Climate Change

Senator Ron Johnson’s and others’ idiotic Climate Change Argument to make Big Oil donors happy

Manchin Staffers Cash In With Big Oil

“The West Virginia senator’s longtime press aide’s move to ExxonMobil is the latest in a long line of revolving-door spinners.”

“ExxonMobil’s hired guns and even Manchin himself have not been discreet about their mutual admiration for one another over the years. In an interview conducted by undercover climate activists, one of Exxon’s lobbyists bragged about meeting with Manchin’s office on a weekly basis. He referred to Manchin as a “kingmaker” and top ally for sabotaging unfavorable climate legislation.”

Oil and gas industry spent $124.4 million on federal lobbying amid record profits in 2022

Koch Industries, the country’s second-largest privately held company, alone spent about $11.3 million, more than any other oil and gas company. Half a dozen other fossil fuel corporations — including Occidental PetroleumConocoPhillipsExxon Mobil and Chevron Corp — spent another $44.3 million on lobbying.  

In addition to being among the industry’s top lobbying spenders, Occidental Petroleum, Chevron and Exxon Mobil were also among the top emitters of methane and other greenhouse gasses in the U.S. in 2022,according to a Ceres and Clean Air Task Force report.”

Oil & Gas Summary

These 1,600 are NOT Climatology Scientists!

Former UW Prof Among 1,600 Scientists To Declare Climate Change Not Emergency

“What do a Nobel laureate, a retired University of Wyoming engineering professor and a geologist have in common?”

They are NOT Climatologists


“the science that deals with climates and their phenomena”

Our first ‘scientist’?

“Kevin Kilty, who is a retired adjunct professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Wyoming, told Cowboy State Daily that when it comes to measurements of weather extremes, the observations don’t show any trends outside natural weather variability.”

For 30 years during my Hall of Fame career I worked with mechanical engineers. Hospitals, stadiums, airports, prisons, retail and hospitality design and automotive, aircraft and space design. NOT Climatology.

What Is Mechanical Engineering?

“Technically, mechanical engineering is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques of engineering from design to manufacturing to the marketplace for any object. Mechanical engineers analyze their work using the principles of motion, energy, and force—ensuring that designs function safely, efficiently, and reliably, all at a competitive cost.”


“This includes solving today’s problems and creating future solutions in health care, energy, transportation, world hunger, space exploration, climate change, and more.”

Our next ‘scientist’?

“Greg Wrightstone, a geologist and executive director of the CO2 Coalition, told Cowboy State Daily that the idea of a scientific consensus is inherently problematic. 

“Science and scientific matters aren’t determined by a show of hands,” he said. “

Says a man signing a petition as a show of hands….

Many of those who signed the declaration are members of the CO2 Coalition. Wrightstone said the organization doesn’t dispute that rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have a warming effect. They just dispute that the warming trend is primarily driven by greenhouse gasses and that this warming trend is without benefits. “

Geologists work FOR oil companies.

US Geological Survey

C02 Coalition is a Pro-Big-Oil astro-turf group sponsored by the Mercer Family Foundation and others.

The CO2 Coalition

“The CO2 Coalition is a right-of-center advocacy organization that educates policy makers and the general public about the importance of carbon dioxide to our lives and the U.S. economy.”

Scientist Number 3?

“Nobel Laureate Dr. John Clauser, a physicist who signed onto the declaration, told Cowboy State Daily that the warming trend is strongly influenced by natural occurrences.”

A physicist is NOT a climatologist.

GOP Sen. Ron Johnson Parrots Misinformation That ‘Windmills Are Killing the Whales’

Offshore wind isn’t killing whales. Big oil and gas just want you to think it is. | Opinion

“The declaration is the work of Climate Intelligence, also known as CLINTEL, an independent foundation that was founded in 2019.”

“The organization first released the declaration in 2022 with more than 1,100 signatories. It was released again this week with the list growing to 1,609.”

I wonder who the other 1,606 are? Looking for a list, do you see one? I can’t find one?

Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL)

“The Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) is a Netherlands-based1 climate science denial group founded in 2019 by retired professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and journalist Marcel Crok.2 Its principal view is that “there is no climate emergency.”3

During my 30-year career all of the major oil companies around the world were my customers, from Shell in the Netherlands to CFP and TOTAL in France to BP in England to Exxon here in the US. They hire geophysicists. A geophysicist is NOT a climatologist. So far NO SCIENTIST Ron Johnson.

According to Dutch broadcaster KRO-NCRV Pointer, the 800 “scientists, scholars, and professionals” that support CLINTEL have “conducted little to no climate research.”4 DeSmog analysis has found that the list of signatories includes a commercial fisherman, a retired chemist, a cardiologist, and an air-conditioning engineer, alongside a number of retired geologists.5

Years ago Jon Stewart made a great video that explains this idiocy

Ron Johnson and others grandkids’ kids are going to ask “Why did Papa choose Big Oil over me?”

David Limbaugh

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