We have to make sure GOP gets crushed in 2022 and 2024 so the party comes to its senses and jettisons the Greenes, Boeberts, Cawthorns, Hawleys, Gosars, Nuneses, Gaetzes, Jordans, Grassleys, McCarthys and others.

Republicans Make Me Proud I Voted for Biden

We received votes in 2016!

I first voted for president in 1980. I voted for Ronald Reagan.

I have voted for the GOP candidate every 4 years since then until 2016.

I had no problem voting for George HW Bush.

I loved voting for Bob Dole.

I didn’t really want to vote for W Bush because of Karl Rove’s inter workings but I didn’t see Al Gore or John Kerry being substantially better.

I LOVED voting for one of my heroes, John McCain, but I cringed when Sarah Palin was announced as the VP choice.

I had no problem voting for Romney, and I wish he was the option in 2020.

In 2016, I was motivated by wanting to illustrate the problems with the Electoral College, that my vote in the Red State of Tennessee does not count.

I was also motivated by the thought of making Mom happy. She loved to brag to her kinfolks and friends how she was voting for her son for president.

I was motivated to run again in 2020. I bought the buttons. I have the car magnets. I got the paperwork. I drove to Jackson, Memphis and Chattanooga to see old friends and a new one for my required 11 electors. Friends took my petition and was garnering signatures.

When COVID first hit a good friend and his wife came down with it. Thank Goodness they recovered! I was about to head east, to get the rest of my electors, when two more friends were diagnosed with the virus.

The thought hit me. I would hate to go to Knoxville or Sparta or Cookeville or Science Hill to see an old friend and on the way catch the virus at a gas station getting a Diet Coke.

We ended up with about 200 of the 275 signatures required. We had the 11 electors needed but I never made that trip east to get their signatures.

Kanye West’s ‘campaign’ was another deciding factor for me. His GOP-ran sham campaign to try to siphon votes in Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia convinced me we have to make sure Joe Biden gets every vote possible, including all of my great friends I have been blessed to make over the years.

I have decided to go all-in for Joe Biden. I know he has no chance of winning Red State Tennessee or Alabama. I also know that does not matter. WE have to make sure Biden wins Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

We have to make sure Lindsey Graham loses in South Carolina, Mitch McConnell loses in Kentucky and Susan Collins loses in Maine.

I want my old GOP (When it was the Grand Ole Party) back, not this one of Nativist Bigotry, Racism and QANON idiocy.

WE have to be the difference!

Thank You to everyone that encouraged me and loves me.

I am truly blessed.

Let me close with one wish…

Please Vote!

Love You!

David Limbaugh

Pick a swing state:


This is Awesome!


Today is August 20th, 2020

The deadline to turn in paperwork to run as an independent candidate for president in Tennessee.

Four years ago, I was motivated by the fact I have known since the 1980s that Donald Trump is a lying conman with no ethics or moral fiber and I could never for for Hillary Clinton.


Ask Mayors of cities were Trump held a rally!


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