Donald Trump

How To Win An Argument With MAGA – Other Countries

“Some liberals seem to think it’s a big deal if people in other countries get mad at President Trump.”

I am not a liberal. Looking forward to see the GOP lies here.

“Look, Donald Trump wasn’t elected President of the World. He was elected President of the United States and so that’s what he cares about. He’s on a mission to protect America’s interests and assets, and the facts show he’s doing exactly that.”

“Because of President Trump’s leadership, NATO members are expected to add more than $130 billion in defense spending by the end of 2020. When looking at the effects of this increase over time, the NATO Secretary General said, “This is unprecedented progress and it is making NATO stronger.” I’d say that’s a pretty ringing endorsement by someone who knows a lot more about the world stage than your liberal friends.”

FactChecking Trump’s NATO Remarks

False NATO Repeats

Trump falsely said that the amount other NATO member countries spent on defense “was really heading in the wrong direction — three years ago was heading down.” Before Trump took office, NATO Europe and Canada had increased defense spending in 2015 and 2016.

He also claimed that “a lot” of countries are “delinquent” in their payments. But countries make their own decisions on what percentage of their gross domestic product to spend on their own defense. They don’t owe NATO money if they spend less than other countries choose to do.”

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s misstatements at NATO summit

Fact check: Trump makes at least 21 false claims at NATO meetings

“Justin Trudeau and European leaders can laugh if they want to, but thanks to President Trump’s leadership, Europe and Canada had the LARGEST defense spending increase in a quarter century from 2016 to 2018.”

Trump keeps criticizing NATO allies over spending. Here’s how NATO’s budget actually works.

“Trump has taken credit for changes in NATO that began under Obama

Trump has also at times conflated the US government’s contributions to NATO’s direct budget with the 2% goal, which is misleading. During a press conference in late July 2018, Trump claimed the US is “shouldering anywhere from 70 to 90% of the cost of NATO.” This statement misleadingly characterizes direct and indirect spending from NATO member states as the same thing.”

“The NATO Secretary General specifically thanked President Trump, saying to him:

“Let me thank you for the leadership you show on the issue of
defense spending because it is very important that we all contribute more to
our shared security, and it is really having an impact because, as you said,
allies are now spending more on defense… All allies are increasing their
defense budgets.”

NATO Is Agreeing Not to Agree in the Age of Trump

“The hope that Trump’s behavior and words in 2017 were a fluke, perhaps the product of inexperience, were laid to rest at his second NATO summit, last year: He arrived late, insulted other members, canceled meetings and threatened to leave the alliance if members didn’t rush to increase defense spending. “

Trump has made us the laughing stock of the world!

How the world views the U.S. and its president in 9 charts

What The World Thinks Of Trump

“So you can make it clear to your liberal friends, other nations are starting to pay their fair share, and it’s because of President Trump.”

President Trump Says NATO Allies Owe the U.S. Money. He’s Wrong

No Mention of North Korea?

No Mention Stabbing the Kurds in the Back?

No Mention of Putin? (All Roads Lead to Putin!)
David Limbaugh

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