The entire “Woke!”. anti-CRT/anti-DEI ‘crisis’ was created by one man for the grift, Christopher Rufo. Others joined in.

‘America Is Under Attack’: Inside the Anti-D.E.I. Crusade

“The backlash against “wokeism” has led a growing number of states to ban D.E.I. programs at public universities. Thousands of emails and other documents reveal the playbook — and grievances — behind one strand of the anti-D.E.I. campaign.”

The Claremont Institute: The Anti-Democracy Think Tank

It was once (mostly) traditionally conservative and (sort of) intellectually rigorous. Now it platforms white nationalists and promotes authoritarianism.”

What the Hell Happened to the Claremont Institute?

“How the once-distinguished conservative think tank plunged into Trumpism, illiberalism, and lying about the election.”

Perspective: Did social conservatives go too far in celebrating the fall of Claudine Gay?

“After Harvard’s president resigned, Christopher Rufo listed three ways to wage a successful campaign. But humility matters, too”

Christopher Rufo Claims a Degree from “Harvard.” Umm … Not Quite

“The activist who is now a leading education policy figure on the right actually matriculated at Harvard Extension School. There’s a difference.”

Critical Race Theory is the study of events like this:

1919-1921 saw some horrific events take place

Red Summer

“The Race Riots of 1919

American servicemen returned from the First World War only to find a new type of violent conflict waiting for them at home. An outbreak of racial violence known as the “Red Summer” occurred in 1919, an event that affected at least 26 cities across the United States.

Racial tensions across the U.S. were exacerbated by the discharge of millions of military personnel back to their homes and domestic lives following the end of the war. Competition for opportunities in postwar America combined with a radically changed social landscape placed Whites and Blacks in conflict with one another, leading to tragic results.

World War I intensified the Great Migration, the mass emigration of African Americans from the rural South to the industrial North and Midwest in hopes of escaping the poverty and discrimination of Jim Crow laws. By the summer of 1919, approximately 500,000 African Americans had resettled in northern cities. In many cases, northern Whites—many of them newly arrived immigrants themselves—did not welcome Black newcomers.”

CRT is studying our history….

Southern Baptist Seminary Confronts History Of Slaveholding And ‘Deep Racism’


A great example of how people that are against CRT have no clue what CRT is:

Texas’ ban on critical race theory in schools proves the GOP still doesn’t understand MLK’s message

“Talking honestly about inequality, it turns out, was a special point of emphasis for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.”



  • Critical Race Theory began as a humble academic discipline in the late 1970s
  • While it is often conflated with other anti-racism efforts, Critical Race Theory primarily stands for the proposition that the US cannot eradicate racism and fulfill its future promise without facing its past 
  • Critical Race Theory, like other ideas, should be continually tested and refined, but it should not be mischaracterized and weaponized for cynical political ends
  • We should demand that our politicians and media work together to eradicate racism and that Critical Race Theory critics start proposing ways to improve anti-racism measures through a conservative lens


People complaining about CRT have no clue what CRT is:

Christopher Rufo created this issue out of this air:

As usual, John Oliver nails it (some dirty words, HBO):

My challenge to New York Times writer Ross Douthat on Twitter:

Tucker Carlson says he ‘never figured out what critical race theory is,’ despite repeatedly bashing it on his show over the past year

September 1, 2020 – when CRT enters the FOXNews Lexicon

Chris Rufo calls on Trump to end critical race theory ‘cult indoctrination’ in federal government

“‘Critical race theory has pervaded every institution in the federal government,’ Rufo tells Fox News”

1) Christopher Rufo

The Man Behind Critical Race Theory

“As an attorney, Derrick Bell worked on many civil-rights cases, but his doubts about their impact launched a groundbreaking school of thought.

For the past several months, however, conservatives have been waging war on a wide-ranging set of claims that they wrongly ascribe to critical race theory, while barely mentioning the body of scholarship behind it or even Bell’s name. As Christopher F. Rufo, an activist who launched the recent crusade, said on Twitter, the goal from the start was to distort the idea into an absurdist touchstone. “We have successfully frozen their brand—‘critical race theory’—into the public conversation and are steadily driving up negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as we put all of the various cultural insanities under that brand category,” he wrote. Accordingly, C.R.T. has been defined as Black-supremacist racism, false history, and the terrible apotheosis of wokeness. Patricia Williams, one of the key scholars of the C.R.T. canon, refers to the ongoing mischaracterization as “definitional theft.”

Why are conservatives throwing a tantrum about anti-racism? The George Floyd protests.

“Ben Wallace-Wells recently published an excellent profile in The New Yorker of Christopher Rufo, the conservative activist who all but singlehandedly bootstrapped this moral panic. In Rufo’s own telling, it all started with someone sending him an annoying anti-racism seminar in July of last year. He then read books by Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi about anti-racism that surged to the top of bestseller lists last year and followed the footnotes therein to older articles about critical race theory. Then he went on Tucker Carlson and delivered a carefully-prepared harangue about CRT; President Trump (of course) was watching, leading to a call from then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Trump began to attack anti-racist trainings and scholarship, numerous conservative states have passed laws attacking CRT, and here we are.

Rufo straight-up admits that it was corporate and educational anti-racist trainings that motivated his crusade, not critical race theory itself; that the primary reason he selected it as a target was its ominous sounding name; and that he neither knows nor cares about the actual substance of CRT. “Strung together, the phrase ‘critical race theory’ connotes hostile, academic, divisive, race-obsessed, poisonous, elitist, anti-American,” he told Wallace-Wells. At a recent conference, he contemptuously scoffed at “pathetic … angry graduate students” who try to argue with him about CRT or other topics. “I don’t give a s**t about this stuff,” he said. On Twitter, Rufo frankly admitted that he wants to make CRT into a vacuous smear and fill up its meaning with everything he doesn’t like:

NBC News recently reported how a network of conservative activists have taken up Rufo’s ideas to whip up a frenzy about CRT in their local school board meetings.”

The Real Source of America’s Rising Rage

“The recent battle over critical race theory is an instructive example of how all roads lead to Fox News. Turning a decades-­old critical framework deployed mostly in grad school into the latest culture war was originally the brainchild of a conservative activist named Christopher Rufo, who appeared periodically on Fox last year to promote his cause. But it remained bubbling under the surface until early this year, when—facing flagging ratings and increased competition from the even more far-right outlets Newsmax and OAN—Fox suddenly decided to put it into heavy rotation. Starting in March, Fox mentioned CRT 1,300 times in the space of just three months. Six weeks after its campaign started, CRT began trending on Google. By the end of June, 26 states had introduced legislation that restricted or banned teaching CRT and related topics. Fox may not have invented this most recent conservative culture war, but it didn’t really go anywhere until Fox decided to make it the latest outrage of its white viewers.”

I have posted a link to this entire Youtube video later in the page, but here is the place in the video where the presenter explains who Christopher Rufo is:

This twitter thread:

The GOP’s Sharia Law Liars Are Hyping Critical Race Theory Now

Trump tweets about Critical Race Theory for the first time on September 5, 2020

This is having an impact!

What is Sociology?

“Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in whole societies. Unifying the study of these diverse subjects of study is sociology’s purpose of understanding how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures.

Sociology is an exciting and illuminating field of study that analyzes and explains important matters in our personal lives, our communities, and the world. At the personal level, sociology investigates the social causes and consequences of such things as romantic love, racial and gender identity, family conflict, deviant behavior, aging, and religious faith. At the societal level, sociology examines and explains matters like crime and law, poverty and wealth, prejudice and discrimination, schools and education, business firms, urban community, and social movements. At the global level, sociology studies such phenomena as population growth and migration, war and peace, and economic development.”

This Twitter Thread:

This is BAD!

2) Who is Funding this Astroturf “Issue” You Ask? Thomas W. Smith

A great example:

3) Who is promoting the Critical Race Theory lie? James A Lindsay

A Fourth Man:

The Aristocrats Funding the Critical Race Theory ‘Backlash’

The movement may present itself with a local face, but many of its top advocacy groups are propped up by wealthy, well-connected backers—right down to the Koch connections.

CRITICAL RACE THEORY – frequently asked questions

Map: Where Critical Race Theory Is Under Attack

Two John Oliver videos – Dirty Words – HBO – Covers this ‘issue’ extremely well

This video explains how the ‘CRT Issue’ was created and what is happening with it (some dirty words – sorry)

White critics know nothing about critical race theory | Michael Coard

This fake issue has real consequences:

Florida education officials reject 54 math textbooks for ‘attempts to indoctrinate students’

“State Department of Education says books referenced critical race theory, common core, social emotional learning”

Inside Mississippi’s only class on critical race theory

As Republican lawmakers push to ban critical race theory, here’s how the class changed the mind of one conservative Mississippian.

‘Gag orders’ for U.S. teachers are becoming our new McCarthyism | Will Bunch

“Education experts say a flood of new laws and proposals to curb discussions of racial and LGBTQ issues is worst classroom scare since Scopes Monkey Trial.”

TikTokers spam Virginia GOP governor’s tip line for snitching on teachers

“Gov. Glenn Youngkin, a vocal opponent of critical race theory, encouraged parents to report “inherently divisive practices” at schools. TikTokers devised a brilliant way to troll him.”

An example of what Critical Race Theory investigates? Alabama’s 1901 State Constitution

Alabama lawmakers purging racist language from constitution

“The framers of the 1901 Constitution made clear their intent was to maintain a government controlled by whites.

“The new constitution eliminates the ignorant negro vote, and places the control of our government where God Almighty intended it should be -– with the Anglo-Saxon race,” John Knox, president of the constitutional convention, said in a speech urging voters to ratify the document.”

Sad (and Scary!)

The first complaint filed under Tennessee’s anti-critical race theory law was over a book teaching about Martin Luther King Jr.

The Anti–Critical Race Theory Movement Will Profoundly Affect Public Education

“The election of Glenn Youngkin and other anti-CRT candidates demonstrates how exploiting white fear continues to galvanize voters”

“White parents are reacting en masse to fears that their children will be taught about white privilege and white supremacy, even as conservative pundits and politicians rely on tried-and-true anxieties over Communism to paint antiracist efforts as a threat to capitalism and America as a whole. Unfortunately, we know from history that white racial mobilization is a potent force, both at the ballot box and in attempts to subvert it.

This disinformation campaign must be directly confronted. Rather than dismissing manufactured concerns over critical race theory as fake, Democrats should embrace the robust teaching of America’s racial history in our public schools and make an affirmative case for why it matters for American values of fairness, equality and justice. Democrats should then focus on articulating how attacks on critical race theory are meant to divide people of all races who otherwise share interests. Rather than dismissing these attacks on CRT as isolated incidents, Democrats should mount their own sustained and coherent campaign to argue affirmatively for diversity, equity and inclusion programs and complementary efforts such as the 1619 Project.

Conservatives are unified around anti-CRT rhetoric. Now it is time for Democrats to form the same united front, to own that racism is real and to call out conservative legislative efforts designed to outlaw the teaching of racial inequality for what they are: a fitting example of how legal systems uphold racial inequality in the United States. This, of course, is exactly what CRT is trying to point out.”

A sad (and scary) twitter thread,


A Lesson on Critical Race Theory

“CRT is not a diversity and inclusion “training” but a practice of interrogating the role of race and racism in society that emerged in the legal academy and spread to other fields of scholarship. Crenshaw—who coined the term “CRT”—notes that CRT is not a noun, but a verb. It cannot be confined to a static and narrow definition but is considered to be an evolving and malleable practice. It critiques how the social construction of race and institutionalized racism perpetuate a racial caste system that relegates people of color to the bottom tiers. CRT also recognizes that race intersects with other identities, including sexuality, gender identity, and others. CRT recognizes that racism is not a bygone relic of the past. Instead, it acknowledges that the legacy of slavery, segregation, and the imposition of second-class citizenship on Black Americans and other people of color continue to permeate the social fabric of this nation.”

Critical race theory: What it is and what it isn’t

“What critical race theory is

Critical race theory is a field of intellectual inquiry that demonstrates the legal codification of racism in America.

Through the study of law and U.S. history, it attempts to reveal how racial oppression shaped the legal fabric of the U.S. Critical race theory is traditionally less concerned with how racism manifests itself in interactions with individuals and more concerned with how racism has been, and is, codified into the law.”

A great read on Critical Race Theory (an astroturf “issue” created by one man, financed by another, to energize ‘The Base’) and the Church

Tarrant councilman Tommy Bryant uses n-word at meeting, sparking calls for resignation

Texas Senate bill removes classroom requirement to teach that the KKK is ‘morally wrong’

No Black parents, teachers or scholars invited to Missouri hearing on teaching race

Republicans advance bill banning critical race theory in schools

“A Republican-led Assembly committee on Wednesday advanced a bill that would prohibit public schools from teaching students and training employees about concepts such as systemic racism and implicit bias.”

Gov. Greg Abbott signs tougher anti-critical race theory law

“The new law, signed Friday without fanfare, prohibits teaching certain concepts about race; develops a civics training program for teachers; and largely bars schools from giving credit to students for advocacy work. It also urges educators to teach only that slavery and racism are “deviations” from the founding principles of the United States.”

This is 2021, NOT 1961!

History repeats itself, if just changes the labels,

An Astroturf Organization:


TPUSA’s School Board Watchlist: Broward County, Florida

TPUSA launches project targeting school board members

This twitter thread explains what is happening:

A Must-Read Twitter Thread!

Texas’ ban on critical race theory in schools proves the GOP still doesn’t understand MLK’s message


Texas Senate Votes to Remove Required Lessons on Civil Rights

“The Texas Senate on Friday passed legislation that would end requirements that public schools include writings on women’s suffrage and the civil rights movement in social studies classes.

Among the figures whose works would be dropped: Susan B. Anthony, Cesar Chavez, and Martin Luther King Jr., whose “I Have a Dream”speech and “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” would no longer make the curriculum cut.

The bill would prohibit teachers from being compelled to talk about current events or controversial issues, instructing those choosing to engage with students to discuss without “giving deference to any one perspective.””

Texas’ divisive bill limiting how students learn about current events and historic racism passed by Senate

“The Senate did vote to include the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, the 13th 14th and 19th amendments to the U.S. Constitution and the complexity of the relationship between Texas and Mexico to the list of required instruction.”

The 15th Amendment was left out.

Right to Vote Not Denied by Race

This is really sad:

“Yet the most controversial aspects of the bill remain, including that teachers must explore current events from multiple positions without giving “deference to any one perspective.” It also bars students from getting course credit for civic engagement efforts, including lobbying for legislation or other types of political activism.”

The Astroturf ‘issue’ created by one man and funded by another man has real-life impact on peoples lives!

The Moral Panic Over Critical Race Theory Is Coming for a North Carolina Teacher of the Year

Must Read Rant:

State superintendent: Critical race theory is ‘manufactured outrage,’ not being taught in Washington

School Board meetings

Amid growing critical race theory legislation, education experts say textbook content could be next

No, Critical Race Theory Isn’t ‘Anti-American’

Joints Chiefs Chair General Mark Milley nails it!

Top General Defends Studying Critical Race Theory In The Military

Jim Acosta nails it on school boards and General Milley

Jim Acosta: Trump has a clown car full of lies

Socialism and Critical Race Theory are the new @GOP Mantras because “Wall!” and “Repeal and Replace” and “Drain the Swamp” and “Coal Miners Back to Work” and “Lock Her Up!” and “Balanced Budget” won’t work.

Ted Cruz’s erroneous definition of critical race theory explains white America


Texas Senate bill seeks to strip required lessons on people of color and women from “critical race theory” law

How Trump ignited the fight over critical race theory in schools

Americans who have heard of critical race theory don’t like it

What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is Everyone Talking About It?

“”Critical race theory views race law and policy as tools of power,” Thomas said. “Its focus on the politics of race has helped break the stranglehold of ‘racial moralism’ by challenging the egocentric belief that racism is always only about personal fault, private prejudice, and invidious individual intent. Critical race theory tells a story about institutionalized racial disadvantage and systemic racial inequality. It highlights the structural harms of the ‘colorblind racism’ we see at work in laws that don’t mention race per se.””

What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack?

Just what is critical race theory anyway?

“Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

The basic tenets of critical race theory, or CRT, emerged out of a framework for legal analysis in the late 1970s and early 1980s created by legal scholars Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Richard Delgado, among others.

A good example is when, in the 1930s, government officials literally drew lines around areas deemed poor financial risks, often explicitly due to the racial composition of inhabitants. Banks subsequently refused to offer mortgages to Black people in those areas.

Red-Lining. Sadly, the people suddenly complaining about Critical Race Theory, that goes back to the 1970s, have no clue what it is!

A Nation of Walls

“Along NW 12th Avenue from 62nd to 67th Streets in Miami’s Liberty City runs a low concrete wall. Bordering a planted strip that divides the avenue from a parallel service road, this drab-yellow-painted structure might be taken as an unassuming retaining wall. It is in fact a piece of racist infrastructure – the remnant of a barrier built in the late 1930s to isolate a Black neighborhood from a white one. Leonardo Jackson grew up in Liberty City, but learned about the origins of the wall only recently. “I was disappointed in myself,” the seventeen-year-old told an interviewer in 2018. “To have something so historic and important to the Black community’s culture, right here, in my own community, and I didn’t even know about it.” 1“”

No, it isn’t, It is used to investigate our history and present. Study Red-Lining,

A ‘Forgotten History’ Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America

White-Flight then and now

What Is White Flight?


Levittown Then

Levittown- The Imperfect Rise of the American Suburbs

Levittown Now

Legacy of exclusion is tough to shed

was a product of red-lining and our Interstate Highway System

A Brief History Of How Racism Shaped Interstate Highways

Mapping the Destruction of Tennessee’s African American Neighborhoods

Revitalization plan to reconnect North Nashville neighborhoods cut off by I-40

Nashville’s I-40 cap project aims to ‘stitch together’ Black neighborhoods split by highway

Critical Race Theory covers History, including OUR country’s history


from the

Trail of Tears


Japanese Internment Camps

from lynchings

to newspapers promoting lynchings

‘There will be lynchings’: How the Advertiser failed victims of racial terror

In responding to three lynchings in 24 hours in 1919, the Advertiser claimed -- without evidence -- the victims had assaulted white women. The murdered men included Miles (or Relius) Phifer, who was shot to death while wearing a U.S. Army uniform.
“All right-thinking people deplore lynchings, but it is wise to utter a solemn truth, with the old, old lesson brought home again, as long as there are attempts at rape by black men, red men or yellow men on white women there will be lynchings,” the editorial said, without providing a shred of evidence the murder victims were guilty. “Lynchings will end in America when there are no longer attempts at assault. A volume of moralizing will not affect this primal, immovable fact.” 

The lynching of Robin White and the confession of George Howard

ABOUT THIS SERIES: In conjunction with the opening of the National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Legacy Museum, the Montgomery Advertiser is running a series of stories titled “Legacy of lynchings: America’s shameful history of racial terror.” Between 1877 and 1950, more than 360 African-Americans were murdered by mobs in Alabama and more than 4,000 were killed nationwide. The acts of racial terrorism, conducted in the name of white supremacy, were almost never punished; created untold human suffering, and helped contribute to the Great Migration out of the South.

Our shame: The sins of our past laid bare for all to see

“We were wrong.

On the day when people from across the globe come to our capital city to consider the sordid history of slavery and lynching and try to reconcile the horrors of our past, the Montgomery Advertiser recognizes its own shameful place in the history of these dastardly, murderous deeds.”


2011 NYPD Stop and Frisk Statistics


graph showing racial disparity between white and black men at all ages in prison in 2019

New BJS data: Prison incarceration rates inch down, but racial equity and real decarceration still decades away


The Largest Mass Deportation in American History


Chinese Exclusion Act


Fort Pillow Massacre


U.S. Army massacres Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee


Tulsa Race Massacre


America’s Only Successful Coup d’Etat Overthrew a Biracial Government in 1898


Red Summer of 1919: How Black WWI Vets Fought Back Against Racist Mobs


How the GI Bill’s Promise Was Denied to a Million Black WWII Veterans


Brown v. Board of Education

Explore More

History has a way of repeating itself, it just changes the labels. DeSantis in Florida is a great example of that!

May 24, 2023 5 tags

Twitter Shares What we learned from our Florida voting rights investigation “A crackdown by Ron DeSantis and Florida Republicans has spent millions pursuing rare voter fraud, hampered voter registration and

The Republican Party is not very diverse. It is against DEI and CRT for a reason – win votes.

January 6, 2024 5 tags

Twitter Shares On Capitol Hill, Republicans Use Bigoted Attacks Against Political Foes “House and Senate Republicans have denigrated fellow lawmakers, Biden administration officials and witnesses in racist ways, both in

Why are People so Angry at School Board Meetings? They are told to be!

October 8, 2022 3 tags

Twitter Shares Book Bans Are a Conservative Plot to Destroy Public Schools, Says Randi Weingarten “The teachers union head denounced the “extremist strategy,” which also includes voucher campaigns and manufactured