Washington’s ‘Rules of Civility’ could teach Trump lessons on insults and fake news

The Reality-Show reveals in Trump’s speech

The biggest lie in Trump’s State of the Union speech

On Drug Pricing, The President’s Numbers Are Still Off

Trump’s 2020 State of the Union address, annotated

A key element to the Trump narrative is that America was bad before he came along. And it’s great now.

The story Trump can tell is about the economy. But as with everything, he uses hyperbole. Incomes are up. But “soaring’? Poverty is still a major issue. In his telling, it is “plummeting.” He is the ultimate salesman.






West Virginia poverty gets worse under Trump economy, not better

How Trump’s Plan to Redefine Poverty Would Impact Health Care and Food Stamps

It’s important to note that the economy has been expanding for a decade, starting under President Barack Obama. And the rate of growth is not any greater for Trump. But in his telling, he is to thank for it all. More jobs were created in the end of Obama’s last term than in the beginning of Trump’s. But he doesn’t provide that nuance.


Percent Change of Gross Domestic Product (CPGDPAI)

New Jobs?

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)


2013, 2014 and 2015 combined? 8,037,000

2014, 2016 and 2016 combined? 8,053,000


2017, 2018 and 2019 combined? 6,940,000


It is impossible to keep track of his overstatements. The economy is the best it’s ever been? The US has had the largest military in the world for decades. The borders are secure? Then why is there a national emergency to build a wall there?

US economy under Trump: Is it the greatest in history?

AP FACT CHECK: Trump says economy best ‘EVER.’ It’s not.




Trump argues that he is building the most inclusive society in the world. But he has repeatedly said nice things about white nationalists and he has made the guiding principle of his political career to keep immigrants out of the country.

Trump IS a Racist!


“WALL!” was a campaign mantra to invigorate the nativist bigoted base!


Stephen Miller works In the White House!


“Inclusive Society”? NO! The Team Trump Flight from Iowa? Ben Carson didn’t get his own seat!

Trump Rallies? (I have been to one!)


A Trump Public Event?





With Nielsen’s departure, Trump’s Cabinet becomes even less diverse



Exclusive: here’s the photo of a very white summer intern class the White House didn’t release

The Base will remain ‘The Base’


Again, it’s debatable that the economy needed reviving when he took office. It’s been growing for more than a decade. He did move to cut many regulations — but there are serious environmental impacts for those moves. Further, that tax cut bill, which permanently cut corporate rates and temporarily cut individual rates, has made the national deficit skyrocket to more than $1 trillion per year. The national debt goes unmentioned in this speech, which is an incredible thing for a Republican president.

Cutting Regulations?


permanently cut corporate rates

In 2017, Berkshire-Hathaway received a $29 Billion tax cut (more than their 2016 earnings!)

“The $65 billion gain is nonetheless real – rest assured of that. But only $36 billion came from Berkshire’s operations. The remaining $29 billion was delivered to us in December when Congress rewrote the U.S. Tax Code.



GOP Tax Cut?



America’s richest 400 families now pay a lower tax rate than the middle class

has made the national deficit skyrocket to more than $1 trillion per year.


We have blown past $22.5 trillion!


The 2016 @GOP platform promised to balance the budget.


Trump and the Republicans lied!

“Since my election, we have created 7 million new jobs – 5 million more than Government experts projected during the previous administration.”

I covered this above. Primary Source: https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/CES0000000001?output_view=net_1mth

Obama 2013, 2014 and 2015 combined 8,037,000 ; 2014, 2015 and 2016 combined 8,053,000. Trump 2017, 2018 and 2019 combined? 6,940,000.

“Incredibly, the average unemployment rate under my Administration is lower than any administration in the history of our country.”

1953? https://data.bls.gov/pdq/SurveyOutputServlet 2.9%

Obama was better on unemployment!


Overall 7.8 4.7 (-3.1)
Black 12.7 7.7(-5)
Asian 6.1 3.7(-2.4)
Hispanic 10.1 5.8(-4.3)
Women 7.0 4.7 (-2.3)





Overall 4.7 3.5 (-1.2)
Black 7.7 5.5 (-2.2)
Asian 3.7 2.6 (-0.9)
Hispanic 5.8 4.2 (-1.6)
Women 4.7 3.5 (-1.2)

The atmosphere is very tense. Democrats aren’t applauding. As Trump boasted about welfare stats, Democrats were heard objecting. Republicans howled in support.



It’s interesting that he makes this argument since the problem of income inequality is a major issue that Democratic presidential candidates are trying to address. Income inequality is a fact of American life. Look at the trends here.

Here Trump repeats the lies about wages that Peter Navarro told Michael Smerconish.



Income Inequality?


The stock market has been incredibly resilient under Trump. Here’s a chart comparing the performance of the market under his presidency to how it did under previous presidents.





Rasmussen 2,000?

Opportunity zones also created a “mind boggling” tax break and, somehow, have been exploited to help gentrifying areas. A firm with ties to Jared Kushner specializes in soliciting investments in them. Meet the CEO here.

Another HUGE Trump LIE!

The Problem With Opportunity Zones

How a Trump Tax Break to Help Poor Communities Became a Windfall for the Rich

Opportunity Zone knocks: Kushner-linked firm buys hot real estate under program for poor


Trump overstates the problem created by the North American Free Trade Agreement, and fails to mention that Democrats in Congress were crucial to passing his new deal. He doesn’t say “we” here.

The word “WE” does not exist in the Donald Trump vocabulary!

House passes USMCA as Trump and Pelosi wrestle for credit

The trade deal Trump mentions here is a half-measure of what he promised, not a solution to the problem. The US and China will try to finish the job after the next presidential election. He also fails to mention, in particular, the billions in taxpayer-funded bailouts that were required to get US farmers through after China retaliated with counter-tariffs — double the cost of the auto bailout after the financial crisis. He also does not mention the Obama-led Asia trade deal he removed the US from when he took office. That deal — with other Pacific countries — has gone forward without the US.





What Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)?

Space Force is Trump’s brainchild, and he got it done. Here’s the logo. It’ll borrow 16,000 service members from the Air Force.

A division of the Air Force by a different name.

This is a very cool story. It’s also part of a strategy on Trump’s part to drive a wedge between black voters and the Democratic Party, by suggesting that he’s done more for them and deserves their support.

Central Park 5? S*Hole Countries? Recent Travel Ban of African nations? Lifetime history of racism?


Trump is a proud nationalist. It’s the constant refrain behind his retreat from multinational trade deals and much of his protectionist economic policy.



The American education system is a puzzle that generations of politicians have not been able to solve. States actually control public schools — or government schools, as Trump derisively calls them. It will be interesting to see how this issue of school choice — which used to mean vouchers for religious education or home schooling but today usually means charter schools — progresses in the Democratic primary. Someone like Mike Bloomberg might not be that far off from Trump on choice. Other candidates want to insure every kid is guaranteed a good education in every public school. There are no easy answers.

I know this:

Steve Sack / Minneapolis Star Tribune


This is a proposal backed by Republicans in the House and Senate and grants federal tax credits to people who donate to scholarship funds. It’s been widely criticized by Democrats and the teachers’ unions, who argue that it would pull money away from public schools.

I am NOT a Democrat and I know this is WRONG! Kids can’t pick their parents!



Here’s a look at what the Be Best initiative did in its first year. Trump, whose bullying on Twitter is core to his political persona, left out the anti-cyberbullying piece of his wife’s program.

Anyone see the irony here? The Name Calling? The Insults?


The 598 People, Places and Things Donald
Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List

“We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions – that is a guarantee.”


Fact check: Trump promises to protect those with pre-existing conditions while taking steps to undo protections

Trump’s Talk On Preexisting Conditions Doesn’t Match His Administration’s Actions

Trump claiming to be a defender of preexisting conditions is pretty shameless

Trump’s Justice Department reveals the empty promises Republicans made about pre-existing conditions

He’s talking here about “Medicare for All,” which would completely replace the US health care system. Read more about that here. He doesn’t mention Obamacare, which he failed to repeal, but has been trying to suffocate. Republicans have not offered a workable health care plan of their own.

June 17, 2019: Trump says he will announce ‘phenomenal’ new healthcare plan within the next two months Two Months Came and Went!

You’re going to hear A LOT of things like this from Republicans this election year. It’s been a frequent refrain for anti-immigration Republicans since at least the early 1990s, when major court battles were fought over whether services could be denied over immigration status. But the Supreme Court in January cleared the way for the Trump administration to make it harder for low-income immigrants to obtain legal status






Trump has not gotten Congress to give him the funds necessary for his wall. Here he says it’s long, tall and powerful. A section of wall being improved blew over in a strong wind this week.

January 30, 2020

January 29, 2020

Authorities discover the longest drug-smuggling tunnel in San Diego

Portion of US border wall in California falls over in high winds and lands on Mexican side

January 19, 2020

$11 Billion And Counting: Trump’s Border Wall Would Be The World’s Most Costly

January 13, 2020


“drug overdose deaths declined for the first time in nearly 30 years.”



Opioid-Involved Overdose Deaths

“coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak in China”


Trump made this pledge regarding AIDS last year too. Here’s an explanation of the plan, published then.

Trump Promised to Eradicate HIV at Last Year’s SOTU. So Far, His Results Are Meh.

Rush Limbaugh is one of the most divisive Americans in recent history. Full stop. Earlier recipients, according to the White House, included Steven Spielberg, Muhammad Ali, Angela Merkel, Nancy Reagan, Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr.

John Lewis? Bryan Stevenson?

Rush Limbaugh: ‘Mr. Man’ Trump Will ‘Have Fun’ With ‘Gay Guy’ Buttigieg Kissing His Husband

VIDEO: Trump just gave Rush Limbaugh the country’s highest civilian honor. Here are some of the racist, misogynist, and all-around awful things he’s said.

One of America’s most prominent racists just received the Presidential Medal of Freedom

Abortion is an important issue in every American election, particularly now that conservatives have a majority on the Supreme Court and are laying the groundwork to bring a challenge the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. It divides US political parties more than just about anything else. Trump has tried to engage voters motivated by the abortion debate. Last month he became the first president to speak at the March for Life, an annual rally in Washington against abortion.

Sadly the @gop and Evangelists profess to love babies BEFORE they are born, but once they ARE born they could care less about their healthcare, nutrition, housing, safety or freedom. Great Example?

The group least likely to think the U.S. has a responsibility to accept refugees? Evangelicals.




This is a great thing. Trump also pulled the US out of the near-worldwide Paris Climate Agreement and has shown little interest in doing anything to restrict the emissions that create global warming. Side note: it was hovering around 59 degrees in Washington as he delivered the speech. In February. A couple of weeks ago, after it hit 70 — in January — the official White House account tweeted a somewhat misleading picture of snow falling earlier in the month.





A massive infrastructure plan is a so-far unrealized promise of Trump’s presidential campaign, aside from the endless debate about the border wall.

Infrastructure Week Came and Went! Three (3) miles of New “Wall” where no wall existed before in 3 years.

Trump administration may not hit 2020 border wall goal, official says

“Morgan said that 93 miles of wall had been built so far during the Trump administration. At least 90 miles of that replaced existing structures, according to CBP figures – although Morgan argued during the briefing that all barriers built under Trump should be considered “new.””



“Trump likes to portray undocumented immigrants as dangerous. The reality is different. He will use this type of language throughout the election year. Here’s a fact check from last year, when Trump said something similar in an Oval Office pitch for more border money.

All of the current ugliness of Nativism can be traced back to one man, John Tanton.


Major Anti-Immigrant Organizations Have Ties To Racist Pseudoscience

He is behind @FAIRImmigration , @wwwCISorg and @NumbersUSA

Trump nominee for U.N. migration post called Muslims violent, Christians top priority

Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, FoxNews and others Fan the flames of hatred

Criminal Immigrants in Texas in 2017: Illegal Immigrant Conviction Rates and Arrest Rates for Homicide, Sex Crimes, Larceny, and Other Crimes


Texas is the only state that keeps the records of the immigration statuses of those arrested and convicted of state‐​level crimes, thus giving the public its best opportunity to study the crime rates of illegal immigrants compared to other subpopulations. Illegal immigrants were 29 percent less likely to be convicted of homicide than native‐​born Americans in Texas in 2017. For all crimes in Texas in 2017, illegal immigrants had a criminal conviction rate 47 percent below that of native‐​born Americans. Legal immigrants had a criminal conviction rate 65 percent below that of native‐​born Americans.”

The Official White House Press Release Generator Washington Examiner:

New research shows illegal immigrants are actually less dangerous than Americans

Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime

The other story he’s not telling is the one of creating fear in the immigrant community with deportations and other enforcement moves.



So-called sanctuary cities are a frequent target of Trump’s. His record against them in court has been mixed.

Why Sanctuary Cities Are Safer

“On average, counties that did not comply with ICE requests experienced 35.5 fewer crimes per 10,000 people than those that did. Wong also found that counties that did not comply with detainer requests had higher household incomes, lower rates of unemployment, lower rates of poverty, and were less likely to have children under 18 in households receiving public benefits.”


“Before I came into office, if you showed up illegally on our southern border and were arrested, you were simply released and allowed into our country, never to be seen again.”

This is a LIE!


Most Released Families Attend Immigration Court Hearings

Passing meaningful immigration reform will take bipartisanship since Republican and Democratic votes would be required. Previous efforts to find middle ground have failed, long before Trump.

We came close!

President Trump Spiked an Immigration Compromise He Supported

“A draft of the compromise made its way around the Capitol on Thursday and lawmakers seemed optimistic Thursday evening as they played an annual charity softball game at Nationals Park. The chief vote-counter planned to start surveying members Friday morning to gauge support.

Then, President Donald Trump paid a visit to Fox News on Friday morning.

On the air, the President signaled he didn’t support the legislation, sending Republican leaders in the House scrambling, their aides cursing and White House staff again trying to discern whether this was a shift for Trump, or if he was pandering to his pals at Fox or if he just didn’t know what he was talking about.”



Trump can thank Mitch McConnell for his two Supreme Court nominees and his ability to pack the federal bench. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch both attended the address, along with Elena Kagan (an Obama appointee) and John Roberts (a George W. Bush appointee). But most of the justices did not attend. Roberts, by the way, has been overseeing Trump’s impeachment trial. He will preside over Trump’s presumed acquittal on Wednesday.

Merrick Garland ring a bell?


Another interruption, this time from a protestor who began yelling while Trump spoke about protecting the Second Amendment. He was ejected from the House chamber.


“Manifest destiny in the stars” is a nice turn of phrase. (More on manifest destiny here.) The idea must be that the US is meant to expand and grow in space?

No Trail of Tears in Space… Andrew Jackson didn’t listen to the US Supreme Court and Donald Trump does not listen to Congress.


The plan he proposed is really more of an ultimatum for Palestinians — take it or leave it. Trump announced it alongside the Israeli Prime Minister and there were no Palestinians in attendance. Here’s a CNN interview with negotiator Jared Kushner.

The French and British gave the Germans more input into the Treaty of Versailles!

Treaty of Versailles


it’s not true that 100% of ISIS itself has been eliminated;

One of these 9 promises:

“Defeat ISIS in 30 days” Google? “ISIS Not Defeated” in the Last Month?


He doesn’t mention here that this was an incredibly controversial move, nearly sparked a war with Iran, drew condemnation from the international community and drew a rebuke from Congress. It’s not at all clear there was immediate intelligence Trump acted on or whether killing Iran’s top general was more of a policy goal.

Another Jared Kushner Job!


Trump withdrew from a nuclear deal with Iran in part because it was left over from the Obama administration. He has not yet been able to secure a new deal. His record of achieving nuclear deals with despots is not good. Two words that do not appear in this State of the Union: North Korea. Remember when he promised peace and a nuclear deal with North Korea? Distant memory.


This was an incredible moment. Paired with awarding the girl a scholarship and giving Rush Limbaugh a medal right there in the House chamber, it’s clear that Trump is bringing a reality TV flair to the State of the Union address.


This is a peculiarly dated list of childhood American heroes. (We won’t get into the administration’s failure to fast-track an Obama-era plan to put Harriet Tubman on the $20.)

Black History Month? John Lewis? Elijah Cummings?

American exceptionalism again!

So Trump said:

“The American Nation was carved out of the vast frontier by the toughest, strongest, fiercest, and most determined men and women ever to walk the face of the Earth. Our ancestors braved the unknown; tamed the wilderness; settled the Wild West;”

Trail of Tears? Uighurs in China Today?

History has a way of repeating itself, just changing the labels. from Andrew Jackson and a Supreme Court decision,

The Cherokees vs. Andrew Jackson

To Donald Trump and the GOP and an impeachment,

Uighurs in re-education prison camps? Carlisle ring a bell Donald Trump?

“lifted millions from poverty, disease, and hunger”

LBJ! Great Society! (He did more than you have Donald Trump)

The Great Society at 50

Native American groups are not going to be happy with this part. Plus, the US was late to equality and Trump doesn’t mention it here, but the stain of racism and the growth of white nationalism in the country is a frightening feature of the past few years.

I called that! Trump greeting Navajo Windtalkers in front of Andrew Jackson and called Elizabeth Warren Pocahantas!

Trail of Tears

but the stain of racism and the growth of white nationalism in the country is a frightening feature of the past few years.


White nationalism-fueled violence is on the rise, but FBI is slow to call it domestic terrorism

Confronting White Supremacy




He has repeatedly mentioned Western expansion and frontiers. A new theme?

Anything to energize the base! “Wall!” was a campaign slogan to get the nativist bigot voter turnout.

Last note — there is more mention of God in this speech than typical Trump speeches.

I told my friends Trump was going to win by a slim margin by energized three (3) small but important bases of support.

  • “Wall”! Nativist Bigots
  • “SCOTUS!” Evangelicals
  • “Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton’ed out” Lock Her Up! and Drain the Swamp!



Fact-checking the 2020 State of the Union


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