I was a Republican from 1978 until the day John Kasich dropped out on May 4, 2016 – Mitt Romney reminds me of what my GOP used to be. Principled. Pre-Democracy!

May 7, 2023 5 tags

Romney blasts Trump’s Stone commutation: ‘Historic corruption’ Mitt Romney calls Trump’s IG firings ‘a threat to accountable democracy’ Why the GOP may lose everything Republicans grow nervous about losing the

The GOP and the BIG LIE

April 16, 2023 6 tags

“2,000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza was all lies The final repudiation of ‘2000 Mules’ “This is not the first time that True the Vote has been caught flat-footed. Officials in

GOP, The Party of Rage and Ignorance

April 9, 2023 2 tags

ADL Finds 1,100 People Donated to Both Canada Freedom Convoy and Jan. 6 Demonstration “For the second time since February 13, an unknown hacker leaked information from GiveSendGo, a Christian-oriented

If only Ron DeSantis and other GOP members worried about guns as much as they worried about books?

March 30, 2023 3 tags

Sad! Federal Lawsuit Challenges Prattville Library Policies This is BAD! What It Means That Florida Will Allow Conservative PragerU Content in Schools “How To Be a Rational Patriot” “How To

Child Labor Laws – History seems to be repeating itself

March 12, 2023 3 tags

Republicans push for teenagers as young as 14 to work in restaurants, industrial jobs “NASHVILLE, Tenn. – In the past two years, lawmakers in at least 11 states have sought

Gun Laws Work

March 11, 2023 0 tags

Covenant School shooting updates: 3 children, 3 adults dead after woman opens fire in Nashville The Science Is Clear: Gun Control Saves Lives “By enacting simple laws that make guns