How the Warren Court Expanded Civil Rights in America

“As chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Warren led a court that decided multiple historic rulings on civil rights cases.”

  • Baker v Carr – Voting Districts
  • Brown v Board of Education – Desegregating Schools
  • Reynolds v Sims – Voting Districts
  • Mapp v Ohio – Search Warrants
  • Gideon v. Wainwright – Right to an Attorney
  • Miranda v Arizona – Right to Remain Silent
  • Engel v Vitale – No faculty-led Prayer in school
  • Loving v. Virginia – Interracial Marriage

The Warren Court: Its Impact and Importance

“I see no real evidence, with very few genuinely rare exceptions, that politics with a capital ‘P’ are shaping the Court’s decisions in any improper sense.” Laurence Tribe

Thomas accepted more gifts from billionaire benefactors, new ProPublica report says

Here’s how each Supreme Court justice voted to decide the affirmative action cases

Supreme Court says Trump has absolute immunity for core acts only

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OK MAGA folks, I will explain to you how invoking the 14th Amendment is NOT punishing Donald Trump, it is a Qualification to Run for office using my 2016 campaign as an example.

Twitter Shares This Is Dangerous! Trump lawyers warn Supreme Court of ‘chaos and bedlam’ if states are allowed to bar him from 2024 ballot This is embarrassing to the State

Red States or Blue States? Where is it better to live? I have maps.

Twitter Shares I have maps. The Life-and-Death Cost of Conservative Power “New research shows widening gaps between red and blue states in life expectancy.”

No Labels is the GOP attempt to create another Bull Moose or George Wallace campaign to get Donald Trump elected by siphoning votes from Joe Biden.

Twitter Shares No Labels Took More Than $100,000 From Clarence Thomas Buddy Harlan Crow “The “nonpartisan” group also relied on Crow—whom it dubbed one of its “whales”—to reel in nearly