“Family holidays. Full of love. Full of laughter. And full of the inevitable conversations with the family liberal who just does not want to believe how great America is doing with President Trump in office.”

Because Obama was better! And Obama wasn’t a pathological liar!



“Thanks to President Donald Trump, the American energy revolution is now underway.”

What enemy revolution? Where?

“America is now the world’s largest oil producer and in 2017 the United States became a net natural gas exporter for the first time in 60 years!”

At what cost?

“Crude oil exports nearly doubled in 2018, reaching a record average of 2 million barrels a day.”

You said this in the previous page of lies – why are you repeating yourself?

“Coal exports reached their highest level in five years in 2018.”

You lied to the coal miners during your 2016 campaign and they know it.


“By unlocking America’s energy potential, President Trump has produced affordable, reliable, and plentiful energy for all Americans.”

Again, at what cost?

“Compare that record to what 2020 Democrats continue to champion – the radical $93 trillion Green New Deal.”

This is a HUGE LIE!

The bogus number at the center of the GOP’s Green New Deal attacks

“Republicans claim the “Green New Deal” would cost $93 trillion — a number that would dwarf the combined economic output of every nation on Earth.

The figure is bogus.

The number originated with a report by a conservative think tank, American Action Forum, that made huge assumptions about how Democrats would implement their plan. But the $93 trillion figure does not appear anywhere in the think tank’s report — and AAF President Douglas Holtz-Eakin confessed he has no idea how much the Green New Deal would cost.


Please stop lying GOP!


“Yes, you heard that right – it’s estimated to cost a whopping $93 TRILLION.”


This GOP talking point that the Green New Deal will cost every household $600,000 is False

The source of the $600,000 figure

The Florida GOP did not respond to our questions about the source of their evidence, but conservative news outlets have cited the $600,000 figure from a February report by the American Action Forum, a right-of-center think tank. The American Action Forum is a sister organization of the American Action Network, a conservative advocacy organization.

The American Action Forum acknowledged the difficulty in coming up with a number for the cost, saying that “the breadth of its proposals makes it daunting to assess” and that many of the proposed policies are redundant, “which also complicates a precise analysis.”

The report doesn’t mention the $600,000 figure or a total for the estimated per-household cost. However, it does show the estimated per-household cost for different parts of the Green New Deal, some of which were expressed in ranges.


“Ask your family member what a $93 trillion Green New Deal might mean for their heating bills in the winter or commuting costs?”

Why? That number does not exist? You are LYING!

Here is American Action Forum’s Report:

The Green New Deal: Scope, Scale, and Implications

Read more: https://www.americanactionforum.org/research/the-green-new-deal-scope-scale-and-implications/#ixzz699IRMgzP
Follow us: @AAF on Twitter

Do a search for $93 trillion

“If we taxed every family making $30,000 or above at 100%, it would take 10 years to pay off the $93 trillion cost.”

There is NO $93 trillion to pay!

“Or how it could push American jobs overseas to countries that have lax environmental standards.”

You have already accomplished that with your bogus tax cut!

Trump promised ‘America First’ would keep jobs here. But the tax plan might push them overseas.

The Last Shift: What Really Happened To Those Carrier Jobs Trump Saved


“Remind them that Democrats would have us change every facet of Americans’ lives from what we eat, to how we travel, and the potential loss of the 10 million jobs supported by energy in the United States.”

Citation? Making wind turbines and solar panels are jobs. Constructing and maintaining wind turbines are jobs. Installing solar panels are jobs.

Let me guess! Prager U!

Trump rails against windmills: ‘I never understood wind’ Trump – “I know it is very expensive”


A PragerU ‘Graduate’:

“Not to mention, their plan would spike families’ energy bills. One study found the Democrats’ radical agenda could increase the average American household’s utility bill by up to $3,900 a year!”

Please provide that study. You keep repeating statistics with no citations or primary sources or evidence. Because the statistics you type DO NOT EXIST!

“While the Democrats’ plan would kill countless jobs across the country and cause energy prices to skyrocket, remind your relative that President Trump continues to champion American energy, American independence, and American greatness.

You have done a pretty job of killing jobs. Obama created more!



Have you notice that on every page, I provided a link to a primary source for ever figure I provided? It is called TELLING THE TRUTH. It is called Researching and Sharing FACTS.


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