REV does a great service, providing transcripts of various events and speakers

Donald Trump Wellington, Ohio Rally Speech Transcript: First Rally Since Leaving Office

” Our poor borders, they were so perfect, they were so good.”

Migrant apprehensions at U.S.-Mexico border are surging again

Monthly migrant apprehensions at U.S.-Mexico border are approaching the highs of 2019

Remind me again who was POTUS in 2019?

“But the schools, when you take a look at schools, and you look at all of the things that happen, left-wing indoctrination camps, critical race theory is being forced on our military,”

“gas prices are spiking”

“inflation is skyrocketing”

Inflation rate for March 2019 (When Trump was POTUS) 0.6 Inflation rate for April and May 2021? 0.8 Skyrocketing?

“China, Russia and Iran are humiliating our country.”




America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden

America’s global image under Biden skyrockets compared to Trump, survey finds

“Joe Biden is destroying our nation right before our very own eyes. The number one priority for everyone who wants to save America is to pour every single ounce of energy you have into winning a gigantic victory in the midterms. And in 2024, together, we will send Joe Biden and the fake news media …”

New poll shows how Biden’s approval ratings compare to Trump

“We will take back the House, we will take back the Senate, and we will take back America, and we will do it soon. There is no more dire threat today than the crisis on our Southern border, other than perhaps our elections. That’s a dire threat. That’s probably the biggest threat of all. Isn’t it? What happened in the election, it’s a disgrace. But we’ll be talking about that, unless you’d rather not have me talk about it. Would you rather talk about it? I had a feeling.”

I hope the GOP gets crushed in 2022 so it will come to its senses and jettison the Matt Schlapps, TPUSAs, Jim Jordans, Matt Gaetzs, Marjorie Greenes, Lauren Boeberts and Devin Nuneses.

There was no election fraud. It is The Big Lie!

“Immediately upon taking office Joe Biden deliberately and systematically through his people, because I don’t think he did it, dismantled America’s border defenses and incited a flood of illegal migrants like this country has never seen. They violated our laws from every single corner of the globe. They were invited in, and we can’t do that. We can’t afford it. We can’t have it. We can’t have people coming out of prisons. We have no idea who they are.”

This country saw far more in 2000.

Saw more under you than under Biden, remember? I put this in here earlier.

Monthly migrant apprehensions at U.S.-Mexico border are approaching the highs of 2019

“Illegal border crossings are now up 976% since just a short few months ago. When I left office, we gave the new administration the most secure Southern border our country had ever seen by far. We ended the ridiculous catch and release. You know what that is. You catch them, and you release them into our country. A brilliant policy, and they’re back at that now. We ended asylum fraud. We built almost 500 miles of very beautiful, very successful wall that was working, and it would’ve …”

Down from 132,856 in May, 2019 to 96,974 in February 2021. April 2020 number of 16,182 is not 976% less than 96,974.

We ended asylum fraud.

No, you separated parents from their kids for cruelty and your donors.

We built almost 500 miles of very beautiful, very successful wall that was working, and it would’ve …

However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before – that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.

“Oh, thank you. That’s a friend of mine. He’s a conductor. What a beautiful sound. By the way, I have to say, I have to say, just driving over here, it was a 30 minute drive from the airport. The farms, the houses, the lawns are all beautiful. It looks like you cut your lawns every day. You have no crime. You have no murders. You have no muggings.

I said to a couple of the law enforcement people, who are phenomenal, by the way, I said, ” What are the crime stats here? Let me guess. There’s not a lot of it.” He said, “Sir, there isn’t.””

Wellington, Ohio Crime Rate? Compared to Border City El Paso, Texas?

Wellington, OH Crime

El Paso, TX Crime

“We won a lot of places that people haven’t figured out yet, but actually most of them have.”

No, Trump did not win in a lot of places that people have not figure out yet,

“We empowered ICE to do their jobs. We worked to cancel down on sanctuary cities. We did a number on sanctuary cities. We want to cancel sanctuary cities. Sanctuary cities take care of many, many criminals. They’re very dangerous places. Even in California, they really want sanctuary cities out. But for some reason, the politicians don’t. Didn’t they send out 38 million ballots in California? I wonder what the real vote in California would be.”

Trump threatened sanctuary cities, and they shrugged—here’s why

Didn’t they send out 38 million ballots in California? I wonder what the real vote in California would be.”

We know what the real vote in California was. There was no widespread voter fraud. How do we know that? Devin Nunes won!

“And we crushed the very vicious thugs known as MS-13. Under my administration, when an illegal alien trespassed across our borders, we caught them. We detained them, and we rapidly threw them the hell out of our country. And we did it by the thousands.”

I’ve Been Reporting on MS-13 for a Year. Here Are the 5 Things Trump Gets Most Wrong.

“By the way, not the numbers they report. Remember they’re fake news. You have millions of people coming into this country. You have millions of people coming into our country. We have no idea who they are. Joe Biden is doing the exact opposite as we did. His policies to make illegal immigration as easy as possible, instituting catch and release, ripping apart our asylum agreements, ordering a stop in … Could you see this? A stop order. Any contractors here? Do you ever get a stop order?”

“We had the biggest stop order the world has ever seen. We stopped finishing the wall. We stopped working on the wall. Now they want to finish the wall. And the contractors are saying, “How much are you going to pay us?” They have to start all over again. I want to just congratulate those contractors. They’re going to make a fortune.”

Who wants to finish The Wall? Texas Governor Greg Abbott! (Trump had four years!)

Abbott’s $250M border wall, brought to you by Biden’s $1.9T COVID-19 bailout

“For the last three months, more than anything that you’ve ever seen, the illegal alien minors have arrived at our border. These are just wonderful kids. And they are coming in at levels that we’ve never seen. And then they’re sent around all over this country. All over the country, they’re sent. And right now, I just heard for the first time, who would even think it, but I heard for the first time they’re on suicide watch. So many of these young kids, they’re in suicide watch, all because of this stupid policy that you’ve been watching over the last few months. Kids are on suicide watch. Think of that.”

Trump is the one that took kids from their parents.

Trump’s Executive Order On Family Separation: What It Does And Doesn’t Do

“Biden has violated his constitutional oath, endangered our safety. And look, he surrendered our, really, if you think of it, no matter how you cover it, sovereignty. What he’s done to our nation is unthinkable in a short period of time. And I said that was going to happen. I said it was going to happen. We need a Republican Congress to shut down the lawless Biden agenda. And it is a lawless agenda. We have to defund his reckless immigration policies and restore our nation’s Southern border to where it was.”

Biden has not violated his constitutional oath and has not endangered anyone’s safety.

Comparing crime rates between undocumented immigrants, legal immigrants, and native-born US citizens in Texas

“Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes.”

“Thank you very much. Did you ever hear the expression that the vote-counter is sometimes much more important than the candidate? Did you ever hear that expression? Think about that, because what happened on November 3rd was a disgrace. On the evening of November 3rd, the election was over, and then all of a sudden things started closing down all over in certain states. Not in other states. Didn’t happen in Ohio, but it happened in certain swing states. And we took a massive victory they did into something that should never be allowed.”

Because of Trump and others repeating this lie January 6, 2021, was the National Disgrace!

On the evening of November 3rd, the election was over, and then all of a sudden things started closing down all over in certain states. Not in other states. Didn’t happen in Ohio, but it happened in certain swing states. And we took a massive victory they did into something that should never be allowed.”

It was called Counting the Ballots.

2020 Election: Why is it taking so long to count votes? The answer is simple

“They are, they’re murders and drug dealers, and nobody’s ever seen anything like it, what’s happening. Just this month, a previously deported illegal alien in Massachusetts, with prior charges for murder and many other things, gunned down a man in broad daylight, shooting him viciously and violently, as he lay in the street, four times.

Recently in Louisiana, great place, an illegal alien, who entered the country as an unaccompanied minor under Obama, was charged with hacking a woman and their 15-year-old sister into very small pieces with a machete and stabbing two other people to death. And right here in Ohio, a twice deported fugitive MS-13 gang member, the worst anywhere in the world, and we’ve taken out thousands and thousands and now they want to let them come back, he was charged with murder. He was discovered in Galloway after entering our country for a third time and bad things happened.”

Dorchester man accused of broad daylight slaying was deported in 2016, prosecutors say

Trump and other give anecdotal stories trying to paint all immigrants as evil when I provided evidence earlier they commit less crime per capita than US Citizens. What about all of the mass shootings by US Citizens Donald Trump?


“And when I came up tonight, I had so many people, they said, “Could you do us a favor?” “What?” “Could you talk the snake?” You remember the snake? I used to use it on occasion. Not often. Does anybody want to hear the snake? You want to hear it? The snake, the snake. The snake. And this has to do with our border, wasn’t meant to be for the border. It was meant to be for other reasons, but this has to be really what’s happening to our border.

And so many people said, “Please, please, you’re going to Ohio.” I don’t know the fact that I’m going to Ohio, why they want to talk about the snake, but it’s because of immigration. And it’s because of the borders and because Ohio sees it far better than most. Don’t you, huh? You understand what’s happening. The snake.”

Can Trump be any more a bigoted nativist?

Insects, Floods and “The Snake”: What Trump’s Use of Metaphors Reveals

(Trump read the Snake Poem)

“That’s the way it is. That’s the way it is. That’s the way it is. We’re taking in killers. We’re taking in all of these horrible people. Good people are coming in, but horrible, horrible people. Again, remember that term, they’re emptying their prisons. And if you were heading those countries, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and many others, including middle Eastern countries, by the way, that’s how they come in. Remember the snake.”

People have several reasons to try to come here…

including middle Eastern countries

“The radical left Democrats are doing everything possible to put your family in grave danger. I don’t know if they’re doing it out of naivete or are they doing it because they think it’s really good to have all these people coming into our country. But they are putting your family into a very, very bad position, releasing criminal aliens, defunding the police abolishing cash bail.”

The Democrats are NOT DEFUNDING the police.

The GOP agenda: Reward the wealthy and defund the police

GOP ramps up misleading attack on Democrats’ policing policy

abolishing cash bail.

85 people held for 4 years in Louisiana jails without a trial, sheriffs say

“Look at New York, what’s happened to our poor New York. Crime is through the roof. Never been anything like it. Murders through the roof. The police are doing so much, but they’re not given authority to do anything more. They want to solve the problem. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, they have great police forces. They’re not allowed to do their job. And now they’re all leaving. That’s going to be a real problem when they realize we need them to help us, and they’re not going to be there any longer.”

Did de Blasio actually defund the NYPD?

“They all try and take away your guns. And that’s what they’re doing. And if you remember, when I was campaigning against Joe Biden, I said, they’re going to take away your guns. Your Second Amendment is under siege.”

When will people realize this is a great example of Crying Wolf? GOP and NRA have been saying this for years. No One is trying to take away anyone’s guns they are legally allowed to own.

“In Chicago, which is the single most dangerous city, large scale, has the strongest gun laws in the country, they even say the strongest gun laws in the world. And yet people are being shot by the thousands every year, worse than Afghanistan. How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.”

This is an old NRA lie they repeat over and over again. Chicago does not have the strongest gun laws in the country,

Are Chicago’s gun laws that strict? An explainer

The myths and truths about Chicago’s guns and murder rate

Despite recent violence, Chicago is far from the U.S. ‘murder capital’

“So we’re bringing our troops back home from Iraq. We’re bringing troops come from Afghanistan. We brought them back home from Syria.”

We? Does Trump have a mouse in his pocket? He didn’t bring them home. Joe Biden IS bringing them home.

Biden Announces Full U.S. Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan by Sept. 11

“Remember the thousands of troops we had on the border with Syria? Remember that? We had thousands of trips between Turkey and Syria. I said, “Wait a minute. This border has been here for a thousand years plus. We never did anything. Now, why are we doing it?” “Sir? Can’t do it. It’ll be war. It’ll be war.”

I said, “Our troops are in grave danger.” You have two armies, and you have our troops in the middle. So I started bringing them home. And then we got down to 54 troops. And I said to one of the generals who was a good general, he wasn’t a woke general. Do you notice the woke generals we have? This was a real general. I said, “We have 54 men from 5,000. We have 54 men on the border. Are they in danger?” Said, “Sir, you have 54 men between two armies. They don’t have a chance. They’re going to be target practice.”

I said, “Get them the hell out.” And everybody said, “What a terrible thing he did.” And you know what? That was three years ago. And nothing happened. They protect their own border. Pretty amazing, right? Pretty amazing. But you’ll never hear that from the fake news, or many other things that turned out to be right.”

The Kurds remember!

“If you care about the security of your family, if you care about the safety of your community, if you care about law and order, law and order in the great state of Ohio. Now you do. I met a lot of your law enforcement people outside. They’re incredible people. They’re patriots. They’re patriots. One of them came out …”

What about the police officers protecting our capitol?

“He helped me with North Korea negotiation.”

Those negotiations did not go well.

“We brought peace to the Middle East, if this guy would finish it.”

This is news to the Palestinians and Israelis.

“Remember in Lima? Do you remember they were to close your tank plant, and I was president elect. I didn’t know anything about the tank plant, but I heard through a great gentleman. Did anybody ever hear of a man named Jim Jordan? Tremendous athlete, tremendous wrestler, all these wrestlers. They wanted to wrestle Jim, and they got their kicked every time. He hasn’t changed. Jim’s here by the way, so I’ll introduce him in a couple of minutes. But they wanted to close the tank plant.

And I went to see it. Lima. I went to see it, and I couldn’t believe. Big, massive bled. The people that worked there were so talented. They have the turrets. I mean, the only thing you know about tanks is Dukakis, where he walked with the helmet. He wouldn’t have looked good in this tank either, but I see these tanks and I said to the guys, “Who’s going to make these? This is the only place in the country that made tanks. So I guess that means we’re going to have to buy them from China.” I said, “So who’s going to do this if you close this great facility?” The talent was incredible. The ball bearings that they made, every single one with love and with care, and that turret where you could flip it with your finger practically. It was just incredible technology. I said, “Who’s going to make our tanks?” And I ended that order. It was a stupid order. I ended it. And we now have that plant working overtime, making tanks and tanks and tanks. If we didn’t, you wouldn’t have a tank and believe it or not tanks are very important.”

Tank Plant Trump Says He Saved Was Never In Danger

“I said, “I don’t know. Who’s the guy? Tell me about him.” And I didn’t hear much good, but I said, “What the hell? He’s asking, so let them ride.” It holds like 400 people. So you put a guy in a seat, right? I didn’t get to know him too well, but I’d see him on the plane, and then I’d see him go back and then I’d be going three months later, and he’d call again. “Could I go to Ohio on Air Force One?” I put him on the plane. I rode him back. And the next thing I heard his name. Next time he was impeaching me.

He was impeaching me. I don’t know. That’s not the reason I’m doing this, but I just thought it said, it’s a character trait that was not so good. Not so good. He’s a sellout. He’s a fake Republican and a disgrace to your state. I will tell you that. He’s not the candidate that you want representing the Republican Party. He’s the candidate of Liz Cheney. That’s another beauty. Liz Cheney. Mitt Romney.”

“We’re also thrilled to be joined by a person who’s actually loved. You don’t necessarily hear that. But she’s loved and respected, and she’s tough and smart and kind. And kind. And she’s got such great common sense. Representative Marjorie Taylor Green. Where is she? She’s a fighter. She’s a fighter.”

“We ended decades of disastrous trade deals. Withdrawing from the terrible Transpacific partnership, would have destroyed your businesses in Ohio and elsewhere. Replacing the NAFTA catastrophe with the brand new and unbelievably successful. You know why I knew it was good? Because Canada didn’t want it. Canada didn’t want it. Mexico didn’t want it either. President of Mexico, by the way. Great person. Great man, great guy. He’s doing a good job.”

Column: Despite what he says, Trump has been a job killer

‘Tariffs are paid by the importer. That’s us.’ Ohio businesses fret over lingering trade war

How Trade Policy Failed US Workers – And How to Fix it

Ohio’s Ag economy sputters under Trump’s policies

“But we did the USMCA, defending Ohio steel workers and standing up to China like never before. You wouldn’t have a steel industry if I didn’t do what we did. You would not have. They were dumping steel all over the place. Including making them pay tens of billions of dollars for the privilege of doing business in the USA. They never gave us 25 cents. And now they’re paying tens of billions, but Biden wants to end that. You want to see China take off? Take off those tariffs. Take off the taxes that we charged them.”

Steel workers in Ohio?

The facts on Ohio steel mill reopenings under Donald Trump

U.S. Steel to layoff workers at Ohio and Texas facilities

US Steel lays off 2,700 workers, threatens to cut one-third of its production workforce

“The company’s Tubular Operations mills in Lorain, Ohio, and Lone Star, Texas, will also be closed with indefinite layoffs slated to begin on May 24.”

Manufacturing Jobs in Ohio? Obama created Manufacturing Jobs in Ohio, Trump didn’t.

“Including making them pay tens of billions of dollars for the privilege of doing business in the USA. They never gave us 25 cents. And now they’re paying tens of billions, but Biden wants to end that.”

I guess Trump never learned how Tariffs work at Wharton, because he has repeated this lie since he discovered the word tariff. Other countries do NOT pay the tariffs. Importers here pay the tariffs and pass the cost off as higher prices for their products – the purpose of tariffs.

Economics 101: What Is a Tariff? Learn How Tariffs Work in Economics With Examples

Yahoo Finance

Trump made this false claim about China and tariffs at least 108 times in 2019

“When the virus arrived, we produced three vaccines in record time, they said it would take three years to five years. We got it done in less than nine months. Record, record, record time.”

Trump’s incompetence got people killed.

Trump’s anti-mask anti-science rhetoric keeps people from taking the vaccine.

“And we made a great trade deal that’s helping the manufacturers and the farmers like never before. Farmers have never done better because China is living up to that trade deal because they really sort of have to.”

Trump repeats the trade and farmers lie,

“Ohio is front and center in the trade conflict sparked by the Trump administration’s initiation of tariffs in 2018 to protect the U.S. steel and aluminum industries. Ohio is also a state with much at risk if national security trade protection is extended to the motor vehicle assembly and parts industries. Under the regime of retaliatory tariffs in place at the end of 2018:

  • Ohio had the largest exposure of any state to retaliatory tariffs imposed by Canada;
  • China is the largest international destination for Ohio’s soybeans;
  • Ohio is the nation’s second-largest production location of motor vehicles and parts, before GM shuts-down it’s Lordstown assembly plant;
  • Ohio is the nation’s largest production location of motor vehicle engines;
  • Ohio is the location of a major Chinese industrial investment;
  • Ohio is a major supplier state to both Boeing and Airbus’s U.S. assembly operations;
  • Ohio is a production center for appliances; and
  • Ohio’s iron and steel mills produce the third highest value of output among the states.”

Is Trump to Blame for GM’s 15,000 Layoffs?

GM’s Lordstown factory goes dark as automaker idles underused plants

How have Trump’s trade wars affected Rust Belt jobs?

DOLLAR: And what about Ohio? You’ve got a lot of nice detail about both employment but also wages in manufacturing and in the broader Ohio economy.

POLASKI: The story on employment is very similar in Ohio as it was to Michigan. There are 26,000 fewer manufacturing jobs today than when Trump took office. Ohio was hit very hard by Trump’s tariffs and the retaliation in particular that they provoked. An Ohio State study, for example, found that there are 36 jobs in Ohio’s metal using industries for every job in steel and aluminum industries, and that the state’s manufacturers who were hurt by the tariffs outnumbered the winners by nine to one. So, you can imagine how that ripples through the economy.

And then Ohio soybean farmers were hit hard. They watched their market share in China, which is their largest export economy, they watched it shrivel— if I can use the image of soybeans shriveling. And the rest of the Ohio economy, which depends on those incomes of farmers and manufacturing workers to go and spend in the stores, they all took a hit from it. Last year in 2019, even before the pandemic, Ohio experienced a net job loss across the entire state.

“If you look at North Korea, right? Kim Jong-un, all of a sudden, he’s talking not nice. And he was talking very nice. I got along with him. I get along with everybody eventually.”

Publics around world express little confidence in Trump but maintain relatively favorable views of the U.S.

Trump Ratings Remain Low Around Globe, While Views of U.S. Stay Mostly Favorable

“But Biden, reentered the job killing Paris climate accord, which will devastate Ohio oil and gas. Devastate and close large numbers of countries. It’s trillions of dollars of damage is going to be done. I ended it, and I couldn’t believe it. I said, “This is going to be a tough day.” Because it’s such a nice name. The Paris environmental accord. How nice is that, right? And I ended it. I said, “I’m going to get killed.” Everybody loved it when I ENDED it, everybody loved it. But we have to pay trillions. He put us immediately back without even negotiating. Just the same horrible deal. China doesn’t kick in for many years. Russia doesn’t kick in. India doesn’t kick in. But we kick in.”

Fact-checking Donald Trump’s statement withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement

The 5 biggest deceptions in Trump’s Paris climate speech

“He’s pushing trillions of dollars in new spending and the largest tax hike in history. He’s putting onto the American people and American industry. It’s going to be devastated. He puts America last. We put America first. It’s very simple. Very, very simple. And we rebuilt our military, and we did so much.”

The 2016 GOP platform promised to balance the budget.

In 2017 the GOP and Donald Trump gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 Billion (with a B!)

“He’s putting onto the American people and American industry”


“The FDA is slow as hell. I wouldn’t say they love me too much. I pushed them very hard.”


“What we’ve done for the vets, we had a 92% approval rating with the vets. 92%. nobody’s ever had a rating like that.”

“America was respected again. We were respected by other countries. You don’t have these things that we already talked about. You wouldn’t have had them go on if the election were not rigged. You wouldn’t have that happening.”


America’s Image Abroad Rebounds With Transition From Trump to Biden

Biden’s Early Tenure Has Improved America’s Image Abroad

“They wouldn’t be shooting thousands of missiles into Israel and all of the other things that we talk about, and many of that, we’re not going to talk about because we don’t have three nights.”

Trump just bragged about bringing peace to the Middle East – I guess he didn’t.

“We stood up to the enemies of America. We withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, which was tremendous. Remember all the money, $150 billion dollars, and 1.8 billion in cash. 1.8 billion. Think of that crazy deal.”

The same Iran Lie – it was THEIR MONEY!

AP FACT CHECK: Trump minimizes IS risk, distorts Iran payout

TRUMP: “Iran’s hostility substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013. And they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash.”

THE FACTS: There was no $150 billion payout from the U.S. treasury or other countries.

When Iran signed the multinational deal to restrain its nuclear development in return for being freed from sanctions, it regained access to its own assets, which had been frozen abroad. Iran was allowed to get its money back. The deal actually was signed in 2015, after a 2013 preliminary agreement. Trump has taken the U.S. out of it.

The $1.8 billion is a separate matter. A payout of roughly that amount did come from the U.S. treasury. It was to pay an old IOU.

In the 1970s, Iran paid the U.S. $400 million for military equipment that was never delivered because the government was overthrown and diplomatic relations ruptured. After the nuclear deal, the U.S. and Iran announced they had settled the matter, with the U.S. agreeing to pay the $400 million principal along with about $1.3 billion in interest.

The $400 million was paid in cash and flown to Tehran on a cargo plane, which gave rise to Trump’s previous dramatic accounts of money stuffed in barrels or boxes and delivered in the dead of night. The arrangement provided for the interest to be paid later, not crammed into containers.”

“We wiped out ISIS. You remember that? ISIS, you remember? ISIS was taken out all over the middle East. With the real generals, the real generals, we wiped out ISIS. We knocked them out. We killed al-Baghdadi the founder of ISIS who was trying to build it again. And Qasem Soleimani, gone. He is the father of the roadside bomb that killed so many of our soldiers. He’s gone. He’s gone. He was killed.”

Experts say Trump deserves some credit for ISIS decline, but it’s not completely defeated

‘Defeated’ ISIS has found safe haven in an ungoverned part of Iraq

Why ISIS Is Gaining Ground – and So Hard to Beat

“We fully rebuilt the United States military.”

Trump exaggerates spending on U.S. military rebuild

Trump’s False Military Equipment Claim

“And we got our allies to pay their fair share when it came to our defending them and NATO, I got $430 billion from them. They weren’t paying. I said to other countries, nice countries, but why should they pay if we’re not asking? I said, “You’re delinquent.” Like a real estate deal. ” You’re delinquent.” They said, “Would you leave if we don’t pay?” I said, “Yes,” because I have to say that. If I said no, they’re not going to pay, right? We got $430 billion. We were paying, in my opinion, close to a hundred percent of the defense of European nations who, excuse the language, screw us on trade. So they take advantage of us on trade, and we defend them for nothing. And in the case, Germany, Germany pays Russia billions and billions of dollars for-“

FactChecking Trump’s NATO Remarks

AP FACT CHECK: Trump presses falsehoods about NATO, Germany

Trump falsely claims NATO countries owe United States money for defense spending

FACT CHECK: Trump’s Claims On NATO Spending

“We recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. And at the same time recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. We were working on that for 54 years.”

Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem because Sheldon Adelson told him to.

A majority of one is pushing for embassy move — Sheldon Adelson

Adelson, miffed at Trump over embassy about-face, said to shut spigot

And we made historic peace deals in the Middle East that nobody thought were even possible.”

Making peace between countries that are not at war are not peace deals.

Trump’s Mideast deals tout ‘peace’ where there was never war

“Nancy Pelosi had the single largest mask I’ve ever seen on a human being. It’s true. It’s the biggest. She had a mask that went up to here. I don’t know if it was three masks or one, but it was the biggest mask I’ve ever seen. But I’ll never forget. I watched. And I said, “that’s said.” I said, “He’s going to be killed by the media.””

Then I turned on to fake news: CNN and MSDNC and they said… Fox hasn’t been so great either. Have they?”

“Okay. And they were comparing Biden to FDR. They are fake. They are so fake and so pathetic. And there’s so many of them up there. There’s so many of them.

Audience: (53:54)
Boo! Boo!

Donald Trump: (54:02)
And they’re hurting our country very badly. Honestly, they’re hurting our country because they’re not real. They’re not real.

Audience: (54:08)
CNN sucks! CNN sucks! CNN sucks!

Donald Trump: (54:21)
Thank you. Thank you very much. Are we having a good time, by the way?

Audience: (54:25)

The old “Fake News” rant.

How President Trump took ‘fake news’ into the mainstream

“They lied about so many things before the election. And it’s not only what they said, it’s also what they didn’t say. Like Hunter, remember? Where’s Hunter? The virus came from a Chinese lab. Hydroxychloroquine actually works. Remember?

I made a mistake on hydroxy. I should have said, “Hydroxychloroquine is a disaster. Please do not use it.” They would have said… Instead I said, “It works,” and now reports are coming out that it works. They probably destroyed a lot of lives. Hunter Biden’s laptop was real. That was an easy one. Wasn’t it?” Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op. It wasn’t. They tried to burn down the church the day before, we got lucky to stop them. They tried. The basement was on fire.”


Lafayette Square was not cleared for a photo op.

Trump’s false Lafayette Square exoneration

“The Russian bounty story was a total fake by these guys.”

Afghanistan war: Trump got written briefing on ‘Russia bounties’, reports say

“Look, the cameras are starting to go off. Oh, the cameras are going off. I better speak fast. Those cameras are going off. They don’t like this. They don’t like this speech. You have the nice red light at the beginning of the camera, that thing was lit up. All of a sudden those suckers are off so fast. Don’t worry. They’ll go back. You know why they go back? Because they get great ratings when we do these things. They’ll go back. They’ll wait until this section is over. They don’t want to talk about certain things. You know what they especially don’t want to talk about? The election of 2020, because it’s just too easy, too close to home.”

Only a few networks bothered to cover the show.

Major News Networks Skip Live Carriage Of Donald Trump’s Ohio Rally

“Remember when they wouldn’t report that the vaccine was effective before the election? Right after the election, oh, the big vaccine story, it was the greatest thing ever. But before, they wouldn’t report it, they wouldn’t report it.”

December 14, 2020 (After the election)

Covid-19: First vaccine given in US as roll-out begins

Blue state lockdowns don’t work, they didn’t want to talk about it.”

Blue States? Red States are ones not getting vaccinated.

And our children should be back in school. They don’t want to talk about that either.”

Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools through Phased Prevention

“We were also right about Joe Biden and the Democrats extremism on open borders, on socialism, on taxes, on energy, on the Green New Deal hoax. That’s the next hoax.”

Borders are not open (Clue is Apprehensions)

Fact check: Post misrepresents U.S.-Mexico border apprehensions under Trump, Biden

Socialism is the new Mantra because “Wall!” and “Repeal and Replace Obamacare” and “Drain The Swamp” don’t work.



Biden proposes more than $2B for clean energy infrastructure, $14B+ increase in climate spending

Green New Deal hoax?

You have the crime of the century, which I consider to be the election of 2020. I consider that, because you look at all the people that are dying on the border, you look at all of the bad things that are happening to our country, I consider it to be the crime of the century.

Repeating The Big Lie – and all of the people dying at the border?

7 of the Top Immigration Lies From the Trump Administration

“But the Green New Deal is a crime because it’s a total con job. Everybody knew this during the campaign, but the fake news media refused to talk about it because they will say and do anything to destroy our great MAGA movement, which is a movement based on strength and peace and law and order. And above all else, it’s a movement based on common sense. It’s common sense. There’s never been a movement like it. There has never been.”

Trump keeps repeating it, so I will keep repeating myself.

“Over the years, I’ve seen people, if they did fairly well in a primary 30 years ago, they become stars, fairly well. We won the election twice. And it’s possible we’ll have to win it a third time. It’s possible.”

Repeating The Big Lie

“A certain reporter said to me, not on our side, this is a very liberal person, but sort of an honest person said to me, “You know, I’ve been covering elections for a long time. Long, long time. I’ve never seen anything like the election of 2020. You had 58 rallies. The average crowd had to be 25, 30…” Look at tonight. Look at this. This is not even election territory, other than you got to get Mike and Max in there. And Max is going to be in a little while longer. Mike, don’t forget August 3rd. But think of it. Think of it. He said, “I’ve never seen anything like it where you’d have a rally some days on one day notice and you’d have 30, 40, 50,000.” Butler, Pennsylvania, 58,000 people in a couple of days, right

And were up by so much. And then the next day they say, “Trump lost Pennsylvania.” Not possible, not possible. We had 58,000 people in a beautiful, small community in Pennsylvania show up on a couple of days notice, right? Showed up.”

Trump lost Pennsylvania – Rallies do not equal all voters.

How Trump lost Pennsylvania: Was he ‘his own worst enemy’ in race against Biden?

Pennsylvania AG Josh Shapiro: ‘We’ve Seen Absolutely No Evidence’ Of Voter Fraud

Shapiro still sees no evidence of Pennsylvania voting fraud

“And then they say like, “Biden’s coming to town,” and they have eight circles, right? And they can’t fill them. So they go back and they get the fake news. “Could you please stand in a circle?” And they get reporters to stand in them. And then they say, “Trump lost Pennsylvania.” No, I don’t think so. I don’t think so. I don’t think so. I think all you have to do is look at every stat. And it’s all coming out now, you know?”

Biden didn’t want to kill people.

I think all you have to do is look at every stat.” Only one stat counts.

Joe Biden won in Pennsylvania, flipping a state Donald Trump won in 2016.

With the vote count now over, here’s how Pennsylvania broke for Joe Biden

“It’s now official: President-elect Joe Biden won Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes, significantly larger than the 44,292-vote margin that helped carry President Donald Trump to the White House in 2016.”

Biden certified as winner of Pennsylvania presidential vote

And people are coming forward. People are coming forward like never before. You’re seeing what’s happening or you soon will see what’s happening. But think of it, 75 million voters, the same reporter said, “It was incredible. Whether you’re on your side or the other side, we’ve never seen anything like it. Never seen anything like it.”

Who is coming forward Donald Trump? We know Trump is lying about the reporter – he does that all the time.

“He said, “What was the difference between 2016 when you won? And 2020 when you lost?” I said, “The difference was we did much better the second time.” It’s true. I was told that we got 63 million votes, right? I was told that if we get 65, by the best pollster, one of the great pollsters, you have a few of them that are really good. But John McLaughlin. He said, “Sir, if you get 65 million, if you go up two…” Now, most presidents go down. Obama went down, he went down much lower the second time, he got fewer votes the second time, far fewer. And I understand that, that’s the way it works. But we went up 12 million. But I was told if we go up two million, we win. We went up 12 million and we so-called lost, but we didn’t lose, we didn’t lose. We didn’t lose.”

Trump Lost

2020 Presidential Election

“But I said, the big difference is that we did much better the second time. And think of it. 63 million compared to almost 75 million. And don’t forget that 75 million, what’s the real number? With all of the shenanigans. What’s the real number? The socialist Democrats see this better than anyone else. They know exactly what went on and they don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to talk about it.”

81 million is more than 74 million but that didn’t decide the election. The Electoral College did that.

Narrow Wins In These Key States Powered Biden To The Presidency

“You know what’s interesting? Hillary Clinton can complain about the election, by the way, she is the single most unhappy person in the United States because she said, “Why didn’t you do that for me? Why didn’t you create votes for me?” Because she said, “I was much closer.”

Audience: (01:03:37) Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!”

Hillary never said that. Donald Trump can not provide evidence that she ever did. “Lock Her Up!” is an old 2016 chant. Lock her up for what? Speaking of being locked up,

“Bad things. Bad, bad things. Why didn’t you create a… for Hillary Clinton? I do ask that question. Actually, the truth is we got them by surprise in 2016 and in 2020, they planned for four years. They said, “This is not going to happen again.” They planned it out.”

Democrats planned how to get a larger voter turnout. Now the GOP is planning on cutting into that turnout and take over who is in charge of counting the votes.

“Earlier this year, the Biden administration issued new rules, pushing twisted, critical race theory into classrooms across the nation and also into our military. Our generals and our admirals are now focused more on this nonsense than they are on our enemies.”

Critical Race Theory is the new GOP Mantra because “Wall!” and “Repeal and Replace” and “Drain the Swamp” and “Coal Miners Back to Work” and “Lock Her Up!” and “Balanced Budget” won’t work.

The man that created the CRT AstroTurf “issue” admits it,

You see these generals lately on television? They are woke. They’re woke.”

Jim Acosta: Trump has a clown car full of lies

“Our military will be incapable of fighting and incapable of taking orders. You’re going to tell some private, “Private, stand up. You stand up right now.” “I’m not standing up. You can’t talk to me that way, General.” We’re going to have a whole different ball game here. I don’t know how they’re going to work that out. The private’s going to tell the general, “Don’t you ever speak to me that way, General, I’ll kick your ass.” That’s our military. That’s where we’re going. Woke. I know some of these guys, boy, they change quickly. They went right over to the other side. I heard that about a couple of them. The military brass have become weak and ineffective leaders and our enemies are watching and they’re laughing.”

Wow! This is news to our military! The one Trump claims to have rebuilt.

We need a Republican Congress to ban critical race theory. I had it banned through executive order and it was fine. And then when we didn’t get in, they immediately re-instituted it, but where’s it all gone? But they have to get it out of our schools and they have to ban it in our workplaces and ban it in our states and ban it in federal agencies and ban it in our military, maybe most importantly.

A search of states’ Education Standards would tell Donald Trump schools are not teaching Critical Race Theory.

State superintendent: Critical race theory is ‘manufactured outrage,’ not being taught in Washington

What is critical race theory? Is it really taught in schools?


There is little to no evidence that critical race theory itself is being taught to K-12 public school students, though some ideas central to it, such as lingering consequences of slavery, have been. In Greenwich, Connecticut, some middle school students were given a “white bias” survey that parents viewed as part of the theory.”

“In addition, if government run schools are going to teach children to hate our country and racism, racism, racism, parents must be given the power to opt out of the horrible, horrible schools. They’re being forced to send their kids to these schools and we have to provide school choice. And we were a long way to getting it.”

No School teaches this. They teach US History.

“The radical left is trying to rip our nation apart and there is no depth to which they will not sink. You’ve seen it. You’ve seen it and you’ve seen it strongly. Just can’t have it.”

Nothing in this is true. The Democrats are not trying to rip our nation apart. They are not the party of hate and bigotry – that would be Trump and the Republican Party.


It was not the ‘radical left’ that murdered policemen in California

100 days of warning: inside the Boogaloo killings of US security personnel

It was just after 7am on 28 May, and Steven Carrillo, a US air force sergeant, was already awake, posting on Facebook about a “great opportunity” to attack federal agents, according to federal prosecutors.

Carrillo, 32, was an active duty member of the air force, assigned to Travis air force base in California. Two years before, he had taken part in an intensive training session to become part of an elite air force security unit, the Phoenix Ravens, who were prepared to protect aircraft from attacks in volatile situations.

Laura Ingraham, this is type of soldier General Milley want to find and weed out of our military, not Evangelical Christians.

Dave Patrick Underwood was working as one of the security officers at the federal courthouse that night, as a contractor for the Department of Homeland Security. Underwood, 53, had grown up in the Bay Area. He was a former star high school athlete, with a corny sense of humor and a sharp sense of style. As an adult, he had moved in with his ageing parents to care for them. His older sister would later describe how Underwood had been with their mother as she was dying, and when she fell to the ground, he picked her up, and carried her to her bed, because he knew that was where she had wanted to die.

“Patrick was a good man, who only wanted to help others and keep his community safe,” his sister, Angela Underwood Jacobs, said later.

Just before 9.45pm, according to federal prosecutors, as the white van pulled away from the guard post, its side door opened, and Carrillo opened fire on the security officers outside the courthouse. Underwood, shot multiple times, was killed. Another officer was seriously injured.

Carrillo, Justus would allegedly tell investigators, had been thrilled by the shooting. “Did you see how they fucking fell?” Justus allegedly recalled him saying.

It was not the radical left in Minneapolis

Feds say far-right group coordinated attack on Minneapolis police precinct during protest

It was not the radical left in Richmond, VA

Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter

There’s no better example that the election that we talk about and talk about, so proudly, because we did so well, the 2020 presidential election, was rigged. We won the election in a landslide. You know it, I know it. And you know who else knows it? The fake news knows it.”

Repeating The Big Lie again

“Democrats and their allies in big tech and in the fake news media viciously did everything possible to deny our victory and to delay the count until they could figure out how many votes were needed to drag Joe Biden across the finish line. You know that. Now they sensor, conceal and smear you. If you look into the election today, and I saw the other day where they were saying, “We are going to look into the election.” I said, “That’s great.” No, they’re not looking into that. They’re looking into the people that want the truth. They’re not looking into the election. The election was the lie. That was the big lie. They talk about the big lie. They always say, “While it is totally disproven…” Every sentence. Like every sentence they say… Well, I would say no, it’s totally disproven in the opposite way. But the big lie is what took place on the evening. And the morning, November 3rd, November 4th, November 5th. And they know it and they don’t want to talk about it.”

No one denied Trump from victory or dragged Biden to victory. Repeating the Big Lie does not make it true.

“Have you ever noticed, though, I was going to say, so Hillary Clinton’s allowed to talk about it, right? Stacey Abrams. She said she won for governor. By the way, we might’ve been better if she did win for governor of Georgia, if you want to know the truth, we might’ve had a better governor if she did win. But Stacey Abrams goes around saying she won the election. Nobody says anything. Hillary Clinton says she won the election. Nobody says anything. I say we won the election. “That’s terrible. That’s terrible.””

Nice dig at the GOP Governor of Georgia. Stacy Abrams and Georgia?

Georgia’s Stacey Abrams Admits Defeat, Says Kemp Used ‘Deliberate’ Suppression To Win

Abrams supporters didn’t attack the Georgia state capitol.

For the first time in history, they mass mail tens of millions of absentee ballots and ballot applications to every person on the rolls, dead or alive, legal or illegal, resident or non-resident, of our country. They installed millions of dollars worth of illegal, unmanned dropboxes. How about these dropboxes where they were 96% for Joe Biden? The vote was 96 for Biden and some of them showed up very, very late. They say, “Where are they?” Oh, they come the next day. 96% for Biden.

People on rolls are not votes. Dropboxes are legal.

Wisconsin Supreme Court nixes move to ban ballot drop boxes

Ballot drop boxes have long been used without controversy. Then Trump got involved

No, Biden did not receive thousands of mysteriously surfaced votes in Michigan

“And you know, I was told that you can give $5,600, but Zuckerberg gave $500 million to all of this stuff. Now that’s legal, right? That’s legal? I don’t think so. And the whole lockbox scam. That’s another thing. That’s just one of many things they did. In fact, what happened here is what the State Department used to criticize in communist countries, illegal use of absentee ballots. They went after them very strongly.”


Facebook CEO Zuckerberg donates $500 million in stock to charity

“The recipient is the nonprofit Silicon Valley Community Foundation, which helps donors manage and identify charitable funds that are in line with their philanthropic passions. “

“Opposition observers ejected. They would take the opposition observers like they did in Detroit and they did in Atlanta and they did in Philadelphia where you had more votes than you had voters. Other than that, it was a very good election. But you had more votes than you had voters. Other than that, it was wonderful.”

Trump’s wrong claim that election observers were barred in Pennsylvania, Michigan

Trump And Allies Keep Claiming Republican Poll Watchers Were Banned—That’s A Lie

“But they did a North Korean style turnout. This is what they talked about. Illegally altered vote tabulation data. All of these things, this is what they used to talk about. These things happen, they said, in Ukraine in 2004. Now to a large extent, they happened here. We’ll prove it. We’ll be out there fighting.”

What illegally altered vote tabulation data? States did hand recounts. How many times are you going to repeat The Big Lie?

“You have incredible American patriots. You have incredible American patriots. I saw one here, I didn’t even know he was coming. Where is Mike? The pillow man? Where is it? I saw him. Mike Lindell.”

Mike Lindell, who has no proof but always promises to provide the proof.

“But as many, many people will tell you, including the gentleman that spoke before you this evening, I understand, there’s just mountains of evidence, including on camera, in the middle of the night, when ballots were pulled from under the tables. You saw that? After Republican poll watches were kicked the hell out of the counting rooms, you saw that? With the woman with the tables? They said, “There’s a massive water main leak. Everybody leave.” They all ran out for their lives. They ran out so fast. And then this group of people came in and they started stuffing the ballot boxes. That’s all it was. It’s a terrible thing. That was in Georgia, where they said everything was so wonderful.”

This is a lie

Fact check: No evidence of fraud in Georgia election results

Three audits didn’t find fraud

The Georgia secretary of state’s office has audited the state’s election results three times. None of those audits turned up evidence of widespread fraud.


No fraudulent absentee ballots were identified during the audit.                                     

(ATLANTA)-After a hand recount and a subsequent machine recount requested by the Trump campaign, a signature audit has again affirmed the original outcome of the November 2020 presidential race in Georgia. A signature match audit in Cobb County found “no fraudulent absentee ballots” and found that the Cobb County Elections Department had “a 99.99% accuracy rate in performing correct signature verification procedures.””

After Republican poll watches were kicked the hell out of the counting rooms, you saw that?

Fact-checking Trump’s claims on poll watchers

Video Doesn’t Show ‘Suitcases’ of Illegal Ballots in Georgia

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s made-up claims of fake Georgia votes

“And by the way, now they’re saying they’re going to delete over a hundred thousand names. I said, “Why the hell didn’t you delete them before the election? Not after the election?” Why didn’t they do that? Why didn’t they do it before the election?”

Voter rolls are regularly purged.

Voter Purges

Voter caging and purging

Ballots were wheeled in through back doors in swing states days after the election. They had no idea that we were going to win by this much. They thought it was going to be a close election and then all of a sudden they see these massive numbers in Pennsylvania.”

This is a massive lie!

No, Atlanta Didn’t Count Illegal Ballots In Secret (Or In Suitcases)

Fact check: Viral video claiming to show ‘shredded mail-in ballots’ is of printing waste

Video does not provide evidence of election fraud in Detroit

“I hear now that Wisconsin is looking very, very seriously, and I respect Wisconsin so much. It’s a great state. They’re looking very seriously. Pennsylvania is really starting to take this very seriously. And Michigan is not. You can’t get those Republicans, some are great, by the way, but Michigan is not doing the job. They’re right by you. How do you win Ohio by so much, record numbers, and lose Michigan? There’s one way I can tell you. There’s one way. But the rhinos in Michigan Senate are not doing anything. So I think the people are really starting to push them very strongly. But I want to thank Pennsylvania. I want to thank Wisconsin. They’re really starting to move and they don’t like what they’re seeing.”


Donald Trump calls out Wisconsin Republicans for not conducting forensic audit into election

“In Montana, over six percent of a certain county’s mail-in ballots are missing, evidence to prove if they were legitimate or not, they’re missing all of this evidence and think of it, Montana. A lot of mail-in ballots. Wherever you have the mail-in ballots, by the way, did you see the fraudulent votes in New York City for the congressional race? I actually think that the woman Democrat lost, okay, but they were weeks and weeks, they couldn’t figure it out. They were all gone. I could figure it out. But those mail-in ballots are treacherous, the way they can manipulate them, get rid of them, lose them.”

Former President Donald Trump calls into question the validity of Montana’s election

“There have been no reports of 6% of any counties mail-in ballots “missing” in Montana, if that information changes or new information is revealed we will update this web copy.”

Judge weighing disputed ballots in undecided NY House race

“While the judge criticized counties for carelessness, he has said there was no evidence of voter fraud.”

“The affidavits from hundreds and hundreds of poll workers and poll watchers and witnesses across the country were signed under penalty of perjury, but they were silenced and never ever heard in court because many of our judges were gutless.”

This is an often repeated lie.

Arizona Supreme Court rejects GOP effort to overturn election results, affirms Biden win in state

“Ward brought the election contest under a state law that allows voters to dispute certified results if they suspect misconduct, illegal votes or an inaccurate count. But, over a day and a half of testimony and oral arguments, her team failed to prove anything beyond a handful of garden variety mistakes, Superior Court Judge Randall Warner said.”

Fact check: Courts have dismissed multiple lawsuits of alleged electoral fraud presented by Trump campaign

“Following President Joe Biden’s swearing in on Jan. 20, a Facebook post shared over 6,140 times has said: “Not one court has looked at the evidence and said that Biden legally won. Not one”. This is false: state and federal judges dismissed more than 50 lawsuits presented by then President Donald Trump and his allies challenging the election or its outcome.”

And our Supreme Court, I must say, I am ashamed of our Supreme Court. I’m ashamed. They were not allowed to be seen or be used.”

The magic word is writ of certiorari

Supreme Court rejects Trump election challenge cases

And I won 18 out of 19 bellwether counties, when that happens, you win. When that happens, you win. If you win Ohio, and if you win Florida, you win. If you win Ohio and you win Florida… Donald Trump: (01:15:02)
… win. If you win Ohio and you win Florida and you win Iowa and all by big numbers, big, big win in Florida, all by big numbers. When that happens, nobody’s ever lost. Nobody’s ever lost.”

Where Did All The Bellwether Counties Go?

“But in 2020, 18 of these 19 “bellwether counties” voted for former President Donald Trump. Just one — Clallam County, Washington — voted for President Joe Biden.”

Why does Trump keep repeating the same lies over and over again after they have been debunked as lies?

Trump said no candidate has won Florida and Ohio and lost. Pants on Fire!

Trump Falsely Claims ‘No Candidate’ Has Lost Presidency If They Won Ohio And Florida

This was the scam of the century and this was the crime of the century.

No Scam. No Crime. There has never been a president as bad as Donald Trump.

“We swung to the previously democrat Starr County on the border of Texas. Gained a half million votes in Los Angeles County and doubled my vote total in a place called the Bronx because we did great with Hispanics. And we did great with the African American community, but it didn’t matter that much. Vote counting is an amazing thing. And yet we’re told Joe Biden, who couldn’t fill 12 circles in a high school gym got 81 million votes.”

President Donald J. Trump nearly wins Starr County

“Trump and Vice President Michael R. Pence won 47% of 17,478 ballots cast in Starr County, according to results published by the Secretary of State’s Office.

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his running mate, U.S. Sen. Kamala D. Harris, won 52% of ballots cast.

The results marked a major improvement for Trump and were noted by major cable news networks as they covered the election results.

In 2016, then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won 79.1% of the vote in Starr County, according to the Secretary of State’s Office.”


doubled my vote total in a place called the Bronx because we did great with Hispanics


Borough breakdown: How NYC voted for the president (hint: Clinton didn’t win them all)


New York Presidential Election Results 2020

10% to 15.7% is not doubling the vote

And we did great with the African American community

A new report complicates simplistic narratives about race and the 2020 election

You know, the 75 is the largest vote in the history of our country for a sitting president, right? No president has ever gotten anywhere even close to that number. One poll manager, who worked in Fulton County, Georgia for two decades, said that she witnessed thousands and thousands of counterfeit ballots for Joe Biden with identical photocopied markings. They were all identical. They were all done identically. How does that happen? She was pressured to drop her claim and then she was fired very, very viciously.

Suzi Voyles is her name

Why a Judge Has Georgia Vote Fraud on His Mind: ‘Pristine’ Biden Ballots That Looked Xeroxed

“When Fulton County, Ga., poll manager Suzi Voyles sorted through a large stack of mail-in ballots last November, she noticed an alarmingly odd pattern of uniformity in the markings for Joseph R. Biden. One after another, the absentee votes contained perfectly filled-in ovals for Biden — except that each of the darkened bubbles featured an identical white void inside them in the shape of a tiny crescent, indicating they’d been marked with toner ink instead of a pen or pencil.

Adding to suspicions, she noticed that all of the ballots were printed on different stock paper than the others she handled as part of a statewide hand recount of the razor-thin Nov. 3 presidential election. And none was folded or creased, as she typically observed in mail-in ballots that had been removed from envelopes.”

Biased much?

“Instead of hearing evidence from election fraud experts RINOs in Michigan are calling for sham investigations to shut down. “Shut it down immediately,” say these RINO Republicans. Shut it down immediately. Even though Detroit is perhaps the single most corrupt election area in the United States. You heard what happened there. The number of votes and the number of voters and these guys say, “Shut it down.” Somebody’s going to have to say, “Why do they want to shut down?” 55% of voters support election audits.”

They heard from Trump’s Crack Legal Team’s Experts

Why 8 claims from Rudy Giuliani’s Michigan witnesses don’t add up

Michigan knows there was no fraud

Michigan Republicans eviscerate Trump voter fraud claims in scathing report

“And again I want to thank the brave Republican senators in the State of Arizona for what they’re doing. Because they saw what was happening, and I have nothing to do. What’s going to happen is they are going to issue a report at sometime in the not too distant future and it will be very interesting to see. But that’s them doing it, this is the State Senate of Arizona. Let’s see how that comes out, but I guess it’s going to be coming out very, very soon. And a lot of states have gone to watch them and they’ve come away with praise, real praise. So let’s see how that turns out. Arizona, it’s a big deal.”

The scam audit by a scam ‘company’

How Arizona’s 2020 election ‘audit’ went from comedy to tragedy

Experts Call It A ‘Clown Show’ But Arizona ‘Audit’ Is A Disinformation Blueprint

Why Christina Bobb’s OAN ‘coverage’ of the Arizona audit is deceptive — and dangerous

In Arizona’s Bizarre Election Audit, Ballots Are Being Checked For Bamboo And Election Chief Has Been Assigned Protection

Arizona voting system data sent to Montana lab as part of latest audit

Experts or ‘grifters’? Little-known firm runs Arizona audit

Instead, the state Senate hired a small Florida-based cybersecurity firm known as Cyber Ninjas that had not placed a formal bid for the contract and had no experience with election audits. Senate President Karen Fann says she can’t recall how she found the firm, but her critics believe one credential stood out: Cyber Ninjas’ chief executive officer had tweeted support for conspiracy theories claiming Republican Donald Trump, and not Democrat Joe Biden, had won Maricopa County and Arizona.

“And a lot of things are happening now in the State of Georgia with all of the cancellation and all of the things that they’re doing and all of the votes that they’re taking out of the system and all of the dead people that they’re finding. These are dead. Some of the dead people requested an application and then voted. Even 30% of Democrats think there was cheating in the election and 78% of the Republicans think there was major, major cheating. Think of that.”

AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s made-up claims of fake Georgia votes

State debunks voter ‘fraud’ claims line-by-line

“He said that the Trump campaign complained that 10,000 dead people voted during the general election. Germany said they have found a total of two.

“Usually, that’s somebody who died recently, and a family member votes with (the name),” Germany said. “That handful of instances are consistent with what we see in every election. Again, it’s not ok,.” 

He added the cases would be referred to the state election board for possible penalties.”

How do you have a government? You got to solve this problem because you can’t have a country … you know, I say, you need borders. Can’t have a country without borders. Well, you can’t have a country that’s not going to have elections that are real and free. And people have to know that they’re real and free. Otherwise you don’t have a country. You don’t have a country. Our government spent four years and $48 million on a fabricated witch hunt about Russia, Russia, Russia.

It was not a fabricated which hunt. The word “not” appears before “exonerate”.

“The biggest tragedy of all is millions of Americans have lost confidence in their vote. We can’t let that happen. And that’s why I say you have to know what took place in 2020, before you can vote in 2022 or 2024. You have to know. You know, I have a lot of friends, I have a lot of friends, great people and patriots, and they love me and everything is good. They say, “President, don’t look back, look forward. You’re leading in every poll. You’re going to win the election so big in ’24. Don’t look back.” And you know what I say? You have to look back. You have to look back. We won the election in 2020. Who the hell knows what’s going to be in 2024. We won’t even have a country left. We’re not going to have a country left. And if we don’t figure it out, we’re not going to be in a position to win in 2022 or 2024. We’ll never stop fighting for the true results of this election. And it’s moving along rapidly, whether it’s Democrats or RINOs who stand in our way.”

The tragedy is Donald Trump lying about voter fraud. A bigger tragedy is that anyone believes him.

“And you know, in many cases, the RINOs are worse than the democrats. They think they can run our country like a dictatorship, but the American people are very smart, courageous, and unafraid. And we Will not let that happen. We can’t. We can’t. Remember, I’m not the one trying to undermine American democracy. I’m the one that’s trying to save American democracy. It’s true.”

Trump is the threat. Trump wants to be the dictator.

“Republicans across the country are uniting around a plan to fully secure every future election with a voter ID. Now, all of a sudden the democrats, they fought it for years. Now it’s a 90% issue in the polls and the democrats, “Well, we always liked voter ID.” Do you believe this one? They always liked voter ID for the first time. Universal signature verification, citizenship confirmation, chain of custody, integrity controls, updated voter rolls. Which are just terrible. It’s just terrible.”

No one has an issue with any of this.

“The voter rolls. Illegal aliens allowed to vote. Strong protection of poll watchers. In Philadelphia, in Detroit, they literally harassed innocent republican poll watches the hell out of a building.”

Vote rolls are not VOTES – do you cancel your public library card if you move way? We have already covered the poll watcher lies. In Philadelphia and Detroit – they were not harassed.

‘Bad things happen in Philadelphia,’ Trump says at debate, renewing false claim about poll watchers

More than 100 Republican challengers monitored absentee ballot count in Detroit

“President Donald Trump, whose campaign filed an unsuccessful lawsuit to stop the counting, repeated that claim in a speech Nov. 5, saying, “Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit.”

That’s not true, and many news networks halted their broadcasts of the president’s speech because he was spreading misinformation.”

“For days and days and days as this election went on. It was a terrible thing they did. Illegal dropboxes and restoring the time honored tradition of in-person voting on election day. What’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with that? They used COVID in order to cheat. They used COVID in order to rig the election and in order to steal the election. They used COVID, that’s as simple as it gets. With the help of everyone here tonight and patriots all across the country, we will do all that we are supposed to be doing and much more when we win giant Republican majorities next year.”

Drop boxes are NOT illegal and no one used COVID to cheat and the election was not rigged or stolen.

“Eric Swalwell.

How about Swalwell? Is he the worst? Between him … think of it. Shifty Schiff, they walk out. “We will take strong action against President Trump for his relationships with Russia.” I’m saying, “What the hell do I have to do with Russia?” I’m trying to figure it out. These people are really dishonest people. Tim Ryan is a disaster. He’s a guy who failed Ohio and his district. He couldn’t even get the vote that he needed in his own district in the last election. He’s laughed at all over Washington. He’s disrespected in Washington. He talks about workers. All the time he’s talking about workers, but he does nothing for the worker. It was all of the things that I did.”

“What the hell do I have to do with Russia?” I’m trying to figure it out.” A tower?

Help with your election?

My trade deals, my tariffs, my energy policies, my reduced taxes and regulations, and everything else. That’s what happened to our workers in this country and that’s why we came up with numbers the likes of which … we had 160 million people working, there’s never been anything like it.”

We have already plowed this field twice. Jobs?

“In 2020, I became the first Republican since Ronald Reagan to win a place called Lorain County. Has anyone ever heard of it? Has anyone ever heard of it? Next year, the Republican red wave is going to begin right here with a republican congress. We will fight for more jobs for Ohio families, fair trade for Ohio workers, and more Ohio factories forging more products stamped with that beautiful, beautiful phrase “Made in the USA”. Made in the USA. We will stand up to China, make them pay trillions in reparations and ensure that America, not China, dominates the future. We will defend American sovereignty. We will secure America’s borders and we will end illegal immigration, that dangerous, horrible term once and for all. We will break up big tech monopolies, reject left wing cancel culture, and we will restore the right to free speech in America.”

Lorain, Ohio?

U.S. Steel to idle Lorain tubular plant, lay off 250 workers by May 24

“We will protect innocent life. We will defend our constitution and we will proudly upheld Judeo Christian values and principles of our nation’s founding.”

Sadly the GOP and Evangelists profess to love babies BEFORE they are born, but once they ARE born they could care less about their healthcare, nutrition, housing, safety or freedom.

Most white evangelicals approve of Trump travel prohibition and express concerns about extremism

Pro-Life = Pro-Pre-Babies-to-Pander-For-Votes

“We will care for our veterans”

“continue to strengthen our military, and give our police officers, border patrol, ICE, and law enforcement of all kinds 100% support.” 

The military FoxNews and Donald Trump is attacking? The police officers Trump supporters attacked on January 6?

The Capitol Police and DC Police that want answers?

“We will restore patriotic education to our schools and we will teach our children to love their country, honor our history, and always respect our great American flag.”

Trump just started to ramble at this point

“The people of this land will not be ruled and talked down to by corrupt politicians, petty tyrants, left-wing bullies, or socialist bureaucrats in a place called Washington DC. It’s not going to happen.”

Talked down to? You mean educated? Corrupt Politicians? Trump’s cabinet?

“Our ancestors are the people that crossed an ocean for the right to live and pray and speak as they saw fit. They are the people who risked everything. They risked everything. Think of what, you’re here and you’re generally happy, not necessarily 100% because of what took place, but they are the people who risked their lives to boldly declare their independence and then defeated the most powerful military on earth to win their freedom. Brave, incredible, brilliant people. And our ancestors are the people who tamed the great wilderness, settled a vast continent, laid down the railroads, raised up the skyscrapers, and poured out their blood, sweat, and tears to build this country into the greatest nation in the history of the world and were not going to let it go. We will respect our heroes like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson. They will not be taken from us. America is still the nation that conquered the Wild West, that vanquished the murderers, dictators that ended the evil empires.”

Slavery? Trail of Tears?

“And that sent a brave young man from Ohio to a planet. Think of it. [Seth 01:31:39], you know who the man I’m talking about is? Who am I talking about? Do you know who it is? The stars and stripes on the face of the moon. Do you know who the man is, right? Do you know? Do you know? You know who it is?”

John Glenn, and the moon is not a planet.

“There is no mountain we cannot climb. There is no summit we cannot reach. There is nothing that we cannot do. There is absolutely nothing we cannot match. There is no challenge that you will let us down. You will never let us down. The people of Ohio will never let us down. The people of our country will never let us down.”

Trump let the coal miners of Ohio down

Trump in Ohio: Fact-checking claims on coal jobs, the wall and the president’s Cincy job

Ohio coal

Trump: “We’re putting our coal workers back to work.”

The facts: Ohio mining and logging employment hit a peak of 15,700 workers in December 2014. Since Trump took office, that number has increased from 10,900 to 12,800, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics figures.

Coal production was slightly lower this week than the same time last year.

Still, the National Mining Association sees fewer regulations as a good sign for the industry.”

“We will not bend. We will not break. We will not yield. We will never give in. We will never give up. We will never back down. We will never, ever surrender. My fellow Americans, our movement is far from over. In fact, our fight has only just begun. We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God.”

A New Darkness Falls on the Trump Movement

I just hope Democrats can get their act together for 2022 and Crush the Republicans so what used to be my party will come to its senses.

“So with American pride swelling in our hearts and American courage stirring in our souls, I say these words to you tonight, we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you, Ohio. Thank you. Thank you very much.”

When did MAGA happen?

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Why does the GOP lie on Twitter (I hate what has become of what used to be My Party)

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