2024 Election

Just a darn great tweet!

What are you even talking about? You take us for fools? Trump’s rant is nothing more than desperate fearmongering, packed with wild exaggerations and blatant 💯 falsehoods. Let’s dismantle this nonsense piece by piece:

First, the claim that prices will get “100 times worse” if Kamala Harris becomes President is absurd and completely unsupported by any credible economic analysis. It’s a baseless scare tactic meant to incite panic, not reality.”

“Next, the accusation that Harris will implement “Soviet Style Price Controls” is not only misleading but also ridiculous. Harris has never proposed anything even remotely resembling Soviet-era economic policies. Her focus is on progressive reforms that address inequality, not draconian government control.”

Gouging out the truth

“It’s unclear how Rampell arrived at this interpretation of Harris’ proposal, which she indicated was limited to companies that “exploit crises” or market power. This is also how existing price gouging laws work in 37 states. Such laws have not turned Ohio, which has a broad anti-gouging statute, into a communist enclave with prices set by the government. “

“As for the assertion that she’ll abolish private healthcare, this is a flat-out lie. Harris has supported expanding public healthcare options, but she’s also made it clear that private insurance will still have a role. Suggesting otherwise is a deliberate attempt to distort her platform.”

“Then there’s the ludicrous claim that every American will be taxed up to 80% of their income under her leadership. This is pure fantasy. California’s tax policies do not impose such rates, and Harris has no plan to do so at the federal level. Trump is throwing around numbers to scare voters without a shred of truth.”

“Finally, the slogan “more CASH and less TAX” is nothing but an empty promise from a convicted felon who lied to us over 30,000 times in 4 years. The reality is that Trump’s tax policies have disproportionately favored the wealthy, leaving ordinary Americans behind. Don’t be fooled by his hollow rhetoric.”

“Furthermore, On TIPS:

Kamala Harris’s plan to eliminate taxes on tips is a far superior strategy compared to Trump’s proposal, and here’s why:

Trump’s Proposal: A Loophole for the Wealthy
Trump’s plan is riddled with flaws that can be exploited by the rich. It opens the door for high-income earners like hedge fund managers and lawyers to game the system, reclassifying their income as “tips” to dodge taxes. This isn’t just a minor oversight, it’s a massive loophole that undermines the very purpose of the tax system. Trump’s approach fails to protect against this manipulation, making it a potential goldmine for the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

Harris’s Plan: A Shield for Low-Income Workers
Kamala Harris, on the other hand, understands the need for safeguards. Her proposal includes strict income limitations to ensure that only those who genuinely rely on tips benefit from the tax break. She’s not just eliminating taxes on tips, she’s doing it responsibly, ensuring that payroll taxes, which fund Social Security and Medicare, remain intact. This is crucial for the financial stability of low- to middle-income workers.

Trump’s Plan Ignores the Bigger Picture
Trump’s proposal is narrow and shortsighted. It offers a tax break to those who already earn tips, leaving out millions of other low-income workers who don’t receive tips. This selective benefit fails to address the broader issue of income inequality, further entrenching the divide between the haves and have-nots. Moreover, the potential $107 billion revenue loss over ten years is a fiscal disaster waiting to happen, driving the federal budget deeper into deficit.

Harris Tackles Wage Issues Head-On
Harris doesn’t just stop at tax relief. She couples her plan with a push to raise the federal minimum wage, a direct and powerful move to tackle the problem of low wages in the service industry. This is more than a tax policy; it’s a comprehensive strategy to uplift workers.

The Bottom Line
Kamala Harris’s proposal is not only more thoughtful but also more equitable. It ensures that tax relief truly benefits those who need it most, without creating loopholes for the wealthy to exploit. In contrast, Trump’s plan is a dangerous and reckless giveaway to the rich, threatening to widen income inequality and blow a hole in the federal budget. Harris’s approach stands out as the only responsible choice for a fair and just economic policy. #NoTaxOnTips”

“Your attempt to rewrite history by glossing over the previous administration’s catastrophic failures is not just audacious, it’s desperate. Let’s set the record straight. You want us to forget 2020, but the damage is indelible. Trump inherited a thriving economy from Obama, only to see it collapse spectacularly under his own watch when the real test came. Here are the cold, hard facts:

The economy shrank by 3.4% in 2020, the steepest decline since 1947.

Unemployment skyrocketed from a 50-year low of 3.5% in February to 14.7% by April 2020, thanks to the pandemic Trump utterly mishandled.

By the time Trump was done, the U.S. had lost 2.9 million jobs. The first president since Hoover to leave office with fewer jobs than when he started—pathetic.

Public federal debt ballooned from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion on his watch.”

“On the pandemic, Trump’s negligence was deadly:

He dragged his feet on mobilizing essential supplies for healthcare workers, causing dangerous shortages.

He trivialized the virus, comparing it to the flu, and insisted it would just disappear.

His campaign rallies, devoid of safety measures, became breeding grounds for the virus.

While Americans suffered, Trump was busy golfing, displaying the epitome of crisis mismanagement.”

“Small businesses, the backbone of our economy, were left in ruins:

The CARES Act’s Paycheck Protection Program, though intended to help, was botched in its implementation, leaving the most vulnerable without the aid they needed. Even Marjorie Taylor Greene pocketed $183,504 in PPP loans—completely forgiven, no less.”

Many closed permanently, unable to survive the pandemic’s economic toll.”

“The transition to the Biden administration was sabotaged:

Biden inherited a nation battered by health crises, economic disaster, and political division, and yet the Republicans want you to forget who put us in that position.

Trump’s refusal to concede the election on time crippled the formal transition process, including crucial pandemic briefings.

The January 6 Capitol insurrection, incited by Trump, threatened national security and delayed the certification of the Electoral College results.”

“And let’s not forget Trump’s blunders with the Taliban:

He released their leader and 5,000 soldiers while reducing U.S. troops to a mere 2,500, without any coherent exit plan for May 2021. This reckless move forced Biden to either recommit to an endless war or withdraw under dire conditions, a trap, and a gift to Putin.

He sidelined the Afghan government, which the U.S. had invested billions in, to negotiate directly with the Taliban.”

“Republicans hope you’re too distracted to remember the sheer incompetence of a president who was indicted four times, impeached twice, and served just one term. But we won’t let that happen. Integrity, truth, and justice must dominate our discourse—not lies and distortions. We see through the deception, and we won’t be fooled.”

“Joe Biden, on the other hand, has turned this mess around. His presidency is defined by significant achievements and a relentless effort to heal the wounds left by Trump’s failures:

Inflation Recovery: Biden’s policies have also steered the U.S. to a faster recovery from global inflation compared to other nations, underscoring the effectiveness of his economic strategies.

Economic Recovery: Biden’s policies have delivered 15 million jobs, the most of any president in three years. This is no small feat, given the economic wreckage he inherited.

Infrastructure Investment: Biden achieved what his predecessors couldn’t, passing a monumental infrastructure bill that will modernize the nation and improve American lives.

Climate Action: Biden has made the largest investment in combating climate change in U.S. history, showing global leadership where Trump abdicated.

Healthcare and Veterans: His administration has lowered drug prices and significantly improved veterans’ care, addressing long-standing issues neglected by Trump.

Gun Safety Law: Biden accomplished what hadn’t been done in 30 years by enacting major gun safety legislation, tackling an issue Trump and the Republicans ignored.”

Economic Indicators: The U.S. under Biden has enjoyed the longest period of sub-4% unemployment in 50 years, a booming stock market, and rising consumer confidence.”

“Despite relentless obstruction by Republicans, Biden’s administration has made significant strides. Their opposition isn’t just about stopping Biden, it’s about causing pain for Americans in the hope of scoring political points. But the facts speak for themselves: Biden’s leadership is pulling the nation out of the depths Trump left it in.

This is a moment for strength and resilience, not a return to the chaos and incompetence of the past. The Biden administration’s achievements are a testament to a government working tirelessly for the American people. The contrast couldn’t be clearer: progress and recovery under Biden, or regression and division under Republicans. The choice is stark, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

In short, Trump’s statement is a desperate attempt to mislead and frighten voters with outright lies. The facts don’t back him up, and it’s time to see through his smoke and mirrors.”


David Limbaugh

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