I know where some of that money is going

$6 billion in aid to Ukraine flows through Huntsville’s Redstone Arsenal

Ukraine Security Assistance Strengthens Nation’s Defense Industrial Base

Support Ukraine:

Situational Ethics

Pandering to the base (Tucker Carlson)

I know History. I have a degree in it. I know about the Munich Conference and the Sudetenland. I know history repeats itself, it just changes the labels,

The Munich Conference

The agreement permitting Germany’s annexation of the Sudetenland was signed on 29 September 1938.

My OLD (and doesn’t seem to exist anymore) GOP was Pro-Democracy.

Democrat Joe Biden

Not Nazis:

The Holocaust in Ukraine

United States Aid to Ukraine: An Investment Whose Benefits Greatly Exceed its Cost

My Papa fought at Flanders in World War I.

Americans in Flanders during World War I

Dad’s war was Korea

My MOS was 35R – no war to fight

This GOP seems to be Pro-Putin

How The Trump Campaign Weakened The Republican Platform On Aid To Ukraine

“The Trump campaign convinced the platform committee to change Denman’s proposal. It went from calling on the U.S. to provide Ukraine “lethal defensive weapons” to the more benign phrase “appropriate assistance.”

Today’s “GOP”?


Congress Approved $113 Billion of Aid to Ukraine in 2022

The 2017 GOP Tax Cut gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 Billion (with a B!)


The new ‘GOP’ support for Putin is sad on so many levels!

The 2016 GOP platform promised to balance the budget.
