Whew. Hakeem Jeffries took the GOP to school from A to Z. Literally.

January 7, 2023 2 tags

It was a great speech! Hakeem Jeffries Tells New Congress That Democrats Will Put ‘Maturity Over Mar-a-Lago’ in Rousing Speech as GOP Sits Quietly “House Democrats will always put American

5:41 pm Eastern Time, Friday, January 31, 2020 – The Day the GOP Officially Died as a Party of Principles and Ethics

January 7, 2023 5 tags

Sad, February 3rd, 2022 – GOP Confirms its Demise as a Political Party: “ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse” This Thread is a Great Example THE PROSECUTION OF PRESIDENT

Trump removes all doubt that the GOP now endorses QANON

December 30, 2022 1 tag

Trump Shared QAnon Oath Meme, Ignored Constitution Day “The QAnon folks celebrated Trump’s affirmation of their conspiracy cult” Must-Watch TV: A Q family: Sad: What’s So Twisted About the QAnon

The Federalist Releases Their “Mein Kampf” – SAD!

October 22, 2022 3 tags

The Federalist Tweeted: A Screen Capture just in case they come to their senses and delete this tweet and incredibly terrible screed: I felt the need to annotate. Someone else

Social Security and Medicare are NOT Entitlements. I have been paying in to them since 1976.

October 18, 2022 3 tags

Work Til You Drop: FACT SHEET: Congressional Republicans’ Many Proposals to Cut Social Security and Medicare, and Increase Prescription Drug Prices and Health Care Premiums “During his Tampa visit, the President

Moore v Harper was almost the final nail in the coffin to our Democracy

October 16, 2022 4 tags

“over dissent from Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch.” Huge @gop donors and Ginni Thomas told Thomas and Alito how to vote? Hey @CREWcrew – looked into Gorsuch’s