NO Private Prisons (For Americans or Immigrants)

June 21, 2019 8 tags

Private prisons were supposed to thrive under Trump — then came a backlash Congress’ black and Hispanic caucuses must stop supporting private prisons Why For-Profit Prisons House More Inmates Of

Amazon will pay $0 in taxes on $11,200,000,000 in profit for 2018

June 20, 2019 1 tag

The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax Warren Buffett? In 2017 the GOP and Donald Trump gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 Billion (with a

Cleaning Up the Federal Government

June 20, 2019 1 tag

A government for the PEOPLE, not the DONORS We will do what is RIGHT, not what Donors WANT us to do. No Draining The Swamp, just Ethics and

The US budget deficit skyrocketed to a record $207.8 billion in May

June 20, 2019 3 tags

The US budget deficit skyrocketed to a record $207.8 billion in May Deficit

Theme Song

June 20, 2019 3 tags

Our 2016 Theme song: Change The World – Eric Clapton 2020 Theme Song – I replied to the Freddy Mercury twitter account asking for permission and haven’t received a reply.


June 19, 2019 1 tag

Did the Emptying of Mental Hospitals Contribute to Homelessness? “After patients were released from mental hospitals, there wasn’t always a place for them to go. On this week’s episode, we