How the Warren Court Expanded Civil Rights in America

“As chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Warren led a court that decided multiple historic rulings on civil rights cases.”

  • Baker v Carr – Voting Districts
  • Brown v Board of Education – Desegregating Schools
  • Reynolds v Sims – Voting Districts
  • Mapp v Ohio – Search Warrants
  • Gideon v. Wainwright – Right to an Attorney
  • Miranda v Arizona – Right to Remain Silent
  • Engel v Vitale – No faculty-led Prayer in school
  • Loving v. Virginia – Interracial Marriage

The Warren Court: Its Impact and Importance

“I see no real evidence, with very few genuinely rare exceptions, that politics with a capital ‘P’ are shaping the Court’s decisions in any improper sense.” Laurence Tribe

Thomas accepted more gifts from billionaire benefactors, new ProPublica report says

Here’s how each Supreme Court justice voted to decide the affirmative action cases

Supreme Court says Trump has absolute immunity for core acts only

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Robert Reich Nails the Five (5) Fake Crises of the GOP

Twitter Shares 1. Woke 2. Transgender Folks 3. Critical Race Theory 4. Welfare 5. Out of Control Government Spending GOP and Money? Who are the Biggest Donors? Thanks to Citizens

What is sadder? House GOP wants to impeach Joe Biden with zero evidence or they want to do it in secret? Something that has never been done before!

Twitter Shares DOJ: FBI informant said Russian intelligence involved in Hunter Biden story Uh Oh! Donald Trump Admits He Received Money From China While President “Donald Trump admitted he did

Greg Sargent of the Washington Post does an awesome job on Jim Jordan’s many conspiracies theories – and gave us a free link to the story – I will break down all 6 conspiracies

Twitter Shares Greg’s Thread: Greg’s article: Opinion  The MAGA persecution complex is eating itself to death “At last week’s hearing, Republicans alleged that the FBI investigated conservative parents at school board meetings. (That’s entirely