Tom Cotton’s Staggering, Shameful Hypocrisy Over Trump’s Arlington Debacle


“The Army had anticipated that this might be one of those rare instances where visitors needed to be explicitly informed of the proper code of conduct. Trump’s campaign had been told in advance that electioneering and other partisan political activity at Arlington was against federal law.

That law did not change because a Gold Star mother had invited Trump.

A cemetery official correctly surmised that the Trump crew intended to film scenes for political purposes. She moved to intervene and was “abruptly pushed aside,” the Army’s public affairs office said in a statement released Thursday. “Consistent with the decorum expected at [Arlington National Cemetery], this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption.”

A Trump spokesman crassly proposed that the official was “suffering a mental health episode.” Trump himself pleaded ignorance—even after the cemetery footage appeared on social media with his narration.”

Tulsi Gabbard blows off outrage of veterans’ families over Trump’s Arlington photo-op

SUBJECT: Media Policy for Army National Military Cemeteries

What happened at Arlington National Cemetery? And did Trump’s campaign break the law?

“Federal law and Pentagon policies do not allow political activities in Section 60 of the cemetery, which is considered hallowed ground. An official was abruptly shoved aside, the U.S. Army said. And videos were taken by Donald Trump’s campaign and used in ads.”

Trump’s Arlington Cemetery event was in ‘flagrant violation’ of law: officials

How The Hell Was Trump Allowed To Use Arlington National Cemetery As A Campaign Prop?

The Trump Arlington National Cemetery controversy, explained

Army Says Arlington National Cemetery Employee Being ‘Unfairly Attacked’ by Trump Campaign

What are the rules for filming at Arlington National Cemetery?

Yes, but: There are more strict guidelines — mandated in part by federal law — for members of the media or commercial or political filming.

  • “Filming or photographing will not be permitted if it conveys the impression that cemetery officials or any visitor or family member is endorsing any product, service or organization,” an official media policy memo reads.
  • It continues, “Additionally, ANC will not authorize any filming for partisan, political or fundraising purposes,” citing the Hatch Act, which governs how federal employees can weigh in on political activities.
  • The memo specifically cites 32 CFR 553, which states, among other guidelines, that “Memorial services and ceremonies at Army National Military Cemeteries will not include partisan political activities.””

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