It Takes More to Run For President than just be 35, Natural Born Citizen and Resident for 14 years

July 28, 2019 1 tag

Please register to Vote!               VOTE.ORG Getting on the ballot is hard “Qualifications for presidential candidates have remained the same since the year Washington accepted

My Response to Senator Lamar Alexander on Betsy DeVos’s Confirmation to the U.S. Department of Education Secretary

July 25, 2019 2 tags

The Real Origins of the Religious Right “They’ll tell you it was abortion. Sorry, the historical record’s clear: It was segregation.” This SCOTUS Decision is HUGE! “The Supreme Court’s fourth

Media Interviews

July 25, 2019 2 tags

2016 Campaign My first media interview for the campaign (The Murfreesboro Daily News Journal) David Limbaugh wants your presidential vote WSMV TV Channel 4 interviews me: Write-in presidential candidate: ‘You

Year One in the White House

July 25, 2019 1 tag

First Priority is REPAIR EVERYTHING Donald Trump Destroyed! In an amazing development, the Limbaugh-Looper-2020 Campaign pulled out a close win in the Electoral College using a strategy from youtube,  The Trouble with

Eminent Domain and Civil Forfeiture – The Government Buying Your Property (For Sale or Not) OR Just Taking It

July 25, 2019 2 tags

​​”Amendment V No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising

North Korea is NEVER going to make an Agreement with Donald Trump

July 25, 2019 2 tags

North Korea has ‘probably’ developed nuclear devices to fit ballistic missiles, U.N. report says North Korea has launched at least three unidentified projectiles No. 2 US general says North Korea