Modern Day Elmer Gantry Tent Shows – A Great Example:


Charlie Kirk has gotten rich from TPUSA. Hates Democracy.

Charlie Kirk Podcast Launches 22 Unhinged, Vile Attacks Against Taylor Swift

“MAGA Republicans continue attacking the pop star for encouraging voter registration”

Turning Point USA

Turning Point USA is a right-wing youth and student group, with a mission to “identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government.”[1] The group funnels money to right-wing candidates for student government at universities across the country and has faced numerous allegations of racial discrimination. Turning Point USA is funded by a variety of right-wing mega-donors with a history of flooding the political process with money, including the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Ed Uihlein Family FoundationFoster Friess, Michael Leven and various Koch brothers-affiliated groups, such as the Foundation for Economic EducationDonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund.

The group was founded by right-wing activist Charlie Kirk in 2012. It claims to be the “largest and fastest growing youth organization in America” with “a presence on over 1,300 college campuses and high schools across the country.”[1]

Alex Jones just makes things up out of thin air

Alex Jones’ Mis-Infowars: 7 Bat-Sh*t Conspiracy Theories

  • “Satanists are taking over America
  • Bill Gates is a eugenicist trying to wipe out minorities
  • The government is controlling the weather
  • Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a D.C.-area pizza restaurant
  • The government is complicit in countless terrorist and lone-gunman attacks
  • Millions of undocumented immigrants illegally voted in the election
  • Former Fox News host Glenn Beck is a CIA operative”

How Alex Jones helped mainstream conspiracy theories become part of American life

Alex Jones concedes that the Sandy Hook attack was ‘100% real’

Mark Levin has his talk-radio show,

Tom Fitton has a bachelors degree in English, but professes legal expertise with Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch, Inc. describes itself on its website,, as “a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.”[1] It has also fashioned itself as a media organization.[2] It was initiated near the beginning of the Clinton Administration in 1994 and asserts that its role is “to serve as an ethical and legal ‘watchdog’ over our government, legal, and judicial systems to promote a return to ethics and morality in our nation’s public life.”

The group was founded in 1994 by Larry Klayman,[2] who the Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled as an anti-government “extremist.”[3] It is now run by Thomas Fitton, who serves as its president.[2]

Judicial Watch has been called “one of the biggest players in the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.”[4] It has made many claims since its founding which news outlets describe as either false or misleading.[5][6][7][8]

Tom may be going through some things?

Christopher Rufo created the Critical Race Theory ‘issue’.

Joe Rogan is just ignorant of current events.

Rogan owes me $2,000,000 for charity

FoxNews, OANN and NewsMax are destroying our country,

Prager U is NO University!

What do they all have in common? Making money off the segment of our country that is ignorant of what is really happening in our country and the world.

Biden Vs. Trump: The College Education Divide Is Wider Than Ever

“Lost in the hubbub were the staggering gaps in opinions about Trump and Biden depending on whether respondents had a college degree or not. Although this is certainly not the first study to show educational differences in public opinion about President Trump, the size of the spread and the negative views of Trump among those with a college education were particularly noteworthy.

Here are a few examples from the poll:

“Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling his job as president?”

Among college graduates, a mere 30% approved of Trump’s job performance, and 67% disapproved. Even among non-graduates, only 42% approved of Trump, and 52% disapproved.

The only education group to give Trump higher approval than disapproval ratings were white non-college graduates, where 52% approved and 43% disapproved. Among white college graduates, those disapproving of Trump’s job performance (66%) was more than two-to-one higher than those approving (32%).”

What the 2020 electorate looks like by party, race and ethnicity, age, education and religion


Share of Democratic voters with no college experience has fallen sharply; much less change among the GOP

“Around two-thirds of registered voters in the U.S. (65%) do not have a college degree, while 36% do. But the share of voters with a college degree has risen substantially since 1996, when 24% had one.

Voters who identify with the Democratic Party or lean toward it are much more likely than their Republican counterparts to have a college degree (41% vs. 30%). In 1996, the reverse was true: 27% of GOP voters had a college degree, compared with 22% of Democratic voters.”

In Changing U.S. Electorate, Race and Education Remain Stark Dividing Lines

Education and race. Just as the nation has become more racially and ethnically diverse, it also has become better educated. Still, just 36% of registered voters have a four-year college degree or more education; a sizable majority (64%) have not completed college. Democrats increasingly dominate in party identification among white college graduates – and maintain wide and long-standing advantages among black, Hispanic and Asian American voters. Republicans increasingly dominate in party affiliation among white non-college voters, who continue to make up a majority (57%) of all GOP voters.”

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