Donald Trump

Dear GOP, Impeachment is NOT Lynching and there is NO DUE PROCESS in the US Constitution when it comes to Impeachment. STOP THE LIES

Want to get angry? Watch this House Republican fail to answer a simple question about Ukraine.

GOP Leader Has One Chart Showing Why Republicans Hate Democracy

In Praise of ‘Human Scum’

The GOP is in two camps now: 1) Never Trumpers (Me) and Quitters – SCUM and 2) Trump Apologists – NOT SCUM

‘It feels like a horror movie’: Republicans feel anxious and adrift defending Trump

Good People Don’t Defend A Bad Man

Fact-checking Republican complaints about the impeachment inquiry

2015: Dems blast House GOP subpoena rules change

In impeachment inquiry, Republican lawmakers ask questions about whistleblower, loyalty to Trump and conspiracy theories

The Republican Party Is as Guilty as Trump

John Boehner slams Republicans: ‘There is no Republican Party. There’s a Trump party’

Lynching in America

So you want to talk about lynching? Understand this first.

We have reached the “Middle Finger to the Face of the Nation” segment of our show.

Republicans Stormed Into The Impeachment Investigation’s Secure Room, And It Was Absolute Madness

GOP “Storming” of Secure Facility for Impeachment Proceedings: An Explainer

Here’s why the Matt Gaetz sit-in stunt was particularly weird

Trump approved GOP crashing impeachment testimony: Bloomberg

House Republicans May Have Committed Some Light Treason

Impeachment probe deposition under way following Republicans storming hearing room

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Seth Meyers Dismantles Sean Hannity’s ‘Dumb’ Trump Defense

Graham, critic of House Dem process, praised depositions in 1998 impeachment proceedings

Could Lindsey Graham be any more obsequious?

THE Question for @gop and America: IF an Investigation will CLEAR Donald J. Trump does it matter HOW the investigation is done?

The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson: A Timeline

Andrew Johnson Impeachment Timeline

The complete Watergate timeline (it took longer than you realize)

The Watergate Scandal: A Timeline

The Impeachment of President William Clinton: A Chronology

January 16, 1998
Kenneth Starr is authorized to investigate the Lewinsky matter. FBI agents seize Lewinsky in a food court and take her to a hotel room, where she is threatened by six Office of Independent Counsel prosecutors with federal charges (the prosecutors even suggest that they could charge her mother) unless she agreed to wear a body wire for conversations with Clinton, Currie, and Jordan. Prosecutors effectively prevent her from calling her lawyer, who still would have had time to stop the filing of her false affidavit in the Jones case. She is finally released at 12:23 am, after being held for 11 hours.

From an Anonymous Tip to an Impeachment: A Timeline of Key Moments in the Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal

Trump compares impeachment process to ‘a lynching’

Live updates: Taylor’s testimony on alleged Ukraine quid pro quo called ‘damning,’ as firestorm continues over Trump’s lynching tweet


Haywood County lynching recorded at Alabama museum; emotional visit by local pilgrimage

Lynchings:By State and Race,1882-1968 *

Our shame: The sins of our past laid bare for all to see

‘There will be lynchings’: How the Advertiser failed victims of racial terror

Lynching in America

Will Someone PLEASE give Donald Trump and the GOP a US HISTORY LESSON?

And NOT from TPUSA’s Candace Owens!

Or the Jacob Wohl of US History, Dinesh D’Souza!

“DUE PROCESS!” is a GOP Talking Point with no basis in LAW when it comes to impeachment.

Impeachment and the ‘Due Process’ Canard

The Bottom Line on the Impeachment Process

The Fraternal Order of Police’s attack on impeachment reads like it was written by Sean Hannity

GOP, the words “Due Process” DO NOT OCCUR in the US Constitution under Impeachment!

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5: Officers and Power of Impeachment

“The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.”

“Representatives choose their presiding officer, the Speaker, from among the membership of the majority party. Other elected officers, such as the chaplain, clerk of the House, sergeant at arms, and doorkeeper, are not members of the House. Impeachment is the power to remove federal officers. The House initiates the process by voting to impeach, which then refers the matter to the Senate for a trial.”

The words “Due Process” come from the 5th and 14th Amendment that DOES NOT APPLY TO IMPEACHMENT!

Article 1, Section 3

The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present.

Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law.

Senate Impeachment Rules. The GOP and Donald Trump seem to be confusing the House Impeachment (Charges, Articles of Impeachment) with a Senate TRIAL (Conviction State). No mention of “Due Process” or “Confront Witnesses” or “Remain Silent” or any “Amendment” i.e. Bill of Rights in either the House Impugning Stage or the Senate Conviction Stage. Impeachment is NOT a Criminal Trial.

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives


A Search for “Due Process” yields 0 results in both the House and Senates Impeachment Rules.

I explained all of this when I annotated “The Letter”:

David Limbaugh

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