
Year One in the White House

First Priority is REPAIR EVERYTHING Donald Trump Destroyed!

In an amazing development, the Limbaugh-Looper-2020 Campaign pulled out a close win in the Electoral College using a strategy from youtube,  The Trouble with the Electoral College 

Coach, now VP, David Looper, and my chief of staff had a great time rounding up our cabinet. We start hiring people to fill out our staff.  Sadie, Tom and Snookie love Blair House.

Mom would have loved it here!

We have a small inauguration party with our friends, supporters and legislators. No fundraising from large donors. We didn’t take their money during the campaign and we are not going to start doing that now.  

Move-in-Day at the White House. The pets love it! Kids and Grandkids love it too! 

Our first action is FIX our CONCENTRATION CAMPS and STOP THE USE OF PRIVATE PRISONS! We will release our DACA and Immigration Reform Bill as soon as we get back to the Oval Office on Day 1!

January is going to be busy, but we already have our budget ready to go

We have our Cabinet lined up

We use January to reach out to world leaders and congressional leadership. 

One of the first tasks I take on in January is the Veterans Administration, one of my early priorities.

Our second task in January is find out how Putin and Russia impacted our election and make sure it never happens again, ever! Per Our Chief of Staff’s great suggestion, we create a new Cabinet Position, National Infrastructure Security – Ross Anderson

What about North Korea you ask?  I go to North Korea. I discuss the concerns Kim Jong-un have with Moon Jae-in at the table with us along with an envoy from China and Russia. We assure Kim that we are never going to be a threat to his country and ask him, not demand, that he allows monitoring of his nuclear operations. He wants nuclear weapons for his survival. We discuss trade and other issues.

I hold weekly press conferences with my Press Secretary, Van Jones.  I answer direct questions with direct answer or promise to get back to the questioner if I don’t know the answer and either Van or I DO get back to them with an answer.

February comes around.  Monday, February 1st is the First Monday of the month and per Congressional Budget Act of 1974 I submit my detailed budget to Congress.  I am open to any questions at any time.

Keeping up with the Congressional Budget Process

We have addressed the VA, getting them better organized paperwork wise with some of my former great coworkers who know their stuff when it comes to IT and Record Keeping.  We will continue to monitor the VA and make sure the veterans are cared for in a manner that befits their sacrifice to their families and us.

Since being elected I have staffers monitoring my twitter and facebook accounts when I am not available and I make an honest effort to get back to everyone who has an issue or question.  Veterans use this plus a 24/7/365 hotline fully staffed to get with my staff or myself with their concerns and we investigate them. I am taking advantage of my Hall Of Fame 30 year career in customer support here and have some great current friends and old ex-coworkers and customers helping me.

February is Gun Control Month

We are not taking your guns!  We ARE going to make an effort to get some realistic, effective, gun laws enacted.   We invited various entities involved in the issue to an open forum to discuss the issue and look for solutions.

March is Infrastructure Month.

I remind Congress of what I have in my budget for repairing our aging transportation and other infrastructure needs.

Looking forward to Cubs opening day.  Make a trip to Spring Training and talk Infrastructure at a conference in Phoenix with various engineering firms that are former clients and other people who need a seat at the table.

America’s Infrastructure Scores a D+

In April we address Healthcare and Taxes, since they are intermingled.

As a true conservative, we are going to make sure we are not adding to the deficit, tweaking our budget, healthcare and taxes to insure we are operating at a small surplus, bringing in stakeholders in each category to take advantage of their expertise and hear their concerns and ideas.

In May we address Immigration, addressing DACA kids and refugees

In June, after catching a Cubs game and a Bosox game or two, I get back to Congress to check on the status of the budget.  We also address the environment and housing.

In July, we revisit the promises we made and make sure we are keeping them

We also address the legalization of marijuana nationwide and the opioid issue

With elections looming down the road, we address voting rights and gerrymandering in August

September is busy. Cubs and BoSox in the playoff hunt. My dream? A Wrigley Field-Fenway Park World Series? Alabama football kicking off. Budget passed and on the books so now we can tackle campaign spending and the reversal of Citizens United v FEC and the abolition of Leadership PACs

October is when we investigate Out of Control Eminent Domain and Civil Forfeiture laws

It is November, we are well into our fiscal year.  We address Education, holding a summit with educators and students, discussing their wishes, hopes, dreams and ideas.

December is here before you know it. Now we start working on one of my big campaign promises, abolishing the Electoral College

We work on getting the 28th Amendment off the ground and in the process of being ratified.  It has been a great 2021!  Looking forward to my first State of the Union Address.   In one year, zero days of golf.  15 days of vacation, taking in a few Cubs and Red Sox baseball games, a couple of Alabama football games and a trip to Disneyworld with the kids and grandkids.  You pay my salary. I work for you. 99% of work is showing up. The White House is an amazing home!   How did I do in Year One?

Thank You for allowing me to be your POTUS, whether you voted for me or not.

President David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh

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