How Trump’s trade war is hurting swing states

Analyst: Trump’s ‘phase one’ China trade deal not worth the pain

President Trump is the biggest advocate, defender, and fighter for the American worker that we’ve had in the White House in generations. He is delivering on his promise to renegotiate unfair trade agreements.”

Huge Lie! Trump has yet to get a single Trade Deal negotiated, ratified and implemented.

Fed study: Trump tariffs backfired, caused job losses and higher prices

“President Trump is the FIRST President to stand up to China when past presidents did not have the courage to! Because of President Trump’s tough negotiating, he has secured a monumental phase one trade deal that benefits the American worker. Thanks to President Trump, China has agreed to many structural changes and massive purchases of agriculture, and energy, and other products and manufactured goods, plus a whole lot more.”

WOW! What a LIE! Ask our farmers!

“He also renegotiated a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada – called USMCA – to replace the outdated, unfair NAFTA deal.”

NOT Ratified!

McConnell, White House at Odds Over USMCA Timeline

“The President’s USMCA trade deal – which Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in Congress held up for over a year – would grow the U.S. economy by $68 billion and creates hundreds of thousands of new jobs.”

Again, like the other 400+ bills the House passed in 2019, it is Mitch McConnell holding up USMCA!

McConnell: Senate will not take up new NAFTA deal this year{%22congress%22:%22116%22,%22chamber%22:%22House%22,%22type%22:%22bills%22,%22bill-status%22:%22passed-one%22}&searchResultViewType=expanded

“While Democrats have done nothing in Congress but obsess over impeachment, President Trump is fighting for fairer trade deals for American workers and farmers, and delivering results.”

This is a lie – the cartoon of Mitch McConnell has a link to the 426 bills the House passes in 2019, the vast majority of them McConnell has refused to allow a Senate vote on.

Democrats in Congress are getting things done. Trump and Republicans are just ignoring them.

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo

“In fact, it was Obama and Biden who failed workers nationwide, losing almost 200,000 manufacturing jobs, supporting job-killing trade deals like NAFTA and the TPP.”

This is another lie!

A Primary Source:

Notice how the chart above goes UP after the recovery from Bush’s Meltdown. Look at Michigan (this is before US Steel factory shutdowns!), Wisconsin and Ohio manufacturing trends under Trump!

Why the steel tariff didn’t save U.S. Steel workers from layoffs

U.S. Steel to lay off 1,500 people and shutter factories near Detroit

U.S. Steel delivers unwelcome Christmas surprise to Michigan town

Bottomline: Democrats TALK about trade. President Trump ACTS on it.

Bottom line is Obama created more new jobs, without a massive tax cut to the 1% and Corporations.

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