Who is ALEC? John Oliver explains (some dirty words, HBO)

Ask Bill Moyers,

Naming and Shaming the Organizations, Corporations, and Billionaires Behind Voter Suppression

“One report has identified more than 100 state legislators connected to ALEC that are lead sponsors or co-sponsors of bills that limit voting access in Georgia, Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Texas in 2021 alone.”

This is ALEC:

ALEC Anti-Choice Bills

This is ALEC:

Rightwing ‘bill mill’ accused of sowing racist and white supremacist policies

ALEC to Host “Free Speech Dinner” with Anti-LGBT Group in Arizona

This is ALEC:

These copycat bills on sharia law and terrorism have no effect. Why do states keep passing them?

This is ALEC:

A Restoration of the Constitutional Intent of our Founding Fathers: Repeal of the Seventeenth Amendment

Who funds ALEC?


ALEC Exposed: The Koch Connection

“Untold sums of cash poured into ALEC by Charles and David Koch have been an effective investment in advancing their worldview.”

ALEC and the Koch Brothers want to Gerrymander the US Senate by repealing the 17th Amendment!

ALEC and Koch Brothers Want to Gerrymander the Senate

Powerful Lobby Group Wants To Prevent You From Voting For Senators

Trump Team, ALEC, Koch Industries Debate Gerrymandering the U.S. Senate in Denver

Koch Brothers?

ALEC Exposed: The Koch Connection


An introduction to the Koch digital media network

By Gerrymandering State Legislatures to make sure the GOP wins more seats and thus controls who the Senator from that state is follows the GOP plan of winning the Electoral College for POTUS with no concern for most Americans and the Popular Vote. Since Citizens United v FEC and Leadership PACs voters don’t matter, donors do, and you make donors happy by winning, damn the voters and their votes.

Keith Olberman NAILED IT!


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