2024 Election

Donald Trump’s 2024 Acceptance Speech Illustrates the Terrible Person, Pathological Liar and Threat to America He Truly Is – He Lied 54 times

Donald Trump Speaks at 2024 Republican National Convention

Lie #1 “This massive crowd of tens of thousands of people stood by and didn’t move an inch.”

NOT tens of thousands. The crowd was out in a field because Trump can’t afford to pay for indoor rallies. He still owes MILLIONS for past rallies.

Trump’s campaign still owes El Paso over $500K for 2019 rally, other cities also unpaid

Cities angry with Trump over millions in unpaid rally expenses

“Trump owes cities nearly $2 million from rallies dating back to 2016, and multiple mayors tell CTV News they were never reimbursed a dime.”

Lie #2 “In that spirit, the Democrat Party should immediately stop weaponizing the justice system and labeling their political opponent as an enemy of democracy, especially since that is not true. “

No one is ‘weaponizing’ the justice system. Trump’s conviction in New York was a case started in 2018. Indicted by local citizens of New York. Tried by local prosecutors. Convicted by a jury of his peers. He called Georgia looking for votes – we have the audio – and that is a local case. His hand-picked-incompetent Judge threw out his stealing of government documents case but it will be reinstated. He did cause a deadly riot on January 6th and that will come to trial. Trump is desperate to win so he can appoint an Attorney General that will close those two cases.

Lie #3 “In fact, I am the one saving democracy for the people of our country.”

This is a HUGE LIE! Trump, along with the Heritage Foundation and others have a goal of destroying our democracy. I have read all 922 pages of the Heritage 2025 Playbook and I am in the process of annotating it.

Lie #4 “Very big news, as you probably just read. On Monday, a major ruling was handed down from a highly respected federal judge in Florida, Aileen Cannon, finding that the prosecutor and the fake documents case against me were totally unconstitutional, and the entire case was thrown out of court, with all of that publicity thrown out of court. If Democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch hunts, which I have been going through for approximately eight years, and they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people, we’re going to win it anyway, but worthy of our people.”

These cases are NOT witch hunts and Trump knows if he loses this election he will be prosecuted and probably found guilty.

Lie #5 “And by the way, Wisconsin, we are spending over $250 million here creating jobs and other economic development all over the place.”

This would be Joe Biden’s bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (Trump had an Infrastructure Week that did nothing) and CHIPS Bill. Donald Trump was behind the FOXConn Scam of a Project.

Mistaken Name/Person/Title #1 “Thank you, Mr. Governor. Thank you very much. Thank you. I’m here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation to every citizen, whether you’re a young or old, man or woman, democrat, republican or independent, Black or white, Asian or Hispanic, I extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. Together we will lead America to new heights of greatness like the world has never seen before.”

Trump was addressing the PREVIOUS Governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers.

Fact check: Trump rewrites Wisconsin history in rally filled with false claims

Lies #6, #7, #8, #9 and #10 “We got credit for the war and defeating ISIS and so many things, the great economy, the biggest tax cuts ever, the biggest regulation cuts ever.”

#6 – Pompeo and Trump surrendered to the Taliban. Timeline of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan

#7 – Trump never defeated ISIS – one of 9 campaign promised he made and didn’t keep. ISIS still exists today. Their caliphate has been destroyed – the Kurds helped with that and then Trump stabbed them in the back! Ask FoxNews: ISIS threat rising in Syria, Iraq as US military warns terror attacks could double in 2024 July 17, 2024: US says ISIL trying ‘to reconstitute’ amid uptick in Syria, Iraq attacksIn the first six months of the year, the group has claimed 153 attacks in Syria and Iraq.

#8 – Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

#9 – Largest Tax Cut in History?

#10 – Trump essentially held the line on regulations

Lie #11: “Right to Try, Right to Try is a big deal. We got Right to Try. They were trying to get that for 52 years. Somebody’s terminally ill and hopefully there’s nobody in this audience, but it does happen a lot. They’re terminally ill and they can’t use our new space age drugs and other things that we are way ahead. We are the greatest doctors in the world, the greatest laboratories in the world, and you can’t do it. They’ve been trying to get that approved for 52 years. It wasn’t that easy. The insurance companies didn’t want to do it. They didn’t want the risk.”

Lie #12 “It’s a massive invasion at our southern border that has spread misery, crime, poverty, disease, and destruction to communities all across our land.”

Lie #13 “We will drill, baby, drill. Can you believe what they’re doing? But by doing that, we will lead a large scale decline in prices. Prices will start to come down. Energy raised it. They took our energy policies and destroyed them. Then they immediately went back to them.”

Ask FoxNews – Biden approves largest oil, gas lease sale in US history, steamrolls eco review with inflation bill

Biden granted more oil and gas drilling permits than Trump in his first 2 years in office

U.S. Shatters Oil Production Records in 2023

United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever

Lie #14 “We gave you the largest tax cut.”

Lie #15 “People don’t realize I brought taxes way down, way, way down, and yet we took in more revenues the following year than we did when the tax rate was much higher. Most people said, “How did you do that?””

He brought taxes way down for DONORS. He gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 Billion (with a B!).

The 2017 Trump Tax Law Was Skewed to the Rich, Expensive, and Failed to Deliver on Its Promises

  • Was skewed to the rich.
  • Was expensive and eroded the U.S. revenue base.
  • Failed to deliver promised economic benefits.

Trump ran up national debt twice as much as Biden: new analysis

Lies #15 and #16 “I will end the illegal immigration crisis by closing our border and finishing the wall, most of which I’ve already built. On the wall, we were dealing with a very difficult Congress and I said, “Oh, that’s okay. We won’t go to Congress.” I call it an invasion. We gave our military almost $800 billion.”

Lie #15 – Trump’s wall: How much has been built during his term?

“The Trump administration say they’ve completed more than 400 miles of border wall since then.

It’s 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021).

However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before – that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.

The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations.

President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it’s replacing what he called “old and worthless barriers.”””

Fact check: Trump administration has built more border wall than meme claims

“That figure seems to have grown a bit over the summer, too – on Aug. 7, the San Antonio Express-News reported that of the then-260 miles completed, a total of 5 miles were new.“

Lie #16 “We gave our military almost $800 billion.”

Trump took money AWAY from the military for his ‘wall’

Biden returns $2 billion in funds Trump had diverted from Pentagon to use for border wall

Appeals court: Trump wrongly diverted $2.5 billion in military construction funds for border wall

Pentagon says it will return border wall money, reviving hope for Fort Campbell middle school

He repeats lies #15 and #16 “I said, “I’m going to take a little of that money because this is an invasion.” And most of the wall is already built and we built it through using the funds because what’s better than that?”

Lie #17 “We have to stop the invasion into our country that’s killing hundreds of thousands of people a year.”

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime

Comparing crime rates between undocumented immigrants, legal immigrants, and native-born US citizens in Texas

Mollie Tibbetts’ death is being used to push debunked ideas about illegal immigration and violent crime

Debunking the Myth of the ‘Migrant Crime Wave’

“Data does not support claims that the United States is experiencing a surge in crime caused by immigrants.”

Lie #18 “Iran was broke. Iran had no money. Now Iran has $250 billion.”

Lie #19 “I told China and other countries, “If you buy from Iran, we will not let you do any business in this country and we will put tariffs on every product you do send in of 100% or more.” And they said to me, “Well, I think that’s about it.” They weren’t going to buy any oil and they were ready to make a deal. Iran was going to make a deal with us.

Lie #20 “And then we had that horrible, horrible result that will never let happen again. The election result, we’re never going to let that happen again. They use COVID to cheat. You’re never going to let it happen again”

Lie #21 “And they took off all the sanctions and they did everything possible for Iran. And now Iran is very close to having a nuclear weapon, which would’ve never happened. This is a shame what this administration, the damage that this administration has done.”

Trump Pulled Out of the Iran Deal. What Now?

Lie #22 “And I say it often, if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the United States, think of it, the 10 worst added them up, they will not have done the damage that Biden has done. Only going to use the term once. Biden. I’m not going to use the name anymore, just one time. The damage that he’s done to this country is unthinkable. It’s unthinkable.”

Biden has done more as POTUS since LBJ’s “Great Society”. Low-Price Insulin for the elderly. Infrastructure Bill. CHIPS Act. Record New Jobs. Record Oil Production. Record Stock Market. Better GDP Growth than Trump. Better Economy than Trump. Trump IS rated the worst president in US History!

In historians’ Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call

“The 2024 edition of the Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey has Biden in 14th place, just ahead of Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan. Trump comes in 45th, behind fellow impeachee Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan, the perennial cellar-dweller in such ratings due to his pre-Civil War leadership.”

Lies #23, #24 and #25 “Just a few short years ago, under my presidency, we had the most secure border and best economy in the history of our country, in the history of the world. We had the greatest economy in the history of the world.”

Trump wall: How much has he actually built?

Illegal crossings at U.S.-Mexico border fall to 3-year low, the lowest level under Biden

Lie #24 “best economy in the history of our country”

GDP Growth By President

Lie #25 “We had the greatest economy in the history of the world”

“In case you forgot. Two years ago today, we were experiencing the greatest economy in the history of the world.”

“No, Donald Trump didn’t lead ‘greatest economy in the history of the world’”


• Unemployment was near historical lows under President Donald Trump.

• However, growth in gross domestic product was well below what previous presidents achieved, and other metrics such as wages and business investment ranged from decent to mediocre”

Lie #26 “We had no inflation.”

Lie #27 “Soaring incomes were going… Nobody can believe it.”

Because it is a lie. Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees, Total Private (CES0500000003)

Lies #28. #29 and #30 “They’re taking out their money to live because of inflation. Inflation, remember it’s called a country buster. You can go back to Germany from a hundred years ago. You can go back to any country that suffered great inflation. We’ve suffered the worst inflation we’ve ever had. But go back and see what’s happened to those countries. We’ve had the worst inflation we’ve ever had under this person.”

Lie #28 – Germany

Lie #29 – “We’ve suffered the worst inflation we’ve ever had.”

1980 – 13.5%

Inflation, consumer prices for the United States (FPCPITOTLZGUSA)

Lie #30 “But go back and see what’s happened to those countries. We’ve had the worst inflation we’ve ever had under this person.”

Since COVID, other countries have had much high inflation rates than we have.

Inflation Rate – By Country

1 Argentina 272.0
2 Syria 140.0
3 Turkey 71.6
4 Palestine 54.0
5 Lebanon 51.6
6 Venezuela 51.4
7 Congo 46.8
8 Sierra Leone 35.8
9 Nigeria 34.2
10 Zimbabwe 33.6

101 Austria 3.0
102 Faroe Islands 3.0
103 Iraq 3.0
104 United States 3.0
105 Cyprus 2.9
106 Guinea Bissau 2.9
107 Israel 2.9
108 Botswana 2.8
109 East Timor 2.8
110 Japan 2.8

177 Thailand 0.6
178 Cambodia 0.5
179 Seychelles 0.4
180 Morocco 0.4
181 Azerbaijan 0.3
182 China 0.2
183 Costa Rica 0.0
184 Brunei -0.2
185 Comoros -2.0
186 Afghanistan -7.5

Lie #31 “Today, our cities are flooded with illegal aliens. Americans are being squeezed out of the labor force and their jobs are taken.”

Lie #32 “And by the way, who’s taking the jobs? The jobs that are created, 107% of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens. And you know who’s being hurt the most by millions of people pouring into our country?”

Have all new jobs gone to ‘illegal aliens’ under Biden?

CLAIM: “The jobs that are created [under Biden] – 107% of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens”

VERDICT: We can’t find any evidence for this figure and the data shows millions of new jobs have gone to US-born workers.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics produces figures for both US-born and foreign-born workers.

But it does not have a separate category for illegal immigrants and Mr Trump did not say where he got his figure from.

Since President Biden took office in January 2021, the number of US-born workers has increased by 7.8 million.

Over the same period, the number of foreign-born workers in the US rose by 5.5 million.

Lie #33 “The Black population and the Hispanic population because they’re taking the jobs from our Black population, our Hispanic population, and they’re also taking them from unions.”

Unemployment Rate – Black or African American (LNS14000006)

Unemployment Rate – Hispanic or Latino (LNS14000009)

Lie #34 “This week, the entire Republican Party has formally adopted an agenda for America’s renewal. And you saw that agenda and it’s very short compared to the long, boring, meaningless agendas of the past, including the Democrats. They write these things that are hundreds of pages long and they never read them after they’re done.”

The GOP in 2016 promised Term Limits, a Balanced Budget and End Corporate Welfare – (they gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 billion in 2017!) in their Platform.

Biden and Democrats kept their promises of an Infrastructure Bill. CHIPS Bill and lower insulin prices for seniors.

2016 GOP Platform (They didn’t bother writing one in 2020)

The 2024 GOP Platform?


Did you read the Republican Party’s 2024 platform? You should.

AGENDA is the word we need to FEAR!

Random Promise Trump has no plan to keep and gives no mention of how he is going to do it #1 (Remember Great Healthcare Plan in two weeks promises?)

“First, we must get economic relief to our citizens. Starting on day one, we will drive down prices and make America affordable again. We have to make it affordable. It’s not affordable. People can’t live like this.” HOW?

Lie #35 “Under this administration, our current administration, groceries are up 57%,

Lie #36 “gasoline is up 60 and 70%,

U.S. Regular All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

Lie #37 “mortgage rates have quadrupled.”

30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States (MORTGAGE30US)

Lie #38 “Republicans have a plan to bring down prices and bring them down very, very rapidly. By slashing energy costs, we will in turn reduce the cost of transportation, manufacturing, and all household goods. So much starts with energy. And remember, we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country by far. We are a nation that has the opportunity to make an absolute fortune with its energy. We have it and China doesn’t.”

We are already breaking records for oil and natural gas production. I showed you earlier how we produce more oil then any other country in the world. The real lie here is that the GOP has no plan to bring down prices.

U.S. Shatters Oil Production Records in 2023

  • “The U.S. produced over 4.49 billion barrels of crude oil in 2019, and this record has been exceeded in 2023.
  • The Energy Information Administration’s data indicates that the U.S. achieved this milestone around December 15, with a conservative estimate of 13.0 million barrels per day.
  • Alongside oil, the U.S. is also on track to set a new production record for natural gas this year.”

Lie #39 “Under the Trump administration, just three and a half years ago, we were energy independent”

FoxNews, GOP and others repeat this lie A LOT!

Oil and petroleum products explained

Lie #40 “You’re paying too much. We’re going to reduce your taxes still further.”

Lie #41 “They spent trillions of dollars on things having to do with the Green New Scam. It’s a scam. And that’s caused tremendous inflationary pressures in addition to the cost of energy”

How Much Will the ‘Green New Deal’ Cost?

Lie #42 “And I will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one, thereby saving the US auto industry from complete obliteration, which is happening right now, and saving US customers thousands and thousands of dollars per car.”

There is no Electric Vehicle Mandate

Lie #43 “Actually, probably the best trade deal was the deal I made with China where they buy $50 billion worth of our product. They were buying nothing. They buy $50 billion worth. They had to. But I don’t even talk about it because of COVID. I don’t even mention it, frankly, because of what happened with the China virus. We will not let countries come in, take our jobs, and plunder our nation. They plunder our nation. The way they will sell their product in America is to build it in America. Very simple. Build it in America and only in America.”

Lie #44 and repeat of lie #40 “We lost so many jobs over the years. If you go back 20, 25 years, they’ve stolen, going to China and Mexico, about 68% of our auto industry manufacturing jobs. We’re going to get them all back. We’re going to get them all back, every one of them. At the center of our plan for economic relief, our massive tax cuts for workers that include something else that stood out to be very popular, actually.”

Examples of Lie #41 – When I took office, “the auto industry was on its knees gasping its last breath.” Trump administration “tariffs and taxes saved the American auto industry from extinction.”

Broken Promises: How Trump Betrayed the Autoworkers of Youngstown, Ohio

“Trump made a pledge to the workers of the Lordstown plant that he could save their jobs and their city. Instead, the massive auto plant shuttered and 4,500 were left unemployed”

Lie #40 repeated

Lie #45 “And they come in and they take so much of our money, it’s just ridiculous. And they don’t believe anything we say. And they’ve just hired, as you know, 88,000 agents to go after them even more.””

I have a webpage on a lot of these lies – I have been adding some to the bottom but I really need to use one on this often-repeated lie.

Lie #46 “They make money, let them keep their money. I’m going to protect Social Security and Medicare. Democrats are going to destroy Social Security and Medicare because all of these people, by the millions, they’re coming in, they’re going to be on Social Security and Medicare and other things, and you’re not able to afford it.”

Authors of Project 2025:

Should the Social Security Retirement Age Be Raised? Yes


Lie #47 and a repeat of his Hannibal Lecter rants: “They’re coming from everywhere. They’re coming at levels that we’ve never seen before. It is an invasion indeed, and this administration does absolutely nothing to stop them. They’re coming from prisons, they’re coming from jails, they’re coming from mental institutions, and insane asylums. The press is always on me because I say this, has anyone seen Silence of the Lambs? The late great Hannibal Lecter, he’d love to have you for dinner. That’s insane asylums.”

Lie #48 “There in El Salvador murders are down by 70%. Why are they down? Now, he would have you convinced that because he’s trained murderers to be wonderful people. No, they’re down because they’re sending their murderers to the United States of America.”

In 2024, El Salvador’s Homicide Rate Is 0.33 per Day or 1.9 Homicides per Every 100,000 Inhabitants

They are NOT sending murderers here

Trump goes on to talk about some people murdered by immigrants. These are tragic but at the same time anecdotal stories because all evidence points out more US Citizens commit crimes and murder people far more than immigrants. They don’t want to tell you about all the deaths in their states. (See if you a pattern between red states and blue states)

Lie #49 “They were asking him at an interview, “The whole world is exploding. What’s happening? What’s going on?” Viktor Orbán, he’s prime minister of Hungary, a very tough man. He said, “I don’t want people coming into my country and blowing up our shopping centers and killing people.””

The NRA, GOP and Donald Trump have no issue with someone from this country going into a shopping center and killing them!


Lie #50 “It began to unravel with the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the worst humiliation in the history of our country.”

Trump and Pompeo Surrendered to the Taliban

Lie #51 “And we also left behind $85 billion worth of military equipment along with many American citizens were left behind.”

Lie #52 ” I don’t have wars. I had no wars other than ISIS, which I defeated but that was a war that was started. We had no wars.”

There were more military casualties under Trump than Biden

U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths by Year and Manner

Lie #53 “We will replenish our military and build an iron dome missile defense system to ensure that no enemy can strike our homeland. And this great iron dome will be built entirely in the USA.”

This will never happen. https://mapfight.xyz/compare/il-vs-us.states/#google_vignetteIsrael is 0.92 times as big as New Jersey (US)

This is akin to Reagan’s Star Wars that was never going to happen. I was right!

“Israel has an iron dome. They have a missile defense system. 342 missiles were shot into Israel and only one got through a little bit. It was badly wounded. It fell to the ground but most of them are. And Ronald Reagan wanted this many years ago, but we really didn’t have the technology many years ago. Remember they called it starship, spaceship, anything to mock him. But he was a very good president, very, very good. But now we have unbelievable technology. And why should other countries have this and we don’t? No, no. We’re going to build an iron dome over our country and we’re going to be sure that nothing can come and harm our people.”

Lie #54 “And we will restore and renovate our nation’s once great cities, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again. And that includes our nation’s capitol, which is a horrible killing field. So many things. They leave from Wisconsin. They go to look at the Washington Monument. They end up getting stabbed, killed or shot. We will be very soon very proud of our capitol, again, Washington, DC.”

Crime is DOWN under Biden “Violent crime is near a record 50-year low.” US stats show violent crime dramatically falling, so why is there a rising clash with perception?

Trump’s ‘remarkably dishonest acceptance speech’ at the RNC devolved into boring TV

The imaginary Trump ‘unity’ pivot was just another demand for fealty

“In the wake of the assassination attempt, the campaign insisted that Donald Trump would strike a new tone. He very much and very predictably did not.”

Fact check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims in RNC acceptance speech

“Former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination on Thursday with the most dishonest speech of the four-day Republican National Convention, making more than 20 false claims by CNN’s count.”

Fact-checking Trump’s speech accepting the GOP nomination

The former president made false claims on a variety of topics, from taxes to crime to foreign policy, in his address at the Republican National Convention.”

David Limbaugh

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