I turned this into a LONG Twitter thread if you prefer scrolling down on your phone…

Back to the webpage…..

Just 12 people are responsible for the majority of COVID-19 conspiracy theories online, study finds. JFK’s anti-vaxxer nephew is one of the ‘disinformation dozen.’

  • “12 people are responsible for the majority of COVID-19 disinformation shared online, according to a CCDH study. 
  • The CCDH found that 65% of anti-vaccine posts on Facebook and Twitter could be attributed to the “disinformation dozen.”
  • The disinformation dozen includes a bodybuilder, a wellness blogger, and JFK’s nephew.”

I will debate Robert F Kennedy on Joe Rogan and take the money and donate it to ALS Research, Pediatric Cancer Research and Youth Baseball. RFK Jr told a lot of lies on a 3-hour Rogan Episode – let’s Dig In!


“Letting you say things that will get them in trouble,

Get their channel in trouble,

people are doing a lot of self-censoring”

No Joe, it is called refusing to let RFK Jr. just spew out lie after lie.

“They have problems with you”

Anyone attached to reality, that knows what the facts are, should have a problem with RFK Jr.

“anti-vax, pseudo-science, loony”

That about covers it.

“The Real Anthony Fauci”

A ‘book’ that belongs in the Fiction Section of the book store. It is to books as Dinesh D’Souza is to movies and James O’Keefe is to documentaries. Bull ….”

“If what you are saying in that book is not true, I do not understand why you are not being sued.”

Simple answer Joe. Dr. Fauci and others gave them entire lives and careers to help others. They don’t need to take the time to deal with idiots like RFK Jr

“I put the book away and read fiction for a few days”

You were already reading fiction.

“If it is telling the truth, just about the AID Crisis, just about AZT”

Come on Joe. Know your guest.

Poppers Cause AIDS, the Environment Makes Boys Trans Says Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In two recently unearthed videos, the activist made bizarre and false claims about the existence of transgender people and the origins of AIDS.

Come on Joe, really?

Joe: “I have seen numerous interviews with you, you seem very reasonable, very rational.”

On FoxNews? NewsMax? Where he can just parrot lie after lie?

“Is this possible that this is the guy that is telling the truth?”


“Is it possible that everyone that I know, that have strong opinions of you, that most of them at least, were like me, they have formed these opinions, a glance at a headline, someone talking about you on a television show, and so, then we run into each other in Aspen.”

Not possible. The vast majority of us know what a crackpot he has always been.

Due to time constraints, we fast forward to the RFK Jr. lying segment of our presentation…. RFK Jr starts with mercury in vaccines. Ever heard of Mercurochrome?

What happened to Mercurochrome?

Debate material here, facts:

Thimerosal and Vaccines

“Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that has been used for decades in the United States in multi-dose vials (vials containing more than one dose) of medicines and vaccines. There is no evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure.”

The Truth About Mercury in Vaccines

“Scientists later discovered that the ethyl-based mercury used in vaccines doesn’t pose the same risk as methyl-based mercury (a known toxin found in fish that can damage the central nervous system). “Studies suggest that this is because the body can excrete ethyl-mercury more easily,” says Dan Salmon, M.D., associate director for policy and behavioral research at the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore.

 ‘I’m a Doctor and a Parent’: Here’s How Vaccines Work

Nevertheless, ethyl-mercury can still enter the central nervous system. So in an effort to reduce exposure to all forms of mercury, the AAP recommended in July 1999 that thimerosal be removed from vaccines—just to be on the safe. Thimerosal was effectively eliminated from almost every shot by 2001 “as a precaution,” says Neal Halsey, M.D., a pediatrician and director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.

The multi-dose flu vaccine for children contains a tiny amount of thimerosal, but it’s considered safe. Parents can also opt for the single-dose vaccine instead.

No Link Between Thimerosal and Autism

One of the main concerns about thimerosal was its supposed connection to autism. But ever since the mercury was removed from vaccines, experts and researchers have consistently found no link between the two.”

Back to the lies,

“These women … authorities were saying these women were crazy”

Because they are crazy….

“But they didn’t look crazy to me….”


“and they were rational, they weren’t excitable, and they had done their research, and I was like, I should be listening to these people”

It is easy to be rational and calm while lying about vaccines. Research? Reading crackpot stories? Making up lies out of thin air?

“Even if they are wrong, someone needs to listen to them”

Why? Why does anyone need to listen to nonsense?

“Her name was Sarah Bridges … a pile of scientific studies … Porter Bridges … lawsuit…. autism… peer review… public science… calling people….

Autism is not caused by vaccines! Watch Temple Grandin movie! Learn what Autism is!

Can Vaccines Cause Autism?

“If your autistic child was vaccinated, you might wonder whether the vaccine caused the autism. Research indicates that the two are not connected.

Autism is a neurodevelopmental difference usually present at birth, before vaccination begins. But the signs may not be noticeable right away.

Many children aren’t diagnosed with autism until they’re about 2 years old. Some people are older — even adult — when they receive their diagnosis.

Autism is identified more now than ever, mostly because of greater awareness and improved screening methods. About 1 in 54Trusted Source children are autistic.

Vaccines and autism 

At one time, many parents believed that childhood vaccines could cause autism. Since then, there has been an abundance of research done that shows otherwise.

2014 meta-analysis of 10 studies involving 1,266,327 children showed no relationship between autism and vaccinations. The same analysis also concluded that there is no connection between autism and vaccinations”

They stalk talking about Thimerosal – a lot of nonsense,


RFK Jr says most polio today is vaccine polio.

“most of the polio today, 70% of polio today, is vaccine polio”

Joe, you are not going to ask for a citation for that?

The global fight against polio is not over


Update on Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus Outbreaks — Worldwide, January 2021–December 2022

“Toxins in vaccines…”

‘Toxins’ in vaccines: a potentially deadly misunderstanding

Vaccination is one of the most important preventative measures against serious illness, but its very success may be working against it.

With parents no longer having the experience of the devastating diseases it prevents, fear of vaccines has crept in, aided and abetted by groups that exaggerate and distort their possible harms. Vaccination rates are falling, and the scientific and medical communities are alarmed about the growing possibility of devastating epidemics of preventable diseases.

Vaccination effectiveness in combating preventable diseases in Australia. Figure used with permission from 2012 The Science of Immunisation: Questions and Answers, Australian Academy of Science.

One contributor to the fear of vaccines is the notion that they contain toxins. But “it’s the dose that makes the poison” and it’s distressing that people’s fears are beings stoked by a lack of basic understanding of chemistry and toxicology. So let’s have a close look at some of the “bad boys” the anti-vaxxers love to hate.”

“Burbacher study, monkeys….”

Comparison of Blood and Brain Mercury Levels in Infant Monkeys Exposed to Methylmercury or Vaccines Containing Thimerosal

“NIH Study”

Immunization Safety ReviewThimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

“Danish Government, Bill Gates, Vaccines, Africa”

A mish-mash of total nonsense!

Fact Check- Danish study did not conclude that COVID-19 vaccines adversely impact immune systems or that COVID-19 vaccines are completely ineffective against the Omicron variant

“A Danish preprint study did not conclude that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines harm the immune system nor did the authors conclude that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are completely ineffective against the Omicron variant. However, many on social media have misinterpreted vaccine effectiveness (VE) estimates published in one table within the research.”

“Users have shared a screenshot of a table on page 6 of the preprint (a study that has yet to be peer-reviewed) with claims that the data is proof that vaccines cause harm to immune systems (here).”

Uganda receives a total of 742,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines from the Danish Government

Joe, you let Robert go on and on and on with lies about vaccines and Africa and CDC and deaths and children – I am losing track of the lies

RFK Jr. Video Pushes Known Vaccine Misrepresentations


Why did you not stop him and ask for citations? Evidence? Proof?

YouTube removes video of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Jordan Peterson for vaccine misinformation

An Anti-Vaccine Film Targeted To Black Americans Spreads False Information

“DPT Vaccine, Bill Gates, Africa”

Citations? Evidence? It is on RFK Jr.’s website

DTP Vaccine Increases Mortality in Young Infants 5 to 10-Fold Compared to Unvaccinated Infants

Peer-reviewed? Published?

Posts mislead on Bill Gates’ work on vaccines in Africa

“CDC did a study in 2010, Lazarus Report”

No, the CDC did not do that study, here is that study:


It is an early attack on VAERS. Something that became rampant during COVID.

How a CDC Database Is Fueling Global Anti-Vaccination Sentiment

The Shady Site That Shows Anti-Vaxxers Will Believe Anything

“fewer than 1 in 100 vaccine injuries are ever reported”

An often repeated anti-vaxxer lie Joe. You should know this by now.

Are Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS?

“The original claims for under-reporting to VAERS were based on an old study about drug reactions and were not specific to vaccines though.

Is that the Harvard study?


“They found 1 in 37 kids had claims. The number of injuries were much higher than they were admitting.”

More VAERS disinformation (they didn’t!)

You asked, we answered: Does VAERS list deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines?

Increase in COVID-19 VAERS Reports Due To Reporting Requirements, Intense Scrutiny of Widely Given Vaccines

This Woman Secretly Runs One of the World’s Biggest Anti-Vax Websites From Her House

“The CDC, John Hopkins, Guyer report, said it had nothing to do with vaccines.”

Anyone counting the lies? What are we up to? 10? 12? We are 38 minutes in. The Guyer Report doesn’t mention vaccines. Search for the word “vaccine”. It addresses MONEY.

Early Childhood Health Interventions Could Save Billions in Health Costs Later in Life

“Promoting the health of young children, before five years of age, could save society up to $65 billion in future health care costs, according to an examination of childhood health conducted by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The results are published in the May 15, 2009, issue of Academic Pediatrics.”

“They passed the Vaccine Act in 1986”

Did you bother to Google “Vaccine Act 1986” Joe?


My college professors are going to be upset, but I will go with the paradigm of knowledge, WIKIPEDIA,

National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

“NCVIA’s purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims[1] to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines, and to provide cost-effective arbitration for vaccine injury claims.[2] Under the NCVIA, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was created to provide a federal no-fault system for compensating vaccine-related injuries or death by establishing a claim procedure involving the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters.[1][3]

Read the Background. Do some research. This Act gave us VAERS.

“They are exempt from pre-licensing safety testing. They don’t have to be tested. Tony Fauci was saying he is lying.”

Ensuring the Safety of Vaccines in the United States

“Prelicensure: Vaccine Safety Testing

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must license (approve) a vaccine before it can be used in the United States. FDA regulations for the development of vaccines help to ensure their safety, purity, potency, and effectiveness. Before a vaccine is approved by FDA for use by the public, results of studies on safety and effectiveness of the vaccine are evaluated by highly trained FDA scientists and doctors. FDA also inspects the vaccine manufacturing sites to make sure they comply with Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations.”

Joe, why didn’t you Google this?

How Are Vaccines Tested?

“The COVID-19 vaccines were developed with amazing speed. But they’re still safe and effective. These vaccines were held to the same standards used to ensure the safety of any approved vaccine. Before a new vaccine is given to people, a lot of testing is done in a lab. Then, it’s tested in people in clinical trials to make sure it’s safe and effective.

There are three phases of clinical trials. Phase 1 is done in a small group of people. Scientists first determine if the vaccine is safe and test different doses. If it passes this phase, it moves on to phase 2. Phase 2 tests the vaccine in more people to see if it works. Researchers look at how the body responds to it and track any side effects. Finally, in phase 3, the vaccine is tested in thousands of people. This rigorous process ensures that any approved vaccine is safe and effective.”

Research the Truth Joe


“In Phase 3 studies, hundreds or thousands of volunteers participate.
Vaccinated people are compared with people who have received
a placebo or another vaccine so researchers can learn more about the
test vaccine’s safety and effectiveness and identify common
side effects.”

Joe: “Media … funding … self-censor … your Youtube videos have been pulled.”

Because they are lies that get people killed!

Joe: “Theo Von’s podcast that got pulled … and what was the subject that you guys discussed that was such a problem?” Robert: :I don’t remember”

Robert, it is on your website,

Comedian Theo Von Sits Down With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Comedian Theo Von sits down with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to talk about falconry, the need for healthy debate, and the new COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine. Watch here:”

WAIT! You can’t watch here! YouTube deleted the video.

Joe: “That is where the self-censoring comes in.”

Joe, stopping people from lying is NOT censoring, it is holding people to a standard.

censor noun

“1a person who supervises conduct and morals: such as

a: an official who examines materials (such as publications or films) for objectionable matter

Government censors deleted all references to the protest.

b: an official (as in time of war) who reads communications (such as letters) and deletes material considered sensitive or harmful”

For Example:

YouTube Cracks Down On Anti-Vaccine Misinformation, Ejects Robert Kennedy Jr. And Others From Platform

YouTube has removed the accounts of anti-vaccine activists Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joseph Mercola and others as part of a crackdown on misinformation.

Kennedy had already been booted off Instagram last February for continually spreading false information about Covid-19 vaccines. Before the pandemic, he had already been a prominent skeptic of vaccines in general.

In a blog post, the company said it would remove content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects. Also banned will be claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of disease, or misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines. False claims that vaccines cause autism, cancer or infertility, or that substances in them can track those who receive them will also no longer fly.”

“Around 1999, the vaccine schedule, immediately after they passed the Vaccine Act, exploded.”

A brief history of vaccines

“In 1999 the first vaccine against rotavirus, the most common cause of severe diarrhoeal disease in young children, is withdrawn only a year after it was approved, due to concerns about the risk of intestinal problems. A lower-risk version of the vaccine is introduced in 2006. It takes until 2019 for it to be in use in over 100 countries.”

Robert, please list ALL of the vaccines that came out in 1999 or 2000. It didn’t explode (Joe, Try Google!)

Vaccine History: Developments by Year

“Annual updates to the immunization schedule — 1995 to 2010

As more vaccines became available, an annual update to the schedule was important because of changes that providers needed to know, such as detailed information about who should receive each vaccine, age(s) of receipt, number of doses, time between doses, or use of combination vaccines. New vaccines were also added.

Important changes to the schedule between 1995 and 2010 included:

  • New vaccines: meningococcal serogroup B vaccine (2014)
  • Additional recommendations for existing vaccines: HPV (2011 to routinely vaccinate males), intranasal influenza vaccine (2018 again recommended)
  • Discontinuation of vaccine: intranasal influenza vaccine (2016)”

Where is the explosion Joe?

“… not casually contagious, like Hepatitis B. You get Hepatitis B from sharing needles, a disease, a prostitute, compulsive homosexual behavior, but a baby can get it from their mom, every mom is tested, at the hospital.”

Is Hepatitis B Contagious?

“Can hepatitis B be transmitted from one person to another?

Hepatitis B is spread person-to-person by methods that usually involve skin puncture or mucosal contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person. For example:

  • Semen, saliva, sharing needles or syringes, and contact with open sores of an infected person can all facilitate person-to-person spread.
  • Indirect spread from items such as razors, toothbrushes, or other items may cause hepatitis B. Unfortunately, HBV is very stable and can remain infective on items like razors or toothbrushes for about one week.
  • An infected mother can transfer hepatitis B to her newborn during birth.

Fortunately, HBV is not spread through food or beveragesbreastfeeding, casual contact like hugging or handholding, or sneezing (as long as no blood from an infected person accompanies these activities).”

Hepatitis B Vaccine History

“Hepatitis B Vaccine History

The hepatitis B vaccine is the first anti-cancer vaccine because it can help prevent liver cancer. Worldwide, chronic hepatitis B and C causes 80% of all liver cancer, which is the second most common cause of cancer death. Therefore, a vaccine that protects against a hepatitis B infection can also help prevent liver cancer.”

1981 Joe, NOT 1999 – not during the so-called explosion,

First Commercial Hepatitis B Vaccine

In 1981, the FDA approved a more sophisticated plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine for human use. This “inactivated” type of vaccine involved the collection of blood from hepatitis B virus-infected (HBsAg-positive) donors. The pooled blood was subjected to multiple steps to inactive the viral particles that included formaldehyde and heat treatment (or “pasteurization”). Merck Pharmaceuticals manufactured this plasma vaccine as “Heptavax,” which was the first commercial hepatitis B virus vaccine. The use of this vaccine was discontinued in 1990 and it is no longer available in the U.S.

Current Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccines

In 1986, research resulted in a second generation of genetically engineered (or DNA recombinant) hepatitis B vaccines. These new approved vaccines are synthetically prepared and do not contain blood products – it is impossible to get hepatitis B from the new recombinant vaccines that are currently approved in the United States.

Joe: “Is there a treatment for it [Hepatitis B] when they [babies] do get it?” Robert: “Yeah, but, but, the thing is, why would you give it to a 1 day old baby, a 3-hour old baby, and then four more times, when that baby is not going to even be subject to it for 16 years?

Really? Really? So it is OK to get liver cancer when you are 40 or so because you won’t get Hepatitis B until you are 16 or so? Facts Joe. Facts.

What to Know If You Have a Baby with Hepatitis B

“Hepatitis B is a serious infection that has the potential to cause severe liver damage, including increased risks of chronic liver disease and death. A common route of transmission for hepatitis B is from birthing parent to child during pregnancy and birth.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent hepatitis B from being transmitted from parent to baby. Keep reading to find out more about these methods and how to keep a baby safe from hepatitis B infection.”

What is the treatment for hepatitis B in babies?

If a person tests positive for hepatitis B during pregnancy, there are measures a healthcare professional can take to reduce the likelihood that the baby will become infected.

If a parent has hepatitis B during pregnancy, the CDC recommends that their babies should receive hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) and a dose of single-antigen hepatitis B vaccine within 12 hours of birth. The baby should then continue their hepatitis B vaccine series.

This treatment protocol can reduce the risks of parental transmission to babies by more than 90%.

Some birthing parents have higher levels of hepatitis B in their blood, which increases the likelihood a baby may have chronic hepatitis B despite treatment. In this instance, a doctor may recommend that a birthing parent take antiviral therapy. These therapies can reduce the risks of transmission to a baby.

There is no cure for hepatitis B. No specific treatments exist for hepatitis B in babies once a baby is already infected. Healthcare professionals will usually recommend supportive care, which means treating any symptoms a baby may have and trying to maintain hydration.

Doctors may also recommend regular monitoring for signs of affected liver function throughout life if a person has hepatitis B. Medications called antivirals exist to help treat hepatitis B. However, these medications have side effects and aren’t usually suitable for babies.”

Wow Joe, are you going to ask about this statement?

“Originally what happened is Merck and CDC designed this [Hepatitis B Vaccine] for prostitutes and male homosexuals, promiscuous male homosexuals, and they couldn’t sell any because those cohorts had better things to do with their money, they weren’t going to by the vaccine. CDC, oh Merck, went back to the CDC and said “we built all these plants, we got the thing approved, a billion dollars in, what are you going to do, and CDC said “we will just recommend it for children” and they way they keep warm production lines. They like to have a lot of vaccines in case there is an emergency, like if there is a pandemic.”

A LOT to unpack here. If Hepatitis-B can not be casually passed from one person to the other, how is it ever going to be an emergency or a pandemic? Facts Joe, Facts. Nothing he said there is remotely true.

[Hepatitis B vaccines-history, achievements, challenges, and perspectives]

“The first experimental vaccinations against hepatitis B virus (HBV) were performed in 1970, even before the nature of the administered “Australia antigen” was known.”

Wow Joe! Way before the 1999-2000 “explosion” because of the Virus Protection Act. We are 1 hour in to a 3 hour interview – what are we up to, 15 lies?

“All of these new crazy viruses, Rotovirus, were all put on the schedule, and then they started to see all of this explosion in chronic disease, and particular autism.”

Joe, Please Tell Me you are going to challenge this! Please! No, you don’t open your mouth.

“So, around 1995, CDC said the EPA “what year did the autism epidemic begin?” and the EPA is a captured agency, captured by the coal industry, and the oil and pesticide industry, but not by the Pharma, because it doesn’t regulate Pharma, so it actually did a real science, and it said in 1989 is the year the [autism] epidemic began and it is a redline and 1989 the year the vaccine schedule exploded.”

Please tell me you are going to ask for citations on this Joe! Nope, didn’t way a word.

“That doesn’t mean there is a correlation, does not mean causation, but it is something that should be looked at.”

Joe, got something for that? Nope! Let’s Go Look At It! We have already established there was no “vaccine schedule explosion” (he loves using that word!) but he earlier said it was in 1999, when Virus Protection Act was passed, now he is saying 1989. Let’s go look for the Vaccine Schedule Explosion and what the EPA said about the Autism Explosion of 1989, shall we? Going with a primary source for the second time here,

Vaccine History: Developments by Year

1985 – 1994 | Recommended Vaccines

Polio (OPV)

Let’s go back in timem

“Late 1970s | Recommended Vaccines

Polio (OPV)
* Given in combination as DTP
** Given in combination as MMR

Where is the “explosion”? I do know the history of ADA (a lot of architects, engineers and contractors made a lot of money doing ADA remediation projects, I know, I was 29 in the CAD/CAM/Reprographics field)

Timeline of the Americans with Disabilities Act

Joe, have you ever heard of Temple Grandin? Ever had HER on your show? What year was she born Joe?



Temple Grandin was born on August 29, 1947. Well before the “Vaccine Explosion”. Watch this:

This is me – I am famous for this, I can spot a misspelled word or a dimension line missing on a busy hospital or airport floorplan – architects and engineers loved that! The reason I do so well on Mensa tests, I instantly see patterns – I actually ‘see’ all the words on a page, screen, highway sign, box or can at the same time – they all hit my brain at once. Friends send me puzzles where one letter is wrong or one thing is out of place – I see it as soon as I look at it.

My mom had stacks and stacks of my spiral notebooks from when I was growing up, some filled with 3-D drawings (ISO view in CAD parlance) and others Strat-O-Matic baseball games I scored.

It is how someone is “wired”

Joe, Please Have Temple Grandin on your show to explain what Autism is.

A History and Timeline of Autism


1990: Autism is included as a disability category in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), making it easier for autistic children to get special education services.14

1996: Temple Grandin writes Emergence—Labeled Autistic, a firsthand account of her life with autism and how she became successful in her field.

1998: Andrew Wakefield publishes his paper in the Lancet suggesting that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine triggers autism. The theory is debunked by comprehensive epidemiological studies and eventually retracted.15

1999: The Autism Society adopts the Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon as “the universal sign of autism awareness.””

Gee, I wonder why more kids are identified as having autism in 1990? Maybe because parents could finally get some help for them? Ya think? When Temple Grandin was born the ‘cure’ was to take them away from their parents and put them in an institution for the rest of their lives – ask Geraldo Rivera about that! On to that EPA Study about 1989 – it does not mention vaccines,

Timing of increased autistic disorder cumulative incidence


Autistic disorder (AD) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder typically identified in early childhood. Both genetic and environmental factors are implicated in its etiology. The number of individuals identified as having autism has increased dramatically in recent years, but whether some proportion of this increase is real is unknown. If real, susceptible populations may have exposure to controllable exogenous stressors. Using literature AD data from long-term (approximately 10-year) studies, we determined cumulative incidence of AD for each cohort within each study. These data for each study were examined for a changepoint year in which the AD cumulative incidence first increased. We used data sets from Denmark, California, Japan, and a worldwide composite of studies. In the Danish, California, and worldwide data sets, we found that an increase in AD cumulative incidence began about 1988-1989. The Japanese study (1988-1996) had AD cumulative incidence increasing continuously, and no changepoint year could be calculated. Although the debate about the nature of increasing autism continues, the potential for this increase to be real and involve exogenous environmental stressors exists. The timing of an increase in autism incidence may help in screening for potential candidate environmental stressors.”

Someone did another study Joe,

Air Pollution and Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Do We Know and What Is Next?


Trump administration ends EPA clean air policy opposed by fossil fuel companies

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration announced Thursday it is doing away with a decades-old air emissions policy opposed by fossil fuel companies, a move that environmental groups say will result in more pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said it was withdrawing the “once-in always-in” policy under the Clean Air Act, which dictated how major sources of hazardous air pollutants are regulated.

Under the EPA’s new interpretation, such “major sources” as coal-fired power plants can be reclassified as “area sources” when their emissions fall below mandated limits, subjecting them to differing standards.”

Back to the lies…

“NIH decided to look at it, because women were saying it was because of the vaccine.”

Joe, are you going to ask what women? Who they were? Nope!

“Again and again and again and again (rewinding to make sure I get the number of agains right), again and again and again (seven agains) women were coming with the same story “I had a perfectly healthy two-year old, exceeded all his milestones, I gave them on their second birthday, their 18th month wellness visit, the full battery, it was 6 or 8 vaccines, and that child spikes a fever that night, has a seizure, the next 3 months loses their language, loses their capacity to make eye contact, to finger point, social interactions, their language disappears, and it happens so many times, that NIH was saying, “we have to look and see if it is the vaccine” so CDC hired a Belgian epidemiologist named Thomas Verstraeten and they opened up the Vaccine Safety Data Link, which is the biggest database for vaccines, for HMOs, all the top 10 HMOs, all their records, so they have all your vaccinations and all your health claims, so you can do these types of cluster analyses. Verstraeten went in there and he looked at one thing, looked at children that got the Hepatitis B Vaccine within their first month of life and compared those health outcomes in children who did not, which children got it after 30 days, or didn’t get it at all, that was the second cohort. What he found in his first run through the data is there was an 1,135% greater or elevated risk of autism diagnosis among the kids who had gotten it in their first 30 days. At that point, they knew what caused the outbreak, the Autism Epidemic. It is called a relative risk of 11.35. A relative risk of 2 is considered proof of causation, as long as there is biological possibility. The relative risk of smoking a pack of cigarettes is, say for 20 years, and getting lung cancer is 10. This was 11.35, so there was a panic throughout the industry as people heard about this study. The CDC went into a meeting with all the big pangeremes(sic) (what are pangeremes(sic)?) of the industry. They didn’t want to do it on the CDC campus because then they thought it would be subject to a Freedom of Information law request, they wanted to keep it secret, so they found this retreat center, Methodist retreat center, in Norcrossville (Norcross?), Georgia, called Simpsonwood, and they assembled, I think it was 72 people there, and were from the WHO, the CDC, NIH, FDA and all the vaccine companies and all the big academics, people who basically developed vaccines in the academic institutions, and they were all there”

Joe, you haven’t said a word! This is like the JFK assassination or the Moon Landing or 9/11 Conspiracies. No questions yet?

“and they spend the first day, they give them all a copy of the Verstraeten Study, they have to give it all back, because they don’t want it out there, and then they have a day of talking about it, where they are all saying “Holy Cow! This is real! The lawyers are going to come after us, we are all in trouble, and then they spend the second day talking about how to hide it.”

Joe Cuts In!

Joe: “How do you know this?”

I am curious to see how he know this,

“Because someone made a recording of it and I got a hold of the transcripts and I published excerpts from those transcripts in Rolling Stone, anybody can go and read these out on our website, it is called “Simpsonwood” and you can read my Rolling Stone article which is also on our website, which summarizes it. But anyway, and check if you think it is true or not. When I read that, (did you HEAR it?), when I read that, I was like OK, I got to like drop everything and do something about this, and I published this article in Rolling Stone and I was kind of shocked by just the power of the reaction against it, people coming after Rolling Stone, and so on, which holds the publishing, they were just bulldozed with these hate reactions, and so, six years later, by the way, there were four corrections, I think four or five corrections, in the article, within the next week. All of those corrections were made by the editors of Salon and Rolling Stone. They sent me letters, which are also on our website, saying this. None by me. But, from then on, they said “Oh Kennedy, it was loaded with mistakes and six years later Salon, under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry, takes it down and says we found mistakes in it. They never showed me any mistakes. I have said repeatedly to them, show me one mistake in that published piece, show me one, and they have not been able to do it. They also forget that the four mistakes that they, were found, that we printed a ratafor(sic), that Rolling Stone printed a ratafor(sic), were all made by them. (What is a ratafor(sic)? Learning new words?) Because they edited my 16,000 word piece down to a 3,000 word piece and when they were doing that, they made some errors. So then I, so then, what happened after that, is you had this explosion (there is that word again) of disease. So, this is something everyone, this is the punchline, and this is what everyone needs to focus on. In 1960s, when I was a kid, 6% of Americans had a chronic disease. What do I mean by chronic disease? Basically, three categories, plus obesity, one, neurological disorders, ADD, ADHD, Speech Delay, Tourettes, Tics, Head Banging, football helmet on, non-toilet trained, non-verbal, I never met anybody like that at my age, but in my kids age, now 1 in every 34 kids has autism, and half of those are full blown, meeting that description.”

Joe breaks in!

Joe: “Now what is the conventional explanation for that?” Robert: “There is no real explanation…”

Joe: “How do they try to explain it?”

Robert: “They try to explain it by saying “We are just noticing it” which is ridiculous because, first of all, there is all kinds of studies that say that, really good studies like Herb Magellan, a very famous scientist, epidemiologist, bio-scientist, who was commissioned by the California State legislature, to answer that question, and she is at the UC, at the Mind Institute at UC-Davis, and she came back and said no, the epidemic is real, it is not better diagnostics criteria. Any real scientist, even the big backers like Paul Offutt, won’t, I don’t think even he will say, but nobody from CDC is actually going to stand up and say that. They certainly won’t debate the point.”

I sure as hell with debate the point! Wow! No wonder some people are terrified! If it only had one scintilla of truth? Let’s rewind. Belgian epidemiologist named Thomas Verstraeten?

Study disputes vaccine, autism link

“Government researchers say they found little evidence of a link between vaccinations and developmental problems in a study of more than 140,000 U.S. children.

THE REPORT didn’t satisfy vaccine critics, who claimed the study’s initial results showed a stronger connection but were watered down. They also noted that the study’s lead author now works for a vaccine maker.

The study, published Monday in the December issue of Pediatrics, is one of the latest attempts to determine whether older vaccines with the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal led to nervous-system problems such as autism, as some vocal critics contend.

In one group of children studied, routine vaccines in infancy appeared to slightly increase the risk for tics. In another group, a slight association was seen with language delays but not tics. A third group showed no associations with any disorder.

In all, more than 140,000 children were studied and no link was found with any other disorders, including autism, said co-researcher Dr. Frank DeStefano of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Many previous studies of vaccines containing the preservative thimerosal also failed to find strong evidence of any link.”

Thomas Verstraeten?

“The study’s lead author, former CDC researcher Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, now works for vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline in Belgium, and Geier said that connection may have influenced how the research was reported.

Verstraeten, who left the CDC in July 2001, did not respond to an e-mail request seeking a response, and company spokeswoman Nancy Pekarek said he did not wish to discuss the results. She provided a written statement in which Verstraeten indicated that since leaving the CDC he has worked only as an adviser as the study was finalized and prepared for publication.

The researchers analyzed data from three health maintenance organizations on children born between 1992 and 1999 and tracked for several years. Information was gathered on several neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism, attention deficit disorders, stammering and emotional disturbances.”

Simpsonwood? Let’s try Google. Let’s see if we can find that recording…. I can’t seem to find a place to listen to the recording Joe????


I found this,

2000 Simpsonwood CDC conference

“In September 2007, the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions rejected allegations of impropriety against Verstraeten and the CDC. Addressing Kennedy’s statements, the Committee found that: “Instead of hiding the [Simpsonwood] data or restricting access to it, CDC distributed it, often to individuals who had never seen it before, and solicited outside opinion regarding how to interpret it. The transcript of these discussions was made available to the public.”[10]

I found this,

Deadly Immunity


“Deadly Immunity” was heavily criticized for quoting material out of context, and both Rolling Stone and Salon eventually amended the story with corrections in response to these and other criticisms.[3][4] Such criticisms included that Kennedy had incorrectly claimed that the amount of mercury children received from thimerosal-containing vaccines was 187 times higher than the Environmental Protection Agency‘s limit for methylmercury exposure. The correction later posted to the article on Salon stated that the actual amount, 187 micrograms, is only 40% greater than this limit.[5] Within days after running the piece, Salon had appended five corrections to it.[6]

Retraction by Salon[edit]

On January 16, 2011, Salon announced that it was retracting “Deadly Immunity”. In a statement on the website, Kerry Lauerman, Salon’s editor-in-chief, explained that in addition to five corrections[7] they had previously made to the story, “subsequent critics, including most recently, Seth Mnookin in his book “The Panic Virus,” further eroded any faith we had in the story’s value.”[4] Phil Plait hailed the retraction of the article, writing, “I applaud Salon for doing this, but wish it had been done years ago, or better, that Salon had never published Kennedy’s piece at all.”[8]

What does the then editor of Salon have to say about it?

Just Another RFK Jr. Lie. I Know, Because It’s About Me.

“I edited Kennedy’s error-ridden piece on a vaccine-autism link, which Salon later retracted. We caved to the truth, not Big Pharma.”

“I’ve been doing my best to ignore the farcical presidential candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. His noxious views on vaccines, the origin of AIDS, the alleged dangers of wi-fi and other forms of junk science deserve no wide hearing. Polls showing he’s favored by 20 percent of likely Democratic voters over President Biden are almost as laughable as Kennedy’s views. It’s early; he’s got iconic American name recognition; and there’s almost always an appetite, among Democrats anyway, for anybody but the incumbent. His lies have been thoroughly debunked by Judd Legum at Popular InfoMichael Scherer in The Washington PostNaomi Klein in The Guardian, and Brandy Zadrozny on NBC News.

Four great twitter follows!

@JuddLegum @michaelscherer @NaomiAKlein @BrandyZadrozny

Making a note to tag them in twitter when I post this. Let’s continue with the article,

“But I’ve come to believe I have a responsibility to write about Kennedy because of my own shameful role in sending his toxic vaccine views into public discourse: I was the Salon editor, in partnership with Rolling Stone, who 18 years ago published his mendacious, error-ridden piece on how thimerosal in childhood vaccines supposedly led to a rise in autism, and how public health officials covered it up. From the day “Deadly Immunity” went up on Salon.com, we were besieged by scientists and advocates showing how Kennedy had misunderstood, incorrectly cited, and perhaps even falsified data. Some of his sources turned out to be known crackpots.

Now, Kennedy insists, as the The New York Times paraphrases him, that “Salon caved to pressure from government regulators and the pharmaceutical industry.” He repeated the false claim in his three-hour podcast conversation with Joe Rogan, another conspiracy loon, rehashing the debunked claims of “Deadly Immunity” and claiming that Salon pulled the piece after “pressure from the pharmaceutical industry.”

That’s just another lie. We caved to pressure from the incontrovertible truth and our journalistic consciences.”

Where is the recording? Where are the transcripts? Now back to this exchange,

“Joe: “Now what is the conventional explanation for that?” Robert: “There is no real explanation…”

Joe: “How do they try to explain it?”

I am going to explain it like you are a 4-year old Joe. I was born in 1960. From the time I was 0 until I was 15, I knew one kids with autism. How? I was paid to walk him to school and make sure he was OK at school by his Mom. His name was Baxter. A great kid. WHY did she have to pay me to make sure he was OK? ADA and IDEA had not been passed yet! That doesn’t come until 1990, when I am 30 years old. Why did Robert F Kennedy Jr not see a lot of autistic kids growing up?

“No speech yet at the age of” “four, she’s four”

“Your child is clearly autistic. She is an infantile schizophrenic”

“When will she grow out of this, what is the next step for her?

“We generally recommend an institution”

“Oh, for how long? I am not sure I would really like that. I wouldn’t want to miss her first words”

“She probably will never speak and I am afraid there is no course of treatment. I am talking about institutionalization.”

“I mean she was a perfectly normal baby and then later she changed.” (Sound familiar Robert F Kennedy? Joe Rogan?) Facts Joe. Facts!

The Real Reasons Autism Rates Are Up in the U.S.

“The prevalence of autism in the United States has risen steadily since researchers first began tracking it in 2000. The rise in the rate has sparked fears of an autism ‘epidemic.’ But experts say the bulk of the increase stems from a growing awareness of autism and changes to the condition’s diagnostic criteria.”

2000! After ADA! Gee, I wonder where all the kids with autism were in 1960?

A Lost Generation: Growing Up With Autism Before The “Epidemic”

“Jennifer Scriven was that kid, growing up. The butt of jokes, the girl who was tripped in the hallway, bullied on the playground, and, on a good day, merely shunned. When she complained, teachers suggested she was partly to blame. She didn’t talk, act, or dress the way other kids did. “The message was, ‘You’re not conforming, so what do you expect?'” she recalled.

That was Kansas in the 1970s and 1980s, but it could have been anywhere. What no one knew, or could have known, was that Jennifer was different by design, not choice. The thing that made her different would not appear in a diagnostic manual until she was 26, and it would not be formally applied to her until age 48: Asperger’s syndrome, or “autism spectrum disorder without cognitive impairment,” as it’s now called.

When she was born in 1968, autism was a diagnosis reserved for children with severe developmental delays.1 Experts believed autism affected only four or five out of every 10,000 children.2

Ms. Scriven was already an adult when American psychiatrists began expanding the borders of the diagnosis, moving first into the uncharted territory of atypical autism (Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified), and later, in 1994, into the milder Asperger’s syndrome.3 As the definition expanded, so did the number of people diagnosed with it. Now one in 68 children has autism spectrum disorder, or ASD.

The Interactive Autism Network (IAN) interviewed almost a dozen people born in the 1950s to mid-1980s, about what it was like to grow up with autism in the time before. Before the “epidemic” of childhood diagnoses that began in the 1990s. Before pediatricians began specifically screening for it. Before people knew what it was.”

Remember, Robert F Kennedy just told Joe Rogan,

“now 1 in every 34 kids has autism, and half of those are full blown, meeting that description”

Autism Prevalence

  • “In 2023, the CDC reported that approximately 1 in 36 children in the U.S. is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to 2020 data.
  • Boys are four times more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls.
  • Most children were still being diagnosed after age 4, though autism can be reliably diagnosed as early as age 2.
  • 31% of children with ASD have an intellectual disability (intelligence quotient [IQ] <70), 25% are in the borderline range (IQ 71–85), and 44% have IQ scores in the average to above average range (i.e., IQ >85).
  • Autism affects all ethnic and socioeconomic groups.
  • Minority groups tend to be diagnosed later and less often.
  • Early intervention affords the best opportunity to support healthy development and deliver benefits across the lifespan.
  • There is no medical detection for autism.”

Do boys get 4 times the number of vaccines than girls?

“What causes autism?

  • Research indicates that genetics are involved in the vast majority of cases. 
  • Children born to older parents are at a higher risk for having autism. 
  • Parents who have a child with ASD have a 2 to 18 percent chance of having a second child who is also affected. 
  • Studies have shown that among identical twins, if one child has autism, the other will be affected about 36 to 95 percent of the time. In non-identical twins, if one child has autism, then the other is affected about 31 percent of the time.  
  • Over the last two decades, extensive research has asked whether there is any link between childhood vaccinations and autism. The results of this research are clear: Vaccines do not cause autism.”

OK, what is going to be the next lie? How many are we up to now? 20? 30?

“Even worse though, it is not an epidemic, where are all the 1 in 34 69-year-old-men who are wearing helmets and non-toilet-trained? If you got autism, you live forever, it doesn’t effect life span. These kids are going to be around forever. But there is nobody my age that looks like that.”

Gee, I wonder why?

How children with disabilities came to be accepted in public schools

“That was 1978. I was teaching half-day kindergarten classes in a New York school that year to 33 five-year-olds in the morning and to another 30 youngsters in the afternoon.

I had no assistant, and safety was my first priority. I referred Alan for an evaluation to see if he was eligible for special education services.

Luckily for Alan, three years earlier, President Gerald Ford had signed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) of 1975 into law. Public schools were given three years to get ready for some big changes.

By the time I referred Alan, Public Law 94-142 (as the act was known then) had taken effect nationwide.

As we mark the 40th anniversary of the law, it is an important moment in which to reflect.

From my perspective as a teacher, school administrator and professor of special education – who has followed this nation’s journey toward equal educational opportunities – I believe this law enabled many young kids with disabilities, like Alan, to lead more productive lives.

What it was like in the 1970s

Back in the seventies, educating kids with special needs in regular schools was a new concept.

Before the law came in, 1.75 million children with disabilities were completely excluded from public schools. And of the three million children with disabilities who went to school, many did not receive an education that was appropriate to their needs. Most often they were taught in special classes or state-supported schools.

Children with mild visual or hearing problems, speech impairments or mild intellectual disabilities could spend at least some time in regular classes. But those who were totally deaf or had moderate intellectual difficulties were not allowed in regular classrooms. They were sent to separate schools or institutions – even if they did not need to be in those settings.

Some states even had strict laws excluding children who were considered “crippled,” “feebleminded” or “emotionally disturbed” from public education, based only on their “handicaps.” It was not unusual for them to be institutionalized.

The general belief was that children with a disability could not learn. Parents who could afford to pay sent their kids to private schools that provided special services through nonprofit organizations such as the Easter Seals Association or The Arc that were set up by parents early on to advocate for their kids.

The education of these children became an issue of public concern in their home communities only if there was enough money. At the time, education for children with special needs was seen to be more of a matter of privilege and not a right.”

Back to the lies,

“So if it was really better recognition you would see it in every age group, not just in children”

I guess being institutionalized or kept out of the education system may have limited some folks financial and life mobility Robert.

All About Autism in Older Adults

“Receiving an autism diagnosis as an older adult, after years of possibly masking symptoms, may seem daunting — but it can also be a relief and a path to support.

In the last 40 years, since autism was first mentioned in the DSM-III (1980), our understanding of this complex diagnosis has increased as more and more Americans receive it.

About one in 44 children receive an autism diagnosis, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), who then go on to become autistic adults.

Many older adults who were not diagnosed as children are now receiving, or seeking, a diagnosis. Because most autism research is focused on children, there is a lack of research both about the needs of older adults with autism as well as the challenges faced by an adult who receives a diagnosis late in life.”

I was born in 1960. I was 20 years old in 1980. IF I had been born with autism (who said that I wasn’t? I have some pretty unique skills like doing math in my head) and been put in an institution would I be typing this now?

“Not only that, but it changes every year, it gets worse and worse every year….”

If memory serves, I think we saw a study on that?

More lies….

“They can’t keep saying “We are are just now noticing it for the first time””

Joe asks a question,

Joe: “How does it get worse every year?”

Here is one answer:

Why more children are being diagnosed with autism and what it means for their families

Amna Nawaz: CDC data released today finds an uptick in the prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the U.S. The most recent data from 2012 many reveals one out of every 36 children in America was diagnosed with autism. In 2018, that figure was one in 44. In 2010, it was one in 68. The findings also show how pandemic disruptions kept many younger children from earlier autism diagnoses. For more on this, I’m joined by Dena Gassner, adjunct professor at Towson University. She’s also a member of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, which advises the government on funding for autism research. She herself was diagnosed with autism at the age of 40.

Dena Gassner, welcome, and thanks for joining us .A lot of folks will look at that increase and be very concerned. You have said that you see those numbers as good news. Why is that?”

Dena Gassner, Towson University: Well, my colleague John Robison and I wrote a commentary that specifies that the crisis we’re experiencing is not an increase in autism, because this is really reflective of enhanced diagnosis and, as you have seen, specifically identifying Black and brown children, Asian children, as well as being able to identify a few more people assigned female at birth. Unfortunately, the girls are not keeping pace, in terms of being diagnosed in a timely manner, as much as their male cohort.”

Amna Nawaz: So, that rate rose faster, as you mentioned, for children of color than for white kids. The estimates now suggest about 3 percent of Black, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander children have an autism diagnosis, compared to about 2 percent of white children. But when you say there’s been an increase, does that mean an increase in screening and advocacy? Tell me about that.”

Dena Gassner: Well, historically, a lot of children of color have been assigned inappropriate diagnoses, or their autism expression has been misperceived as behavioral, and they have been really shot into not special ed, but into more rigid behavioral programs, often with really tragic consequences. This is a relief. It represents the idea that some of these children who were lost in these systems may actually be finding their way home.”

What will Robert F Kennedy Jr’s answer be?

Robert: “What?”

Joe: “How does it get worse every year?”

Robert: “Because the CDC releases new data, it is a monitoring system, and there has been all kind of scandals with that, because the CDC tries to manipulate, and there are all kinds of whistleblowers from the different states who say they are pressured to not report cases and that kind of thing so, but the CDC releases new data every year, and every year it gets worse, now I think it is 1 in 22 boys (this ground has been covered).”

There are always ‘whistleblowers’ – but they never really blow their whistle…. Joe asks another question,

Joe: “Has the rate of vaccinations changed?”

Joe, that is a darn good question. You forgot to ask if boys get stronger doses or more vaccinations than girls.

“The rates of vaccinations have gone up. Mercury has been removed from a lot of the vaccines but there is aluminum in those vaccines which operates on the same biological pathways and same kind of damage and is extremely neurotoxic. There is other things, other toxins in the vaccine, could be responsible. There are hundreds and hundreds of scientific studies that looked at it but nobody every reports them. I did a book in which I have 450 studies. Digested in that book, that I summarized, and cite, with 1,400 references, and everybody will say there is no study that shows that autism and vaccines are connected, which is crazy. People are not looking at science. So anyway”

Joe: “But they want to say that. They want to say that”.

Robert: “It is part of the religion.”

Joe: “Yes, that is exactly what it is.”

No, that is NOT what it is Joe! We have already covered the so-called “explosion” of vaccinations a few times now. Let’s review that again:

Vaccine History: Developments by Year

“Late 1950s | Recommended Vaccines

Polio (IPV)
* Given in combination as DTP

2000 | Recommended Vaccines

Polio (IPV)
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A

2005 | Recommended Vaccines

Polio (IPV)
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A

2010 | Recommended Vaccines

Polio (IPV)
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A
* Given in combination as DTaP
** Given in combination as MMR

The schedule from 2011 to Present

Annual updates to both the childhood and adult immunization schedules offer guidance to healthcare providers in the form of new recommendations, changes to existing recommendations, or clarifications to assist with interpretation of the schedule in certain circumstances. The schedules are reviewed by committees of experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Important changes to the schedule:

  • New vaccines: meningococcal serogroup B vaccine (2014)
  • Additional recommendations for existing vaccines: HPV (2011 to routinely vaccinate males), intranasal influenza vaccine (2018 again recommended)
  • Discontinuation of vaccine: intranasal influenza vaccine (2016)

2020 | Recommended Vaccines

Polio (IPV)
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A
* Given in combination as DTaP
** Given in combination as MMR

2000? 11

2020? 14 – Not exactly an “explosion”

“I have 450 studies.”

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Is Dead Wrong About Vaccines

“Much of Kennedy’s opposition to vaccination seems to center on his false claim that vaccines cause autism. But there have now been studies that have included millions of children and these studies have found no relationship between vaccination and autism. One remarkable study looked at every child born in Denmark over a twelve-year period and could not identify an increased risk of autism in the children who were vaccinated relative to those who were not.

Indeed, the evidence is very clear: there is no link between vaccination and autism. The best available research evidence suggests that autism is likely to be genetic in nature. The rise in the incidence of autism is attributable largely to evolving diagnostic criteria that are intended to capture more cases and begin earlier intervention. All of this evidence has not stopped anti-vaccine activists like Kennedy from holding steadfast to their false claims, with each successive refutation being met with an excuse.”

Hey Joe, why not Google “Studies that prove vaccines cause autism”?


Where are they? Anti-Vax Idiots writing a paper with no basis in fact and no attempt to have them peer-reviewed are NOT studies.

“and the heretics have to be burned at the stake. Humiliated, silenced, destroyed. Trusting experts is not a function of science.”

A wise man covers this Joe,

“that is the opposite of science, trusting the experts is a function of religion.”

HUH? What does science and religion have to do with each other? Experts are experts for one simple reason, they are experts. I was an expert in CAD/CAM/Reprographics. I am in a Hall of Fame.

I am in a book,

I invented things. For 30 years, companies from Boeing to Porsche, Unilever to US Steel, Ford to NASA, Bechtel to Volvo, every major architect, engineering firm and contractor in the country, trusted my expertise. That is what comes with being an expert. Robert, you are no expert when it comes to vaccines.

“It is not totalitarianism. It is not a function of science or democracy. You know, in a democracy, you question people in authority and maintain a posture of skepticism. Same is true in science. You don’t trust the experts.”

Calling people out for their lies and disinformation has nothing to do with totalitarianism or democracy. It is looking out the window and saying it is raining WHEN it is raining. It is calling balls and strikes. No more. No less. Skepticism is one thing. Outright lying is not questioning, pondering or being skeptical. It is just lying. I trust the experts because I know they are experts. I never questioned an architect about his floor plan. I trust Kevin Kruse when it come to US History and not Dinesh D’Souza, a crackpot that has no clue. I trust my personal attorney and Laura Coates, Joey Jackson and Ari Melber because they are attorneys, not Tom Fitton, who has a degree in English.

Now Joe is going to chime in and agree with Robert,

Joe: “Now that is part of the problem, the experts like Robert Malone, those guys are maligned in such an obvious and slandered, in like a blatant way.”

Robert Malone?

The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation

“Robert Malone—a medical doctor and an infectious-disease researcher—recently suggested that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines might actually make COVID-19 infections worse. He chuckled as he imagined Anthony Fauci announcing that the vaccination campaign was all a big mistake (“Oh darn, I was wrong!”) and would need to be abandoned. When he floated that nightmare scenario during a recent podcast interview with Steve Bannon, both men seemed almost delighted at the prospect of public-health officials and pharmaceutical companies getting their comeuppance. “This is a catastrophe,” Bannon declared, beaming at his guest. “You’re hearing it from an individual who invented the mRNA [vaccine] and has dedicated his life to vaccines. He’s the opposite of an anti-vaxxer.”

Before going any further, let’s be clear that the back-and-forth between Bannon and Malone was premised on misinformation. The vaccines have repeatedly been shown to help prevent symptomatic coronavirus infections and reduce their severity. Malone was riffing on a botched sentence in a USA Today article, one that was later deleted but not before being screenshotted and widely shared. That kind of overheated, spottily sourced conversation is par for the course on shows like Bannon’s, which traffic in a set of claims that sound depressingly familiar: The vaccines cause more harm than experts are letting on; Fauci is a liar and possibly a fascist; and the mainstream news media is either shamelessly complicit or too stupid to figure out what’s really going on.”



Experts rate 12 vaccine claims by Robert Malone, the doctor catapulted to fame on Joe Rogan’s podcast

  • “The scientist Robert Malone raises questions about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Some of what he says about mRNA vaccines is true, while other claims are baseless or leave out info.
  • We asked 10 leading experts to separate the facts from the fiction in what he says.”

CLAIM: Vaccines may be damaging to children

“On average, between one in 2,000 and one in 3,000 children that receive these vaccines will be hospitalized in the short term with vaccine-caused damage,” Malone said at a January 23 rally in Washington, DC, against vaccine mandates.


EXPERT: Dr. C. Buddy Creech, a professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and the president of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society”

“”We’re talking about one in 100,000, one in a million,” Creech said, referring to rates of myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation rarely seen after vaccination.”

CLAIM: We can’t really be sure these vaccines are safe until they’ve been studied in people for several years

“Only the passage of time will we know what long term damage may occur to these children,” Malone said at a January 23 “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington, DC. 

“These vaccines can damage your children. They may damage their brains, their heart, their immune system, and their ability to have children in the future.”


EXPERT: Dr. C. Buddy Creech, a professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and the president of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 

EXPLANATION: “That time frame is completely made up,” Creech said. “This idea that something’s going to pop up 10 years from now, 30 years from now, 50 years from now, it illustrates a basic misunderstanding of how vaccines work.” 

Creech said all vaccine side effects “happen primarily in the first month after vaccination.””

CLAIM: There is a rise in ‘sudden deaths’ among athletes, and it’s partially because of the vaccines

“Sudden deaths in high-performing athletes that are being observed all over the world, particularly in footballers where they’re just suddenly dropping, is it because they’ve been infected or because they’ve been jabbed? And I think it’s a mixture of both,” Malone said on Rogan’s December 31 podcast.


Meter showing baseless claim.

EXPERT: Dr. Ankit Shah, a Baltimore sports cardiologist at MedStar Heart & Vascular Institute and assistant professor of medicine at Georgetown University

EXPLANATION: “I don’t know of any credibly reported case of an athlete having cardiac arrest either after a COVID illness or after vaccination for COVID — zero reports that I’m aware of,” Shah said.

I have been refuting this one on Twitter and Facebook since 2020. @WaitingForPerot is a huge help!


Real Science (Goodsciencing.com)

Overall, we rate Real Science (goodsciencing.com) right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of quackery-level pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, propaganda, failed fact checks, and a complete lack of transparency.

Detailed Report

Questionable Reasoning: Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks, Lack of Transparency
Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
Country: Unknown
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Analysis / Bias

Real Science (goodsciencing.com) publishes summaries of news stories from other sources. They also sometimes link to other sources such as True Defender, which we rate as Questionable. The website’s primary focus is on government overreach and promoting disinformation regarding Covid-19 and vaccines. For example, in this story, 46 Children Killed By Pfizer COVID Vaccine in USA, they utilize Vaers as a source. Vaers is not considered reliable because anyone can make a claim.

In another example, they again make an unproven claim by utilizing Vaers 1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection. According to fact-checkers, this is not true. In general, the website aims to spread disinformation regarding the severity and Covid-19 and the unproven dangers of the Covid Vaccine.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Science (goodsciencing.com) right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of quackery-level pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, propaganda, failed fact checks, and a complete lack of transparency. (D. Van Zandt 12/18/2021) Updated (01/06/2023)

Back to Robert Malone

CLAIM: Ivermectin and Pepcid work to treat COVID-19, but the US government and healthcare workers don’t want people to have access to them

“Ivermectin must be initiated immediately for people in high-risk categories in the United States and worldwide. This includes individuals with one or more co-morbidities and the middle-aged or elderly. Our ‘design-to-fail’ government-funded clinical trials for early treatment and governmental obstructionism regarding life saving treatments to patients must end now,” Malone wrote on Substack.


Meter showing baseless claim.

EXPERT: Dr. David Boulware, an infectious-disease physician-scientist at the University of Minnesota who ran randomized controlled trials on hydroxychloroquine in 2020

EXPLANATION: “It appears he is just making up claims,” Boulware said.

COVID-19 patients given Pepcid showed improvements in one published report, but a larger review of multiple studies found no evidence that Pepcid helped COVID-19 patients.

Malone has also been directly involved in Pepcid research, having received a $21 million grant in 2020 from the federal government to test out the drug as a treatment for the coronavirus in combination with hydroxychloroquine or remdesivir.

As for the claim that these trials are designed to fail, Boulware said monoclonal-antibody treatments — an antiviral remedy that has been widely embraced by vaccine-hesitant people — were also tested in the same style of government-sponsored studies.

“Although government-funded, the trials are run by academic institutions and collaborate with doctors and hospitals around the country,” he said.”

CLAIM: Masks don’t prevent infection

“Neither masks nor vaccines prevent infection, replication or transmission of the Omicron strain of SARS-CoV-2,” Malone wrote in a February 1 Substack post.


Meter showing baseless claim.

EXPERT: ​​Ashley Styczynski, an adjunct clinical assistant professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases & Geographic Medicine at Stanford University

EXPLANATION: Styczynski conducted one of the only randomized controlled trials, aka RCTs, of masking during the pandemic. Though only about 40% of those offered masks for the purposes of the study put them on, infections among people over the age of 60 were slashed by 35%, which suggests masks help keep vulnerable people safe. 

“Biologically, we have a lot of evidence about the way that masks do reduce infections, and we have good studies that look at the ability of particles of viral size that are airborne to pass through different mask materials,” she said. “Then, we do have more empirical evidence through, for example, the RCT that we did. The tricky part is that none of these have been done in the era of Omicron, specifically.”

CLAIM: The FDA’s system to monitor vaccine side effects is far weaker than the European data, which shows tens of thousands of deaths and nearly 2 million injuries

“Each of the major vaccines can cause a wide range of serious side effects — or kill people outright. Yet, the FDA’s system to monitor such ‘adverse events’ appears to undercount such events dramatically. In contrast, the European Union’s far more accurate system yields alarming statistics: As of July 31, 2021, the Eudravigilance10 database has recorded 20,525 deaths and 1,960,607 injuries,” Malone wrote in a Washington Times op-ed, September 2021.


Meter showing baseless claim.

EXPERT: Deborah Fuller, a microbiologist and vaccine researcher at the University of Washington

EXPLANATION: “This is baseless,” Fuller said. “The European website reports deaths by any cause after a medicine or vaccine is taken regardless of whether there is a link.

“That would be like counting the number of people who got in a car accident after eating a bowl of Wheaties for breakfast in the morning and then claiming eating Wheaties for breakfast causes car accidents.”

CLAIM: ‘A viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells’

Malone said the above on Substack.

“Both physical damage and death of our children from injecting them with genetic vaccines in order to protect the elderly from a virus is occurring,” Malone said at the January 23 “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington, DC.


Meter showing baseless claim.

EXPERT: Dr. C. Buddy Creech, a professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and the president of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 

EXPLANATION: Malone’s claim that a “viral gene” will be injected into children is wrong, Creech said.

“There’s not a viral gene being inserted into the cells,” Creech said. “There’s a recipe. There’s an mRNA recipe that’s made of sugars that get placed into the cell in the exact way that you would see it if you were infected with COVID. The difference being, we’re doing it in a purified, controlled manner rather than getting a wild-type infection.” 

Creech added: “This notion that kids don’t spread it, or kids aren’t infected, is false. What Dr. Malone really needs to do is meet the parents of the child that develops severe brain dysfunction from the disease, or who can’t go to school any longer because of long COVID, or who had multisystem inflammatory syndrome and now has coronary damage.

“Until he sees and cares for those patients and families, he needs to temper, in my opinion, his claims that children aren’t affected by this pandemic virus and don’t need a vaccine.”

CLAIM: The coronavirus’ spike protein interacts with the ‘blood-brain barrier,’ with a risk of brain inflammation

“These genetic vaccines are leaky” Malone said at the January 23 “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington, DC. 

Malone also often says the virus’ spike protein can permeate the blood-brain barrier: 

“It has to do with the structure of the cells that line the blood vessels in your brain and what it allows to go through and doesn’t go through. Spike causes that to become more like an open sieve, so things can go into your brain that shouldn’t go into your brain. So that can trigger brain inflammation … whether it’s the vaccine, the virus, or the adenovirus, you know the mRNA, the virus itself, or the adenoviral vectored spike. Those toxicities are there, and the common variable is the spike protein,” Malone said on Rogan’s podcast.


Meter showing partially true claim.

EXPERTS: Michelle Erickson, a research-assistant professor at the University of Washington’s medical school and a research biologist at the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System. Erickson has published research on the spike protein and blood-brain-barrier interactions in Nature.

David Walt, a pathology professor at Harvard University and coauthor of a Brigham and Women’s Hospital study that Malone often cites when talking about the spike protein

EXPLANATION: Erickson is a clear authority on this topic, as she has extensively researched it through the pandemic. 

Her group has found the spike protein can cross the blood-brain barrier of mice, and it has also shown it can cause inflammation in rats. But she wrote in an email to Insider: “There is also information out there that has convinced me that vaccines are safe for the brain, and indeed should prevent harmful effects on the brain if one was to become infected with SARS-CoV-2.” 

Overall, Malone’s claim is based on research about the coronavirus’ spike protein — the part of the virus it uses to infect cells. Erickson said she would be much more worried about spike-protein levels in the blood of people who aren’t vaccinated and catch COVID-19.

CLAIM: Pharmaceutical companies never have to pay for the damages vaccines cause

“Pharmaceutical companies and the government are almost fully protected from any damages these products might cause to them.” Malone said at a Washington, DC, rally on January 23.


Meter showing partially true claim.

EXPERT: Dorit Reiss, a University of California law professor and an expert on vaccine litigation

EXPLANATION: “It’s true that pharmaceutical companies are protected from almost any damage from COVID-19 vaccines until February 2024. That’s under a PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act) declaration that the secretary of health and human services issued in March 2020,” Reiss said. 

The PREP declaration isn’t just for vaccines, though. It covers any medical countermeasures against COVID-19, which may include drug treatments, diagnostics, and devices.

“That’s a general emergency provision to make sure manufacturers are acting in an emergency. It’s not just for vaccines — it’s for all kinds of products,” Reiss said.

This means pharmaceutical companies are essentially “all protected from liability until 2024,” she added.

“It’s also true that it’s going to be hard to sue the government on this because the government is protected from liability for decisions within this discretion,” she said.

But there are other ways that both the government and pharmaceutical companies can be held to account if something goes wrong with a vaccine.

“The government has a compensation program, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, CICP, that will compensate people that can show their harm is caused by vaccines. The government will be on the hook for that,” Reiss said, adding: “Tort liability isn’t the only way companies can face sanctions.

“If there’s a problem with a vaccine, there are other tools to impose potential penalties.” 

CLAIM: Hospitals are receiving a ‘death benefit’ for COVID-positive patients

“There’s something like a $3,000, basically, death benefit to a hospital if it can be claimed to be COVID,” Malone said on Rogan’s podcast.

“So that it really is true that if someone has a gunshot wound, and they’re dying of that gunshot wound, and you check them for COVID, and if they’re COVID-positive and they die, they marked it off as a COVID death?” Rogan asked.

“That is a, that is — by definition from the CDC, that was a decision that was made early on,” Malone said.

RATING: unrated

We reached out to the Kaiser Family Foundation, an independent nonprofit focused on national health issues, to vet this claim.

While KFF didn’t want to rate the claim on our scale (saying it would rather “stick to explaining policy”), its assessment of the claim suggests that it has some truth behind it but is misleading.


EXPLANATION: “Medicare provides a bump in payment for COVID-related DRGs for Medicare beneficiaries, unrelated to whether the person died in the hospital,” KFF said, referring to diagnosis-related group payments. “There’s no evidence of hospitals gaming the system to boost payments inappropriately, and there needs to be a documentation of a positive lab test for COVID-19 in the patient’s medical record in order to qualify for the 20% payment bump. If they did falsify records to get a pay bump, that would be fraud.”

CLAIM: Children shouldn’t be vaccinated for COVID-19. Mandates are wrong.

Malone is part of a prominent group lobbying against vaccine mandates for children, The Unity Project.

RATING: Because this is Malone’s opinion, we didn’t rate it

But we did get Dr. C. Buddy Creech, who’s an expert on childhood vaccines, to weigh in.

EXPERT: Creech, a professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and the president of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 

EXPLANATION: “Should children be mandated to receive the vaccine? I think it’s worthy of lively debate,” Creech said. “I think it’s going to change depending on where in the pandemic we are.

“In March of 2020, should children be mandated? Nope. Now with Omicron, I don’t know, maybe. A lot more kids are in the hospital now.”

Creech added: “I think we can entrust people to make decisions that are best for them.

“But I’ll tell you this: It needs to be available to them. It needs to be available to our high-risk kids.” 

CLAIM: ‘Mass-formation psychosis‘ is causing everyone to panic about COVID-19.

“The effects of the legacy media and Big Tech promote a clear and psychological manipulation, which has deeply distorted public-health policy,” Malone told the crowd gathered at the January 23 DC rally against vaccine mandates. 

“The Davos oligarchs have demonstrated their gross incompetence to all the world over the last two years,” he added.

“I sincerely believe that we can break through the effects of the madness of crowds, the mass formation,” he said. 

RATING: This is an unverifiable theory. Here’s what an expert on crowd psychology and another on conspiracy theories had to say about it.

EXPERTS: Stephen Reicher, a professor of social psychology at the University of St. Andrews who has studied crowd psychology for more than four decades

Karen Douglas, a professor of social psychology at the University of Kent who studies conspiracy theories

EXPLANATION: Reicher previously told Reuters that the idea Malone suggested here was really more of a 19th-century concept of crowd psychology, which is not in line with current research or modern-day reality. 

“The claim was that people in the mass lose their sense of identity and their ability to reason. They regress to an inferior mental state where they are manipulable by unscrupulous leaders,” Reicher said. “It has been totally discredited by contemporary work on groups and crowds.”

Reicher added: “What is true is that people do have to make sense of a confusing and complicated world with different accounts coming from different sources.

“We are not vaccinologists, so when people tell us contradictory things about vaccines, who do we listen to? That is a matter of trust and of our social relationship to the source of information.

“But telling people who disagree with you that they are deluded and in a state of psychosis is essentially a device to silence them and a form of disrespect. It alienates and, hence, undermines an attempt at dialogue. It isn’t an explanation of the problem — it is part of the problem.”

Douglas, likewise, said people were often attracted to conspiracy theories “when one or more” of their “psychological needs are frustrated.”

 These needs include:

  • The need to know the truth and have clarity and certainty.
  • The need to feel safe and have some control over things that are happening around us.
  • The need to maintain our self-esteem and feel positive about the groups that we belong to.

“Anyone can fall prey to conspiracy theories if they have psychological needs that are not being met at any particular time,” she said. “This is perhaps one explanation why we seem to be seeing a lot of conspiracy theories about COVID-19. People are scared and uncertain about the pandemic and are looking for ways to cope with the uncertainty, insecurity, and loss of social contact.”

Joe, we have empirical proof that COVID vaccines, mandates and masks work. Red State vs Blue states.

Joe, now do you see why everyone is calling Robert Malone out? Just because you say something, it does not make it true.

“I am almost finished. The second category is auto-immune diseases. All of those neurological diseases exploded in 1989 as I say.” (We have covered this, there was no explosion). (He goes back to autism) “Autism is exponentially explodes. If you are my age, and you are listening to this, and I know you have have a younger demographic, you will remember that you didn’t know anybody who looked like this when you were in school.”

We have covered this! If he can repeat the lie, I guess I can repeat the truth. I am going to go with a different primary source this time. I have plenty to choose from. I was born in January of 1960. Robert F Kennedy Jr. was born on January 17, 1954.

A History of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

“A History of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

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A History of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

Congress enacted the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94142), also known as the EHA, in 1975 to support states and localities in protecting the rights of, meeting the individual needs of, and improving the results for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and their families. This landmark law’s name changed to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, in a 1990 reauthorization. The law was last reauthorized in 2004, and the department has periodically issued new or revised regulations to address the implementation and interpretation of the IDEA.

Before EHA, many children were denied access to education and opportunities to learn. In 1970, U.S. schools educated only one in five children with disabilities, and many states had laws excluding certain students, including children who were deaf, blind, emotionally disturbed, or had an intellectual disability.

Since the passage of EHA in 1975, significant progress has been made toward meeting major national goals for developing and implementing effective programs and services for early intervention, special education, and related services. The U.S. has progressed from excluding nearly 1.8 million children with disabilities from public schools prior to EHA implementation to providing more than 7.5 million children with disabilities with special education and related services designed to meet their individual needs in the 2020-21 school year.

In 2020-21, more than 66% of children with disabilities were in general education classrooms 80% or more of their school day (IDEA Part B Child Count and Educational Environments Collection), and early intervention services were provided to more than 363,000 infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families (IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings).

Other accomplishments directly attributable to the IDEA include educating more children in their neighborhood schools, rather than in separate schools and institutions, and contributing to improvements in the rate of high school graduation, post-secondary school enrollment, and post-school employment for youth with disabilities who have benefited from the IDEA.

Expand AllConditions Before EHA and IDEA1950s, 1960s and 1970s: Initial Federal Response1975: Public Law 94-142

On November 29, 1975, President Gerald Ford signed into law the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Public Law 94-142), or the EHA. The EHA guaranteed a free, appropriate public education, or FAPE, to each child with a disability in every state and locality across the country.

The four purposes of the EHA were:

  • to assure that all children with disabilities have available to them…a free appropriate public education which emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs,
  • to assure that the rights of children with disabilities and their parents…are protected,
  • to assist States and localities to provide for the education of all children with disabilities, and
  • to assess and assure the effectiveness of efforts to educate all children with disabilities.

The law authorized financial incentives to enable states and localities to comply with the EHA.

The EHA was a response to Congressional concern for two groups of children: the more than 1 million children with disabilities excluded entirely from the education system and the children with disabilities who had only limited access to the education system and were therefore denied an appropriate education. This latter group comprised more than half of all children with disabilities who were living in the U.S. at that time.

Facts and Figures

In the 1976-77 school year, 3,694,000 students aged 3 through 21 were served under the EHA.”

I was a junior in high school during the 1976-1977 school year. Robert F Kennedy Jr. was a Harvard graduate, graduating in 1976 with a Bachelor of Arts in American history and literature.  Joe, remind me again why Robert didn’t see any kids with autism while he was in school.

“We didn’t know kids with diabetes. (I did). We didn’t know kids who had epipads.”

The Long, Strange History of the EpiPen

“Enter the EpiPen

When the EpiPen was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1987, it was met with a sigh of relief from needle-averse patients and their families.”

Gee Joe, I wonder why Robert didn’t know any kids with epipads?

“The autoimmune diseases like diabetes, arthritis, lupus, Chron’s, all of this, I didn’t know any of these when I was a kid.”

Joe jumps in

Joe: “But they existed when you were a kid.”

Robert: “Some of them did, but they were so rare, even like the allergic diseases, I didn’t know anyone that was allergic, who had a peanut allergy. 11 siblings, 70 first cousins, lot and lot of friends, never knew anyone with a peanut allergy. Why do 5 of my 7 kids have allergies? Of course, we know why. Aluminum adjuvant give you allergies. They are designed to create a hyper-immune response to foreign particles.”

Let’s research this.

The Past 200 Years in Diabetes

“Diabetes was first recognized around 1500 B.C.E. by the ancient Egyptians, who considered it a rare condition in which a person urinated excessively and lost weight. The term diabetes mellitus, reflecting the fact that the urine of those affected had a sweet taste, was first used by the Greek physician Aretaeus, who lived from about 80 to 138 C.E. It was not until 1776, however, that Matthew Dobson actually measured the concentration of glucose in the urine of such patients and found it to be increased.1

Diabetes was a recognized clinical entity when the New England Journal of Medicine and Surgery was founded in 1812. Its prevalence at the time was not documented, and essentially nothing was known about the mechanisms responsible for the disease. No effective treatment was available, and diabetes was uniformly fatal within weeks to months after its diagnosis owing to insulin deficiency.”

Why are diabetes-related complications on the rise?

“Diabetes has grown to become one of the most important public health concerns of our time. A review by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has shown that the number of affected people has quadrupled in the last three decades. Type 2 diabetes (T2D), a type of diabetes traditionally occurring in adults and associated with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, is now the ninth leading cause of death worldwide. It therefore comes as no surprise that this rapidly emerging epidemic is giving rise to a profusion of diabetes-related complications.”

Arthritis History

“Arthritis has a severe impact on people of all ages and has been known to mankind since ancient times. Little was known of the diseases, except its symptoms and signs. Rheumatoid arthritis for example can be traced back to dinosaurs and prehistoric man.

Arthritis in dinosaurs

The first published research reports are a few centuries old. According to a book by Bruce M. Rothschild, “The Complete Dinosaur”, only a small portion of dinosaurs actually suffered anything resembling human arthritis.

On the other hand fossil records show evidence that other forms of arthritis did affect dinosaurs, specifically gout. A detailed examination by Rothschild of the bones of a Tyrannosaurus Rex showed the distinctive holes found in the bones of gout patients.

Early references to arthritis

Reference to arthritis is found in texts at least as far as 4500 BC. A text dated 123 AD first describes symptoms that appear similar to rheumatoid arthritis.

The details were noted among skeletal remains of Native Americans found in Tennessee. Bruce Rothschild showed that Tennessee bones belonged to some of the earliest sufferers of RA, and even today Native Americans tend to acquire the disease more often than people in other ethnic groups.

While examining the bones from the Tennessee site researchers found signs of arthritis with no evidence of tuberculosis. Jim Mobley, much later found spikes of rheumatoid arthritis along with tuberculosis. He suggested that the hypervigilant immune system is protective against tuberculosis at the cost of an increased risk of autoimmune disease.

Coining of the term “arthritis”

Before the 1600’s the disease was rare. It then spread across the Atlantic during the Age of Exploration. In 1859 the disease acquired its current name. The first recognized description of rheumatoid arthritis was in 1800 by the French physician Dr Augustin Jacob Landré-Beauvais (1772-1840) who was based in the famed Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. The name “rheumatoid arthritis” itself was coined in 1859 by British rheumatologist Dr Alfred Baring Garrod.

One of the most important publications on arthritis was by William Musgrave called the De Arthritide Symptomatica in 1715. It is the earliest known text describing in detail the symptoms of RA.

Rheumatoid arthritis in 16th century

Rheumatoid arthritis appears to some to have been depicted in 16th century paintings. This was seen mostly in paintings of hands deformed with the disease. The art of Peter Paul Rubens may possibly depict the effects of rheumatoid arthritis.

Well known arthritis patients

Some of the well known rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis patients include Lucille Ball (comedienne), Auguste Renoir (artist), James Coburn (actor) and Camryn Manheim (actress).”

I knew my class in the History of Medicine would come in handy one day! It was a hard class. 18 hours you ask? I knocked out 135 in 3 years. 18 hour summers. CLEP tests.

Mom had arthritis. I had an aunt that loved to give piano lessons that had arthritis so bad her fingers were crossed.

The history of lupus

“The history of lupus can be divided into three periods: classical, neoclassical, and modern. This article concentrates on developments in the present century which have greatly expanded our knowledge about the pathophysiology, clinical-laboratory features, and treatment of this disorder.

Lupus in the classical period (1230-1856)

Lupus in the neoclassical period (1872- 1948)

Lupus in the modern era (1948-present)”

Lupus facts and statistics

“How common is lupus and who does it affect?

  • The Lupus Foundation of America estimates that 1.5 million Americans, and at least five million people worldwide, have a form of lupus.
  • Lupus strikes mostly women of childbearing age. However, menchildren, and teenagers develop lupus, too.
  • Ninety percent (90%) of people living with lupus are women. Most people with lupus develop the disease between the ages of 15-44.[1]
  • People with lupus can experience significant symptoms, such as pain, extreme fatigue, hair loss, cognitive issues, and physical impairments that affect every facet of their lives. Many suffer from cardiovascular disease, strokes, disfiguring rashes, and painful joints. For others, there may be no visible symptoms.
  • Our best estimate based on available data on incidence is 16,000 new cases per year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are currently gathering updated data for all ethnic sub-populations in the US, so we anticipate this number will change. The fact remains that lupus is a devastating and life-changing disease that currently has no cure.”

History of Crohn’s Disease

“Crohn’s disease is named after the famous gastroenterologist, Dr. Burrill Crohn. It first became regarded as a medical condition when it was described by Crohn and colleagues in 1932. However, the first explanation of Crohn’s was given by Giovanni Battista Morgagni, an Italian physician who diagnosed a patient suffering from a debilitating and long-term disease that caused diarrhea.

Further instances were described by John Berg in 1898 and by Antoni Lesniowski in 1904. in 1913, Kennedy Dalziel also reported on the condition at a British Medical Association meeting and the paper was published in the BMJ.”

Inflammatory bowel disease on the rise in older adults

“The prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in older adults has steadily risen over the past two decades, according to findings published May 14, 2021, in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

IBD is a collective term for diseases in which abnormal immune system activity in the intestine leads to inflammation. The two primary forms of IBD are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

The report examined annual medical data on more than 23 million people ages 67 and older from 2001 to 2018. During this period, the number of cases of Crohn’s disease increased annually by 3.4%, while ulcerative colitis rose by 2.8%.”

When the Hell Did Everyone Become Allergic to Peanuts?

Peanuta non grata: Nobody knows for sure what is causing the increase in peanut allergies, and the only real point of consensus is that the problem is getting worse. After barely meriting a word in medical literature before the 1980s, incidents of peanuts allergies began to creep up in the 1990s. “Allergy to peanuts and tree nuts is the leading cause of fatal allergic reactions in the United States, and the prevalence appears to be increasing,” a 2010 study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reported. The study found the number of children with documented peanut allergies had increased from 0.4% in 1997 to 0.8% in 2002 to 1.4% in 2008. 

“The numbers have doubled in the past 10 years,” Dr. Julie Kuriakose, an internist at Hudson Allergy and clinical instructor of medicine at Columbia University, told Mic. “I don’t think that there is just one answer.”

According to Kuriakose, one possible explanation is the so-called hygiene hypothesis. The idea goes that in the past, U.S. children were exposed to more everyday bacteria and viruses, which may have stimulated healthy immune responses. Today, by contrast, with ever greater advances in hygiene, the theory goes that the immune system has less to do and lashes out at more banal things — like peanut proteins — in an attempt to stay relevant. Kuriakose and other experts said peanut allergies were less prevalent in developing countries partly for this reason.

“We’re not growing up in families where there are six children and living on farms and having exposure,” said Kuriakose.


Other theories have speculated that an overabundance of folate in children’s diets is to blame, while a 2011 study from the academic journal Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology suggested the answer may lie with a vitamin D deficiency. 

With no solid explanation for their exponential growth, best practices for treating peanut allergies has also swung widely in recent years. According to Kuriakose, it was once common to tell pregnant mothers to completely avoid peanuts and keep their homes nut-free if there was a past genetic history of food allergies. That changed with a study this year in the New England Journal of Medicine which found exactly the opposite. 

“The early introduction of peanuts,” researchers concluded, “significantly decreased the frequency of the development of peanut allergy among children at high risk for this allergy and modulated immune responses to peanuts.” 

Despite the advances, there is still little to be done once the allergies are present. “Eighty percent of children who are diagnosed with peanuts allergies will keep or retain that peanut allergy into adulthood,” said Kuriakose, who also had some prophetic words for the future of her own profession, allergy treatment. “I don’t think we’re a dying field, I will tell you that.””

Not one article ever mentions vaccines or aluminum. Not one.

Vaccine Ingredients – Aluminum

What lie comes next?

“the allergic diseases, peanut allergies, food allergies, eczema, I never knew anybody with eczema.”

The Origin of Eczema and the Centuries-Old History Behind It

“Uncovering Eczema’s Origin Story

Before eczema earned its formal title, descriptions of similar skin conditions appeared in ancient Egyptian texts.

“As far back as we can see, in one of the earliest known medical documents called the Ebers Papyrus thought to be written more than 3,000 years ago, there have been skin issues described,” said Dr. Peter Lio, Assistant Professor of Clinical Dermatology and Pediatrics at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. 

While the document doesn’t specify eczema, Dr. Lio noted it wouldn’t be surprising if that were the case. Early remedies listed for “enduring itch” on the Ebers Papyrus included compresses of bean and onion mixtures as well as milk and sea salt.1  

Hippocrates, traditionally thought responsible for the Hippocratic Oath and referred to as “the father of modern medicine,” also contributed theories on the origins and treatment of eczema-like skin conditions around 400 BC.2,3 

What’s in a name? Eczema and atopic dermatitis

We can thank two English doctors, Robert Willan and Thomas Bateman, for coining the term “eczema” in 1817 to describe a fluid-filled, blistering rash (like a sunburn).4 It’s the first time we see the term appear, though it doesn’t match the types of eczema we typically think of today.5 

In the early 1900s, as dermatology continued to distinguish itself from general medicine, doctors altered their approach to the study of the skin.

“Dermatologists began to differentiate between different types of skin conditions, including eczema, and to categorize them based on their symptoms and appearance,” explained Dr. Lio. These new classifications helped doctors better understand and differentiate between similar-appearing conditions, like eczema and psoriasis, which allowed for more specialized studies.

A description of the most common type of eczema we know today appeared in 1933. Atopic came from the word “atopy,” which describes a predisposition to respond immunologically to diverse antigens/allergens, and “dermatitis”, which refers to inflamed skin.6 From then on, atopic dermatitis defined what we most often think of as the most common form of eczema today: allergen-related, itchy and inflamed skin.”

Why cases of adult eczema are on the rise – particularly in women

“Why are cases of adult eczema on the increase?

Dr Mervyn Patterson, cosmetic doctor at Woodford Medical, says there may be several reasons for the higher incidences of eczema, especially in women.

“Females are more likely to encounter a whole variety of cosmetic products, perfumes, cleaning agents, detergents and common household materials that can cause irritation,” he says.

“A very high percentage of the population now identifies themselves as having sensitive skin and when this occurs on the face, the most likely triggers are ingredients within the multiple skincare products that are constantly being experimented with.”

Dr Patterson says women may also be less likely to tolerate the appearance of dermatitis and therefore more likely to present themselves for treatment.

“Females are also more likely by nature of their occupation to come into contact with known potent sensitisers such as hair colouring agents used in the hair industry, solvents and glues used by nail technicians, peeling materials used by beauty therapists and general cleaning materials,” he says.

“Healthcare professionals are also at much greater risk of sensitisation from materials used to sterilise the skin and frequent use of latex gloves.”

It’s also possible that changing hormone levels in women, particularly during pregnancy and at difference stages of their menstrual cycle, could be playing a role in the gender disparity of eczema sufferers.”

Again, no mention of vaccines or aluminum. Back to the lies,

“asthma, I knew people with asthma, but it wasn’t one in every four black kids like it is today.”

Current Asthma Demographics

“Current Asthma Rates by Race/Ethnicity

  • Blacks and American Indian/Alaska Natives have the highest current asthma rates compared to other races and ethnicities. In 2018, Blacks (10.9%) were 42 percent more likely than Whites (7.7%) to still have asthma.
  • Hispanics (6.4%) and Asians (4.0%) had lower current asthma prevalence rates than other racial and ethnic groups.”

Black children are more likely to have asthma. A lot comes down to where they live

“About 4 million kids in the U.S. have asthma. The percentage of Black children with asthma is far higher than white kids; more than 12 percent of Black kids nationwide suffer from the disease, compared with 5.5 percent of white children. They also die at a much higher rate.

Across America, nearly 4 in 10 Black children live in areas with poor environmental and health conditions compared to 1 in 10 white children. Factories spew nitrogen oxide and particulate matter. Idling trucks and freeway traffic kick up noxious fumes and dust.

The disparities are built into a housing system shaped by the longstanding effects of slavery and Jim Crow-era laws. Many of the communities that have substandard housing today or are located near toxic sites are the same as those that were segregated and redlined decades ago.

“The majority of what drives disparities in asthma, it’s actually social and structural,” said Sanaz Eftekhari, vice president of corporate affairs and research of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. “You can tie a lot of the asthma disparities back to things that have happened, years and years and decades ago.””

You know, Red-lining, White flight, environmental poverty. NIMBY. That thing some call Critical Race Theory.

“We went from 6% of Americans having chronic disease, by 1986, we are starting to adding the vaccines”

We have covered this ground, what, four times now? We did not start adding a lot of vaccines in 1986. There has never been an ‘explosion’ of vaccines. Remember? I have show this already several times? Do I need to do it again? How about screen captures this time?

Joe, please point out to us the 1986 explosion of new vaccines.

“and 11.8% of kids now, so it has doubled. By 2006, 54%, these are kids who are permanently disabled and have to be on medication their whole lives.”

Joe, you are not going to ask for a citation for that 54%?

Prescription Medication Use Among Children and Adolescents in the United States


“During 2013–2014, 19.8% of children and adolescents used at least 1 prescription medication, and 7.1% used acute medications. Concurrent use of prescription medications was 7.5% overall and was highest among boys 6 to 12 years old (12%) and among boys and girls ages 13 to 19 years old (10% for both). Using pooled 2009–2014 data, we found that 8.2% of concurrent users of prescription medications were at risk for a potentially major DDI. The vast majority of interacting regimens involved antidepressants and were more common among adolescent girls than boys (18.1% vs 6.6%; P < .05), driven largely by greater rates of use of acute medications”

This could be anything. Something for a cough. An antibiotic. Something for pain. This is all prescriptions, regardless of why. Where are the 54% that are taking medicine for a chronic condition Joe?

“So we have the sickest generation in history, there is no other country in the world that has this kind of chronic disease, this epidemic, of course we have the, one of the reasons we had the highest death rate during Covid.”

Surely Joe is going to fact-check this statement? Joe, you were one of the reasons. Along with FoxNews and a long list of others,

“because we have the highest chronic disease burden in the world. It is not just the vaccines, and I have never said that. There are children swimming around in a toxic soup. What we can say is most of it started in 1989 and there are only a certain, finite number of culprits, you can point to and say, it has to come from a toxic exposure, genes don’t cause epidemics. They can provide a vulnerability, but you need a toxic exposure. What is it? It could be Glyphosate.”

Does Roundup Cause Cancer?

“A closer look at the connection between glyphosate and cancer”

“It could be neonicotinoid pesticides”

Effects of Neonicotinoid Pesticide Exposure on Human Health: A Systematic Review

“could be the PFOAs, the flame retardants that became ubiquitous around the same time,”

Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS), and Related Chemicals

“it could be cellphones, wifi radiation”

Joe cuts in “That’s unlikely. Isn’t that very unlikely?”

Robert: “it could be ultrasound, yeah, yeah, of course. I think the wifi radiation is worse than people think it is”

Joe: “How so?

Robert: “Well, wifi radiation does all kinds of bad things, including causing cancer.”

Joe fell for it:

‘We Gotta Get Rid of WiFi’: Joe Rogan Falls For RFK Jr.’s Wild Claim WiFi Causes Cancer and ‘Leaky Brain’

“Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed in an interview with Joe Rogan that WiFi messes with your brain.

On last Thursday’s episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the infamous anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist was featured as a guest to discuss his 2024 platform and his anti-vax views. One notable clip from their interaction began circulating Twitter via Michael Hobbes, garnering over 6 million views.

“WiFi radiation is — does all kinds of bad things, including causing cancer,” Kennedy claimed.

“WiFi radiation causes cancer?” Rogan said, puzzled.

“Yeah, from your cell phone. I mean, there’s cell phone tumors, you know that, I mean, I’m representing hundreds of people who have cell phone tumors behind the ear. It’s always on the ear that you favor with your cell phone,” Kennedy explained. “We have the science, so if anybody let us in front of a jury it will be over.”

When Rogan asked the specific number of people suffering from cell phone cancer, Kennedy could not provide one.

“There’s a lot of people with it. They’re glioblastomas. That’s the kind of cancers that they get. The cancer’s not the worst thing. They also — WiFi radiation opens up your blood brain barrier,” Kennedy said. “And so all these toxics that are in your body can now go into your brain.”

“How does WiFi radiation open up your blood brain barrier?” Rogan asked.

“Now you’ve gone beyond my expertise. There are — I’m gonna use a number here and you’re gonna think it’s hyperbole, but it’s not. There are tens of thousands of studies that show the horrendous danger of WiFi radiation,” Kennedy said.

As the conversation continued Rogan eventually had his producer Jamie Vernon look up the links between WiFi and the blood brain barrier. Vernon pulled up the webpage for the Environmental Health Trust, an organization linked to Kennedy, which supported his claims.”

Jamie Vernon: “I found an article, I am just trying to find the validity of it.”

Here you go Jamie:

Robert F Kennedy’s Environmental Health Trust Are Modern Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy Theorists

“Once upon a time vaccine deniers were on the left and conspiracy theorists who felt government was out to control us using radio waves were on the right.

Now they have flipped. Welcome to political intelligence.

Environmental Health Trust, the brainchild of discredited zealot Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., thinks Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and especially 5G cell phone signals are killing us. The most bizarre part is he thinks cell phones were safer in the 1990s, when they emitted more radiation with more power.

Even then it was nothing. His fable was never able to overcome the obvious ‘where are all the dead bodies?’ problem. Their conspiracy theory rests on the belief that science is wrong. About everything. Non-ionizing radiation can still harm you, for example, even if it doesn’t kill you. It’s like another supernatural relic of the 1990s activist movement, “endocrine disrupting” chemicals behaving in homeopathic ways. Somehow.

If his worry about non-ionizing radiation is true, he should be suing light bulb manufacturers next. And cities with beaches. Nothing is safe from non-ionizing radiation.

But it is detectable. Yet so is the wings of a fly on the gravitational effect of the moon. Do you believe a fly is causing the moon to spin out of orbit because an effect is detectable? If so, Environmental Health Trust is willing to let you give them money.”

Robert goes on about how bad wifi is, including developing an allergy to WIFI. Joe, he lied:

Is It Possible to Be Allergic to Electricity?

“Can some people be allergic to Wi-Fi?

Some people report being hypersensitive to EMFs from Wi-Fi. However, Wi-Fi allergies are not real. There’s no strong evidence that proves people can be allergic to Wi-Fi signals.

What’s more, research hasn’t found a clinically sound relationship between EHS symptoms and Wi-Fi.

Symptoms due to EHS have been ruled out by research, though. Studies haven’t found a connection between EMF exposure and the symptoms above. Instead, scientists speculate that symptoms of EHS may be due to undiagnosed physical or psychological conditions.


EHS is a self-reported condition that hasn’t been proven by science. It’s defined by unpleasant symptoms, like headaches and pain, triggered by exposure to electronic devices.

Recent research has found no evidence that EHS exists. Some scientists think people have negative symptoms because they believe electromagnetic fields are harmful.

It’s likely that such symptoms are due to underlying physical or psychological disorders. Treatment for perceived EHS may include treatment of underlying conditions, therapy, or environmental changes.”

Cell Phones and Cancer Risk

“Has the incidence of brain and central nervous system cancers changed during the time cell phone use increased?

No. Investigators have studied whether the incidence of brain or other central nervous system cancers (that is, the number of new cases of these cancers diagnosed each year) has changed during the time that cell phone use increased dramatically. These studies found:

  • stable incidence rates for adult gliomas in the United States (1), Nordic countries (2) and Australia (3) during the past several decades
  • stable incidence rates for pediatric brain tumors in the United States during 1993–2013 (4)
  • stable incidence rates for acoustic neuroma (5), which are nonmalignant tumors, and meningioma (6), which are usually nonmalignant, among US adults since 2009 

In addition, studies using cancer incidence data have tested different scenarios (simulations) determining whether the incidence trends are in line with various levels of risk as reported in studies of cell phone use and brain tumors between 1979 and 2008 (78). These simulations showed that many risk changes reported in case-control studies were not consistent with incidence data, implying that biases and errors in the study may have distorted the findings.

Because these studies examine cancer incidence trends over time in populations rather than comparing risk in people who do and don’t use cell phones, their ability to observe potential small differences in risk among heavy users or susceptible populations is limited. Observational/epidemiologic studies—including case–control and cohort studies (described below)—are designed to measure individual exposure to cell phone radiation and ascertain specific health outcomes.

Does Wi-Fi Cause Cancer?

“Currently, there’s no definite answer to this question. That’s because there’s no solid evidence suggesting that Wi-Fi, or EMFs in general, directly causes cancer.

In 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stated that EMFs are “possibly carcinogenic to humans.” The label was established by 30 scientists who evaluated studies on EMFs and cancer.

Studies involving EMFs and cancer are conflicting. For example, according to a 2017 research review, EMFs from wireless devices increase the risk of glioma, a type of brain tumor. But a 2018 study states that there’s no clear association between EMFs and brain tumors.”

5G smartphones cause cancer; Big Wireless doesn’t want you to know

“*I HAVE BEEN waiting and waiting for this particular form of popular fear to surface again. Electro-radiation fear has been subterranean for decades now.

*If smartphones cause cancer (and who knows, maybe they do, why not) then it’s even more likely that electric blankets, high-tension lines, microwave ovens and even household electrical wiring cause even more cancer. Plus, there must be thousands of other things that cause far more cancer than 5G smartphones, as otherwise we’d be seeing a colossal mortality wave of men and women with brain tumors and most likely ear tumors.

*Ever been to California? Where you walk into certain buildings with loud, alarming signs that declare, “Something In Here Causes Cancer In the State of California, Only, There’s Nothing You Can Do About That, Except To Worry”? This is an intervention that is very much like that.”

Ear Tumors

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Most ear tumors are benign (not cancer) and don’t need treatment. If a benign ear tumor affects hearing or balance, you may need radiosurgery to get rid of it. Most cancerous ear tumors are actually skin cancers. These cancers require treatment. You should contact your healthcare provider if you notice changes in your hearing, feel a lump in or on your ear, or notice skin changes to the ear.”

Just like brain and nervous system, I can not find any increase in ear cancers. Cell phones have been around for a while.

“more than 54% of kids have a chronic disease (I have already proven this is a lie) and one of the things, the reason I want to be president, is to end that and have NIH doing studies like this instead of suppressing them.”

Let’s go research RFK Jr’s claim that the United States has more chronic diseases than other countries.

Chronic conditions

“More than one-third of people aged 16 and over reported living with a longstanding illness or health problem on average across 26 OECD countries in 2019 (Figure 3.15). This figure rises to nearly one in two in Finland, while one in four or fewer adults reported having a longstanding illness or health problem in Luxembourg, Greece and Italy. As populations age, the prevalence of chronic conditions – including multimorbidity – rises. Health systems increasingly need to be prepared to deliver high-quality chronic care management to meet the needs of ageing populations.

Socio-economic disparities are also large: on average across OECD countries, 43% of people in the lowest income quintile report a longstanding illness or health problem compared with 26% of people in the highest income quintile (Figure 3.15). This income gradient is largest in Latvia, the Czech Republic and Ireland, where people in the lowest income quintile are more than two and a half times as likely to report having at least one longstanding illness or health problem compared with people in the highest income quintile. The income gradient is smallest in Iceland, Italy and France, where individuals in the lowest income quintile are only about 20% more likely to report living with a longstanding illness or health problem compared with individuals in the highest income quintile.”

So he got this wrong too Joe. Have we established the fact that Robert F Kennedy Jr lies a lot? Can I just fast forward now and call out some more lies? I am at the 1:16 mark of a 3:05 interview and I have already found over 20 lies.

“During COVID we had 4.2% of the global population, we had 16% of the COVID deaths.”

I started a webpage on this the day the first COVID death was reported in the United States and updated it daily for quite a while.

2020 US Population – 331,449,281 

2020 World Population – 7,794,798,739

4.1% – COVID deaths so far?


COVID deaths worldwide?

WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard

6,945,714 deaths”

14.4% of all COVID deaths worldwide. I wonder what make us different? I have already pointed out FoxNews, Joe Rogan, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, GOP governors and legislators. Who am I forgetting? Wait! I know!

Lies, grifting, ignorance and incompetence got people killed. Some of them were my friends.

Due to time constraints, we are going to fast forward until another topic that applies to Dr. Hotez takes place. Wait! He is parroting the Alex Jones Frog Story!

“Probably the most disturbing endocrine disrupter is atrazine, it is now ubiquitous, it is everywhere, but you can take atrazine, what is his name?”

Joe: “Jamie”

Robert: “You can look up this study, the scientist’s name is Tyler I think, that might be his first or second name, but they took atrazine and they put it in a tank with 40 frogs for 3 years. They put it below the exposure level that EPA considers acceptable to humans (aren’t frogs smaller than humans?) and 30 of those frogs, they were all male frogs, and they were Double Z, they were male frogs, they were super males, and 30 of those frogs were chemically castrated. 4 of them turned into females and produced fertile eggs. They took male frogs, gave them atrazine, 10% of them turned into females and produced fertile eggs and we are subjecting our children to exposure to that every day.”

Joe: “What is atrazine?”

Robert: “It is in the water. It’s a pesticide.”

Joe: “Here it is. Report toxic herbicide found in many Texans’ drinking water. That’s from 2018, November 20th.”

Report: Toxic herbicide found in many Texans’ drinking water

“Nearly 500 water utilities across the state tested positive for atrazine — a weed killer — which can lead to harmful health effects, according to a new report. The Environmental Working Group also found that utilities are testing water during times when the herbicide isn’t being used as much — and that they may be lowballing the results.”

“What does this do the sexual development in children? Nobody knows. We know what it does to frogs.”

YouTube removes Robert F Kennedy Jr video featuring bizarre claim that polluted water makes children transgender

YouTube has reportedly removed a conspiracy-laden interview between right-wing media figure Jordan Peterson and presidential hopeful Robert F Kennedy Jr.

During the interview, Mr Kennedy Jr repeated an infamous conspiracy theory made popular by Alex Jones, claiming that chemicals in the water were “turning the frogs gay.”

Mr Kennedy Jr took the conspiracy theory a step further and claimed that chemicals in the water were also making people transgender.

Mr Peterson complained about the removal, arguing that YouTube had “take upon itself to actively interfere with a presidential election campaign.”

“I think a lot of the problems we see in kids, particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated on that how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing,” Mr Kennedy Jr said during the interview.

He claimed that children were “swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals” many of which he claimed were “endocrine disruptors.”

“There’s atrazine throughout our water supply,” he said. “Atrazine, by the way, if you in a lab put atrazine in a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and forcefully feminise every frog in there. And 10 per cent of the frogs, the male frogs will turn into fully viable females able to produce viable eggs if it’s doing that to frogs. It could, there’s a lot of other evidence that it’s doing to human beings as well.”

Despite running as a Democrat, Mr Kennedy Jr’s fandom is solidly right-wing, thanks in part to his conspiratorial beliefs regarding vaccines and gender.

He also complained that YouTube was acting as a “censor.””

Theorizing the Gay Frog

“Intersex frogs were first brought to public attention in the late 1990s by University of California, Berkeley endocrinologist and amphibian biologist Tyrone Hayes. Other scientists have researched this topic, but Hayes has become a minor celebrity through his TED talks.18 His story has been well rehearsed. In 1998, Hayes was employed by Swiss company Syngenta to examine the effects of its herbicide atrazine on frogs. Atrazine is the second most-used herbicide in the United States after Monsanto’s Roundup (glyphosate).19 Through tests on the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), a frog commonly used in lab experiments, Hayes and his team found that male frogs exposed to atrazine had significantly reduced testosterone levels and variations in reproductive organs, including having both ovaries and testes, multiple sets of each organ, and testes that produced eggs.20 They also had smaller larynxes, rendering them less able to produce croaks to attract females.21 Hayes later found that some male frogs exposed to atrazine produced viable eggs after copulating with unaffected male frogs.22 Hayes leaked these discoveries and was subsequently harassed by Syngenta.

The Gay Frog and Alex Jones

“The best-known example of the gay frog in popular culture is a 2015 YouTube broadcast by Alex Jones. Jones is the founder of online multimedia enterprise Infowars, a website, radio show, and YouTube channel adjacent to the American alt-right and a platform for “fake news,” including theories of “a global conspiracy orchestrated by an elite cabal.”30 His broadcasts present an assault of information in which Jones, a stocky former body builder, works himself into an agitated state, pounding his desk and shouting until red in the face. It is funny; deliberately so, as I discuss below. The Infowars business model “monetis[es] the fears created by Jones’ messages,” with the website Infowars Store selling dubious health-related products and survivalist equipment for “preppers.”31 Jones’s once-significant reach has waned in recent years following social media bans. However, the COVID-19 pandemic provided him with renewed opportunities. In April 2020 Jones participated in “Reopen America” rallies against the lockdown, and Infowars Store sold a supposedly coronavirus-curing silver toothpaste that was condemned by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Jones’s frog rant emerged from this confluence of conspiracy, profiteering, and performance. In his 2015 video he stated that “the majority of the frogs in the US are now gay,” the result of government operations that echoed earlier efforts to create a “gay bomb” (this possibility was investigated by the US military in the early 2000s).32 In September 2017 Jones uploaded a further video titled “PROOF! Gay Frogs Are Real Alex Jones Was Right,” which splices his analysis with science and news reporting, including clips of Hayes. He returned to the topic on Halloween in 2018, hopping around in a frog costume and pink tutu, drinking from a water bottle branded “ATRAZINE” while pouring it over his face and chest, and claiming to have “come out” as a gay frog.33 In this video Jones writes lines on a whiteboard and pretends to retract his claims about atrazine on behalf of Infowars, pleading in baby talk to be let back onto Twitter (from which he had recently been banned). In 2020 Jones returned to atrazine, claiming that it shrinks boys’ genitals.34

For Jones the gay frog is both conspiracy and business proposition. The 2017 broadcast was followed with an extended advertisement for water filtration products carried by Infowars Store. The site offers many options, from a $79.95 water filter jug (a non-Infowars-branded equivalent costs around $20) to a Propur Home System for $1,799. The most popular item, with over a thousand reviews (if they are genuine), is the Alexapure Pro Water Filtration System for $269.95, containing “the same water filter that Alex Jones and the Infowars crew use everyday.”35 These products and their placement show Jones’s ability to profit from the fears stoked by his broadcasts.

Joe: “You take on this thing, and even members of your own family sort of disavowed your opinions and attacked you for it and what I find remarkable, genuinely, it the way you have been able to communicate (lie) with people who approach you with the erroneous idea of what you stand for and that you can just rationally have a conversation with them. If I am wrong, I would you to tell me where I am wrong and those conversations are fascinating. It is because people just want to shut you down (yes, we do) and stop talking about it. They don’t want to give you the time like you just had to lay all of this out.”

Lay what out Joe? A litany of lies?

RFK Jr.’s ‘disgusted’ family unlikely to support his bid for president

“Most of the Kennedys are disgusted with his attitude,” said Kennedy family biographer Laurence Leamer, referring to Robert’s recent anti-vaccination activism. “They still care about him, but he’s an embarrassment.”

Even actress Cheryl Hines, Robert’s third wife, has distanced herself from his vaccine extremism after he invoked Nazi Germany in a speech against vaccines at the Lincoln Memorial last year.

In it, he implied that those who oppose vaccines are being persecuted more severely than Anne Frank, the German teen who hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam before being sent to her death at Auschwitz.

“My husband’s reference to Anne Frank at a mandate rally in DC was reprehensible and insensitive,” Hines tweeted. “The atrocities that millions endured during the Holocaust should never be compared to anyone or anything. His opinions are not a reflection of my own.” Robert later apologized for the reference.”

Joe: “It is a thing that people don’t want to believe. What is that like to be a person that carries around what people don’t want to believe, but seems to be true?”

Joe, we are 1:28:34 into the interview. Other than the US percentage of COVID deaths name another thing Robert has said that is true. Go For It!

“First of all, I want to say this. That, what you let me do now, which probably lost you lot of your listeners”

Joe: “No it didn’t. No No No. I do not think that is true at all.”

Robert: “I am so grateful to you. (You let me come on here and just spout nonsense with no factchecking or refutations) For 18 years, actually, Jon Stewart let me do that in 2005 and you can go look at his, and Joe Scarborough in 2005 when my article came out and that was it. They immediately, a week later, disavowing me. (My guess is they checked the veracity of the article and weighted the odds of being sued.)”

ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR. SEASON 10 • 07/20/2005 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discusses autism prevention

Robert lied to John about China and autism. Robert told John “6 years ago autism was not known in China.” That would be 1999.

China and Autism

“Historical Background

The history of autism in China is a brief one, as it was not diagnosed there until 1982 (Tao 1987). Since that point, the landscape of research and scholarly work pertaining to the epidemiology and clinical care of autism and related disorders has been relatively bare. Some of this can be attributed to the fact that dozens of dialects are spoken throughout the mainland, leading to a relative lack of appropriately translated materials relating to the diagnostic and treatment practices of autism (Ming 2013). This has left many doctors, teachers, and a majority of the general public with a lack of awareness and understanding of the disorder.

China has a long history of special education schools, dating back to the early twentieth century and through the times of Mao Zedong (Deng et al. 2001). These institutions have been mostly geared toward those suffering from blindness and deafness, rather than those with intellectual disabilities, however (Yang and Wang 1994)….”

Robert got in his “in 1988, before they added all of these vaccines” – we have now covered that lie at least 4 times.

Jon Stewart Responds to Resistance Twitter’s Effort to Draft Him Into a Debate With RFK Jr.

“If people were hoping that Jon Stewart could step in for Dr. Peter Hotez to debate Robert F Kennedy Jr. on vaccines, it seems the former Daily Show host isn’t so keen on the idea.

“I’m supposed to talk to who about what now?” the AppleTV host asked the Twitterverse.”

“And you have been like a hero. You are a institution in this country, a critical institution of this era, because you have maintained this little island of free speech (where people are allowed to lie) in a desert to suppression (fact-checking) and a critical thinking (where has that happened in this interview? Joe used YOUR source to support YOUR lie.) You have been a champion of critical thinking.”

Due to time constraints, we fast forward to the next lie.

“For me, to have kind of a concrete task, (that I can grift with), that I know is right, and I am open to criticism. (OK, let’s see if you reply to this when I tweet it to you) I have a critical mind, if someone shows me where I got it wrong (I have been doing that since the first lie you told) I’ll change. I am not dug-in (you have to be, for fun and profit), I’m not hardheaded (you are running for president as a Democrat but attending a Moms4Liberty event – that is the very definition of hardheaded) but until someone shows me (I am doing just that) I am going to try to help these children (and make some money). I feel like it is a gift (the ability to lie?) and the more people heap abuse on me (you mean facts?) the bigger the gift is (the louder I have to lie).

Joe asks a question.

Joe: “Was the book “The Real Anthony Fauci” the first time, and because it happened during the pandemic, that was the first time I noticed a break in the narrative (ignorant lies) where more people were paying attention to you (thanks to FoxNews and others) and people weren’t dismissing you as easily (those of us that know what the facts are were) and the book itself was a critical hit. (among the anti-vax, anti-mask crowd – I wonder what percentage of the readers of the book died from Covid?)

Robert: “The book sold a million copies in 3 months. The mainstream corporate media went out its way to ignore it (they considered the source)”

We fast-forward again,

“One of the incredible studies that came out, it is not surprising, but the Cleveland Clinic Study.”

Joe: “We talked about that recently.”

Robert: “I read, I could be wrong about this, I was reading the abstract the other day, and it looked like what that study shows is that the vaccine gives you some protection for the first two months, but then in wanes precipitously and it wanes into negative efficacy after 7 months so in other words, if you got vaccinated you are more likely to get sick.”

Ding! Ding! Ding! What is this, lie 30?

Cleveland Clinic Study Did Not Show Vaccines Increase COVID-19 Risk

“SciCheck Digest

Numerous studies have found that additional COVID-19 shots are generally associated with extra protection against the coronavirus. Many people on social media, however, have shared a preliminary finding from a Cleveland Clinic study and misrepresented it as proving that getting more doses increases a person’s risk of infection.

“Fauci said at the very beginning, you go back and look at his tapes, it could make you actually more susceptible.”

Joe: “Yeah”

Robert: “And that is exactly what it does”

That is NOT what it does.

Correcting Misinformation About Dr. Fauci

“Vaccines and Treatments

In a March 2020 interview with Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of the company now known as Meta, Fauci emphasized the importance of conducting clinical trials to determine vaccine safety before distribution. He cited examples of vaccine candidates for other viruses, such as HIV and respiratory syncytial virus, that were found to be harmful during the evaluation process. 

“This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse,” Fauci said of the COVID-19 vaccines, which were still being tested at the time. Ultimately, in clinical trials and real-world conditions, the COVID-19 vaccines available in the U.S. were found to be safe and effective

Fauci did not admit that “Covid Vaccines May Actually Make People ‘Worse,’” as a viral headline published in December 2021 misleadingly claimed. The story lifted Fauci’s comments out of context to give the false impression that he had recently said the approved and authorized vaccines would do more harm than good.

See, “Viral Story Takes Fauci COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Comments Out of Context,” Dec. 17, 2021

“What that study shows is that more vaccines you get, the more likely you are to get sick.”

No. It doesn’t. The study never said that. How do I know that? Robert can’t cite where it says that. Let’s ask the Cleveland Clinic.

Common COVID-19 Vaccine Myths Explained

“No, the vaccine will not alter your DNA or give you COVID-19”

There is no such thing as ‘negative immunity’ – I dare Robert to send me the passage in the Clinic Report that says it creates that.

Fact Check-Vaccine-effectiveness study does not show ‘negative immunity’ or harm to the immune system


False. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine does not show that COVID-19 vaccines create “negative immunity” in children, or that vaccination “destroys” immunity gained from prior infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus as claimed in an article shared widely on social media.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work  here.”

“And the people that are most vaccinated have a 3.5 times the rate, and I could be wrong about this, but think this is what it says, 3.5 times the risk of illness than people who are unvaccinated.”

CDC: Unvaccinated adults 3-5 times more likely to get omicron infection

Fact check: Are unvaccinated people 4X more likely than the fully vaccinated to catch COVID?

“RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — We have plenty of numbers to reinforce what experts have been saying for months: That while the COVID-19 vaccines don’t completely eliminate the chances you’ll get sick, they drastically lower that risk.

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mandy Cohen earlier this week brought up a new one.

THE CLAIM: Cohen said state data show “unvaccinated people are more than four times — that’s 400 percent — more likely to get COVID-19 than people who are fully vaccinated.”

New Data Highlights Benefits of Vaccine in Reducing Infection and Hospitalization

“CLEVELAND – New data from Cleveland Clinic shows how effective the COVID-19 vaccine is in reducing hospitalizations.

In August, researchers discovered 90% of those who were admitted were not vaccinated.

“This really indicates to us that the vaccine is extremely effective. There is no vaccine that is 100% effective. They were quoting about 90% at first, and the majority of patients are doing quite well with COVID-19 if they’re vaccinated, so we continue to recommend vaccination,” said Rachel Scheraga, MD, who specializes in critical care medicine for Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Scheraga said they also found in September that 85% of infections were in unvaccinated individuals, whereas only 15% of those who were vaccinated had a breakthrough infection.”

Joe: “What I found was fascinating was there were a lot of people that wanted me to immediately get vaccinated, to join the team. That is what it seemed like they wanted me to do.”

Spit-balling here but maybe they love you and don’t want to lose you? You can’t have Phil Valentine on your show….

At the 1:49:25 mark Dr. Peter Hotez is mentioned for the first time.

Joe: “You know I had a maddening conversation with Peter Hotez (Dr. Hotez) once.”

Robert: “Well, he is, that guy is, I mean it is just hard watching a guy just sit there and tell things he has got to know are not true (this is called projection – you are the person that does this).”

Joe: “I don’t know if he knows they are not true (they are true) but he is a strange example because when I was talking to him, he is overweight (weight-shaming) and I ask him does he eat well. He doesn’t. He’s saying he likes junk food and eats junk food too much, he doesn’t exercise, walks a little he says, he doesn’t take vitamins. This is a crazy conversation. (You do realize you are talking about the vast majority of people in this country, including a lot of your viewers?) So you’re advocating for this experimental mRNA vaccine technology and you don’t even do anything else to improve your immune system?”

Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines

“Key Points

  • mRNA vaccines inject cells with instructions to generate a protein that is normally found on the surface of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • The protein that the person makes in response to the vaccine can cause an immune response without a person ever having been exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19. Later, if the person is exposed to the virus, their immune system will recognize the virus and respond to it.
  • mRNA vaccines are safe and cannot alter your DNA, and you cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine.
  • mRNA vaccines may seem to have arrived quickly, but this technology is built on decades of scientific research that have made these vaccines a reality.”

This is a typical #MAGA tactic, attack the messenger when you can not attack the message.

“All of the studies on vitamins, whether it is Vitamin C (orange juice), Vitamin D (milk and sunshine), exposure to sunlight (you mention it too) increases your Vitamin D as well, it is very good for the immune system. There is all these studies on this. Plenty of studies of what happens when they are nutrient deficient as well. All of your systems are functioning correctly. There is also studies on people that got administered to the ICU for COVID, above 70%, were deficient in Vitamin D.”


Association between vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 infection and mortality

“Despite the aforementioned findings for an association between vitamin d deficiency and COVID-19 infection, there are other studies that draw the significance of this finding into question in addition to the relationship between supplementation with vitamin D and COVID-19. One meta-analysis of three recent studies found no relationship between vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 mortality while infected23. Another meta-analysis explained that much of the evidence from observational studies that found an inverse association between vitamin D levels and COVID-19 infection risk, severity, and mortality was weak, and that more randomized controlled trials were needed to clarify the relationship24. A third meta-analysis was unable to identify a statistically significant relationship between vitamin D supplementation and COVID-19 infection risk, mortality, and ICU admissions25.”

Robert: “I think it was over 90%”

What to Know About Vitamin D and COVID-19

Vitamin D and COVID-19

“While vitamin D boosts your immune system and eases inflammation, experts say more research is needed on its antiviral properties.

Several studies indicate that those with low vitamin D levels are at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and have worse clinical outcomes after infection. 

And while high levels of vitamin D might lower your risk for severe COVID-19 infection, there is no evidence that taking vitamin D supplements will provide protection against infection or improve outcomes in patients with COVID-19.”

So we have an above 70%, ICU, Vitamin D and an over 90%. Citations? Let’s Google This.

COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency

“Over 80 percent of 200 COVID-19 patients in a hospital in Spain have vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

No mention of ICU. Let’s try another GOOGLE. Spain.

Vitamin D deficiency in Spain. Reality or myth?

State of vitamin D insufficiency globally

Currently, levels of vitamin D insufficiency, or even true deficiency determined by 25-hydroxyvitamin D, constitutes an “epidemic” across the globe, affecting more than half its population [3,20], reported in children, young people, adults, postmenopausal women and older people, and above all in those with osteoporotic fractures where the prevalence of low levels of 25-hydroxyvitmain D reaches 100% [20].

A recent excellent review of works available across the world found that 88% of samples evaluated had blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitoman D below 30 ng/ml, 37% had levels below 20 ng/ml and up to 7% had levels below 10 ng/ml [21].”

Joe: “To have a conversation with someone who doesn’t take vitamins”.

The Truth About Taking Vitamins

“Many of us do this every day. But is it a good idea?”

While experts agree that most Americans don’t eat enough vitamin-rich foods, research shows that vitamin supplements might not be a great way to bridge the gap. And people who take higher doses of certain vitamin supplements actually have a higher risk of adverse health outcomes. In the U.S., the days of widespread vitamin deficiencies causing conditions like scurvy and rickets are long gone. If you have a deficiency, a doctor may recommend a vitamin. But many ailments, including certain cancers, heart disease, and diabetes, stem from multiple factors and don’t seem to be prevented or treated with vitamins.

Unless you have certain medical conditions or a restrictive diet, vitamin supplements are generally not helpful, says Fang Fang Zhang, MD, chair of the division of nutrition epidemiology and data science at Tufts University in Boston. Still, there are some exceptions. One key caution: If you take vitamins, avoid mega-dosing, Zhang says. That could cause stomach upset or organ damage, or even increase cancer risk. “More isn’t always better,” Zhang says.

The Research on Multivitamins

“A lot of my patients take multivitamins because they see them almost as an insurance policy to guarantee they get all the nutrients they need,” says Kenneth Koncilja, MD, a geriatrician at the Cleveland Clinic.

2020 study published in the journal BMJ Open found that people who took these over-the-counter (OTC) product­s—which contain all or most recognized vitamins and minerals—reported better overall well-being. But most research doesn’t bear this out. The BMJ study found no measurable health benefits for users.

A series of papers published in 2013 in the Annals of Internal Medicine that looked at multivitamin use among tens of thousands of people found that they didn’t reduce the risk of heart diseasecancer, or cognitive decline. And a 2018 editorial in the journal JAMA that reviewed the research concluded that healthy adults 50 and older simply don’t need a multivitamin.

“When you put multivitamins to the test, research shows there’s no benefit, and there even might be some chance of harm,” says Edgar Miller III, PhD, MD, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University.”

Joe: “and is telling you you have to this this medication, this is a crazy conversation because you know what health is, like metabolic health, it is a very nuanced thing, there is a lot going on with it. It has a lot to do with what you put in your body. It has a lot to do with the foods you consume. It has a lot to do with exercise and drinking water. It has a lot to do with your electrolyte balance. It has a lot to do with the nutrient content of your diet. So if you are not doing any of that, and you are telling everybody they have to get jabbed, it is a crazy conversation.”

How do death rates from COVID-19 differ between people who are vaccinated and those who are not?

Robert: “All the metadata that I was talking about in the Guyer(?) Study, it is really interesting the graphs that go through, you know the graphs each disease and they show when the disease is killing people and then there is this huge decline and then it goes flat. It’s not killing anybody anymore and THEN vaccine is introduced.”

Joe: “Yeah”

NO! Pop quiz! When was the vaccine introduced?

The First Authorized COVID-19 Vaccine in the U.S. Has Arrived

“Late in the evening on Dec. 11, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the first COVID-19 vaccine for use in the country. The emergency use authorization means that doses of the vaccine—made by Pfizer/BioNTech—can be shipped at any time; certain Americans could be vaccinated as soon as next week.”

I can’t find a Guyer? Study, but I am well-versed on Covid data,

Total Coronavirus Deaths in the United States

So the day after the vaccine was introduced, our death toll was 321,343. Where is that flattening taking place? Nobody dying?

So 846,271 people have died since the vaccine was introduced. I wonder what percentage of them were like Joe Rogan and didn’t take ‘the jab’?

How to Compare COVID Deaths for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated People

“The death rate among unvaccinated people is still far higher than that among the vaccinated even though vaccinated people now make up a significant proportion of deaths”

Looking at COVID data in recent months, it may appear that a significant proportion of the people who have died of COVID were vaccinated against the disease. But it is important to put those numbers in context.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has compiled data from 28 geographically representative state and local health departments that keep track of COVID death rates among people age 12 and older in relation to their vaccination status, including whether or not they got a booster dose, and age group. Each week in March, on average, a reported 644 people in this data set died of COVID. Of them, 261 were vaccinated with either just a primary round of shots—two doses of an mRNA vaccine or a single dose of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine—or with that primary series and at least one shot of a booster.

Taken at face value, these numbers may appear to indicate that vaccination does not make that much of a difference. But this perception is an example of a phenomenon known as the base rate fallacy. One also has to consider the denominator of the fraction—that is, the sizes of the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. With shots widely available to almost all age groups, the majority of the U.S. population has been vaccinated. So even if only a small fraction of vaccinated people who get COVID die from it, the more people who are vaccinated, the more likely they are to make up a portion of the dead.

Graphic shows weekly average of ~38 million people age 12+ were unvaccinated and ~127 million were vaccinated in March 2022.
Credit: Amanda Montañez; Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

In order to avoid the pitfalls of absolute numbers, it is useful to instead look at incidence rates—usually expressed as the number of deaths per 100,000 people. Standardizing the denominator across all groups offers a very different picture.

Graphic shows average weekly COVID deaths per 100,000 people by vaccination status in March 2022.
Credit: Amanda Montañez; Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Another way to think about the protection vaccination provides is to compare the ratios of death rates among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. For the month of March, “unvaccinated people 12 years and older had 17 times the rate of COVID-associated deaths, compared to people vaccinated with a primary series and a booster dose,” says Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service commander Heather Scobie, deputy team lead for surveillance and analytics at the CDC’s Epidemiology Task Force.* “Unvaccinated people had eight times the rate of death as compared to people who only had a primary series,” suggesting that boosters increase the level of protection.

It is also important to consider the ages of those who are dying. People 65 and older make up the group that is both the most likely to be vaccinated (and boosted) and the most likely to die of COVID. (Being older is one of the biggest risk factors for severe COVID because the immune system weakens with age.) So when you separate the age groups, it becomes even clearer that vaccination reduces the risk of death. And because immune protection from vaccination wanes with time, and because some older people do not mount a good immune response to the primary series, being boosted reduces that risk even further.

Graphic shows average weekly COVID deaths per 100,000 people by age group and vaccination status in March 2022.
Credit: Amanda Montañez; Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

An additional factor to consider is that as the pandemic wears on and a disproportionate number of unvaccinated people die from COVID, the unvaccinated population shrinks. This leaves a comparatively larger vaccinated group, leading to an increase in total deaths despite the lower death rate among vaccinated people. No vaccine is 100 percent effective, but immunization reduces the risk of dying from COVID substantially.
*Editor’s Note (7/7/22): This sentence was edited after posting to correct the populations described by Heather Scobie.

“Disease after disease after disease…”

History of polio: Outbreaks and vaccine timeline

“Learn about polio epidemics and the development, approval and impact of the polio vaccine.”

We are now to the point of the interview I was really looking forward to annotating! 1:52:36 mark – you are not going to believe these lies coming up!

Robert: “It is hard for a disease to kill a healthy person. It is hard for an infectious disease to kill a healthy person with a rugged immune systems.”

Why are young, healthy people dying from COVID-19? Genes may reveal the answer

“Young, healthy people are dying of COVID-19 infections, even if most serious cases occur in the elderly and those with preexisting conditions. Now, scientists are looking to see if genes may explain why some people fall seriously ill while others show only mild symptoms, Science magazine reported.”

COVID-19 has killed thousands of young Americans. This is not just a tragedy for the elderly.

  • Although older people are at higher risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19, the virus is killing young Americans in record numbers.
  • Between March 1 and July 31, 12,000 more Americans between 25 and 44 years old died than would ordinarily be expected. About 40% of those deaths were directly due to COVID-19.
  • Two families whose 21-year-old sons died of COVID-19 describe how quickly and severely the young men got sick.

A December study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found almost 40% of excess deaths among Americans between 25 to 44 years old from March to July were due to COVID-19. Almost 12,000 more people in that age group died during those five months than would be expected based on historical data. Of those, 4,535 deaths were directly caused by COVID-19.

‘It took him down’

cody lyster
Cody Lyster playing first base on the Rangeview High School baseball team. 

Kevin Lyster works as a police officer at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. When he tested positive for COVID-19, his son, Cody, was home from Colorado Mesa University for spring break. Kevin isolated in their home in Aurora, but soon after, Cody developed a cough and a 104-degree fever.

Cody was taken to the hospital on March 30. It was the last time his parents and sister saw him alive in person. 

“He was a perfectly healthy, 21-year-old college athlete who did all the things he should to stay healthy and it took him down,” Kevin said.

Cody, who played baseball, died in the ICU on a ventilator on April 8. His parents communicated with their son for the last time via a Facebook Live stream held up to Lyster’s hospital bed by a nurse.

“We could see Cody and told him we were thinking about him,” his father said. “And little did we know, within a matter of hours, he would pass.”

Cody was in a medically induced coma at that point.

“They say he couldn’t hear us,” Kevin said, but he added, “I tend to disagree, I think he heard everything we said.””

A sad twitter feed that Robert needs to check out,

You are not going to believe the next lies!

Joe: “But not the Spanish Flu, right?”

Robert: “Well, the Spanish Flu was not a virus”

Say What?

Spanish Flu

“What Is the Flu?

Influenza, or flu, is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. The flu virus is highly contagious: When an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, respiratory droplets are generated and transmitted into the air, and can then can be inhaled by anyone nearby.

Additionally, a person who touches something with the virus on it and then touches his or her mouth, eyes or nose can become infected.

Did you know? During the flu pandemic of 1918, the New York City health commissioner tried to slow the transmission of the flu by ordering businesses to open and close on staggered shifts to avoid overcrowding on the subways.

Flu outbreaks happen every year and vary in severity, depending in part on what type of virus is spreading. (Flu viruses can rapidly mutate.)”

The lies are going to keep getting better!

“Even Fauci now acknowledges that. There is good evidence that the Spanish Flu, not definitive, but very strong evidence, the Spanish Flu was vaccine-induced.”

Joe, are you going to challenge this? No.

“The deaths were vaccine-induced. Originally they said it was the flu, but when they have gone back and have all the samples, the people, they died from bacterial pneumonia.”

Joe: “So they died from something you could cure today with penicillin. So when we say but still, you are saying they had a compromised immune system already but why?”

Robert: “Bacteriological illnesses can kill you. (and some rambling)

Joe: What do you say the Spanish Flu was? What is the documentation? You said the Fauci has publicly admitted it was not a flu?”

Robert: “He wrote an article in 2008, I am pretty sure it is 2008, in which he acknowledged it was not the flu that was killing those people. It was a bacteriological infection and a bacterial logical infection these days you can 100% cure all of it with an antibiotic.

Joe: “But something was making them ill, to make them vulnerable?

Robert: “I read an article recently, and you can look up these article pretty easily. The article that I read made a pretty strong case that the illness came from testing a new vaccine in Kansas at a military base. I am a little hazy on the details.”

Joe: “But this is important to cover. Let’s see if we can find this. (Joe finds an article on Spanish Flu and bacterial pneumonia and starts to discuss it – I found one too).

Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Joe: “So these people, what this is saying, is that bacterial pnuemonia was the cause of death but these people were obviously, they were saying that the had, they were sick before this? Correct? Is that true?”

Robert: “You know what, I shouldn’t talk about this Joe (No, You Shouldn’t!) I don’t remember enough about it.

(Joe reads some from the article and then Robert says this:) “Some people have suggested that it came from getting people to wear masks.”

Joe: “Oh Jesus!”

Robert: “But I don’t know – that the mask was a vector for the bacteria.”

Fact check: Fauci study did not attribute 1918 Spanish flu deaths to bacterial pneumonia caused by masks

“Social media users have been publishing a screenshot of a tweet, which erroneously claims that during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, people died of bacterial pneumonia from masks and that Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a key member of the White House coronavirus task force, knew this and wrote about it in 2008. In fact, the study that Fauci co-authored in 2008 does not mention masks and found that bacterial pneumonia led to most deaths in the Spanish flu pandemic when it had been preceded by “viral damage,” or influenza infection.

The original tweets (one has been deleted, the other is visible  here ), shared in posts ( here  ,  here  ,  here  ,  here  ) say, “The unmasked buried the masked in the “Spanish Flu”. What did people in #masks die from? Bacterial Pneumonia. Who knew this and wrote about it in 2008? Dr Anthony Fauci,” and “Dr Fauci neglected to let the public know that he was co-author on a paper that found this: 1918-1919 pandemic deaths were mostly from bacterial pneumonia […] Why did that happen? #Masks”. One caption reads, “Here is the Dr Fauci article from 2008 saying that most deaths from the 1918 Spanish Flu were caused by Bacterial pneumonia! — not the supposed “pandemic”!!”

2008 STUDY

The 2008 study (here), which Fauci did co-author, explains that the influenza virus destroyed cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs which created a pathway for bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat to invade the lungs and cause bacterial pneumonia.

Fauci makes it very clear in his description of the study that bacterial pneumonia was preceded by the influenza virus: “The weight of evidence we examined from both historical and modern analyses of the 1918 influenza pandemic favors a scenario in which viral damage followed by bacterial pneumonia led to the vast majority of deaths. In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch.” (here).

To claim the 1918-1919 flu pandemic deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia alone is inaccurate as it was viral damage from the flu that made people susceptible to bacterial pneumonia in the first place.

COVID-19 has also been found to cause pneumonia (  here  ,  here  ,  here  ,  here  ).


There is no mention of masks in the study. The author of the original tweet later explained on Twitter in a comment that it was her own paper that made the connection between bacterial pneumonia and masks (here), that this paper has not been peer reviewed (here), and ResearchGate took it down from its website (here).

Now let me address the big lie Robert told about 1918 Spanish Flu being vaccine-induced, in Kansas. One huge hole in that lie Joe.

History of flu (influenza): Outbreaks and vaccine timeline

“1930s and 1940s

Researchers study flu viruses and develop flu vaccines. At first, mainly military members can get flu vaccines.


The first flu vaccines are approved for use for people who aren’t in the U.S. military.”

Wrong War Robert! There is an hour to go but have I proven my point Joe?

There, I just debated Robert F Kennedy, Jr. When do my charities get their checks?

Column: Sorry, Joe Rogan: Scientists should never ‘debate’ anti-vaccine quacks. Here’s why

“The most recent example of this demand erupted recently, after webcaster Joe Rogan, an enthusiastic promoter of COVID-19 conspiracy-mongers, anti-vaxxers and other sources of pseudoscientific hogwash, hosted anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on his program for three hours.

“I could no more sit down with RFK Jr. than I could sit down with a white supremacist and discuss eugenics. You should not give them the moral equivalence.”

Immunologist John P. Moore

When vaccine expert Peter Hotez tweeted a link to a thorough critique of Kennedy’s lies and misrepresentations by Vice.com, Rogan challenged Hotez to participate in a public debate with Kennedy.

Hotez refused, though he offered to engage Rogan — whose show he had appeared on before — one on one, a context in which Hotez was prepared to address Rogan’s misconceptions serially. Rogan treated that offer as an evasion, which led to Hotez being accosted at his home by a stranger demanding that he take the bait.”

An unwanted home visit

A death threat

Jake Tapper can tell you about RFK Jr lying,

RFK Jr.’s reign of error: Correcting the record about yet another false claim he just made

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democratic candidate for the presidency, went on the Jordan B. Peterson podcast on June 5 and told a wild and false story about me from 2005 that I want to tell you about.”

RFK Jr. has made so many false and wild claims about any number of vital topics – most dangerously about childhood vaccines, per his own siblings – that my interaction with him 18 years ago is small potatoes. He told the story as “evidence” of TV news networks trying to censor the truth when it came to vaccines. In it, he mangles the facts and wildly misrepresents what actually happened.

The truth about it is instructive because of how untethered he is to facts.

So, yeah, we did the fact-checking for our piece that RFK Jr. didn’t do himself.

And he remains someone you cannot rely upon for facts, truth or accuracy.”

Robert Kennedy Jr’s anti-vaccine group was banned from Facebook and Instagram for spreading misinformation. Here’s a look at years of Kennedy’s controversial claims.

  • Facebook and Instagram removed Robert Kennedy Jr’s anti-vaccine nonprofit Children’s Health Defense.
  • The group was spreading medical misinformation on the platforms. 
  • Kennedy is a prominent anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist whose claims have been debunked.


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