Keystone XL pipeline: Why is it so disputed?

October 10, 2011

What are the Keystone XL Pipeline Risks to Water Resources?

The Supreme Court

US Supreme Court deals blow to Keystone oil pipeline project

Keystone Pipeline IS operational. XL was a planned shortcut.

Terminated pipeline route

December 17, 2022

The Keystone pipeline leaked in Kansas. What makes this spill so bad?

 January 10, 2023

Keystone Pipeline dumped 588,000 gallons of oil onto Kansas lands, water. Here’s who pays

These are LIES:

They didn’t bother to READ the DOE Report – I will read it to them,

“Studies conducted in the 2010-2014 timeframe about the potential impact of the construction of the KXL pipeline included the following information:

• The 2014 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement found that there would be approximately 50 permanent jobs once the pipeline was operational. Construction jobs would be more significant but temporary; if construction were to take two years, about 3,900 direct jobs would be created annually during construction, and 21,050 U.S. total jobs would be created, counting indirect and induced jobs.

• Other estimates for temporary jobs during the construction phase ranged from 16,149 to 59,468 annually for a two-year period. However, the study includes segments of the Keystone pipeline that were not related to the XL portion and jobs corresponding to those sections that were built were realized. Additionally, the high-end figure comes from this study which faced significant criticism for including in its analysis project inputs from India, Russia, and Russian companies in Canada, thus including jobs outside the United States.

• Estimates of economic impacts from the Keystone XL pipeline showed wide variations across studies examined, and are not directly comparable due to large differences in modeling assumptions. The literature review for this report suggests that the impact on consumer prices from Keystone XL, had it been completed, was inconclusive, particularly in light of the changes that have occurred in Canadian and U.S. crude oil markets since the KXL pipeline was proposed. In addition, a 2010 study sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy found “no significant change in total U.S. refining activity, total crude and product import volumes and costs…whether KXL is built or not.”

“The 2014 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement found that there would be approximately 50 permanent jobs once the pipeline was operational.”

High gas prices falsely attributed to Keystone XL cancellation

Ask Foxnews

Six reasons Keystone XL was a bad deal all along

“Keystone XL Would Not Reduce Foreign Oil Dependency

Keystone XL Would Have Increased Domestic Oil Prices

Keystone XL Overstated Number of Jobs to be Created

Current Keystone Pipeline Leaked 12 Times in Last Year

The Environmental Concerns About Oil Leaks Are Justified

Mining Tar Sands Would Worsen Global Warming”

What Is the Keystone XL Pipeline?

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