Donald Trump

Excuse me Senator Susan Collins, but Trump did not learn his lesson!

I Told You!

New Poll Shows Susan Collins Is Up For a Tough Reelection

Collins: Trump ‘angered by impeachment’

WOW! This ‘Susan Collins’s Trump Learned His Lesson’ thing didn’t last long!

“Head On a Pike”

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment

President celebrates Senate acquittal at the White House, expresses no contrition and calls Democratic leaders ‘vicious and mean’

Read Trump’s bananas, post-impeachment victory lap speech

Daniel Dale and Aaron Rupar are MUST-FOLLOW on Twitter!

Here is the speech and Daniel Dale and my comments along the way:

Is this a Trump Rally? Not a very diverse gathering!

“We had the Witch Hunt”

Not according to Senator Lamar Alexander

“We have been going through this for three years”

We have too!

“It was evil, it was corrupt.”

You are describing your administration President Trump!

“This should never happen to another president, ever”

Our Founding Fathers don’t agree with you. If another president is as corrupt as you are, it should happen again and hopefully BOTH parties will have the principles to do what our forefathers intended them to do.

“It was a disgrace”

The disgrace is what used to be my Republican party!

“If this happened to President Obama, a lot of people would have been in jail for a long time already.”

If it was President Obama he would have been impeached AND convicted! Hold that thought on going to jail, this quote may not age well?

“Friendships and relationships when you are in battle and war”

“We have done more than any administration in its first few years”

FDR? New Deal?

New Deal

LBJ? Great Society?

The Great Society at 50


“take credit for the stock market”

The Stock Market was better under Obama!

“they liked the State of the Union Speech”

To quote Phil Collins “It’s all been a pack of lies”

“It’s a Celebration”

“did nothing wrong”

We told you so Senator Collins!

“I’ve done things in my life, I will admit”

I have known that since the 1980s!

“not purposely, but I’ve done things wrong”

Trump University? Central Park 5? Racial Discrimination as a Landlord?

“this is what the end result is”

“Russia Russia Russia”

“It was all Bull Shit!”

That isn’t a very Christian thing to say!

“we went through the Mueller Report”

“lives were ruined”

People went to Prison!

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller’s Investigation

“people came to Washington to help other people, bright eyed and bushy tailed they say, they came”

“Andrew Jackson was always the nastiest campaign”

Andrew Jackson ignored the United States Supreme Court. You ignore the United States Constitution.

Worcester v. Georgia

Trail of Tears

You hosted the Navajo Wind Talkers underneath a portrait of Andrew Jackson AND called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” in their presence!

Sonny Skyhawk: Trump Comments At Code Talkers Event “Staged” In Front Of Andrew Jackson Painting

“very very bad and evil people”

FISA Court? 1978?


About the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

“Fake Dossier, Christopher Steele admits that it was fake”

The Steele Dossier: A Retrospective

Steele says he used unverified information to support details about web company in dossier

“I want to thank my legal team”

“They made up facts. A corrupt politician named Adam Schiff made up my statement to the Ukrainian President. Just made it up.”

“The Essence of what the president communicates” Look up ‘paraphrase’ “This is in sum, in character, what the president was trying to communicate”

“We had transcripts. We had professional transcribers”

We have never seen a transcript! We were given a memorandum titled “Memorandum”

Then they said, well, maybe the transcription is not correct. But Lieutenant Colonel Vindman and his twin brother, we had some people that were really amazing, but we did everything. I said, what was wrong with it?

“Mitch McConnell, you did a fantastic job!”

“191 Federal Judges”

“Two Supreme Court Judges”

Merrick Garland ring a bell?

“How about all these people? They’re running for office.”

“They take an oath”

They followed their oath! Only one Republican did!

“We did a Prayer Breakfast this morning”

“I had Nancy Pelosi sitting four seats away and I am saying things a lot of people wouldn’t have said. I meant every word of it.”

“Bill Cassidy. Pre-existing Conditions. I call Barrasso.”

The biggest lie in Trump’s State of the Union speech

“He’s got this voice that scares people.”

Grassley Statement Regarding Intel Community Whistleblower

“Josh Hawley. A bright future.”

“We won 197 to nothing”

“Open borders, sanctuary cities”

“These people are vicious.”

Posting this GOP Meme without comment:

“Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible, person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person.”

The 598 People, Places and Things Donald
Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

Didn’t Trump call all Mexicans rapists? Wants to ban all Muslims from entering our country?


“I pray for the president.”

“George Washington”

George Washington warned us about you!

220 years ago, George Washington warned us about Trump

“Poll Numbers”

“A very good phone call”

This Susan Collins tweet did NOT age well!

“Mike Pompeo was on the call. Many people were on the call.”

“Corruption in Ukraine”

“A son that made no money, that got thrown out of the military, that had no money at all, is working for $3 million dollars up front, $83,000 a month, and that’s only Ukraine, and then goes to China and picks up $1 and a half million dollars, than goes to Romania, I hear, and many other countries.”

Are you talking about Don Jr or Eric? What about Ivanka?

Here’s How Much Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka Trump Are Worth

How Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric Trump Have Profited Off Their Dad’s Presidency

“Is Ivanka in the audience? My kids could make a fortune.”

The lack of self-awareness is amazing!

Ivanka Trump received at least $12.6 million since 2016, disclosure shows

Try googling Ivanka and Trademarks President Trump!

“Why isn’t Germany giving them money? Why isn’t France? Why isn’t the United Kingdom paying money?”

Trump Wrong on European Aid to Ukraine

“President Donald Trump wrongly said that “Europe and other nations” were “not” contributing to Ukraine, specifically calling for Germany and France to “put up money.” In fact, the European Union and European financial institutions have contributed more than $16.4 billion in grants and loans to Ukraine since 2014.”

Trump LIES a LOT!

“Why is the United States always the sucker?”

“Same energy was put into infrastructure”

Infrastructure Week came and went when GOP controlled the House and the Senate! Democratic Controlled House and energy?

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo

Democrats in Congress are getting things done. Trump and Republicans are just ignoring them.

A Primary Source President Trump:

“Prescription Drug Prices”

Trump misleadingly says prescription drug prices have gone down

Trump’s One Accomplishment on Drug Prices: Lying About Them

“They brought me to a final vote on impeachment”

And the Gutless, Lack-of-Principles, Senate Republicans decided to have the first impeachment in US History with NO witnesses!

“That’s a very ugly word to me. Very dark word. Very ugly.”

“A totally appropriate call. I call it a perfect call.”

Hey Lamar, Mario, Susan and others. It looks like Donald Trump has not learned a lesson. Look for more impeachable offenses to take place in the future! It should would be nice to see those tax returns! Posting this here without comment:

“A gorgeous word. Total acquittal.”

History will not acquit you Donald Trump!

“Kevin, you are going to be Speaker of the House. I am going to work hard on it. In 18 we didn’t win.”

Democrats’ blue wave was much larger than early takes suggested

“We won 2 seats in North Carolina. That were not supposed to be won.”

North Carolina’s congressional map is illegal Republican gerrymander, court rules

“A few names. My Cabinet”

Tracking turnover in the Trump administration

“Great Warriors. Kelly Armstrong.”

“We’re putting up walls”

Three miles of new wall where no wall existed before in three years (1 mile per year)

“Iowa. The Fiasco. The Democrats. We also had an election out there. We got 98% of the votes.”

“A lot of my guys went there. They went to Iowa.”

“they say the spirit for the Republican party right now is stronger, I think, than it’s ever been in the history of our country. I think it’s stronger than it’s ever been. That includes honest Abe Lincoln. A lot of people forget Abe Lincoln. I wish he were here. I would give him one hell of an introduction. He was a Republican. Abe Lincoln. Honest Abe.”

“By the way, your Super Bowl champions are coming, I think, next week or soon, very soon, and every one of them want to be here, and the coach loves us. The coach is great, Andy Reid, and every one of them want to be here.”

“But thank her, and Mark Meadows is an extraordinary guy. The only problem, I guess — he would only win by 40 points, but he was announcing he won’t be running this time.”

Mark Meadows LIED on the Floor of The House!

“A man who is braver than me and braver than all of us in this room, he got whacked. He got whacked. My Steve, right? I went to the hospital with our great first lady that night and we saw a man that was not going to make it.”

Sadly, Trump talks NRA Talking Points

“I even had a great headline in the New York Times, the Washington Post, I had all these great headlines. Maybe we should end it right there.”

Are you resigning?

” So that’s the story.”

That was FAR from being The Story. The Story is still being written. Future historians will be shaking heads as the study “The Story of Donald Trump.”

“But people should investigate Hillary. Then they go to Hillary, and he let him go. But they deleted all their emails and text messages, so when we got the phone, they were all deleted. Can you imagine the treasure trove? They illegally deleted.”

The emails you told Russia to find?


“So I’m going to leave now, and I don’t know if any of you have anything to say. You could say it but this is sort of a day of celebration because we went through hell. And I’m sure that Pelosi and crying Chuck [Schumer] — the only time I ever saw him cry was when it was appropriate. I’ve known him for a long time, crying Chuck.”

You were so right Senator Susan Collins! Trump is so contrite! (Sarcastic Voice)

“I  imagine they’ll try to cook up other things. They’ll go through the state of New York, they’ll go other places, they’ll go wherever they can. Because instead of trying to heal our country and fix our country, all they want to do — in my opinion, it’s almost like they want to destroy our country. We can’t let it happen. Jim Jordan, did you want to say something? Go ahead. Mark?”

When does @gop @housegop @senategop realize more and more facts are going to keep coming out about @realDonaldTrump ? History is NOT going to be kind to the Republican Party of this era. This era will make Harding, Grant and Nixon’s pale in comparison!

“MARK MEADOWS: I just wanted to say that this reflection today is a small reflection of the kind of support you have all across the country. We’ve got your back. [Applause]”

We have to get THESE PEOPLE to vote!

If “Did Not Vote” Had Been A Candidate In The 2016 US Presidential Election, It Would Have Won By a Landslide

“Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there is something so compelling and so overwhelming and bipartisan — bipartisan? It was 197 to nothing. Then one failed presidential candidate, and I call that half a vote because he actually voted for us on the other one. But we had one failed presidential candidate. That’s the only half a vote we lost. So we had almost 53 to nothing. We had 197 to nothing.”

You repeat your 197 to nothing lie. House Dems had more than 197 votes. That is the reason you will forever in high school and college text books alongside Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton as presidents that have been impeached. Failed presidential candidate?

“You know, we had — Secretary [Alex] Azar is here, and I want to thank him for this, but we had for the first time in 51 years where drug prices actually came down last year. First time in 51 years.”

This is a HUGE LIE!!!

Daniel, they did not really go down in 2018

AP: For Each Drug Price Cut, There Were 96 Price Hikes This Year So Far

Ask Alex Azar!

Alex Azar: Why Drug Prices Keep Going Up — and Why They Need to Come Down


879% drug price hike is one of 3,400 in 2019 so far; rate of hikes increasing

The Shocking Rise of Prescription Drug Prices

“We’ve redone our military. We’ve cut regulations at a level that no one thought possible, we’ll always protect our second amendment, we know that.”


Trump planning to use billions more in military funds to build border wall, per report


Second Amendment?

Trump’s Phone Calls With Wayne LaPierre Reveal NRA’s Influence

“Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there is something so compelling and so overwhelming and bipartisan — bipartisan? It was 197 to nothing.”

Repeating the 197 to nothing lie – Dems votes counted. That is why you will be impeached 200 years from now.

“Then one failed presidential candidate, and I call that half a vote because he actually voted for us on the other one. But we had one failed presidential candidate. That’s the only half a vote we lost. So we had almost 53 to nothing. We had 197 to nothing.”

Keeps attacking Romney and repeating the ‘nothing’ lie.

“That was Nancy Pelosi a year ago. Right? And I think it’s a shame. I think it’s a shame. But as I said, if we can put this genius to work on roads and highways and bridges and all of the things we can do, prescription drugs. You know, we had — Secretary Azar is here, and I want to thank him for this, but we had for the first time in 51 years where drug prices actually came down last year. First time in 51 years.”

Repeats the drug prices went down lie again! Repeating a lie does not make it true.

“Our country is thriving, our country is just respected again, and it’s an honor to be with the people in this room.”

West Virginia poverty gets worse under Trump economy, not better

Trump Ratings Remain Low Around Globe, While Views of U.S. Stay Mostly Favorable

David Limbaugh

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