Donald Trump

I respect your right to be wrong Carol Swain, but you are WRONG!

American leaders are ignoring the issues that are fueling racial hatred and violence | Opinion

A combination of social isolation, identity politics and political correctness run amok spurred the tragedies, not Donald Trump or white nationalism.

A combination of rising Nativism, Hate Politics and Bigotry run amok has spurred tragedies, FUELED by Donald Trump and White Nationalism.

Study our History

How the Trail of American White Supremacy Led to El Paso

Exhibit 1

El Paso Shooting Suspect’s Manifesto Echoes Trump’s Language

Exhibit 2

Pipe-bomber Cesar Sayoc’s lawyers named Trump in their defense. They won’t be the only ones.

Exhibit 3

A man assaulted a boy for ‘disrespecting’ the national anthem. His lawyer says Trump told him to do it.

Exhibit 4

‘No Blame’? ABC News finds 17 cases invoking ‘Trump’ in connection with violence, threats or alleged assaults

Exhibit 5

Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes

Passing new gun control laws and labeling President Trump a white nationalist who inspires acts of terrorism are a waste of time.

100 Round Magazine

I respectfully disagree

They will not address the root causes of the anger and disaffection that fueled recent acts of violence against racial, political and religious minorities.

Calling out the hate will help. Calling out the bigotry will help. “Both Sides” is NOT the answer! On Friday night in Charlottesville there was only ONE side:

Tweets about “Infestation” “Invasion” “Invaders” don’t help!


Someone in Trump’s circle is deleting some of his tweets for some reason?

Retweeting a BIGOT is NOT the answer!

Here’s the British bigot who Trump retweets

Here’s the British bigot who Trump retweets


Laughing at “Shoot Them!” Does NOT Help!

This issue is far more complicated than our leaders have grasped.

Sadly, it isn’t. It is just raw, unadulterated hate.

Have you been to a Trump rally? I have.

NOT Family Oriented!

This is evidenced by the reckless accusations and misguided approaches many of them have made while sowing seeds of division. It is our leaders and their inability to lead that places our nation at its greatest risk, and we’re not just talking Donald Trump here.

Only One Man tweets ugly tweets. Only one man retweeted a tweet from someone with “White Genocide” as their twitter account.

Donald Trump retweets ‘White Genocide’ Twitter user

Ask yourself, when we had far more apprehensions at the border in 2000, suddenly we have a “National Emergency”

And Yes, they ARE Concentration Camps!

Because Trump Has to make sure donors to the campaign and inauguration, GEO Group and Core Civic, and now John Kelly, make money.

There was never going to be a wall! Trump won the electoral college by a small margin in a few states on three camps, Bigots (WALL!), Evangelicals (SCOTUS) and people Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clintoned out.

How Trump won the presidency with razor-thin margins in swing states

So this is ALL Donald Trump!

Both political parties ignored the most important issues

In 2002, my book “The New White Nationalism in America: Its Challenge to Integration” was published by Cambridge Press. In it, I warned of unprecedented levels of racial and ethnic violence that awaited us because of the convergence of certain issues that would create a perfect storm for racial unrest.

I have not read your book. I did read this summer.

I grew up in Alabama in the 1960s, I am very familiar with racism and bigotry. I Hate Hate!

You predicted this in 2002?

The Day Citizens United v FEC decision was announced Keith Olbermann Nailed It – EVERY Prediction, all the way to Net Neutrality, has come true.

The Koch Brothers, ALEC and others WANT US to talk about HATE, Bigotry, Abortion and Gun Control instead of massive GOP Tax cut and other issues.

2016 GOP Platform

$29 Billion with a B to Berkshire-Hathaway in 2017 (More than their 2016 earnings!)

These issues, largely ignored by clueless mainstream politicians of both parties, included liberal immigration policies that were rapidly changing the nation’s demographic makeup; reduced job opportunities for low-skilled, low-wage workers because of structural changes in the economy; anger over racial and ethnic preferences; and (indisputably) high black-on-white violent crime rates.

reduced job opportunities for low-skilled, low-wage workers because of structural changes in the economy; ” Wow! Echoing Bad Data here! Let me guess, reading bad info put out by FAIR, CIS and Numbers USA?

FAIR’s “Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration” Study Is Fatally Flawed

What? ” (indisputably) high black-on-white violent crime rates.” It is DISPUTABLE!

The HIGH Part 5 facts about crime in the U.S

The Black-on-White Part Race and Homicide in America, by the Numbers

The number of black people killed by whites – a demographic in the FBI report that includes those of Hispanic descent – surged by nearly a quarter in 2015 from the year before, as the number of whites killed by blacks jumped 12 percent. Together, such interracial killings increased about 13 percent from 2014.

The picture, however, is hugely complicated – though that hasn’t mattered at a time when the topic of race and crime has played an outsized role in national politics.

Violent crime overall remained near 30-year lows last year, even as Americans’ concern about crime hit a 15-year high in March, and 7 in 10 Americans last year said crime was rising. Unrest ignited by fatal police shootings in Charlotte, North Carolina; Cleveland; and Ferguson, Missouri, have fueled fears that the Bronx could soon be burning. Yet rebutting Black Lives Matter is the common refrain: “What about black-on-black crime?”

Homicides have been on the rise since the start of 2015, but that increase has largely been driven by street violence in Chicago, Baltimore and the nation’s capital. Still, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has effectively played on Americans’ perception of crime – itself buttressed by daily crime coverage in the news – declaring that blacks were responsible for 81 percent of the killings of white Americans, that “African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they’ve ever been in before,” and that “inner-city crime is reaching record levels.

All three claims earned “Pants on Fire” ratings from PolitiFact.

Trump’s Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims

The more I read your op-ed, the gladder I get you didn’t win the election for Mayor on Nashville. Next summer I plan on reading your book, because I am curious to see what primary sources you used. Your research skills seem lacking?

Trump Words Linked to More Hate Crime? Some Experts Think So

Contributing factors included the rapid growth of the internet (a big factor allowing like-minded people to find each other) and radical-movement literature written to inspire acts of violence.

I became friends with the other David Limbaugh when email was ‘invented’ in the mid-80s.

Before the internet, the KKK managed to meet and do harm. The ‘Growth of Internet’ – In the early 1980s, white supremacist groups were early adopters (and masters) of the internet I can speak on this subject,

Most surprising was how the language and rhetoric of multiculturalism and identity politics furnished the intellectual underpinnings for young whites to think in terms of white identity and white consciousness.  

This is a fancy passage to say this:

Why Are So Many Mass Shootings Committed by Young White Men?

One Answer – HATE!

Salient to these young whites was the perceived unfairness of racial double standards that permeated campus life, where constant reminders of their privilege were hammered into them.  In such an environment, white anger and grievance have grown.

You DO Realize MOST of the ones being ugly never SIT FOOT ON A COLLEGE CAMPUS! Hammered into them? I graduated from MTSU 6 years ago and not a single professor hammered anything into me. You are reaching now!

Political correctness run amok, and for what ultimate worthy purpose? America’s failure and reluctance to reform immigration – accompanied by the intolerance and marginalization of anyone who demands enforcement of the laws – creates a situation where some Americans are poised to strike out against perceived enemies.

I saw this paragraph coming a mile away. The “political correctness run amok” argument. Calling someone out as bigot for not making a cake for a gay couple today is no different than calling out a lunch counter owner in 1960s Nashville for not serving a black customer. Civil Rights is CIVIL rights. Bigotry is Bigotry. Calling out Bigotry is …. Calling Out Bigotry.

White Americans face a new reality that generates fear and anxiety. Echoes of this can be seen in the El Paso shooter’s manifesto.  

I was wondering when you were going to go with the Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson “there goes the neighborhood!” argument. I grew up hearing people say “Well, there goes the neighborhood!”

Laura Ingraham: America as we know it doesn’t exist anymore due to ‘demographic changes’

Watch: Tucker Carlson rails against America’s demographic changes

Princeton economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton have documented rising mortality rates among whites and  early deaths of whites from preventable causes such as drug abuse, alcoholism, and suicide. Deaths of despair is the language Case and Deaton adopted. Despair comes from a sense of hopelessness.

U.S. Life Expectancy Drops for Third Year in a Row, Reflecting Rising Drug Overdoses, Suicides

Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress


America doesn’t care about its kids. The evidence is all around us.

The GOP has ONE goal in life. Profit for DONORS.

This video may anger some

The mainstream media and leftist politicians are focused on white supremacists and white nationalism. It is an obsession, yet a ploy. Meanwhile, they ignore acts of violence committed by racial minorities, so nothing is done to solve or even acknowledge the problem.

The more I read your op-ed the more I shake my heads. Who are you talking about, ANTIFA? A bunch of idiots? Antifa <> DNC ; Trump = Hate = GOP. POP Quiz – What is the ratio of killings and wounded by White Supremacist vs killings and wounded by Antifia. Most Domestic Terrorism Arrests Tied to White Supremacy: FBI Director

FBI – Confronting White Supremacy

For some reason Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz Wants Antifa Investigated by the FBI There is NO FBI – Confronting Antifa page?

FBI Director Christopher Wray told Cruz the agency is “absolutely concerned about violence committed on behalf of any ideology.” But “the key there,” said Wray, is that “the FBI doesn’t investigate ideology, we investigate violent criminal activity.” 

Wray continued, essentially telling Cruz that you can’t just criminally investigate anyone associated with an ideological movement because a few proponents of that ideology have done bad things. The FBI definitely “considers Antifa more of an ideology than an organization,” Wray said. 

Democrats in Washington exploit tragedies and engage in name-calling, without addressing the core problems that have nurtured racial hatred and mistrust not confined to one group of Americans.

How did you type this with a straight face? Trump’s PINNED Tweet – He Turned his visits to Dayton and EL Paso into a GOP Commercial!

I am NO Democrat. I am 59 years old, voting since I was 18, and have never voted in Democratic Primary.

I drove 1,700 miles to El Paso to say HI! and make a donation.

Someone else drove 700 miles to kill the people I said HI to!

Hospitalized victims of El Paso mass shooting refused to meet with President Trump

‘We were safe until he started talking’: El Paso residents respond to President Trump

If our leaders want to improve conditions in America, then they must begin to listen to the voices of the people and not use the suffering of any one group – and that includes working-class whites – as a means to score political points.

You realize we had every issue you have brought up for years? The difference? TRUMP. We made it 8 years with people attacking Obama and his wife with racist comments and birtherism. He stayed above the fray and did his job.

If we want to end violence and create a great society, we must give each other permission to speak.

Both sides are doing a lot of speaking. Some out hate, some out of the hate of hate. I am part of the latter.

Matthew 25:31-46
David Limbaugh

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