corruption of Joe Biden and where’s Hunter Biden? You know where he is?”

“He’s painting right now for 500,00 a piece. Where’s Hunter? His highest and best use, I can tell you, is in a studio to paint. Even though he’s never painted before. He set a record for the highest price for a person that never painted a picture before. Never did a painting before.”

Hunter Biden paintings pose ethical challenge for president


Hunter Biden’s art gallery vandalized, employee attacked: Police

Another Example of the Pot calling the Kettle Black

Jared and Ivanka made up to $640 million in the White House

“Then without any basis whatsoever, Twitter and Facebook banned the New York Post’s account of this terrible story. After the election, one poll showed that at least 10% of Joe Biden’s voters would have switched their vote if they had known about Joe and Hunter Biden’s scandals, enough to flip the results of numerous states.”

Twitter Unlocks New York Post Account, Claims It Revised Policy And Allows Hunter Biden Links

Facebook limits spread of The Post’s Hunter Biden exposé

Is the New York Post story about Hunter Biden’s laptop legit? Here’s how to form your own judgment.


Media’s hiding of Hunter Biden scandal robbed Trump of clear win: Poll

Hmmm…. McLaughlin and Associates?

Washington Examiner?

“But don’t worry about it, because we won those states anyway. We won them all. Probably the only thing I disagree with. It wouldn’t have mattered. They would have found the votes. They would have found those votes. If it was reported, they would have found the votes. Little more, they would have churned out some more ballots.”

“We are a laughing stock all over the world. A laughing stock.”


U.S. Image Plummets Internationally as Most Say Country Has Handled Coronavirus Badly

Pew Survey: US Global Image ‘Tarnished’ During Trump Presidency


Poll: U.S. image abroad rebounds sharply with Biden in office

By the numbers: More than 6 in 10 people in the surveyed countries said they have confidence in Biden to do the right thing in world affairs.

  • In 12 of the surveyed countries, a median of 75% expressed confidence in Biden, compared with 17% for Trump in 2020.
  • A median of 62% across 12 nations had a favorable overall opinion of the U.S., while only 34% held that view last year.”

“You saw what happened in Georgia the other day. They found 35,000 votes.”

The Federalist?

New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results

“After excluding moves with effective dates within 30 days of the general election, and by using data available from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, Davis identified nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another, but then voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved.”

How do we know how these 35,000 voters VOTED? By the way…

“Some of those moves could have been temporary, involving students or members of the military, Davis stressed, adding that under Georgia law temporary relocations do not alter citizens’ residency status or render their votes illegal.”

Then they deleted in Georgia over 100,000 votes.

Trump is confusing purging VOTERS from Registration Rolls with VOTES.

Georgia releases names of over 100K people at risk of having voter registration canceled

Purging the Rolls has been a GOP practice for years.

The Messy Politics of Voter Purges

Republicans Are Trying to Kick Thousands of Voters Off the Rolls During a Pandemic

Voter caging and purging

Voter Purges

“The governor of Georgia and Georgia secretary of state let us down. They let us down.”

The Governor of Georgia and the state’s Secretary of State FOLLOWED the LAW

AP FACT CHECK: Trump wrong on Georgia voter signature checks

Georgia’s governor to Trump: State law blocks him from ‘interfering’ in elections

Georgia’s Raffensperger says Trump’s defeat is the ‘cold hard truth,’ hints at probe

And by the way, the voting law they passed is far weaker than that of Texas and other states. You hear that, Mr. Attorney General?”

Texas has not passed their new law yet

Texas Democrats Leave State In Effort To Block GOP Voting Restrictions

Georgia GOP figured out controlling the COUNT of the Vote is far more effective that suppressing the vote

What Georgia’s new voting law really does — 9 facts

6. State election board will have new powers and won’t be chaired by the secretary of state

Yes, the Georgia election law is that bad

Many critics of Georgia’s law, myself included, have argued that this last set of provisions is the most troubling one. It gives Georgia’s Republican-controlled General Assembly effective control over the State Board of Elections and empowers the state board to take over local county boards — functionally allowing Republicans to handpick the people in charge of disqualifying ballots in Democratic-leaning places like Atlanta.

Saletan argues that there are sufficient safeguards in the bill to prevent abuse of these powers, but this is a minority view. Voting rights advocates, experts I’ve spoken to, and even Cohn all think there’s a serious potential for abuse here. “This represents an obvious threat to American democracy,” he concludes after an in-depth analysis of the new provisions.”

“So I only speak the truth. So true. And the reason the Attorney General of the United States is going after Georgia is it’s so bad what they’ve done, and they’ll probably win, and that defense won’t take place. They go out and they really worked very hard on finding the right state to look at. Now Stacey Abrams in Georgia got them to sign what’s called a mandated consent decree, which was not approved by the legislature, therefore it’s illegal, and makes it very easy for Democrats to cheat and to win elections. You don’t have too many of them in Texas, do you, Louie? Doc Ronny, do we have … the great Doc Ronny, my doctor, became a Congressman. He only beat 22 people. 22 people, he was great.”

Nothing Trump says has any truth to it. The AG went after Georgia’s Voting Law because is IT Jim Crow 2.0, covertly instead of overtly.

Justice Department sues Georgia over voting rights law

Stacey Abrams has a Get Out The Vote movement – totally legal – Civic Engagement

Former Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate On A Push For Voter Turnout

Doc Ronny?

Ex-Trump Physician Ronny Jackson Thinks Mask-Wearing Should Be Left to ‘Personal Choice’

“I said, “Doc, how about if I take a cognitive test?” He said, “Well, you can do it, sir. But if you do, it’ll be public.” Well, I said, “What’s wrong with that?” He said, “Well, if you don’t do well, sir, it’s not going to be pretty.” I said, “Is it hard?” He said, “After the first five questions, it gets very hard.” I said, “Let’s take a shot at it,” and we did it and we aced it, right? I aced it.

And one of the doctors said he’s never seen anybody that aced it. And some of those questions are not easy. I will tell you that. How do you think Joe would do on a cognitive test? You never know. Maybe he’s … underneath there, there’s somebody that’s very unusual.”

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Test for Dementia

Three Tests I know Trump has not taken and if did he would fail


Take the Mensa Admission Test

“Never forget that the radical left is not the majority in this country. We are the majority and it’s not even close. It’s not even close.”


Party Affiliation

2016, the year the GOP left Me (They moved the tent)

“And when you look at their policies, there’s just no way that can happen. There’s no way. Weak military. They fight against the military, always fighting budgets, military. We need strong military right now, so strong. And having rebuilt the US military is one of my greatest achievements. It was a sick and tired military. The equipment was old and depleted. And now we have those brand new F-35s and everything’s brand new, and we have a great military, or it’s coming soon and they won’t be able to stop it.”

Trump’s tall tale about the military being out of ammunition shows how his lies evolve

Trump’s False Military Equipment Claim

Watchdog group finds F-35 sustainment costs could be headed off affordability cliff

This is right out of a movie! (“Deal of the Century” and “Pentagon Wars”)

The F-35 Lightning II can’t fly in lightning once again

The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed

“But the radical left cheat in elections and the fake news media cheats in polling, like having me down 17 points just before the election in Wisconsin. “Donald Trump … ” ABC News, Washington Post, just before … now when people hear that, it’s called suppression, they say, “We love the president, but we’re going to stay home. Let’s watch television, Harry.” I said, “That’s a good idea. Harry’s going to stay home with Janet.” I’m down 17 points, and I felt I was winning the state, and we did, in my opinion, win the safe, but it was very close. Even by their fake numbers, it was very close. I’d have it down 17 points.”

Why did the polls get Wisconsin so wrong — and Minnesota mostly right?

Polling gets it wrong again in Wisconsin. What happened this time?

My theory? A lot of people that voted for Trump did not want to admit it.

“And interestingly in 2016, the exact same thing happened. They had me down 19 points. Same people, ABC News, Washington Post, suppression. I was down 19 points and I won the state. So that’s a fake poll. It should be illegal. It’s a fake poll. The same people … at least they got better. They had 17 instead of 19. But I was down four years ago. We got her by surprise in 2016. They said, “We’re never going to let that happen again.” That’s what happened.”


The Polls Are All Right

One last look: 2016 polls actually got a lot right

“Americans do not support the woke left.”

I guess I have been ‘woke’ since the 1960s

“In a recent, highly respected Rasmussen poll, 58% of voters say the media is truly the enemy of the people.”

The Rasmussen Poll is NOT highly respected

Pollster: Rasmussen Research has a pro-GOP bias

“And they’re raising your taxes so you can waste this money on the Green New Deal, which is nonsense.”

What tax raises? Where? Green New Deal?

“So they want to put back the regulations. I took off more regulations than any president in history. And that’s what gave us really … I actually think, Louie, it was more important than the taxes, than cutting taxes. But we took off the regulations. Used to take 20 years to get highways approved and roads approved, and we got it down to two, and we’re going to try and get it down to one. Well, we were going to get it down to one. Now we’re going to have to wait a little while I guess. It’ll get back up to about 18 or 20 pretty soon, and then we’ll bring it down one day. You just wait and see.”

Regulations save lives. Ask the people that lost loved ones in the Condo collapse in Miami – look for more regulations there!

Tracking deregulation in the Trump era


Trump Called Himself the ‘Builder President.’ But What Did He Actually Build?

Whatever happened to “Infrastructure Week”?

“The Democrats are terrible on policy, but they’re very vicious and they’re smart and they stick together.”

The Democrats had a platform in 2016

Democrats Meet Virtually To Approve Platform That Builds Off Biden-Sanders Effort


The GOP did not have a platform in 2020

Why Republicans didn’t write a platform for their convention this year

“They don’t have Mitt Romneys and little Ben Sasses and Bill Cassidy. How about Bill Cassidy? He campaigns in the great state of Louisiana. He campaigns that he’s Trump’s friend. Every ad has Trump in it. “Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,” and then he votes to impeach me. Can you believe it? But I always sort of felt that about that guy. Lightweight. But you have another very good senator there, John Kennedy. He’s very good. Very good senator. And Bill Cassidy can’t walk down the streets of Louisiana without having nasty things said to him, and they don’t have anyone, the Democrats, like the warmonger and most quoted Republican in the history of our country by Democrats, Liz Cheney. She’s quoted all the time. Every time a Democrat gets up to make a speech … you know this, fellows, right? You have to live with her, I guess. Maybe not much longer. But every time they get up to make a speech, “And to quote Liz Cheney …”

“Like socialists and communists movements throughout history, today’s leftists do not believe in freedom, they do not believe in fairness, and they do not believe in democracy. They believe in Marxist morality.”

Morality? Donald Trump?

“Before our very eyes, the radical left Democrats are turning the law itself into a weapon for partisan persecution. It’s persecution. It’s really … look at what they’re doing to incredible people like Rudy Giuliani. I mean, he’s an incredible … greatest mayor in the history of the city of New York, great crime fighter.”

It is not the left, it is Judges

“I tell this story, during the campaign guys would come up to me … and we’re doing well. This is 2016. We’re doing well … “Sir, do you know anything about Russia?” “No. What am I supposed to know? Russia, I know Russia. But I don’t know … ” Two months later, a guy come up, different. “Sir, what do you have to do with Russia? Do you have anything to do with her?” “No. Why do you ask?” Then after about four or five guys coming up, I’d say, “What the hell is going on with Russia?” And it was a scam.

And then we went through years with Mueller and there was no collusion. Oh, they wanted … remember? 18 angry Democrats, oh they went after us. They’ll send everything into New York. They’ll give it a shot now. 18, they’ve already done that. In fact, it’s photocopies they used. They used photocopies of the same stuff I beat in Washington. If anyone should be losing their jobs, their law licenses, and being investigated for crimes, it’s not Rudy Giuliani, it’s Adam Schiff.”

Every occurrence of “exonerate” is preceded by “not” in the Mueller Report.

Judge sharply rebukes Barr’s handling of Mueller report

“We didn’t hold the corrupt officials who spied on our campaign … remember I said, “They’re spying on our campaign.” And boy, that was like a lightning rod went off.”

Revisiting Trump’s Wiretap Tweets

There is still no evidence that Obama ordered wiretapping of Trump or Trump Tower.

There is no evidence that any of Trump’s conversations were picked up by the FBI.”

“But I said, “Bill, you got to move your ass. Our country is under attack.” But he became a different man when the Democrats viciously stated that they wanted to impeach him. They went wild. “We want to impeach him. We’re going to impeach Bill Barr. We’re going to impeach him.” He became different. I understand that. I didn’t become different. I got impeached twice. I didn’t change. I became worse.”

Inside William Barr’s Breakup With Trump

“So I guess I can understand it. But I just a day ago received a statement from the US attorney, highly respected, in Pennsylvania, that Bill Barr would not allow him to investigate voter fraud. Can you believe it? Now, you have to understand, Philadelphia is the second most corrupt place … so I understand, okay? So I understand … in the nation. You know what first is? Detroit. Detroit was so corrupt. Philadelphia was so corrupt. But the US attorney was not allowed to investigate what … this just came out in a letter. You don’t even know about this, Devin, right? Matt, that’s a big one. What do you think? We have a letter. You’ll have to get it from him because I want to stay out of it. Get it from the US attorney, but I’m sure he’ll be willing to provide it, but he’s given it to us. He was not allowed to do his job. And I saw that. He was all enthused, and then all of a sudden it was like he was turned off. And so were others.

What you need to know about the GOP-backed audit of Pa.’s elections

Arizona election audit fever spreads to Pennsylvania as Trump’s Big Lie gains ground


Michigan Senate GOP probe: No systemic fraud in election

GOP investigation finds no Michigan vote fraud, deems many claims ‘ludicrous’

Trump attacks Michigan Republicans after report finds no evidence of election fraud

“This was true with so many others that when the justice department, they failed to call out the late night ballot stuffing that took place in Georgia. Remember that? Where they made up a story of a water main break in order to get people and security to leave the premises, and then they went into a rampage of stuffing, essentially, the ballots. But now that event, because of me and some very good people, is in court. Let’s see how that one turns out. And Bill Barr told me, “Sir, we’ve looked at it. We found nothing.” All you have to do is look at that tape. By the way, there was no water main. Remember? There was no water main. Remember that? I said to them, “But what about the water main?” “Oh, I didn’t hear about that.” Well, I heard about it. There was no water main break. They said there was, and the people ran, except a group of people came back. Boom, boom, boom.”

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s made-up claims of fake Georgia votes

“That one is easy. All you have to do is look at the tape. It’s incredible what tapes can show. The fact is, Republicans play a much nicer, kinder game than the Democrats, but based on what we’ve seen and what we’re witnessing now with all of the prosecutorial and other misconduct going on, perhaps Republicans will have to rethink their game plan. Louie Gohmert would agree with that. Louie Gohmert, I have to be careful with him. Don’t say I said it, but actually Louie Gohmert’s worse than any Democrat, but we have to hold him back. We hold him back, Doc Ronny, right? What do you think of that, Louie? You just heard something for the first time. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?”

Look at the tape!

Louie Gohmert?

CPAC notebook: Rep. Louie Gohmert blames Jan. 6 riot on Democrats and a government conspiracy

Congressman Gohmert describes scene inside US Capitol as breach was made

“He mentioned several photos being shared widely online, referring to a few of them as “socialists, skin heads, and climate change guys.” Other outlets have identified the men to whom he is referring, such as a man with a hammer and sickle hand tattoo from a video game, and a man wearing horns on his head, and say that those men were at rallies to support Trump on other instances. The man with horns has been identified by AZCentral, a newspaper, and other outlets as Jake Angeli, a QAnon supporter from Phoenix who has attended numerous Trump rallies in Arizona.”

No socialists, skin heads or climate change guys,

563 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.

“And by the way, where’s Durham? He disappeared. Why didn’t they use the very well-done Horowitz Report? And it was very well done. It’s incredible.”

John Durham’s endgame: Don’t expect criminal charges

Barr’s Prosecutor Has No Evidence to Back Theory on Joseph Mifsud: Report

“I wouldn’t say I’m perfect, but they’re far worse than I am. I [inaudible 00:48:03]. They are far worse. In other words, the entire system was rigged against the American people and rigged against a fair, decent, and honest election. For decades, the conservative movement acted as if all that mattered were policy fights in Washington or that all it would take to prevail was winning a small handful of Supreme Court cases. And we’re disappointed in the Supreme Court. I’m disappointed, but the battle is so much bigger and so much broader than any of that. The radical left has been methodically taking over every giant centralized institution in American life. The school systems, you see that, the universities, the bar associations, look at what happened to Rudy… Hollywood journalists, the big banks, big tech, and even the Supreme Court where we’re getting some unexpected rulings because the nine justices do not want to be packed. And the Democrats are in a position to pack the court and they don’t want to be packed. So they don’t want to look at the election. They said, we don’t want to see it.”

Supreme Court rejects Trump election challenge cases

This is really crazy stuff:

“That’s what’s happening with our Supreme Court. That’s what’s happened. They don’t want to be packed. We don’t want to have 24 judges. You know, they said 13. I said, the Democrats are too smart for 13. It’s an unlucky number. Why would they have 13? So they’ll make it 15, but they’ll probably make it 23, 21, 19. It’ll go up. And you know, if they would’ve looked at the case, we would have won that case in my opinion. And they would have never been packed because you would’ve had a beautiful veto sitting right in the oval office. I would have vetoed it because it’s a terrible thing. But the Democrats are vicious to the Supreme Court and to Kavanaugh. He’s another one. “Yeah, Bill Barr”, they screamed, “we’re going to impeach him. We’re going to impeach him.” And it changes people.”

Costs of Air Force One under Trump?

“As vice-president Joe Biden flew his son Hunter around the world on Air Force Two, sucking up money like a vacuum cleaner,”

Mnuchin seeks to delay proposed Secret Service report on Trump family travel costs until after the 2020 election

Trump’s Adult Children Cost Taxpayers Over $140,000 In Secret Service Charges In One Month Post-Presidency, Watchdog Finds

“And Joe Biden said, they’re not getting the billion dollars unless that prosecutor is out. What the hell? Could you imagine if I said that?”

This is an old and huge Trump lie – The IMF, EU and others wanted the prosecutor fired,

Envoys pushed to oust Ukraine prosecutor before Biden

“European and US officials pressed Ukraine to sack Viktor Shokin, the country’s former prosecutor-general, months before Joe Biden, the former US vice-president, personally intervened to force his removal, people involved in the talks said. Mr Biden did not act unilaterally nor did he instigate the push against Mr Shokin, despite suggestions to the contrary by supporters of US president Donald Trump, people familiar with the matter said. “

Trump Twists Facts on Biden and Ukraine

“In February 2016, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde threatened to withhold $40 billion unless Ukraine undertook “a substantial new effort” to fight corruption after the country’s economic minister and his team resigned to protest government corruption. That same month, a “reform-minded deputy prosecutor resigned, complaining that his efforts to address government corruption had been consistently stymied by his own prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin,” according to a Jan. 3, 2017, Congressional Research Services report.

By late fall of 2015, the EU and the United States joined the chorus of those seeking Mr. Shokin’s removal as the start of an overall reform of the Procurator General’s Office,” Herbst testified. “U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke publicly about this before and during his December visit to Kyiv; but Mr. Shokin remained in place.”

“All because I put America first, all because of MAGA: Make America Great Again. And now, it’s also because I got more votes, 75 million, than anybody in the history of the presidency. And far more than Clinton, far more than Obama, and a record 12 million more than 2016. Think of it, in the history, usually they go down a little bit second term and they win, but they go down a little bit. I was told by a great pollster, really somebody great, John McLaughlin, one of the most respected one. Sir, you got 63 million votes. If you get it up to 64 or 65, nobody can beat you. Can’t lose. Thank you John, very much. I got it to 75 and I lost in quotes. I lost. It’s a disgrace. It’s a disgrace. And what they’ve done to this movement, I think they’ve made the movement stronger. I’ll tell you, in a certain way, I think that is.”

There was a record turnout,

Turnout soared in 2020 as nearly two-thirds of eligible U.S. voters cast ballots for president

President-Elect Joe Biden Hits 80 Million Votes In Year Of Record Turnout

John McLaughlin?

Trump Hires GOP’s Worst Pollster

“Against the howls and cries of the corporate interests and the Washington lobbyists, we demanded fair trade for the American workers and we did a great job on that. We finally ended the worst trade deal in the history of our country, NAFTA. One of the worst trade deals.”

All Trump did was create NAFTA 2.0

Trump’s NAFTA 2.0 Puts Big Pharma First, America Second

Steel Mills?

Why the steel tariff didn’t save U.S. Steel workers from layoffs


“We pulled out of the world health organization scam. You know, the world health organization. I pulled out because they’re like a pipe organ for China, right? So I pulled out. they called me, would they want us back? So, the guy, just nice guy, he wants us back. “Sir, we really want you back. We really want you back.” I said, “How much are we paying?” “Almost 500 million a year.” “How much is China paying?” “39 million a year.” I said, “Okay. So let me ask you a question. We have 325 million people not including illegal aliens.” Which who the hell knows. I don’t think they have any idea what… “But we have 325 million people. China has 1.4 billion people. They’re paying 39. We’re paying 500. So let me ask you a question. Would you take us back if we paid 39?” “Yes.” I said, “Okay, I’m going to think about it.” But when I pulled out, it was so popular. I couldn’t even get back in for 39 because everybody including Doc Ronnie thought it was amazing that I pulled out because he understands it’s a pipe organ for China and for others, but mostly for China. So I said, “So, I would get back in for 39 million?” “Yes, sir.” Okay. That was it. I didn’t go back in even at 39 and otherwise I turned it down.”

U.S. withdrawal from WHO over claims of China influence to take effect July 2021: U.N.

Fact-checking Donald Trump’s case against the World Health Organization, China

“We renegotiated the Korea trade deal and we built the greatest economy of the history of the world with a record 160 million people working.”

Obama created more new jobs than Trump, Pre-Covid

Obama’s Economy was better then Trump’s, pre-COVID, in every measurable.

Donald Trump’s dubious statement about presiding over ‘the greatest economy’ in history

AP FACT CHECK: Trump says economy best ‘EVER.’ It’s not.

Another Trump lie:

“We had the greatest tax decrease in the history of our country, and we’re not going to have you raise it.”

Trump’s tax cut won’t be the biggest in U.S. history

Largest Tax Cut in History?

The 2016 GOP platform promised to balance the budget.

2017 – GOP and Donald Trump gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 Billion (with a B!)

“I took on China like no president had ever done before. Imposing massive tariffs to protect American workers and bring jobs and factories and billions and billions of dollars back. You know that? Back to our shores. We made a great deal with China, which has immeasurably helped our farmers and manufacturers, and we put the Chinese Communist Party on defense for the first time ever in our history of our country. We never took in 25 cents. They’re paying us millions.”

Will someone, anyone, please explain how tariffs work to Donald Trump? China did not pay us a dime. Importers HERE pay the tariff. That is how tariffs work.

Who pays Trump’s tariffs, China or U.S. customers and companies?

“(Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump says China pays the tariffs he has imposed on $250 billion of Chinese exports to the United States.

But that is not how tariffs work. China’s government and companies in China do not pay tariffs directly. Tariffs are a tax on imports. They are paid by U.S.-registered firms to U.S. customs for the goods they import into the United States.

Importers often pass the costs of tariffs on to customers – manufacturers and consumers in the United States – by raising their prices.”

Trump Still Doesn’t Know Who Pays Tariffs

“Let’s get something straight: importers pay tariffs, not exporters.”

Trump Tariffs HURT farmers

What is the toll of trade wars on U.S. agriculture?

Farm bankruptcies jump to highest level since 2011 as Trump’s tariffs bite

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise

Bailouts? Socialism?

‘Here’s your check’: Trump’s massive payouts to farmers will be hard to pull back

Trump Tariff Aid To Farmers Cost More Than U.S. Nuclear Forces

Tariffs did NOT bring US Jobs, Just ask the US Chamber of Commerce,

Tariffs are the Wrong Approach

Trump steel tariffs bring job losses to swing state Michigan

Trump trade wars have led to lost US jobs and factories. We need a worker-centered recovery.

Ask FoxNews

Trump tariffs led to job losses, higher prices for businesses: Fed report

“It’s interesting. Biden, he wants to end the tariffs.”

Sen. Johnson, 6 other republican senators urge Biden to end trade war

“We’re taking billions and billions, and we convinced the world that we have to watch China. When I took over, we had a deficit with China of 507 billion dollars. That’s not sustainable. 507. Not million. 507 million’s a lot. 507 billion dollars. But now China is totally on the offense, making Joe Biden and our country look week, and pathetic.”

We took billions and billions from US Consumers, NOT China

Trump Tariffs Will Soon Cost U.S. Families Thousands of Dollars A Year

Trump’s tariffs cost U.S. companies $46 billion to date, data shows

Trade Deficit?

U.S. Trade Deficit With China and Why It’s So High

America’s trade gap soared under Trump, final figures show

“We ignored the hysterics of the socialist left and withdrew from the unfair one sided Paris climate accord. One of the great rip offs. Would have cost us a trillion dollars. We unleashed America’s energy resources, and achieved American energy independence for the first time in the history of our country. And we don’t need windmills in Texas and lots of other places. We don’t need windmills. They ought to end that program as quickly as they can.”


Hundreds Likely Dead After Historic Heat Wave Hits Pacific Northwest And Canada

Record highs fall in the Southwest as intense heat continues

Pacific Northwest heat wave shattered temperature records. Is another dangerous weather developing this weekend?

NASA’s AIRS Tracks Record-Breaking Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest

Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest Driven by Climate Change


“When the plague came in from China, I dragged the slow and complacent bureaucrats from the FDA, and the CDC into the Oval Office. I pushed them like they have never been pushed before, and thanks to the relentless efforts of my administration and me, we got miraculous therapeutics straight to patients with historic speed, and we produced three vaccines to end the pandemic in record time. Would have never happened. Would have never happened. We did it in less than nine months. They said a minimum of three years, probably five years, and sir, it probably won’t happen at all. If we didn’t have that, we would be in a position like perhaps over a 100 years ago, right?” 1917. Over 100 people, I hear different number. But perhaps as many as 100 million people died.

Nothing in that paragraph has any basis in fact.

FDA and CDC?


Trump Incompetency? Lies about COVID? Volume 1,

Volume 2

People died and are dying because of the lies of Donald Trump, GOP members, FoxNews and others,

“We beat back the failed foreign policy establishment to withdraw from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal.”

Iran Nuclear Deal 90% Done: Russian Diplomat

“We recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital”

To make one man happy

Adelson, miffed at Trump over embassy about-face, said to shut spigot

“Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.”

Did not involved the Palestinians in that decision

President Trump Backs Israeli Sovereignty Claim Over Golan Heights

“U.S. secretaries of state have usually met Palestinian leaders while visiting the region, the Associated Press reports, but Pompeo had no visits with Palestinian dignitaries planned.”

Israel-Gaza violence: The conflict explained

“We ended the endless wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, and other countries. And we brought our beautiful troops back home. Now terrible things are happening in Afghanistan. We had everything in place to finish withdrawing responsibly, and Joe Biden is turning it into a total disaster.”

Can you spot Trump lying here by telling the truth about his lie? You can not “brought our beautiful troops back home” and then condemn Biden for bringing those beautiful troops back home.

What about the Kurds?

“But with all of that being said, we should get out. 21 years is enough. 21 years. 21 years is enough. Everything we do, we refuse to bow down to the radical left, the RINOs, the political establishment, and instead we insist on standing up for America, and making America great again and always putting America first. America’s got to be first.”

Trump had four years to keep his promise to bring back our troops from Afghanistan and he failed to do it.

“Every day, more people are realizing that we were right on all of the key issues, and that this is one reason why our endorsement has become, and it’s really not just my endorsement, it’s your endorsement, has become the most powerful weapon in politics. Last year, exact numbers. Because if they weren’t exact, they will come out at me, you wouldn’t believe. 120 of the 122 candidates we endorsed in Congressional primary elections won. So think of that. And the two that didn’t, actually they turned out to be great Trump people. They really did. They turned out to be great.”

If there was rampant voter fraud, how did they win? How did those Georgia runoff elections turnout?

“In the face of the Biden administration’s far left campaign to transform our country and erase our history, we are not backing down.”

The only people trying to erase our history is Donald Trump and the GOP

“We will hold China accountable for the damage and suffering they have caused, and make them pay trillions of dollars in reparations to us and to the world. We will break up the big tech monopolies, and bring back free speech. We can’t let this continue. We will take back our elections, and finally, we will always include a thing called voter ID. That’s another thing. The Democrats are now saying, “Oh, we always wanted voter ID.” There was a poll. 88% of the people in the country want voter ID, so now the Democrats again, same old story. They’re saying, ” We want voter ID. We’ve always wanted voter ID.”

China is never paying reparations, just like Mexico is never paying for a wall. Voter ID is not the issue. Here is the issue:

Alabama Closing Many DMV Offices in Majority Black Counties

As it turns out … Bentley’s driver’s license closures were racial, after all

“These people are sick. We will completely defund and bar critical race theory. 1776, not 1619, if you don’t mind.”

Critical Race Theory are the new @GOP Mantras because “Wall!” and “Repeal and Replace” and “Drain the Swamp” and “Coal Miners Back to Work” and “Lock Her Up!” and “Balanced Budget” won’t work.

And if government run schools are going to teach children to hate their country, we will demand school choice that we already have.

School Choice? Schools Choose their students, the students do not choose the school. Kids can’t pick their parents.

If you listen to the media or watch the evening newscast, our country has really gone bad. All we talk about is race. That’s all they talk about. Race. The whole show. race, race. We don’t talk about our country being great anymore. We don’t talk about how America can lead the world.”

There is never a lot of diversity at @GOP gatherings. I have spotted a pattern!

Count the minorities:

We don’t talk about stopping crime or the hundreds and hundreds of people that are being shot in Democrat run cities and what to do about it.”

Murder Rate – Red States vs Blue States

Murder Rate By State 2021

“Here are the 10 states with the highest murder rate:

  1. Louisiana (12.4 per 100k)
  2. Missouri (9.8 per 100k)
  3. Nevada (9.1 per 100k)
  4. Maryland (9 per 100k)
  5. Arkansas (8.6 per 100k)
  6. Alaska (8.4 per 100k)
  7. Alabama (8.3 per 100k)
  8. Mississippi (8.2 per 100k)
  9. Illinois (7.8 per 100k)
  10. South Carolina (7.8 per 100k)”

“We don’t talk about ending the drugs pouring across our borders. Which I had greatly reduced with our wall and so many other things that we’re doing. And most importantly, we never talk about the great future of our country. We don’t talk about any of this stuff anymore.”

The Democrat controlled media talks race, race, race for political reasons. And they always have, but never like this. But it’s hurting our country, and more than anyone else, our great minority communities. It’s hurting them very badly.

It is the GOP and FoxNews and Breitbart that talks about race a lot

Breitbart lied about not having a Black Crime Tag

“The Democrat obsession with race is only dragging us backward into the past, and it is bringing our country down to a point where even China and Russia are lecturing us on human rights, race, and they’re doing it in a very humiliating fashion. This never happened. Never happened with me.”

China’s Uyghers? Our Trail of Tears and how we treated Native Americans

Who are the Uyghurs and why is China being accused of genocide?

Trail of Tears

Remains of Ten Native American Children Who Died at Government Boarding School Return Home After 100 Years

A federal investigation seeks to uncover the painful history of Native American boarding schools

History is the study of Change Over Time

During my administration, our country was respected again. It is no longer respected.

Donald Trump repeats this lie. I will repeat the truth.

America’s global image under Biden skyrockets compared to Trump, survey finds

“A median of 75 percent of respondents from 12 countries expressed confidence in Biden, compared with 17 percent for Trump in 2020.”

“In conclusion, our party and our movement, we’re all united by the same shared American values, and by unyielding resolve to defend our beloved nation for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed. We take great pride in our country, and we teach the truth about our history. We celebrate our rich heritage and national traditions. We honor George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and all of our national heroes.”

Which party wants to keep the Confederate Statues and names of Confederate ‘heroes’ for our Military Bases in place?

The GOP wants to teach the ‘good news’ to make students more ‘patriotic’. Dinesh D’Souza and Candace Owens teaches an alternate history.

Analysis Finds Big Differences In School Textbooks In States With Differing Politics

What Students Learn About American History Varies By State

A great example?

GOP lawmaker in Tennessee: Three-Fifths Compromise was to end slavery

This displays an incredible ignorance of our history.

“And of course, we always respect our great American flag. We believe in patriotic education for our children, and we strongly oppose the radical indoctrination of America’s youth.”

We are committed to defending innocent life, and to proudly upholding the Judaea Christian values of our nation’s founders. We embrace free thought. We stand up to political correctness, and we reject the intolerance of left wing cancel culture.”

reject the intolerance of left wing cancel culture.

Really? Really?

“We believe in our Constitution and in law and order. We want law and order. We demand law and order. We don’t want people shot and killed in our cities. We totally respect and support the men and women of law enforcement. They will never be defunded. We are devoted to our communities. We are loyal to our fellow citizens, and above all, we live by the words of our national motto, in God we trust.”

Blue Lives Matter, unless they are Capital or DC Policemen

“And our country will soon stand proudly for free and strong and proper elections again. The election fraud of 2020 is the single most requested topic for me and others to talk about. Ahead of the border, even ahead of crime. Because think of what they’ve done. What they’ve done is so sad. Look what’s happened to our country in just a short number of months. Everyone here today and every conservative all across our land needs to decide right now that together we will save this country. We must decide that we will not stop. We will not rest until our American heritage of freedom, liberty, and justice is once again safe and once again secure.”

Donald Trump repeats the Big Lie because he knows that is the only way he can convince his base to stay with him, since he has failed to keep a single promise he has made to them.

David Limbaugh

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