This is me:

A great example:

Frank Luntz tells us a story,

This tweet is not aging well GOP (I took a screenshot in case they delete it)

Sidney Powell, Donald Trump, and others, are about to go through some things,

Opinion  Moves to expunge Trump impeachments would be laughable if not so dangerous

“This notion of impeachment expungement is so laughable that it’s easy to chuckle and guffaw past what’s so serious about it. The biggest threat to our democracy, in my view, is the fact that we no longer agree on even the most basic facts. If some of us believe it’s raining right now and others believe it’s a sunny day, how can we possibly come to the right decision on whether to invest in umbrellas or sunscreen?”

For the record, expunging a presidential impeachment is not a thing. It has never been attempted because it makes no sense. Both of Trump’s House impeachments led to trials in the Senate, as the Constitution instructs. Is the Senate supposed to pretend that those trials, which ended in acquittals, never happened? What about the pages in the Congressional Record that chronicle the impeachment proceedings? Would they be ripped out and destroyed? Sent to Mar-a-Lago for Trump to hoard in one of his cardboard boxes, with his golf shirts and his newspaper clippings?


Secure bathrooms to ‘not a spy’: Here’s how the GOP is defending Trump


I made a new page for this,

With Trump Indicted (and probably more to come) my question has always been how could any good Republican have ever supported a man a lot of us have known for years has no morals or ethics?

Never Again Trump

“Can the GOP stop an indicted ex-president?”

“Many prominent Republicans want Trump gone. But they are caught in a trap of their own bad faith: They want prosecutors to do for them the job they are too scared and broken to do for themselves. But they also, for their own crass political advantage, want to pretend to be on Trump’s side during the prosecution—while inwardly cheering on the prosecutors.

Bad faith is a coward’s method, and these bad-faith Republicans are earning the coward’s reward. They hope that the legal system will rescue them from their own humiliating submission, but they are acting to deliver the Republican nomination to Trump for a third time. If Trump does win the nomination, they’ll submit again.”

Herschel Walker and Situational Ethics

A lot of Real Republicans feel like I do:


Arizona GOP censures Rusty Bowers, who testified before Jan. 6 House committee

“Kelli Ward, chairwoman of the Arizona GOP, announced the condemnation by the panel on Twitter, saying Bowers is “no longer a Republican in good standing & we call on Republicans to replace him at the ballot box in the August primary.””

I want my GOP back!

McCarthy’s coming headaches

“Far-right candidates are surging in House races across the map: Republican leaders increasingly fear that a red wave will wash in a raft of conspiracy theorists and extremists.”



Paul Gosar

Lauren Boebert Embarrasses Herself With State of the Union Outburst

“Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) attempted to make Tuesday night’s State of the Union address all about herself—only to get booed by her colleagues as President Joe Biden solemnly talked about his son dying of cancer and military veterans suffering from burn pit exposure.”

The End of the Republicans’ Big Tent

“The best way to understand a controversial new resolution from the Republican National Committee censuring Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger is not, as some people have suggested, to legitimize the January 6 attack on the Capitol, but as something more primal: Trump service. The resolution hardly changes a thing—the two lawmakers are already personae non gratae in the party—but it seems designed to pacify the angry ochre god-king and his acolytes.”

The GOP Died on January 31st, 2020

On February 3rd, 2022, the GOP confirmed its death

Here’s the problem for the GOP: Acosta slams Trump’s grip on Republicans

“CNN’s Jim Acosta says the Republican Party is now the “Trump-owned party” and that there’s no place for telling the truth.”


January 6, 2021

Graham: Trump And I Have Had “A Hell Of A Journey,” But “Enough Is Enough” And Biden Won



Graham says he warned Trump of ‘peril‘ with Jan. 6 press conference

Don’t worry, Sen. Graham. No one thought you’d be fair.

Schumer: What Graham said demeans him

These 15 GOP Senators from the Past Could Show Mitch McConnell and His Colleagues How to Do the Job


More Sad,

This idiot is a great example of why I left the GOP in 2016,

HBO’s “Newsroom”‘s Will McAvoy nailed it!

Brianna Keilar is our Will McAvoy

“CNN’s Brianna Keilar looks back at Nikki Haley’s shifting political positions as the former South Carolina governor and ambassador to the UN increases her support for former President Trump.”

“They’re discrediting worthy conservative ideas.”

We talked to 22 insiders with front row seats to Trump’s hostile takeover of the GOP

Donald Trump is still the king of the GOP — J.D. Vance just proved why

You Raised Me To Be A Good Person. Then You Voted for Trump

Republican lies have thrust America into its third revolution. We are a nation in crisis.

Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ imperils Republicans who don’t embrace it

You Cannot Reason With Right-Wing Conspiracists

Trump threatens to wreak havoc on GOP from beyond the White House

My party is destroying itself on the altar of Trump

The Raw Desperation of the Republican Party

Slamming Trump, G.O.P. Senator Warns of a ‘Republican Blood Bath’

Fearing a ‘Blood Bath,’ Republican Senators Begin to Edge Away From Trump

As Trump’s fortunes sink, Republicans start to distance themselves in bid to save Senate

‘A Republican Party unraveling’: GOP plunged into crisis as Trump abruptly ends economic relief talks, dismisses virus

There seems to be no LOW that is TOO LOW for what used to be my GOP now

Republicans never flinch in their support of Trump — even when he insults our troops

Montesquieu and Madison are asking this same question:

Why Are Senate Republicans Playing Dead?

The Party of Lincoln has become the Party of George Wallace

The Republican Party Is Racist and Soulless. Just Ask This Veteran GOP Strategist.

From Ronald Reagan in Philadelphia, Miss., to Donald Trump in Tulsa, a pattern of racially divisive politics


Georgia lawmaker attacks John Lewis’ legacy, loses chairmanship

Since Trump won in 2016 I have tweeted and opined how the Party of Lincoln GOP I used to be so proud to be a member of has morphed into the Party of George Wallace – I would tweet:

I hope what used to be my GOP gets crushed in 2020 so they will realize surrounding themselves with the TPUSAs and Charlie Kirks and Dinesh D’Souzas is terrible and supporting Donald Trump destroyed what used to be the Grand Ole Party – it went from the Party of Lincoln to the Know-Nothing Party of the 21st Century, a party Strom Thurmond and George Wallace would love to join.

Some people agree with me:

It’s George Wallace’s World Now

“Wallace never won the presidency, but the base he mobilized has found a home in today’s Republican Party.”

History Will Judge the Complicit

Outrage over Trump’s retweet of supporter shouting ‘white power’ – live

Republicans fear disaster in November

The GOP Needs to Hit Rock Bottom

We Lost the Battle for the Republican Party’s Soul Long Ago

As pandemic limits scrutiny, GOP fears lesser-known Democratic candidates will steamroll to Senate majority

Reagan Foundation Asks Trump Campaign, RNC To Stop Fundraising Off Reagan’s Name

The QAnon Candidates Are Here. Trump Has Paved Their Way.

The bill is coming due for those who sold their souls to Trump

The Republicans Who Want to Destroy Trump

Trump who? Senate GOP candidates in tight races avoid any mention of the president in campaign ads.


It’s Trump’s Revolution

“Why have Republican leaders abandoned their principles in support of an immoral and dangerous president?”

Merrick Garland on Line 1

Cornyn says Senate has ‘responsibility’ to fill any 2020 Supreme Court vacancy. He felt differently in 2016.

Republicans’ new fear: Trump will drag them down with him

The Economy Is Collapsing. So Are Trump’s Reelection Chances.

The RNC Gave Big Contracts to Companies Linked to Its Chairwoman’s Husband and Political Backers

The Party of Idolaters

There are fewer registered Republicans than independents for the first time ever

The Nation’s Last True Republican:

Romney Alone. Again.

The Downfall of the Republican Party

Senate Republicans just paved the road to American authoritarianism

4 Dates that will be Primary Sources for YEARS to Come!

Republicans Now Say Trump Did What He Was Accused Of — They Just Don’t Care

The GOP’s Attempts to Spin and Deny on Impeachment Have Hit Pathetic New Lows

Lamar Alexander is NO Howard Baker!

Democrats: McConnell impeachment trial rules a ‘cover up,’ ‘national disgrace’

It is sad when Russia’s cabinet is more principled than what used to be my GOP

Cracks emerge in Trump’s wall of GOP support

Washington, D.C.
December 1, 1862

Annual Message to Congress —
Concluding Remarks

Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We of this Congress and this administration, will be remembered in spite of ourselves. No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us down, in honor or dishonor, to the latest generation. We say we are for the Union. The world will not forget that we say this.

Right now Trump is trying to hide his taxes and his costs for travel and golf. What ELSE is he hiding? Years from now YOUR words, deeds, actions and VOTES will be primary sources for people to learn where YOU stood on Trump once ALL of the facts on Trump are known.

By claiming Democrats support terrorism, Republicans hit a new low

Preet Bharara to Georgia congressman: You’ve hit a shocking new low

An apology? (Sorta)

I am a Republican, and I hope the Democrats pick a candidate I can vote for

So two (2) GOP Senators are putting the US Constitution and what is right over being a Trump sycophant. 2!!!

One of those two senators remembered he is a coward

Wake up, Republicans. Your party stands for all the wrong things now.

The Other Reason Republicans Won’t Cross Trump

House Republicans defend Trump’s actions in new report responding to impeachment inquiry

GOP senator: Trump isn’t a role model for young people

Trump obsesses over Pelosi as sting of impeachment spoils his holiday break

Donald Trump, whiner in chief

The GOP’s nightmare scenario

California’s Republican congressmen have a lot to answer for in their defense of Trump

Matt Lewis sounds just like me

I Was a Lifelong Republican. The GOP Is Now the Evil Party.

Fear and Loyalty: How Donald Trump Took Over the Republican Party

Trump lures GOP senators on impeachment with cold cash

Will Hurd and the Myth of the Reasonable Republican

‘Nixon at His Worst Wouldn’t Do That’

Sarah Sanders mocks Biden for stuttering. Biden responds, ‘It’s called empathy. Look it up.’

After Trump suggests John Dingell is in hell, Rep. Debbie Dingell says: ‘My family’s still hurting’


White House defends Trump as ‘counter-puncher’ after he suggests late Michigan congressman in hell

Trump’s mean streak spares no one — living or dead

Finley: Trump is no John Dingell

Someone is paying attention!

What took them so long? Kids in Cages were OK?

The 2016 @GOP platform promised to balance the budget.

2017 – @gop and @realDonaldTrump gave Berkshire-Hathaway $29 Billion (with a B!)

The Republican Party Is Completely Behind President Trump

Susan Collins and Joni Ernst reveal weakness of Trump defense

Republicans’ fraudulent defenses show how dishonest they are

The only principle Republicans have left is partisanship

Democrats might not win this battle. But they’ll win in the long term.

‘I’m not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here’: Graham predicts Trump impeachment will ‘die quickly’ in Senate

Matt Gaetz proves there is no bottom


McConnell: ‘There’s no chance’ Trump is removed from office

McConnell’s awful Hannity interview shows power of Fox News’s disinformation

A moderate congresswoman went all-in for Trump. Her constituents think they know why.

The facts flummox Trump’s toadies


Republican Denies Confession Trump Made on White House Lawn Ever Happened

Madison and Montesquieu are rolling over in their graves!

Separation of Powers with Checks and Balances


Impeachment exposes the widening gap between Republicans and the truth

House Republicans’ Trump impeachment strategy was simple: Distract, deceive and yell

Trump’s Impeachment Is Partisan Because Republicans Changed Their Minds

Ashley Pratte Trump is no Abraham Lincoln. That Republican voters think so should mortify the party.

Will the GOP’s born-again Trumpers ever pay the price for selling out?

How Are Republicans Going To Explain Voting Against an “Obstruction” Article of Impeachment?

The GOP’s new ‘defense’ of Trump actually makes the case against him

To GOP hypocrites: I never want to hear about Hillary Clinton’s emails again

The Most Ridiculous Ways the GOP Tried to Defend Trump in Its Impeachment Report

Trump’s GOP Sheds Its Dignity, and Chugs His Kool-Aid

The Republicans have become the party of Russia. This makes me sick.

House Republicans Put Together an Impeachment Rebuttal Report

New GOP report defies reality with Trump exoneration

House Republicans defend Trump’s actions in new report responding to impeachment inquiry

This is SAD!

Republicans say they like Trump better than Lincoln in new poll

Pretending Trump Wants to Stop Corruption Is the GOP’s Most Insulting Lie Yet

House GOP members are ‘absolutely disgusted and exhausted’ by Trump’s behavior, former GOP congressman says

Some things just make you shake your head…


Dear Republicans: Welcome to the New Establishment

GOP senator says he doesn’t remember signing 2016 letter urging ‘reform’ of Ukraine prosecutor’s office

How the former alt-right fringe became the mainstream of the GOP.

Devin Nunes must stop suing fake cows and explain $60,000 Europe trip

Nunes now implicated in Ukraine scandal

Stefanik’s impeachment dive into Trump’s MAGA nihilism reveals dark Republican future

Lindsey Graham is doing what the Ukrainian government wouldn’t

House GOP disregards expert warnings that debunked Ukraine theory helps Russia

When It Comes to Ukraine, Why Are Republicans So Eager to Play Putin’s Game?

That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It

For aiding Trump’s abuse of power, the GOP deserves to be voted out of existence

Good People Don’t Defend A Bad Man

I Don’t Grieve Over His Cruelty. I Grieve Over Yours.

The GOP Is Mired in Conspiracies—and It’s About to Get Worse

The Chronicles of Nunes: How His Impeachment Speeches Created an Alternate Reality for GOP

Imagine defending Trump after this week’s hearings. Oh, wait…

Trump’s GOP support hardens despite damning impeachment testimony

My Fellow Republicans, Please Follow the Facts

Trump’s GOP defenders cannot be shamed. It’s time to try this instead.

Jim Jordan was imposed on us for egregiously partisan reasons. Now he’s afflicting the nation.

Exclusive: Giuliani associate willing to tell Congress Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Biden

Devin Nunes’s Curious Trip to London

Top Dem says ethics investigation into Devin Nunes likely

A definitive guide to 64 Republican impeachment excuses

Trump accidentally proves — again — that Republican defenses of his Ukraine/2016 request are empty

House GOP disregards expert warnings that debunked Ukraine theory helps Russia

Trump’s Defenders Have No Defense

The gatekeepers are the worst of all

Calling Impeachment a ‘Coup’ Hurts America

Republicans, the Real Chickens of Kiev

Chris Matthews: If I were a Republican, I’d ask, ‘What happened to my god damn party?’

The Exposure of the Republican Party

Republicans Spent the First Day of Impeachment Hearings in an Alternate Reality

George Conway: I’m ‘horrified’ and ‘appalled’ that the GOP has come to this

We saw the rot that has infected the GOP

A Republican memo details the party’s impeachment inquiry defenses. They aren’t very strong.

Republicans weigh whether a focus on process or facts is best way to aid Trump in impeachment hearings

3 election years under Trump, 3 decisive GOP losses

Joe: Nikki Haley has chosen to lie for Trump

Napolitano: Trump’s ‘dog whistles of lawless behavior’ call into question his fitness for office

Republican: You Can’t Impeach Trump for a Crime He Does ‘All the Time’

GOP plans to blame everyone but Trump ahead of impeachment inquiry

Republicans admit they have no fact witnesses — and Trump did it

The Republican Party must choose between Donald Trump and the party’s fundamental values

GOP arguments transform as impeachment probe intensifies

What GOP spin about last night’s losses says about Trump’s weakness

Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan Just Debuted the Trump Circus Defense

Republicans Want to Throw Giuliani and Sondland Under the Bus. Their Plan Is Ridiculous.

Chris Matthews: GOP has ‘turned themselves into pretzels’ defending Trump

Lindsey Graham’s latest defense of Trump is that his policy is too ‘incoherent’ to do a quid pro quo with Ukraine

You’d think Trump’s lackeys would grow tired of looking foolish

The Kentucky Governor’s Race Is a Warning to Republicans

Graham says he won’t read the Trump impeachment transcripts

GOP’s raging hypocrisy on impeachment

Trump’s False Impeachment Defenses Are Easily Dismantled

When should Republicans jump ship?

The GOP defense of Trump is getting more corrupt. Here’s what’s next.

The only ‘Soviet-style’ impeachment behavior is coming from Trump and his commissars

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert Previews Just How Dumb Things Are Going to Get

“Never in the history of this country have we had such gross unfairness that one party would put armed guards with guns to prevent the duly authorized people from being able to hear the witnesses and see them for themselves,” Gohmert said, after a House vote advancing the impeachment inquiry into the president.

“They want it to be a one-sided, non-due process sham court. It’s about to push this country to a civil war if they were to get their wishes, and if there was one thing I don’t want to see in my lifetime, I don’t want to ever have participation in, it’s a civil war. Some historian — I don’t remember who — said, ‘Guns are only involved in the last phase of a civil war.’ What’s gone on here is not protecting the Constitution. It’s not protecting the institutions, it’s not protecting this little experiment in self-government, no. What it has done is put it all at risk.”

GOP Leader Has One Chart Showing Why Republicans Hate Democracy


1) Never Trumpers (Me) and Quitters – SCUM

Congressional Retirement Tracker 2020: House Republicans Head for the Exits

The 2020 Congressional-Retirement Tracker

2) @realDonaldTrump apologists – NON SCUM

As a Never Trumper, I wear my SCUM tag with pride!

I grew up with a Papa that fought in World War I under Black Jack Pershing. He was a huge St. Louis Cardinals fan because KMOX came in crystal clear at night on the front porch. He was a George Wallace supporter and life-long Democrat. I loved my Papa. To be different, I became a lifelong Cubs fan and Republican. The first election I could vote in, I voted for Ronald Reagan for president. I have been a candidate in a GOP primary and a graduate of a GOP candidate school, with Rich Galen as one of my instructors. He is such a great teacher our campaign did something rarely done, we received more votes than dollars spent! We lost 4386 to 1994. 31% of the vote on $1,535 budget compared to opponent’s $100,000 or so he spent in our primary race. I put a limit of $50 per donor on my campaign.

The current leadership of the GOP, from Ronna McDaniel to Mitch McConnell to Kevin McCarthy are leaving a legacy that will permanently tarnish the Grand Ole Party for years to come. Every @gop tweet supporting Donald Trump is creating a primary source for future historians and textbooks. WHY? This tweet is a great example of what the Real Problem Is:

The Real Problem? Citizens United v FEC and Leadership PACs. MONEY. Donors are more important than principles now. Winning TRUMPS ethics. I am trying to document this:

The reason this impeachment is so partisan is MONEY. This is the First Impeachment process since Citizens United v FEC and Leadership PACs.

Citizens United?

Leadership PACs? (This video might make you mad?)

MONEY is more important than LEADERSHIP now (Some dirty words, HBO)

Constituents are not as important as Donors now. Truth has taken a backseat to lies, from Trump’s to the GOP’s. I grew up with a GOP of principled people, the Howard Bakers… Now GOP just blatantly lies, lies like this:

Democrats in Congress are getting things done. Trump and Republicans are just ignoring them.

What happens when Trump ventures outside the bubble

The House Democrats Passed “Widows Tax Repeal”

Widows Tax Repeal, 3.1% Pay Raise, and More Move Forward as House Passes Defense Bill

Senate GOP ?


Stop The Lies!

House Democrats passed 426 bills!

Stop The Lies GOP!

The House-passed bills that have ended up in the Senate ‘graveyard’

House Dems mourn bills buried in McConnell’s ‘legislative graveyard’

Trump has always been a conman, a crook, a thief, a bigot and a pathological liar. I was planning on running my 2020 campaign as a pure positive one, never mentioning my Democrat or Republican opponent, but when Trump went with “back where they came from…” I realized that was not possible. Trump is destroying the civility and morales of MY country!

I have now created several pages documenting Trump’s raw ugliness, total lack of any thought of others or principles or even grounded beliefs.

I told my friends in 2016 when Kasich and Cruz dropped out that Trump was going to barely win because of three small but energized camps:

  1. Bigots – “WALL!”
  2. Evangelicals – “SCOTUS!”
  3. People Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clintoned out – “NOT HER!”

Combined with our nation’s apathy

If “Did Not Vote” Had Been A Candidate In The 2016 US Presidential Election, It Would Have Won By a Landslide

The GOP keeps touting Trump’s success but Obama was better in every measurable positive metric, from new jobs created (Obama’s last 34 months far better than Trump’s first 34 months)

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)

Obama’s Last 34 months 226.7

Trump’s First 34 months 191.2

All Employees: Manufacturing in Pennsylvania (PAMFG)

Trade Works, Tariffs Don’t


Obama vs Trump

White 7.1 4.3 (-2.8) vs 4.3 3.5 (-0.8)
Black 12.7 7.7 (-5.0) vs 7.7 5.4 (-2.3)
Asian 6.1 3.7 (-2.4) vs 3.7 2.9 (-0.8)
Hispanic 10.1 5.8 (-4.3) vs 5.8 4.1 (-1.7)

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey


Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Obama 7.0 to 4.7 (-2.3) Trump 4.7 to 3.5 (-1.2)

Stock Market?

Stock Market Performance by President

Dow Jones Since January 26, 2018? Under Obama?

And what about these 9 Trump Campaign Promises?

Drain the Swamp was a Mantra created when the “Bus” video came out to change the narrative.

And we need to address the Elephant In the Room!

I grew up in Alabama in the 1960s in with a Papa that was a George Wallace supporter. I grew up around Racism and Bigotry. My papa was born in 1895. He admitted his racism and bigotry was wrong in 1972, at 77 years of age.

Why? Mark Twain said it best:

Papa saw me playing baseball with my black friends in 1972. He didn’t see that in 1971.

Timeline: Race and schools in Huntsville

I need to write a book one day:

There is not a lot of diversity in the White House or GOP these days. The Party of Lincoln seems to have become the Party of George Wallace!

The Democrats are Impeaching Donald Trump because they are doing their duty. The things Trump has done as president are truly unprecedented! They are Wrong! I see a pattern!

And we can always use a laugh so:

Putin seems to be the common denominator?

What really saddens me is how low Townhall.Com has sunk and the idiots the GOP has embraced.


2020 comes down to FoxNews viewers + bigots + people that don’t read + don’t believe in science

vs People who live in reality

2020 will tell us which side has more members.

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Super Spreader II – The Sequel

October 10, 2020 2 tags

Twitter Shares Trump delivers dark and divisive speech in first major appearance since Covid diagnosis Trump makes 1st public appearance since his hospital stay Candace Owens’ BLEXIT group pays for

Keith Olbermann Nailed It! (Page 2 of 3)

August 15, 2019 3 tags

Twitter Shares Keith’s Prediction Topics 11-20 11) Tea Party and Total Control – RIGHT 12) Tea Party Banished – RIGHT 13) Bank Reforms – RIGHT 14) Walmart – RIGHT 15)

Stop and Frisk may become THE Issue of the 2020 Presidential Campaign?

February 16, 2020 3 tags

Twitter Shares Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk history will hinder voter turnout — but not the way Bernie Sanders thinks | Opinion Bloomberg 2020 adviser on stop-and-frisk, sexism allegations, more Trump calls for