Donald Trump

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, please impeach Donald Trump

Thank You Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in the House – I am NO Democrat but appreciate you holding Donald Trump accountable!

We can close this page now because we have….

Democrats expected to unveil articles of impeachment against Trump, focusing on abuse of power, obstruction of Congress

Trump hits point of no return as Democrats ready impeachment articles

Trump Is Obstructing Justice. And It’s Working.

The Eight Counts of Impeachment That Trump Deserves

The End of the Rule of Law: The 12 Impeachable Offenses Committed By Trump

Democrats should impeach Trump for his forgotten felonies, too

PLEASE Include Them!

Democrats split on whether to include Mueller obstruction in articles of impeachment

Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment

Trump just assured his own impeachment

More than 500 law professors say Trump committed ‘impeachable conduct’

Watch full video of Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment statement

Thank You!

CNN town hall with Nancy Pelosi

Impeachment fact-check: Military funding did not get to Ukraine, shredding Trump defense

Memo to Democrats: Don’t get skittish about articles of impeachment

Democrat Report: It’s Obvious—and Impeachable—That Trump Extorted Ukraine

The Most Ridiculous Ways the GOP Tried to Defend Trump in Its Impeachment Report

Impeachment inquiry witness calls Trump’s actions ‘worse than the misconduct of any prior president’

5 key takeaways from House report on Trump impeachment

GOP senator says he doesn’t remember signing 2016 letter urging ‘reform’ of Ukraine prosecutor’s office

If Trump has a substantive defense, he should send advisers to testify


Neal Katyal on the case for impeaching Trump

Republican counsel misquotes former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal

Democrats quietly debate expanding impeachment articles beyond Ukraine

Democrats Ready Impeachment Report as Republicans Argue Trump Did Nothing Wrong

Trump retreats on impeachment: won’t send lawyer to hearing after complaining lawyer wasn’t included

White House will not participate in Judiciary Committee hearing

AP Fact Check: Trump’s Ukraine defense collides with facts

Witness testimony and records raise questions about account of Trump’s ‘no quid pro quo’ call

Gordon Sondland Leaves Us With No Other Option

Not much for Trump to be thankful for in latest impeachment news

Why Testimony From Don McGahn Would Doom Trump

There Was Also a Cover-Up

Trump’s whistleblower briefing is a knock on his impeachment defense

Trump Knew of Whistle-Blower Complaint When He Released Aid to Ukraine

New revelations put Trump on shakier ground

What did Trump know and when did he know it?

The Antideficiency Act: A Primer

5 surprises from the impeachment inquiry: A sign of what’s to come at Trump’s Senate trial

Trump contradicts testimony — and himself — by claiming he never directed Giuliani on Ukraine

Trump Claims Rudy Giuliani Was Acting Alone, Despite Massive Evidence

No, the new CNN poll is not good news for Donald Trump on impeachment

Women are the biggest supporters of impeachment and want Trump removed by an 18-point margin

Far more women than men want to see Trump impeached

Net support for impeachment grew steadily during U.S. congressional hearings, poll shows

How Trump Survives

‘Criminal and Impeachable’: Legal Experts Shred OMB Decision to Withhold Aid on Day of July 25 Call

White House budget office formally held Ukraine aid on same day as Trump-Zelenskiy call

Democrats Announce Next Round of Impeachment Hearings

Dems move rapidly on impeachment with first Judiciary Committee hearing

Trump and counsel invited to take part in upcoming impeachment hearings

Democrats eye multiple articles of impeachment as some push to go beyond Ukraine scandal

Federal judge says former White House counsel Don McGahn must speak to House

White House review turns up emails showing extensive effort to justify Trump’s decision to block Ukraine military aid

Mystery grows over Lebanon aid hold-up as impeachment looms

There are Tapes! Videos!

House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas

The Awful Truth About Impeachment

The 58 most bananas lines from Donald Trump’s Friday ‘Fox & Friends’ interview

The Impeachment Inquiry Is About More Than Donald Trump — It’s About Who We Are as Americans

Trump’s Crime Against America

2 weeks of impeachment hearings, 30 hours of testimony, 12 witnesses: What we learned

Everything we learned from the Trump impeachment hearings

The Impeachment Hearings Didn’t Hear From the Seven Most Important Witnesses

No Conflict of Interest Here? Right?

Trump opens up Camp David as an ‘adult playground’ to woo GOP lawmakers during impeachment

White House officials, GOP senators meet to discuss potential two-week Senate trial

The president is going to be impeached: AP reporter

In rollicking 53-minute conversation, Trump embraces conspiracies, spreads falsehoods and insults opponents

Bribery Is Right There in the Constitution

The public impeachment hearings were a total GOP disaster

Fiona Hill shreds the Republicans’ false narrative about Ukraine

Fiona Hill and Her Unapologetic Anger Is What We All Need Right Now

‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This.’ These Are the Biggest Moments of Fiona Hill and David Holmes’ Impeachment Testimony

The GOP’s impeachment questions repeatedly backfired on Thursday

The Two Most Important Sentences of the Impeachment Hearings

‘Easy come, easy go’: Sondland embraces his role in impeachment history with nonchalance


Key takeaways from the impeachment hearings on day 4 of public testimony

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974

In Gordon Sondland, Trump has met his match

Avlon: Sondland’s testimony killed Trump’s main defense

Why Trump’s line on Gordon Sondland is literally unbelievable

Pentagon official reveals Ukrainians asked about stalled aid as early as July

Donald Trump’s No-Quid-Pro-Quo Defense Is Crushed. The GOP Didn’t Get the Memo.

Read Trump’s very large, very strange Sharpie notes on impeachment

Witnesses take a toll on Trump’s impeachment defenses

Trump Takes Aim at His Own White House Aides

This was WRONG:

White House attacks Lt. Col. Vindman as he testifies against Trump

Majority of Americans support ousting Trump from office, new poll shows


What you need to know about the Trump impeachment hearings: A quid pro quo and Trump’s defense

It is SO SAD how we have a POTUS that can not trust HIMSELF to testify in Person!

Live updates: Trump says he will ‘strongly consider’ providing written testimony; McConnell ‘can’t imagine’ president being removed from office


New revelations demolish yet another desperate GOP defense of Trump

Gordon Sondland Stepped In ‘and Things Went Really Off the Rails’

The impeachment hearings are a battle between oligarchy and democracy

Shame on Us for Getting Used to Trump

Pelosi: I ‘look forward to seeing’ evidence clearing Trump

Democrats invite Trump to testify in impeachment inquiry

Bolton and Trump Met Privately Over Withheld Aid, White House Official Testified

Nunes and Kent tell us everything we need to know about impeachment

The devastating day Trump’s presidency came into sharp focus — in Congress, the White House and in court

‘There were some lies’: Fact-checking the GOP’s impeachment hearing response

Impeachment: Trump abuses power by harassing, intimidating witnesses like Yovanovitch

This Is How Trump’s Gangster Government Works


Fact check: A list of 45 ways Trump has been dishonest about Ukraine and impeachment

What “Corruption” Means in the Impeachment Hearings

7 reporters recount a historic week in impeachment

Pence aide said Trump’s Ukraine phone call was ‘unusual and inappropriate’

Trump labels top Pence aide a ‘Never Trumper’

Trump’s impeachment ire turns on Pompeo amid diplomats’ starring roles

Senior national security official feared leaks of Trump’s call to Ukrainian leader could be damaging

David Holmes’ Closed-Door Testimony Confirms What We Knew About Donald Trump and Gordon Sondland

READ: State Department aide David Holmes’ opening statement

How a bad-faith attack on Schiff made its way from Twitter to Trump’s lips

READ: Testimony Of Tim Morrison, Former Russia Director For National Security Council

All the President’s Fools Couldn’t Put Trump’s ‘Perfect Call’ Together Again

In Trump’s Jaded Capital, Marie Yovanovitch’s Uncynical Outrage

Ousted ambassador, amid cheers and a tweet, has her say

In impeachment hearings, Donald Trump is the one blocking firsthand witnesses

Donald Trump, Corruption Fighter?

Roger Stone’s conviction, and Trump’s ugly response, further demonstrate the president’s corruption

Trump Is Writing His Own Articles of Impeachment

‘Witness Intimidation’: Trump Slimes Ambassador During Impeachment Hearing

‘Witness intimidation in real-time’: Democrats see more evidence of Trump obstruction

Live updates: Trump denies witness tampering; State official says president asked about ‘investigation’ into Bidens

State department aide overheard Trump checking on Ukraine scheme

Trump Is Surrounded

Top Democrats privately concede major shift in public opinion on impeachment is unlikely

Next up in impeachment hearings: A parade of key witnesses

Pelosi Points to Possible Bribery Charge Against Trump

Career White House budget official expected to break ranks, testify in impeachment inquiry

AP source: Second US official in Kyiv heard Trump call

Two New Staffers Destroy Trump’s ‘Hearsay’ Defense

What Went Down On Day 1 Of The Impeachment Hearings

As public impeachment hearings open, the surprise was that there was a surprise: Analysis

George Kent, top State Department Ukraine expert, helps Democrats debunk GOP theories

On Capitol Hill, Old-School Washington Keeps Circus at Bay

The Evidence of Wrongdoing by Trump Is Overwhelming

6 moments in the first day of impeachment hearings

How America Ends

Trump’s mood between ‘relishing fight and seething with anger’ ahead of impeachment inquiry

Trump rages about impeachment on Twitter, but he has Republicans to blame for the rules

A Who’s Who of Ukraine Witnesses


The case against Trump in seven words

Impeachment Hearing FAQ: Who Will Testify And How The Questioning Will Work

In private speech, Bolton suggests some of Trump’s foreign policy decisions are guided by personal interest

What Roger Stone’s trial revealed about Donald Trump and WikiLeaks

Rep. Adam Schiff: Trump’s Potentially Impeachable Offenses Include Bribery

Mulvaney’s ‘incomprehensible’ legal maneuvering angers many

‘Alarm bells’: What Cooper, Croft and Anderson told impeachment investigators

House Democrats circulate memo rebutting GOP impeachment defense

Trump impeachment inquiry: Who testified before Congress and what they said

Trump impeachment tracker: Following all the action in Congress

Trump impeachment inquiry: a timeline of key events so far

Impeachment: how Trump’s hardball tactics put the constitution in peril

Rick Perry is up to his neck in the Ukraine scandal

Why All of Trump’s Defenses Against Impeachment Are Doomed to Fail

Pentagon official testifies that she was told Ukrainians were alarmed by stalled aid

An epic ‘Meet the Press’ rant unmasks the real goal of Trump’s lies

Republican: You Can’t Impeach Trump for a Crime He Does ‘All the Time’

Distinguished persons of the week: American patriots

Trump issues warning to Republicans as impeachment inquiry about to go public

National Sec Adviser: Top Impeachment Probe Witness Will Be Removed From WH Council

Trump aides fear John Bolton’s secret notes

The scope of Trump’s corruption is mind-boggling. New developments show how.

The Looming Constitutional Crisis

We read all 2,677 pages of impeachment inquiry testimony released to date. Here’s what’s clear.

Republicans admit they have no fact witnesses — and Trump did it

Trump fundraising for GOP senators ahead of possible impeachment trial

Even the officials who tried to do Trump’s dirty work knew it was wrong

Trump, Ukraine And The Path To The Impeachment Inquiry: A Timeline

How Democrats are prepping for make-or-break public impeachment testimony

“Republicans have also demanded testimony from the whistle-blower who revealed the existence of Mr. Trump’s July call with Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, and several foreign policy officials, like Kurt D. Volker, the former American special envoy to Ukraine, who they believe could paint Mr. Trump’s actions in a more favorable light.”

The whistleblower complaint, annotated

The Whistleblower Complaint Has Largely Been Corroborated. Here’s How.

What is sad is how the GOP wants to subpoena the whistleblower and yet have no problems with people ignoring subpoenas.

Impeachment inquiry no-shows in double digits

Mulvaney tries to join a lawsuit fighting House subpoena power

Republicans attempt to move impeachment inquiry away from Trump

Alexander Vindman and Fiona Hill testimony transcripts released – live updates

There’s nothing that should stop John Bolton from testifying

Top White House official told Congress ‘there was no doubt’ Trump sought quid pro quo with Ukrainians

Key Impeachment Witnesses Finger Mulvaney In the Quid Pro Quo

Oversight Dem says ‘quid pro quo’ term might obscure Dems’ case against Trump

Trump tried hard to win Ukraine Biden probes, officials say

Is Trump Already Winning on Impeachment?

Trump wanted Barr to hold news conference saying the president broke no laws in call with Ukrainian leader

Top diplomat in Ukraine Bill Taylor directly ties Trump to quid pro quo

The Trump chaos theory for how to beat impeachment

‘Defense dollars for dirt’: Rep. Swalwell explains the Democratic strategy as the impeachment inquiry goes public

Trump makes falsehoods central to impeachment defense as incriminating evidence mounts

Pelosi Sets High Bar for Impeachment Inquiry: Ironclad Proof

‘Insidious’: New impeachment probe testimony backs up quid pro quo allegations

Sondland’s careful effort to shield Trump — and himself — from culpability in the Ukraine scandal

In other words, I lied under oath but I don’t want to go to prison from Trump so I remember better now,

More transcript drama: A diplomat suddenly remembers the quid pro quo

Live updates: Graham won’t read newly released transcripts; White House plays down importance of Volker, Sondland testimony

‘Extremely unfortunate’: Why officials like Kurt Volker seemed to find Trump’s Ukraine policy so troubling

Schiff: Trump betrayed America. Soon the public will hear from patriots who defended it.

Inside Adam Schiff’s Impeachment Game Plan

Lynch: Democrats are building a case for impeachment by releasing testimony in a certain order

Trump’s False Impeachment Defenses Are Easily Dismantled

Amid impeachment drive, the pro-Trump search for dirt on Ukraine and the Bidens goes on

Trump’s impeachment inbox

Trump’s Reverse Cover-Up


Whistleblower Offers To Field Written Questions About Call Trump Says Was ‘Perfecto’

Isn’t that what Trump did with Mueller?

Trump at rally says impeachment an ‘attack on democracy itself’

5 reporters break down the week in impeachment

Members of Trump’s Own White House Joined The Resistance This Week

Trump team can raise objections under new impeachment rules

White House official who heard Trump’s call with Ukraine leader testified that he was told to keep quiet

Impeachment is going public. Republicans will find it harder to hide.

Ezra Klein on historic impeachment vote

As Impeachment Inquiry Moves Into Open Phase, Here’s What To Expect Next

Top NSC Russia official confirms key testimony linking Trump to quid pro quo

“He’s No Mr. Nice Guy”: Impeachment Comes for Trump

Live Blog / Trump impeachment: House passes resolution on inquiry rules, public hearings

Running Covert Propaganda Against Americans Is Illegal. Trump Tried It Anyway.


Trump lures GOP senators on impeachment with cold cash

Alexander Vindman should be celebrated, not smeared

Another key witness confirms Trump quid pro quo on Ukraine

Tim Morrison just confirmed the quid pro quo. That’s the big story here.

The impeachment inquiry vote came down to the politics of party, not elections

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Proof of Trump’s impeachable offenses plain to see

What’s in the House Resolution on Impeachment?

Trump and the problem of ‘minoritarian populism’

In US, dual loyalty allegations against Jewish NSC staffer spark widespread ire

Vindman testified he was convinced Ukraine aid became part of Trump’s demand for Biden investigations

NSC official’s testimony appears to contradict Rick Perry Ukraine claims

Conflicts between Sondland, other witnesses in impeachment probe raise questions

Testimony: Nunes acolyte misrepresented himself to Trump as Ukraine expert

White House lawyer moved transcript of Trump call to classified server after Ukraine adviser raised alarms

W O W !!!

Opening Statement of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander S. Vindman

‘Extremely disturbing’: Top Democrats alarmed over Vindman’s testimony on Trump-Ukraine call

Vindman’s Trump-Ukraine moment was dark, but also inspired gratitude and hope

Firsthand account of Trump’s Ukraine call puts GOP in bind, emboldens Democrats

How does GOP support Trump after this?

Impeachment Does Not ‘Overturn’ an Election

Nevermind! Sad GOP! Sad!

Trump allies are now accusing an impeachment witness — and Purple Heart recipient — of disloyalty

Since they realized insulting an army officer isn’t a good look, Republicans are changing their impeachment strategy

Does the GOP realize they are creating a legacy for what used to be my party?

A timeline of key events in the Trump-Ukraine story

Democrats moving toward next phase of impeachment inquiry with key vote

Shouting match erupts in Vindman deposition as Democrats accuse Republicans of trying to out whistleblower

Keep the Whistle-Blower Safe and Anonymous

We represent the whistleblower. Their identity is no longer relevant.

Overwhelming Confirmation of Whistleblower Complaint: An Annotation

Political courage in the Age of Trump

The Dark Heart Of The Impeachment Investigation Is A Powerful Oligarch — With Close Ties To Vladimir Putin

POLITICO Playbook: What the booing of Trump says about his presidency

Who’s involved in the Trump
impeachment inquiry

NSC official plans to testify in impeachment probe even if White House tries to block him

Sondland Told House Panels Trump’s Ukraine Pressure Was Quid Pro Quo

Impeachment hearings depict a quid pro quo that evolved over time

GOP worries it’s losing impeachment fight

Donald Trump Has a Big Problem in the Senate

Trump should be very worried about Senate Republicans

Trump dismisses need for impeachment team: ‘I’m the team’

Trump frustrated as White House effort to defy impeachment inquiry fails to halt witness testimony, advisers say

Trump’s communications with world leaders prove he only cares about himself, not the country

On “Human Scum” and Trump in the Danger Zone

I’m Proud to Be Called Human Scum

White House Press Secretary: Those ‘Against’ Trump Deserve to Be Called ‘Human Scum’

Bill Taylor testimony ‘reverberating’ among House Republicans, GOP sources say

Seth Meyers Dismantles Sean Hannity’s ‘Dumb’ Trump Defense

Fmr. Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly says he warned Trump about impeachment

Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds

Senate GOP to Trump: You’re Not Helping Yourself by Attacking Us

OP-ED: Why Constitutional Conservatives Should Support the Impeachment Inquiry

Surprise: Democrats are actually mounting an effective impeachment inquiry

White House trade adviser declines to say whether investigating Bidens was mentioned during China trade talks

In court hearing, Trump lawyer argues a sitting president would be immune from prosecution even if he were to shoot someone

Democrats set December impeachment target, but obstacles abound

Ukrainian leader felt Trump pressure before taking office

Opinion: Faced with the most damning impeachment testimony yet, Republicans go into full clown mode

House Democrats look to take impeachment probe public as soon as mid-November

What the House Dems’ ‘abuse of power’ argument means

Support for Trump impeachment rises as 59% say he pursued personal interests in Ukraine, poll finds

New Evidence Hints at Another Justice Department Coverup

Top diplomat tells lawmakers Ukraine aid was directly tied to investigations

Bill Taylor spent years fighting corruption in Ukraine. His last four months under Trump were the ‘antithesis’ of that.

The smoking gun has already been revealed

Here’s the quid pro quo proof, Lindsey Graham

New testimony undercuts Trump’s claim of no quid pro quo on Ukraine. How will Washington respond?

Live updates: Taylor’s testimony on alleged Ukraine quid pro quo called ‘damning,’ as firestorm continues over Trump’s lynching tweet

U.S. envoy says he was told release of Ukraine aid was contingent on public declaration to investigate Bidens, 2016 election

US’ top diplomat Taylor was told Trump wanted aid withheld until Ukraine said it would investigate Biden

‘Ultimately Alarming Circumstances’: Read Acting Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor’s Full Opening Statement to Congressional Investigators

Opening statement of Ambassador William B. Taylor

Pelosi releases ‘fact sheet’ saying Trump has ‘betrayed his oath of office’

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?

Trump’s Constitutional Crisis


‘Phony.’ Donald Trump mocks ’emoluments’ clause of U.S. Constitution that bans foreign gifts

Trump’s Cabinet meetings have become about everything but the business of his Cabinet

Trump said the emoluments clause is ‘phony.’ But it’s part of the US Constitution.

The Oath of Office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Live updates: House rejects GOP resolution to censure Schiff for how he has handled the impeachment inquiry of Trump and the Mueller probe

Opinions | Why we should impeach and remove President Trump

Impeachment is too important to leave to Congress — it’s going to take mass mobilization

Donald Trump calls for public identification of Ukraine whistleblower

Trump White House celebrates 1,000th day with stunning corruption admission

Morning Bits: Not even Republicans can defend him

Among the Witches, Inside the Republicans’ bunker.

Nothing Will Persuade White Evangelicals to Support Impeachment

The B(dirty word)t You Have to Believe to Be a Republican in 2019

Forget Donald Trump, Republicans. Save the GOP for the sake of your party’s future.

Live Blog / Trump impeachment inquiry: Live updates and the latest news

Live updates: Trump advisers and DOJ enraged by Mulvaney remarks; Pelosi puts no timetable on impeachment inquiry

Trump’s Dallas rally showed how untethered from reality his impeachment pushback is

Trump embarks on Twitter spree amid impeachment inquiry, Syria outrage

Trump is spinning out of control. We must stop pretending otherwise.

Column: Trump to Congress: Impeach me!

Speaker Pelosi, YOU have to impeach Trump for one specific reason. Create a permanent record of the votes for future generations. We need a primary source of who stood where once all of the facts on and impact of Trump are known.

Watch Senate Republicans. They might reach the point of no return.

Growing number of Republicans struggle to defend Trump on G-7 choice, Ukraine and Syria

Donald Trump Just Won the Conflict-of-Interest Olympics


Democrats call Trump’s Doral G-7 pick ‘outrageous’ — GOP senator says it shows ‘tremendous integrity’

‘Get Over It’

Sorry, Mick Mulvaney. I can’t ‘get over it.’

Trump Blinked!

Trump reverses course and says his Florida resort won’t be used for G7 summit


Will cowardice be part of today’s GOP legacy?


GOP congressman who was open to impeachment calls it quits

Congressional Retirement Tracker 2020: House Republicans Head for the Exits

List of U.S. Congress incumbents who are not running for re-election in 2020

The 2020 Congressional-Retirement Tracker

GOP IS Going with Cowardice!

Dear Republicans, Is This the Idol to Whom You Have Sold Your Souls?

Trump Is Making Life Very Hard for His Allies

Schiff’s ‘Parody’ and Trump’s Response

The new GOP strategy: Don’t believe the president

If Republicans stay loyal to Trump, they’ll be implicated in the moral decay of our politics

Chief of Staff admits Ukraine aid was withheld, undercutting Trump’s denials of a quid pro quo

Mulvaney Says Holdup of Ukraine Aid Was Tied to Trump’s Demand for DNC Server

Impeachment preps underway amid Ukraine quid pro quo admission

JUST IN: Mulvaney Walks Back His Admission of Quid Pro Quo Between Trump and Ukraine

Forget Trump’s “Meltdown”—Follow the Testimony

“I have worked hard to solve your problems”

Trump-Erdogan Call Led to Lengthy Quest to Avoid Halkbank Trial

Not That Hard!

Turkish Bank Charged in Manhattan Federal Court for Its Participation in a Multibillion-Dollar Iranian Sanctions Evasion Scheme

The Nancy Pelosi photo is a Rorschach test for an America cleaved into two

Mounting frustration inside White House over Hill depositions

Trump melts down when he can’t control the news

Trump’s Erratic Moves Hamper the White House’s Impeachment Defense

U.S. foreign policy is for sale. Who else is buying?


Trump impeachment: Esper indicates Pentagon will co-operate with inquiry

Impeachment takeaways: Another week of big developments

The Memo: Drip, drip of revelations damages Trump

Read: The most important documents related to the Trump impeachment inquiry

President Trump’s anger becomes a rallying cry

Trump’s Attempt to Stonewall Impeachment Is Collapsing — Fast

Cracks emerge in White House strategy as witness testifies

‘Fear’: Trump insiders defying stonewall in impeachment probe

Trump’s envoy to testify that ‘no quid pro quo’ came from Trump

Anatomy of the phone call now imperiling Trump’s presidency

Trump impeachment inquiry: A visual timeline

Trump, Ukraine And The Path To The Impeachment Inquiry: A Timeline

Raw, angry, uncensored: Welcome to Trump’s impeachment-era campaign

Impeachment has put Trump in a different place. He’s showing it every day.

Take a deep breath and learn about the latest breaking news in the impeachment inquiry

Barr met privately with Murdoch amid impeachment scrutiny: report

Who’s the Secret Russian in the Indictment of Giuliani’s Pals? We Found Some Clues

Pompeo feels frustrated and victimized amid impeachment controversy

OUR own WSMV Nancy Amons with Pompeo:

A local reporter grilled Mike Pompeo about Ukraine. He accused her of working for the DNC.

October 11, 2019:


Trump loses appeal to stop House subpoena of his tax documents

17 former Watergate prosecutors say Trump should be impeached

We investigated the Watergate scandal. We believe Trump should be impeached.

The Senate is likelier to remove Trump after impeachment than you think

Trump predicts senators will quash impeachment. His allies aren’t so sure.

What’s the Endgame for Impeachment?

How 2 arrested Giuliani associates are connected to Trump impeachment inquiry

Giuliani dealings with associates scrutinized as part of investigation

Indicted Giuliani associate attended private ‘16 election night party for ‘friend’ Trump

Frank Figliuzzi: Rudy Giuliani just threw Trump under the bus

Giuliani pressed Trump to eject Muslim cleric from U.S., a top priority of Turkish president, former officials say

Meet the Soviet-born businessmen tangled in Trump’s impeachment inquiry. They live in Florida.

Trump asked Tillerson to help broker deal to end U.S. prosecution of Turkish trader represented by Giuliani

I’ve long opposed impeaching Trump. That’s different now.


Senators: If you read that article Trump sent you, you should read this, too

George Conway and other prominent conservatives call for ‘expeditious’ impeachment probe

New Statement from Checks and Balances on President Trump’s Abuse of Office

Impeaching Trump may be unlikely — but it’s far from impossible

The ‘I’m rubber, you’re glue’ presidency: Trump turns to schoolyard taunts in impeachment battle

Trump’s presidency was rotten from the start. It’s time we cleanse the White House.

Fox News Poll: Record support for Trump impeachment

The latest on the Trump impeachment inquiry

Live updates: Trump calls for ending impeachment inquiry; Hoyer says the president ‘betrayed our nation’

Read the whistleblower’s memo about Trump’s Ukraine call, as described to CBS News


‘Cannot be expected to participate in’ impeachment inquiry: White House to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Live updates: White House says it will not cooperate with House impeachment inquiry; Democrats to subpoena State Dept. official

Five facts that blow up the latest White House defense of Trump



Adam Schiff: State Department Is Keeping Sondland’s Ukraine-Related Texts and Emails From Congress

‘Disruptive diplomat’ Gordon Sondland, a key figure in Trump impeachment furor, long coveted ambassadorship

(I have a letter to reply to – Madison and Montesquieu are not happy!) I wrote my reply:

Why We Must Impeach

The spiraling president adds self-impeachment to his repertoire

How the House could impeach Trump for obstructing its probe

Impeachment probe goes beyond Ukraine to lying and obstruction of justice, House lawyer says

58 percent support House impeachment inquiry: poll

Poll: Majority of Americans say they endorse opening of House impeachment inquiry of Trump

Three Great Questions!

1) Why did Senior US diplomats believe that US military aid was being withheld as a tool to pressure Ukraine to announce an investigation into the Bidens and into attempts to undermine the Mueller investigation?

2) Can this @whitehouse name another instance, just one, in which @realDonaldTrump
personally pushed a foreign leader to investigate an American citizen who was NOT one of his political opponents?

3) Would you think it entirely appropriate for a Democratic president to use the power of his or her office to demand foreign governments conduct investigations into Republicans and their families?

Polls begin to signal rising impeachment threat to Trump

The timeline of Trump’s call with Zelensky just got a bit more complicated

The talking points Republicans are using to defend Trump are at odds with reality

This week’s impeachment inquiry developments

Trump lawyer reveals impeachment defense in fiery MSNBC interview

Scoop: Trump’s private concerns of an impeachment legacy

Republicans who back an impeachment inquiry can save the country — and the GOP

Republican response tracker: GOP mostly silent on Trump’s call to investigate Biden

Joe Biden Won’t Be the Last Target

White House aides try disappearing act amid impeachment talk

Trump adviser says China provided information about Hunter Biden

Ohio GOP Sen. Rob Portman: Trump wrong to seek help from Ukraine, China

Trump adviser gives conflicting accounts on whether Chinese offered information about Hunter Biden

How Democrats should impeach Trump: A searing constitutional duty, a plan from 2 realists

Is this the start of GOP Exodus from Trump?

The Memo: Bad polls for Trump shake GOP

Here are the Republican Senators to watch on impeachment

Probably Not 🙁

House subpoenas defense secretary, Trump budget chief for Ukraine documents

Power Up: Trump calls for Pelosi’s impeachment as Week Three of the House inquiry begins

Analysis: Trump’s old ways colliding with new realities

Impeachment tentacles spread throughout Trump’s team

‘Out on a limb’: Inside the Republican reckoning over Trump’s possible impeachment

New twists put Republicans on spot in impeachment saga

Despite ‘stable genius’ boast, Trump unravels under pressure

Republicans should be ashamed of their silence on Trump’s call for China to go after Biden

The GOP’s choice: Betray Trump or betray the country?

Hey, Republicans. Support for impeachment is climbing — and fast.

GOP unlikely to reprise role it played in Nixon’s 1974 exit

McConnell vows to block Trump impeachment in fundraising pitch

In campaign ad, Mitch McConnell says impeachment will fail ‘with me as majority leader’

‘This is what we do’: Trump official Mike Pompeo suggest pressuring foreign leaders to investigate political rivals is normal

Senior Pompeo aide steps down amid impeachment inquiry


Lindsey Graham Says He’ll Out Whistleblowers If Trump Is Impeached

Grassley Op-ed: We need whistleblowers for good government

Federal Employee Whistleblowers — Whistleblower Protection Act

Endangering One Person puts everyone they ever came in contact with, friend and foe, in Danger!

Not every hero dies in uniform

Whistleblower wrote memo after learning of Ukraine call, saying WH official called it ‘crazy,’ ‘frightening

Mounting evidence buttresses the facts laid out in whistleblower complaint

Trump criticizes supposed second whistleblower

Trump has no right to confront the whistleblower who triggered an impeachment inquiry

Trump Orders Cut to National Security Staff After Whistle-Blower

FEC chairwoman confirms accepting ‘opposition research’ from foreign national is illegal

The Only Issue Left Is Trump’s ‘Absolute Right’ to Solicit Collusion

House Democrats seek Ukraine documents from Pence

Pence refuses House request to provide documents related to Ukraine call

Trump appears to throw Pence under the bus in legal filing

Pence, Pompeo and Barr deserve to be impeached, too


Trump’s calls with foreign leaders have long worried aides, leaving some ‘genuinely horrified’

Trump’s impeachment polling is historically unprecedented

POLITICO Playbook: The smoking texts

How to impeach a president

Trump has turned U.S. foreign policy into a subsidiary of his reelection campaign

Trump’s corruption is black and white

Even Trump’s own aides know how corrupt he is

Ukrainegate Is Impeachable. But So Is Putting Kids in Cages

Chris Hayes on Trump’s desperate attempts to obscure his corrupt abuse of power

Trump lashes out at Mitt Romney and the press as impeachment inquiry intensifies

Trump lashes out as GOP senators speak out against him

Sorry Trump, a US Senator can NOT be impeached:

Get ready for a spectacular display of Trump’s corruption

House Democrats subpoena White House for Ukraine documents, escalating impeachment probe


Trump’s Senate red wall

Republicans Call For A Kavanaugh-Like Strategy In Whistleblower Fight

After Trump’s comments on Ukraine and China, here’s what Pelosi needs to say

Trump raised Biden with Xi in June call housed in highly secure server

McMaster wasn’t aware of White House’s foreign call “lockdowns”

Donald Trump encourages China to investigate Bidens

Ron Johnson OK with President Trump asking China to investigate 2020 political rival


Trump has already said he’s OK working with foreign governments against his US rivals

If Republicans Ever Turn On Trump, It’ll Happen All At Once

Federal employee warned of ‘possible misconduct’ with IRS audit program

Historians on Trump: We’ve never seen anything like this

Trump’s day of rage: Profanity, false accusations and a press spat

Trump’s Impeachment Saga Stems From a Political Hit Job Gone Bad

The walls are closing in around Trump’s staff

Giuliani says some documents turned over by State watchdog came from him

Impeachment inquiry erupts into battle between executive, legislative branches

New polls show impeachment support approaching the danger zone for Trump

The Cover-Up is always worse than the crime.

Pompeo, Democrats trade threats over impeachment depositions

Why Barr asking foreign leaders for help in probe of U.S. agencies raises concerns

Barr’s Requests for Foreign Help Prompt Backlash in Australia, Italy, U.K.

The Daily 202: Mike Pompeo and Bill Barr are increasingly implicated in the impeachment inquiry

Why it’s so scary when Trump tweets about civil war

Trump’s Tweet About Civil War Was Just What the Far Right Oath Keepers Wanted to Hear

GOP: House impeachment will lead to ‘civil war’

Poll: Majority of Americans say impeachment inquiry into Trump is necessary

Editorial: Trump is exhausting the nation’s and his party’s patience. Time to dump him.

White House ordered ultrasecret system upgraded to prevent leaks

I helped classify calls for two presidents. The White House abuse of the system is alarming.

Trump suggests intel chairman should be arrested for ‘treason’

Facing impeachment, Donald Trump goes on Twitter tirade

Trump loyalists are working hard to defend the president. It isn’t going well.

Republican talking points on the impeachment inquiry

A Realist’s Guide to Impeachment

Impeachment now a threat like no other Trump has faced

Trump says there should be a way of stopping impeachment inquiry, perhaps through courts

NO! Founding Fathers anticipated you would load up the Courts with Incompetent Sycophantic Judges

Why the Trump Impeachment Inquiry Is the Only Option

Why Democrats’ fear of impeaching Trump disappeared so quickly

Public opinion polls show shift toward impeaching Trump

Impeachment Shouldn’t Be the Goal of Impeachment

September 28, 2019 – Political Cartoons:

Saturday Morning Cartoons: Impeachment Edition

Democrats say White House stonewalling won’t drag out inquiry and will boost case for impeachment

How the Trump White House is Abusing the Record-Keeping System

Pelosi says White House engaged in ‘cover-up’ of phone call at heart of whistleblower complaint

Ex-official: Trump’s past phone-call memos also concealed

Amid latest scandal, a split between Republicans and White House insiders

‘Sense of urgency’ on whistleblower complaint will drive subpoenas, says Schiff

White House restricted access to Trump’s calls with Putin and Saudi crown prince

Donald Trump’s wary White House deals with the threat of impeachment

Trump is facing the biggest firestorm of his presidency because his own staffers blew the whistle on him

Ukraine scandal: Trump’s new impeachable offense is threatening the life of a CIA officer

‘One Republican senator told me if it was a secret vote, 30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump’

Why Democrats in Congress should use inherent contempt to force Trump officials to testify

Pelosi wants narrow inquiry as caucus debates scope of impeachment resolution

Pelosi taps House Intel to begin narrow impeachment push over Ukraine scandal

How does impeachment work? Here is the step-by-step process

Majority of House members now back some type of impeachment action against Trump

The most important number in the impeachment fight keeps getting smaller

Pelosi launches formal Trump impeachment inquiry

Pelosi launches impeachment inquiry into Trump: What is it and what happens next?

Trump Is Leaving Congress No Choice But to Impeach

Impeachment probe: What happens next

Trump Is Already Fundraising Off Impeachment

Jon Meacham on impeachment: System of checks and balances showing signs of life

‘Can you believe this?’: Trump vents over impeachment push

Inside Trump world, public defiance vs. private anxiety over impeachment

Why Trump gets away with everything

It’s time, Speaker Pelosi

Seven freshman Democrats: These allegations are a threat to all we have sworn to protect

How The Democratic Groundswell For Impeachment Happened

‘Seismic change’: Democratic hold-outs rush toward impeachment

WaPo: House Democrats to caucus Tuesday to discuss impeachment

The strategic case for impeaching Donald Trump

How we’ll know if the impeachment dam starts to break

‘The dam could break’ on impeachment this week

Two swing-district Democrats raise impeachment calls after whistleblower reports

Democrats Intensify Calls For Potential Impeachment Over Whistleblower Complaint

Who supports impeachment?

Most GOP lawmakers silent on Trump’s abuses of power

Democrats blast latest Trump crisis. But what will they do?

How Long Will Republicans Tolerate Trump’s Lawlessness?

We’re Now in the Hot Zone for Impeachment

It’s time to start impeachment hearings. Today.

House Democrats eager to impeach Trump struggle to galvanize public support

Corey Lewandowski is the perfect model for a sustained Trumpian legacy

Barry Berke Questions Lewandowski

Nadler: ‘Personally, I think the President ought to be impeached’ but public has to be on board


Editorial: Democrats are and should be conducting an impeachment inquiry

Full Raskin: ‘No ambiguity left’ that House is in an impeachment investigation

Dems stumble on impeachment messaging

Dems see Trump’s alleged self-dealing as new path to impeachment

Yes, Democrats Should Impeach Trump—and Make Mitch McConnell Defend His Acquittal

Impeachment fight looms over freshmen Democrats at home in California

The House Judiciary Committee plans to finally define its impeachment inquiry

House Judiciary panel preparing vote to define Trump impeachment probe

House panel to take formal steps on impeachment probe next week

Democrats’ messy impeachment push hits critical phase


Who In The House Is Calling For Impeachment?

Nadler hits gas on impeachment

Court filing makes impeachment inquiry into Trump explicit

Checks and Balances

The U.S. System of Checks and Balances
Building on the ideas of Polybius, Montesquieu, William Blackstone, John Locke and other philosophers and political scientists over the centuries, the framers of the U.S. Constitution divided the powers and responsibilities of the new federal government among three branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch.

In addition to this separation of powers, the framers built a system of checks and balances designed to guard against tyranny by ensuring that no branch would grab too much power.

“If men were angels, no government would be necessary,” James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers, of the necessity for checks and balances. “In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty is this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.”

With Sunday surge, nearly half of House Democrats back impeachment inquiry

Context of Trump impeachment improves Democrats’ legal case

The Donald Trump Impeachment Clock Is Ticking

You Can’t Beat Trump without Throwing a Punch

Mueller just showed why impeachment proceedings should begin soon

Pelosi Battles Progressives, Thirst to Impeach Trump, and Time

From impeachment to indictment: 5 repercussions from Robert Mueller’s testimony

Ben Franklin is the reason we have the impeachment process

Presidents Can Be Impeached Because Benjamin Franklin Thought It Was Better Than Assassination

Ben would be FOR impeachment.

The Articles of Impeachment Against Donald J. Trump: A Draft

Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented key aspects of Mueller’s report and decisions in the investigation, which has helped further the president’s false narrative about the investigation.


We have to get @housegop and @senategop ON THE RECORD for Primary Sources years from now!

Trump Lied:

Here’s what a presidential phone call with a foreign leader looks like in a normal White House


David Limbaugh

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